उधमपुर, जम्मू-कश्मीर: 24 फरवरी को प्रधानमंत्री पीएम किसान सम्मान निधि की 19वीं किस्त जारी करने जा रहे हैं, जिससे जम्मू कश्मीर के उधमपुर जिले के किसान बहुत खुश हैं। किसानों का कहना है कि पीएम किसान सम्मान योजना ने उनकी किसानी में बड़ा बदलाव लाया है, जिससे उन्हें काफी लाभ हुआ है। वह इस योजना के पैसों से अच्छे बीज और खेती से जुड़ी चीजें खरीद सकते हैं। किसानों ने यह भी कहा कि अब उन्हें सीधे अपने अकाउंट में पैसे मिलते हैं जिससे उन्हें बहुत राहत मिली है। पहले उन्हें पैसे बिचौलियों के माध्यम से मिलते थे। किसानों ने यह भी मांग की है कि इस किस्त को 6000 रुपये से बढ़ाकर सालाना 10,000 रुपये तक किया जाए, ताकि वह अपनी खेती-बाड़ी के लिए अच्छे बीज खरीद सकें।
#PMKisanSammanNidhiYojna #KisanSammanNidhi #KisanSamman #ModiSarkar #PMNarendraModi #KrishiMantralay #Kisanwelfare #19thinstallment #Bihar #Bhagalpur #KisanKalyan
#PMKisanSammanNidhiYojna #KisanSammanNidhi #KisanSamman #ModiSarkar #PMNarendraModi #KrishiMantralay #Kisanwelfare #19thinstallment #Bihar #Bhagalpur #KisanKalyan
00:00My name is Haji Garam Rasool, I am a farmer from Udhampur, Chennai.
00:16I used to work in the fields of my ancestors.
00:19But the situation at that time was different.
00:22There was no money for the farmers, poverty was high.
00:26Since the time our Prime Minister has started the Farmer's Personal Plan, people have got a lot of relief.
00:35The benefit of this is that the farmers get 2000-6000 rupees per year.
00:42But the farmers did not have money for manure.
00:45But it has helped the farmers to get some money for manure.
00:49This gives a lot of relief to the farmers.
00:51My appeal to the Prime Minister is that nothing can be done with 6000 rupees.
00:58At least 10,000 rupees should be there for the farmers.
01:01Because they are very poor.
01:03They do agriculture, but they are very poor.
01:05Because agriculture is very difficult these days.
01:08We do agriculture, the children of the village do it, the farmers do it too.
01:13But in agriculture, animals have grown up.
01:16Like monkeys have grown up, dogs have grown up.
01:19But some of our crops are ruined.
01:24But the government is helping us a lot.
01:27My appeal to the government is that at least 10,000 rupees should be there for the farmers.
01:32Secondly, money comes directly in the account.
01:34Money used to come in such a way that the robbers used to eat it.
01:38Those who are sitting, they used to take bribes.
01:42But now there is no work to take bribes.
01:44Because now it comes directly in the account.
01:46Now some people don't have money in their account.
01:50Some people don't even know.
01:52People can't take bribes.
01:54They don't even ask anyone.
01:56They stay quiet and don't leave the house.
01:58You have to leave the house.
01:59That's why you get benefit from the government.
02:01The government is giving.
02:02But people don't know what the disease is.
02:04People don't come out from inside.
02:06My name is Kanta Devi.
02:08I work as a farmer.
02:13Modi ji has made such a scheme.
02:15We have to do farming.
02:19He has given us 6,000 rupees.
02:21We have to give it to the farmers.
02:23He has given it to the farmers.
02:25I am Parmanand. I live in Algaon.
02:27The Prime Minister has run this scheme.
02:31Money comes for the responsible people.
02:346,000 rupees for the responsible people.
02:36It is a very good scheme.
02:37But it should increase a little.
02:39This is less.
02:40We have to buy seeds.
02:41Everything is expensive.
02:42The Prime Minister has run many such programs.
02:45For us, for the responsible people.
02:47It should be increased by 10 or more.
02:49When we get money, we get everything.
02:52Earlier, we used to get very little.
02:54We didn't get everything.
02:56We used to get any money.
02:58This comes in every account.
03:00The Prime Minister's Farmer Respect Scheme
03:02is very beneficial for the farmers.
03:04Because the farmers get seeds, manure,
03:08and other agricultural products.
03:11The farmers get a lot of help for this.
03:14Earlier, the farmers didn't have enough money
03:16to buy the best seeds.
03:19So, the farmers used to depend on the local contractors.
03:23They had to take loans
03:26with a high interest rate.
03:30Now, the Prime Minister has strengthened the farmers.
03:35The farmers now have everything
03:38in their pockets.
03:41They can transfer money
03:43directly to the farmers' accounts
03:45through DVT.
03:47There is no risk of any kind.
03:52When the farmer gets a loan of Rs. 2000,
03:55it goes straight to the farmer's account.
03:58The farmer can withdraw it the next day.
04:01The Prime Minister's vision
04:03is to strengthen the poor farmers.
04:06He has implemented this scheme.
04:09The farmer has money in his hands.
04:12He can use the money
04:14to do any work
04:16like farming.