Hunter Schafer -- a prominent transgender actress and activist -- says the U.S. government has changed one of her major documents ... showing her passport, which now identifies her as male, to her fans.
00:00One of the first things that President Trump said once he was in office is that from now on, there are only two sexes, two genders.
00:11You're either male or female and your documents have to match whatever was on your birth certificate.
00:18He basically just said, you're transgender.
00:20We're not counting.
00:21We don't recognize that.
00:23Some people might have thought that that was just big talk, some bluster, hyperbole from the president.
00:29Well, one of the stars of Euphoria just found out, uh-uh.
00:33Real talk.
00:34It is real talk.
00:36Hunter Schafer, who plays Jules on Euphoria, if it ever comes back, and they say it is,
00:41but she is transgender and she put in an application for a newer passport.
00:48Said she filled out everything, but she just got it back and a little rude awakening.
00:53Here's what she said.
00:54My new passport, male.
00:59I filled everything out just like I normally would.
01:03I put female and when it was picked up today and I opened it up, they had changed the marker to male.
01:16This is the first time, excuse me, this has happened to me since I changed my gender marker.
01:26We're coming up on a decade now or something.
01:31And I do believe it is a direct result of the administration our country is currently operating under.
01:40Of course that's what it is.
01:41It has to be there.
01:42Of course it is.
01:44So now think about it.
01:46So she goes to passport control and they look at this and it says male and then they look at her and then what do they do?
01:55It does create, it seems like that's going to create an issue.
01:59Of course it is.
02:00When she's actually traveling.
02:01Of course it is.
02:02Yeah, and she did point out in the video that this is now going to create difficulties for when she's traveling
02:08and basically it's outing her to border agents.
02:12She's going to have to have a very uncomfortable conversation now with customs every time she goes through it.
02:16But it's not even uncomfortable.
02:17I mean what she's got to say is, look, I'm a transgender person.
02:21I am a female after birth and they're going to look at her and say, are you a securities threat?
02:27Are you trying to disguise yourself?
02:29Are we going to let you through?
02:31There's an irregularity.
02:32So those are the consequences of all of this.
02:36And imagine if she goes to another country that's not accepting of transgender people and they're seeing this.
02:42Maybe now she feels like that could be a threat or dangerous for her life or her security.
02:47She had pointed out in her video too that like, look, she says like, I'm white.
02:53I'm famous.
02:54I have a lot of visibility and that doesn't protect me from anything.
02:58That doesn't help my case.
03:00Like this could happen to anybody.
03:02You know, the Trump administration came out and said, look, we have nothing against transgender people, but we believe in this thing about two sexes.
03:10How is it not against transgender people with something like this?
03:14Well, it does feel like there wasn't.
03:16It just wasn't thought through.
03:17And I get it if that's the president's belief and his supporters belief that there are only two genders and that's it.
03:25And we're not going to recognize that.
03:27That's fine for you to have that thought, but at least think it through about how it will actually affect the lives of the people who.
03:35And look, this just becomes a culture war.
03:38I mean, there are so few people that this affects.
03:41There are so many things going on in this country to, you know, to take it this far.
03:46It isn't just a culture war.
03:48It's a statement.
03:49And, you know, I think there are bigger things to worry about.
03:54Madison, California.
03:56I'm honestly so sad for Hunter and so many people going through something like this right now.
04:01I think that having your identity misrepresented on something like a professional document like your passport is not only inconvenient, it's dehumanizing.
04:11Everybody deserves to be represented for who they are, despite who they are.
04:16And it's sad that it's such a hard battle for so many people right now.
04:22I think that what she said definitely is valid.
04:25Nobody is immune to this right now.
04:27Somebody with a big platform and so many resources like her is going through something like this.
04:34It goes to show that people without as much assets and resources and visibility could be going through this, and nobody is able to help out.
04:44It's a real shame.
04:45That could be.
04:46They're going to.
04:52They're going to.