• last month
Leonardo Cositorto, acusado de estafa y asociación ilícita, enfrenta una condena en Goya, Corrientes. La justicia determinó que defraudó a casi 100 personas que invirtieron más de 250,000 dólares. A pesar de las acusaciones, Cositorto niega los cargos y planea apelar la decisión judicial. El caso ha generado controversia debido a sus vínculos con criptomonedas y al supuesto uso indebido de fondos. Además, Cositorto se presenta como candidato político mientras enfrenta estas acusaciones legales. La situación ha captado la atención pública por su complejidad y las implicaciones para los inversores afectados.


00:00What do you think of all this, the first impact of the resolution of justice?
00:05Well, we received it with a bit of a surprise, given the position that President Carvajal took
00:11when he made a kind of final allegation,
00:14basing it on something that really seemed totally crazy to us,
00:19because he even reverses the burden of the trial.
00:23It's like we have to prove that we are innocent
00:28when, in reality, the national constitution precedes the principle of innocence,
00:32and they are the ones who have to bear the burden of the trial.
00:35And yet, he started talking about the metaverse, about the cryptocurrency,
00:40things that here, not even one person has bought any of that.
00:43He talked about the LANs, which I don't know if he knows what a LAN is.
00:47And he also said that he closed the company's accounts on three occasions.
00:52In December 2021, when people are already writing right now,
00:56they made payments in January and February, and I want to let you know
00:59that in the first week of January, I went to Uruguay, then I went to Xcaret,
01:03we did the event, then to Colombia, then to the Dominican Republic,
01:06which is where I was deported.
01:08So, I didn't close a single account, and the company was blocked on February 18th.
01:13This is Carvajal's foundation, which has been put with his finger,
01:16and which made us lose four months, believing that we were facing a serious trial.
01:21That's why I tell you that he's lying when, for the third time,
01:24he says that he closed the accounts in December.
01:26I tell him, sir, you're lying.
01:28That's when he kicks me out of court and says, well, you're corrupt.
01:31And I leave the room.
01:32Then he calls me twice, and I give him my absence,
01:35because I'm not going to be part of a pantomime.
01:38Now, today, Consitorto fell in the first instance.
01:41We know that he can appeal, that this is going to be discussed.
01:44But you said that this was a matter between privates, where there was no fraud.
01:49Today, justice said, yes, there was fraud.
01:52Yes, there were people who trusted something you offered, and you defrauded them.
01:58What is your response to this, Consitorto? How do you take this?
02:02Well, the civil defraud was decreed in the city of Buenos Aires,
02:07in the civil and commercial sphere.
02:09But let's be clear, right?
02:10We had been paying in Argentina for 31 months.
02:13I think you have been witnesses.
02:15The campaign starts with the CNB, where Mr. Buonanotto,
02:19a friend of the Fiscal Company, who makes the Netflix movie,
02:22takes the resolution that says,
02:24stop the public offering on social networks, which the CNB asks for.
02:28He cuts it and says, the CNB dictates the cessation of SOE.
02:31The race begins, 500, 600 people a day.
02:34You saw the queue in the other office.
02:36People came to charge, and we paid them.
02:39So tell me, a fraudster who puts 17 million dollars in January.
02:42Consitorto, sorry.
02:44I mean, not to confuse us with a lot of data,
02:47especially the people on the other side.
02:49This is how pyramid scams usually work.
02:51At the beginning, you don't pay until you stop paying.
02:54Well, at the beginning of 31 months,
02:56explain to me the word beginning from your observer.
02:59Well, it also has to do with the magnitude of the scam.
03:02Because 31 months for 7.5 is 230%.
03:04Yes, but I don't say it, justice says it.
03:06Look, Coinex, Coinex, which is very fashionable,
03:09lasted 7 months in Argentina, which is very fashionable, Coinex.
03:12I'm not going to comment, but Coinex lasted 7 months and gave 8%.
03:16Yes, but it's over.
03:17We all have 7.5, and we've been in Argentina for 31 months,
03:20and 5 years worldwide.
03:22Anyway, Consitorto, what justice said today
03:26is that there are 90-odd people, almost 100,
03:29who trusted you,
03:31who gave you a figure higher than 250,000 dollars,
03:34and that you defrauded them, specifically of this.
03:37Because, I mean, the whole operation is being discussed
03:39in different jurisdictions,
03:41there are different temperaments,
03:43surely there will be different trials.
03:45But today, the Correntine justice said,
03:47you defrauded these 90-odd people.
03:52This is what the justice raised today.
03:54Well, first of all, it wasn't defined.
03:58Neither the names of the people, nor the amounts of the person.
04:01But if you wanted to fix it, Consitorto,
04:03if you wanted to fix it, you knew the names.
04:06I mean, in the process, you wanted to give each one money.
04:09We wanted to pay, we wanted to pay,
04:12and they didn't accept the payment.
04:14So, you tell me, what does justice want?
04:16That people pay, or that Consitorto...
04:18Well, then, know the names.
04:20Let's not confuse everything.
04:21So, if you wanted to pay, you know the names.
04:23I know the names, in quotation marks,
04:25those who have to define who is exactly the person
04:28who was supposedly defrauded,
04:30because there were people who, one of them started crying,
04:32and had invested 2,000 dollars and paid 2,400.
04:34And the first witness used a car,
04:36which they couldn't even transfer in this city,
04:38paid for 5 months 7.5, and then returned the car.
04:41Let me defend myself, because when I'm bringing you a reality,
04:46you cut it, so we're going to buy a corrupt,
04:49the same as La Fiscal, with a ridiculous movie,
04:52and on top of that, we take it as if it's okay
04:54to make a movie, a year that they were investigating,
04:56with fugitive people.
04:58But the movie is separate, Consitorto.
05:00I mean, the movie...
05:02No, no, the movie is not that part.
05:04The movie is part of the whole circus they made
05:06to test some people.
05:08Because you take it to the macro issue,
05:10which is the movie, which is La Fiscal Company,
05:12which is from Cordoba, from Villa María,
05:14we told people, but today there was a court
05:16in Goya, Corrientes, that said you are guilty,
05:18with a movie, without a movie,
05:20and really what we want is that you explain to us
05:23why you are not guilty if what the justice says is
05:26you took money from a number of people
05:29and never returned it.
05:31In other words, there was a gang,
05:33an illicit organization that swindled.
05:35That's why we circumscribe it to today's Goya.
05:37Let's go again, let's go again.
05:39Do you know what really happened?
05:41That we were inhibited and blocked from the accounts,
05:43beaten, persecuted, and put in jail.
05:45Explain to me how I do to pay
05:47in the month of February,
05:49that we still pay 12 million dollars.
05:51But you had already stopped paying at that time, Consitorto.
05:54You had already stopped paying for that time.
05:56Don't take me to the macro issue.
05:58For when you say you were closed.
06:00I was a witness when you closed
06:02between roosters and midnight the office
06:04that Crisólogo Larralde had.
06:06I signed it with my phone.
06:08And you hadn't paid for three months?
06:10No, no, how three months I hadn't paid?
06:12You are making false affirmations.
06:14People in January charged absolutely everything,
06:16and people in February also charged.
06:18And then why do you condemn it, Consitorto?
06:20The claims are from the month of March.
06:22No, but you don't understand.
06:24Can you understand that in the month of March
06:26people couldn't pay because the company
06:28had been blocked and inhibited?
06:30The closing started from the complaint
06:32of people who didn't pay.
06:34Yes, I understand, Leonardo.
06:36The first complaint was created
06:38in Villa María by Fiscal Company
06:40under the assumption that if they didn't
06:42file a complaint, they owed them 45 dollars.
06:44Not a company that is not mine.
06:4645 dollars.
06:48They told them that if they didn't file a complaint,
06:50they would put Leonardo Consitorto in jail.
06:52And with a complaint of 45 dollars,
06:54if you have a conman mentality,
06:56you are talking about how you owe me,
06:58but you are not talking about me.
07:00No, no, the justice says you are a conman, Leonardo.
07:02With a complaint under extortion
07:04of 45 dollars,
07:06are you listening to what I'm telling you?
07:08And I was in Xcaret paying 1,100 people
07:10900 dollars a night,
07:12and she, with a person of 45 dollars,
07:14who told her, I have five complaints
07:16against Consitorto, if you don't file a complaint,
07:18I'll put you in jail. It was a lie.
07:20The lady had to file a complaint,
07:22and with that ridiculous complaint,
07:24she asks me for international capture,
07:26and she says it in the movie.
07:28I never had the pleasure of filing an international preventive detention.
07:30But you were a conman, Consitorto.
07:32If it was all so clear,
07:34you would have explained what was happening.
07:36Why did you escape and hide in the Dominican Republic?
07:38Buy the movie from President Carabajal,
07:40who is a soldier here,
07:42paid, put with his finger.
07:44He is a judge, talking about a judge.
07:46They brought him here, put him with his finger,
07:48to cover the case of Loban.
07:50He said that we are guilty.
07:52Are we really guilty?
07:54Let's see.
07:56Mrs. Cristina Quintero can be guilty,
07:58and she is free on the street.
08:00In three weeks and a month,
08:02we will be three years old.
08:04Do you know what the law says?
08:06If the fault is not firm,
08:08I give you the news.
08:10They have to set us free.
08:12First of all, we are going to peel this barbarity.
08:14Second, they did not try any scam.
08:16They just brought a ridiculous hypothesis.
08:18They brought a hypothesis
08:20about the metaverse of cryptocurrencies.
08:22When no one here bought
08:24neither metaverse nor cryptocurrency.
08:26Here people were studying
08:28and paying a fee of three years.
08:30And the company was paying them
08:327.5 per month.
08:34And I did not open the company here.
08:36I did not receive money from the people here.
08:38Jonathan Vargas came here.
08:40If he appeals, he will have an instance
08:42to give all these arguments again.
08:44In this instance, at least,
08:46he will have an instance.
08:48Do you really think that people
08:50will vote for him as president?
08:52Well, if they have voted for Cristina Kirchner,
08:54imagine if they will not be able
08:56to vote for me.
08:58But that is a decision that people will make.
09:00Anyway, I introduce myself,
09:02as I am going to introduce myself this year,
09:04I am going to introduce myself as a national deputy
09:06for the province of Buenos Aires,
09:08regardless of what some journalists
09:10or some people think.
09:12So I do not take into account
09:14that today, your conviction
09:16for fraud and illicit association
09:18would be...
09:22It is difficult to speak.
09:24Today, your conviction
09:26for fraud and illicit association
09:28would be your first campaign act.
09:32Let's see, can you repeat?
09:34Today, you, convicted
09:36for fraud and illicit association,
09:38we can take today
09:40as your first campaign day.
09:44I do not know.
09:46I have been campaigning since 2021,
09:48when I made the party,
09:50which is called Despierta,
09:52with liberal ideas.
09:54And well, when we started our campaign,
09:56the simultaneous attacks also began.
10:00this problem has been going on
10:02for more than three years, chasing us.
10:04Look, three years detained,
10:06and for three years they kept hitting me,
10:08they kept defaming me,
10:10and now that we are about to leave
10:12they do not let us leave.
10:14Yes, but practically you present yourself as a victim
10:16and you do not perceive that today
10:18justice said that you are guilty.
10:20Starting from this so clear basis,
10:22you are not a political persecutor,
10:24you are not detained, and you are not a victim.
10:26Justice, analyzing all your case
10:28and all your arguments,
10:30which we have heard many times,
10:32the justice, taking your arguments,
10:34says, sir, you are guilty of fraud.
10:38Barbarous, and what do you want me to do?
10:40I left the room
10:42because I was really listening to someone
10:44who I am telling you,
10:46that the Lord founded,
10:48that we did a fraud.
10:52He was frozen, we have nothing to do with this.
10:56Bad sign in prison,
10:58because we must say that this man,
11:00as we said over and over again,
11:02is condemned.
11:06Cositorto, you will not be able to present yourself
11:08as a candidate because you are in prison.
11:10You can report yourself as such,
11:12but you will not be able to participate
11:14because you are detained.
