• 19 hours ago
El primer juicio contra un individuo acusado de estafa y lavado de activos ha comenzado en Corrientes. Este caso es considerado un proceso testigo, ya que se cree que el resultado podría influir en los demás juicios que le esperan. A pesar de las evidencias y acusaciones, el acusado mantiene su inocencia y alega ser víctima de persecución por parte de los bancos. Sorprendentemente, algunas personas siguen apoyándolo, incluso después de conocer las acusaciones en su contra.


00:00It is clear, gentlemen, that today silence breaks after the first of the trials that he will have to face began.
00:06That is why it is considered a witness process, because it is believed that the luck that runs in this first trial,
00:12which is in Goya, Corrientes, can be the same luck that runs in all the others that await it.
00:18This is going to be a delusional allegation, because if it is in line with what he had been saying when he was free,
00:23that the banks pursue him, that they do not allow the poor to be profitable.
00:30I tell you where the thing is going, because I was talking to his lawyer, Dr. Dragoto,
00:34who made one last attempt the other day when the trial began to try to suspend him,
00:39to raise nullities, the question of competition.
00:42Is there something that the court still has to decide between fraud crime, which the ordinary justice investigates,
00:49or financial mediation, which the federal justice investigates and lavado de activos.
00:53Well, they told him, we are here, the process continues and advances.
00:58What is his defense going to be today?
01:01Basically, he says that there is no illicit association and that there is no fraud.
01:06That it went wrong.
01:07Exactly, that is the argumental line.
01:09That in any case, what there was is a business proposal with a high degree of profitability
01:15and that the investors themselves knew that by giving much more points than others,
01:20it was a risk investment and that in any case, what came out was a bad business
01:25and there is a breach of contract, it is not fraud.
01:28And just like that, he is going to say crooked things in minutes, in a little while.
01:32Don't tell me he's going to say that he's going to return the money.
01:34No, no, no.
01:35Well, do you know what he blames that for?
01:37The justice.
01:38The justice itself says that it blocked the funds.
01:41In that case, it was at the request of a fiscal company in Cordoba.
01:45And that if they had not blocked those funds, he could have continued with the investments
01:51that would have given a possibility of support and response to all the investors.
01:55All that is very nice if it had not been proven, as happened in the case of San Pedro,
01:59that the assets that he said he had bought were false.
02:03That a good part of the things he said that integrated the investments were false.
02:08So there you can see the ideological falsity and that configures a situation of crime.
02:14If you, as in the case of San Pedro, know that China does not exist,
02:18the cryptocurrency is crooked, the application is crooked,
02:21what are you going to say?
02:22That it was a risk investment?
02:24It is the same thing they are trying to do in Catamarca.
02:26Remember, the scam of Catamarca, of Adhemar Bakiani,
02:31is a scam that reaches the brother of Governor Jalil.
02:35And there they are trying to say the same thing.
02:37Well, it was a bankruptcy, it was a business that went wrong.
02:40It is not that this was prepared to go wrong.
02:43But that argument can be sustained when there are lies.
02:47Precisely as part of this epidemic of pyramid scams that exist in Argentina,
02:54we have on the line Adolfo Suárez Herdáirez, lawyer of the victims of San Pedro.
02:59Because, despite what you think, there was a last meeting of Guita.
03:04Remember that we told you here.
03:06They asked for 88 dollars in crypto dollars,
03:10because they said that this way they would be able to return the funds.
03:13And how much money did they gather, Dr. Suárez,
03:16with that last handshake of a lawyer there in San Pedro?
03:21How about, Rolando, the greeting for you, the greeting for the team and the audience.
03:26They gathered 230,000 dollars of what they call gathered.
03:30Last night I was in a meeting and half had put the 88 dollars
03:36and the other half said that he would lend it to us or we do not have it directly.
03:41Because there is a Facebook of Mr. Pardo that announces that, believe it or not,
03:47put the 88 dollars and continue to operate.
03:50Nothing else.
03:52It's amazing.
03:54230,000 dollars returned to the hands of these guys voluntarily,
03:59already knowing everything, because there was no secret here.
04:02They knew that everything was fake, that the Polish actors were not the CEOs,
04:06that China did not exist, that the application was fake.
04:10And they still put 88 dollars and gathered 230,000.
04:14Yes, they put 88 dollars and many people say,
04:19he's going to have to leave here because if he doesn't meet us.
04:22So people have a faith, a hope,
04:24that they pay as it should be after the initial payment.
04:29They have the truth in front of their faces.
04:32They go and put money.
04:34Yes, Rolo, there are two issues there.
04:36One that some put lots of money, very big, very important.
04:40Then they say, I put 88 more.
04:43And if they happened to return something with a low level of expectation,
04:47at least they recovered something.
04:49And it's 88 dollars next to everything that was already put.
04:52And the other was the coercion, the one of,
04:55hey, if they don't put the 88 and it goes bankrupt.
04:58Be careful, you are automatically left to the sight
05:01of a possible asset laundering.
05:03There we withdraw and we don't take responsibility.
05:06So there was also the one who says ...
05:08What is going bankrupt?
05:10Well, it's okay, but there are people who are still growing.
05:13One thing is faith and another thing is business.
05:16Precisely, business is handled with a logic of rationality, of convenience.
05:21This issue of faith in a scam,
05:23that scams you all the time and scams you again,
05:25and also threatens you and scams you again.
05:27And be careful if there is no scam within the scam,
05:29Dr. Adolfo Suárez Herdargue, too.
05:31Because some have the doubt, at least justice has it.
05:35If those who are asking for those 88 are the same as always,
05:39they are, let's see, they do a virtual Mexicaniada
05:44and it's another different group that ...
05:47Well, but the same Pardo appeared, didn't he, doctor?
05:50Yes, yes, the same one appeared on Facebook.
05:53We are now going to accompany him to the prosecutor's office
05:55with the particular amnesty,
05:57we are going to accompany him to a copy of his Facebook
05:59with all the comments that people made to him below,
06:01where he says, I don't have any more money,
06:03I'm going to invest the last one,
06:05and where he does not threaten,
06:08the threat is made by a message that goes through Telegram,
06:12where it is said that if you do not withdraw it,
06:15they will make a lawsuit for asset laundering
06:17and you automatically lose all your accounts.
06:19Then people say, but how?
06:21I have a thousand, a thousand two hundred, three thousand dollars,
06:23and I'm going to lose them.
06:25Now, it alarms people's ignorance.
06:27Someone who put money is a victim,
06:29cannot be accused of asset laundering.
06:31If it's your money ...
06:33It's part of the scam.
06:35It's not just that we have a legal vacuum.
06:37They take advantage of ignorance,
06:39or that they have wrapped their heads
06:42so much to the victims,
06:44that they don't want to see what is evident.
06:47Some say that this works as a cult,
06:50that is to say, it worked well for so many years.
06:52For example, yesterday a lady told me,
06:54with studies and others,
06:56that for years it worked well for her,
06:58the daughter paid the rent,
07:00and that it is a shame that this comes down.
07:02So what they don't understand
07:04is that it's a pyramid scam.
07:06Their money is being taken from others,
07:08and when it's over,
07:10the third part of San Pedro is what entered.
07:12They had to get more people in.
07:16In truth, they should be grateful
07:18that it was cut and that there is no more damage,
07:20because they were speculating
07:22about gathering more money from more people
07:24from other cities too,
07:26so they knew that at some point this was going to be cut.
07:28The strange thing is
07:30that they think
07:32that this could continue to be reproduced.
07:36It's a magical mechanism,
07:38because Cositorto says the same thing.
07:40The fault is that they blocked us,
07:42that they did evil to us,
07:44when in truth it had no head or foot,
07:46it was a castle of naipes,
07:48it was a thing with mud feet.
07:50They told me in the Federal Prosecutor's Office,
07:52for example,
07:54everything that has to do with the issue of money,
07:56the payment of the image
07:58of the hotel was made
08:00from an account in Malaysia
08:02to an account in the United States.
08:04Therefore, today,
08:06the longer we delay,
08:08which is what I am telling the Provincial Justice,
08:10the longer we delay
08:12in taking the complaints,
08:14the longer it takes to track the money.
08:16The money is going away quickly.
08:18There is someone
08:20who has another financial engineering capacity,
08:22because it is not easy
08:24to pay in the United States
08:26an account in Malaysia
08:28open from Argentina.
08:30It is another level of evil.
08:32Yes, there are two alternatives.
08:34Someone who bought the software
08:36from a foreigner
08:38and is a national
08:40who is working,
08:42or someone directly who helps
08:44and operates from the international sphere.
08:46The problem is that we consider
08:48that the administrators,
08:50like this man who appears in the images,
08:52are responsible.
08:54Many would have to be in crime
08:56and that is what we are asking
08:58as so many other measures
09:00that we will continue to accompany.
09:02But the more time passes,
09:04the money is moving away from people
09:06and it is a reality that many
09:08may not be able to pay.
09:10Dr. Suárez, short for the people
09:12who are going to finish convincing
09:14when they see that in effect
09:16they will not even be able to withdraw a biscuit.
09:18When is that grace period over?
09:20Is it over today?
09:24The deadline was until tonight,
09:26that is, in the course of the day
09:28the deadline is over
09:30and automatically
09:32reality will be seen.
09:34Yes, Rainbow Wax
09:36will continue to keep the accounts
09:38because they say they are leaving the country.
09:40Actually, a company is leaving the country
09:42that is not registered,
09:44that we do not know who they are
09:46and that supposedly we do not know
09:48where they operate.
09:50They leave the country
09:52and your account is inactive.
09:54So people are desperate.
09:56That is why we invite
09:58them to continue with the complaints.
10:00But we see that it is going very slowly.
10:02That is why on Monday
10:04I will meet with the Departmental Prosecutor
10:06to propose that we
10:08write down all the complaints
10:10and that the framework be expanded
10:12to deal more quickly
10:14because there are many victims.
10:16We are talking about thousands of people.
