Ditopang oleh melesatnya sektor teknologi, Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG) berhasil bertahan di zona hijau pada perdagangan sesi I Jumat (21/02). Melesatnya sektor teknologi, tak terlepas dari lonjakan saham di sektor tersebut dengan kenaikan terbesar dibukukan oleh saham ELIT, dan DCII. Masing-masing sebesar 34,67% dan 19,97%.
00:30HUM in the sector with the highest increase reported by SAMELIT and DCEI, each as large as 34.67% and 19.97%.
00:44The SAMGAMUNGAN price index was able to reverse to the green zone at the beginning of the first session on Friday, February 21, 2025.
00:53In the first half, the IHSG was recorded to be 0.16% or to level 6799.
01:00The greening of the IHSG is supported by a number of positive sectors,
01:04with the largest increase recorded in the technology sector as large as 6.04%,
01:09the property sector 0.53% and the industry sector increasing by 0.38%.
01:16The rise of the technology sector in the first trading session on Friday was not separated from the explosion of a number of stocks in the sector.
01:24Based on IDX Mobile data, ELIT and DCEI stocks led the strength with a significant increase of 34.67% and 19.97%.
01:36The WIFI stock rose 13.53%, the DMMX stock rose 9.03% and the WIRG stock rose 4.27%.
01:48Regarding the explosion of the technology sector, one of the technology stocks owned by Toto Sugiri and Antoni Salim,
01:54namely PT DCEI Indonesia TBK or DCEI, entered the Indonesian Stock Exchange monitoring as a result of an unusual increase in stock prices.
02:04Through the official announcement of the Indonesian Stock Exchange,
02:08the stock exchange monitors DCEI stocks due to an unusual increase in stock prices.
02:13Nevertheless, this announcement does not include a violation of the rules of the capital market law.
02:20The stock exchange also urges investors to pay attention to the management's response to the confirmation request of the stock exchange.
02:26Investors are also asked to reflect the energy and information openness from the related emitters.
02:33Meanwhile, regarding the DCEI stock, the stock explosion occurred after the Chief Executive Officer of DCEI Indonesia,
02:40Oto Toto Sugiri, said that the company is looking for an opportunity to split the stock value.
02:47Meanwhile, from the operational side, the investment is focused on completing the development of a data center in Surabaya.
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