• last month
A woman wore her jacket upside down for an entire day without anyone pointing it out - only realising her mistake when she caught her reflection in the mirror.

Annaleigh Stafford, from Melbourne, Australia, had been rushing around on her birthday when she unknowingly put her jacket on the wrong way.

Annaleigh went to work for the entire day but no one pointed out the fashion mishap.

It wasn’t until she got home and caught sight of herself in the mirror that she realised what had happened.


00:00Now, because I refuse to believe this, and even myself, so I need to show you guys.
00:04So, I've been at work for the last eight hours. I've had meetings. I've been professional. I've seen people.
00:10I've been wearing this jacket this whole time.
00:13Why is it, when I walk home, I notice this?
00:19That, ladies and gentlemen, is the collar.
00:22It shouldn't be at the back. It should be up here. It should be around here.
00:25Not at the back.
00:27I've been wearing this jacket upside down for the last eight hours.
00:34Do I just dive into my clothes in the morning and not even check?
00:37Apparently so, because that's what happened.
