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Barn-Find 1972 Yamaha XS650 off the road for at least 10 years. Will it run and ride again? Let’s get to work on the MC Garage Ran When Parked series.

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00:00This series is called Ran Win Parked. It's an MC Garage production. I'm Mark Hoyer and I love getting old things running.
00:09Today we're working on a 1972 Yamaha XS650, otherwise known as an XS2.
00:14The aim here is to get the bike on the road and take you along for the ride.
00:18How do we assess it? What do we look for? What do we work on? How do we make it run again?
00:22It was a pretty good looking bike. It's relatively complete original headlight shell.
00:26The only kind of deviation here is somebody bobbed the fenders a little bit.
00:30So they cut the stainless fenders down. Let's see what we got for mileage.
00:33It's a little dusty, but 36,000 miles, not unreasonable.
00:37Hey, where's the key?
00:40It looks like somebody's tried to hit this with a screwdriver.
00:43We do have the key. I was partly kidding.
00:45Anyway, pretty complete. It's got all the badges. That stuff's hard to find.
00:48Very cool. A tuning fork, gas cap.
00:50Yeah, let's open this and see what it smells like.
00:52See what we got. Oh, that's not good. The rubber's coming apart here.
00:55Our flashlight in here.
00:56Actually pretty clean. The gas color is not great.
01:00I'm gonna do the worst thing I can do.
01:02Oh yeah, that's gross.
01:04That's the smell of, you know that once you try that a few times,
01:07you actually know what old gas smells like and it's bad.
01:10Car boots are looking decent. Carbs, meh, fine.
01:13A little bit of drool coming out of them.
01:14A mouse turds, that's not a good sign.
01:16They're indiscriminate chewers. Let's get under the seat.
01:21Oh, so that's a big turd.
01:24Unfortunately, I know the difference between rat and mouse
01:27and I don't want to touch it, but there's that antivirus thing.
01:29But that's mouse turds and then there's a big one in there that's definitely a rat.
01:33So that's gross. We'll get that over here, wash our hands.
01:37Battery box is empty except for chewed acorns.
01:41I think it has a center stand. Thank goodness.
01:44It rolls. Yeah.
01:47Okay, we'll just not look at that for a minute.
01:50Yep, spark plugs are in. Is that too easy to kick through?
01:53That's promising.
01:54I got this bike for free from a guy who left it in San Francisco.
01:58He left it with a shop that was supposed to, you know,
02:00get it running and build it into something.
02:02And they were going to split the proceeds and that guy never touched it.
02:05It's more faded on one side than the other.
02:07So when you put the kickstand down over here, this side of the bike is more faded.
02:10So it's probably sat outside most of its life.
02:13Oh, let's check the brake.
02:15Oh, that's all right. It's not great, but it's got pressure.
02:18No battery, that's one thing.
02:19Let's move it into the shop and see what we got.
02:22I don't want to take all this dirt in the shop.
02:24Should I hose it off first?
02:26Here's the answer.
02:27We won't go crazy.
02:34They are 450, 480 pounds.
02:37They're not made of titanium.
02:39We'll vacuum it out real quick, clean the box,
02:42and we'll get some power on this and see if it powers up.
02:44We know it kicks through.
02:45Cleared for takeoff.
02:48Fairly nutty though.
02:49Feel that down there?
02:52We got the key.
02:53It's got a little Buddha attached to it,
02:55and it looks like an original key with a key number on it and everything.
02:59The plating is obviously kind of worn off because it's been around.
03:02It turns on.
03:03Okay, we got nice crisp clicks.
03:05It's always good to have a to-do list.
03:07It's more to come because we've got to figure out what to do,
03:09but I make to-do lists.
03:12Did it.
03:12Got her done.
03:13We have a new battery.
03:14I put the battery acid in it.
03:15It's a flooded lead acid battery.
03:18Very old school.
03:19Got it because it was cheap.
03:20I have it hooked up to a battery tender
03:22because when they're dry charged, they're usually not, you know, tip-top.
03:26It's got brand new acid on the battery tender.
03:28Step three we could ride in,
03:30but we're going to put power on the leads using a jump box.
03:33This is a 1500 amp jump box by Battery Tender.
03:36I've been carrying it around in my pickup truck because I'm limping the battery.
03:39I'm trying to get the most battery life out of it,
03:41so in case I need to squeeze a little juice into my battery, I could do that.
03:45This comes with a wall charger.
03:46It comes with these clips.
03:47Reverse connection protection,
03:49so if you don't know your pluses and minuses or you goof and it's dark, it fixes it.
03:54If it's dark, you can hit this flashlight.
03:56Super bright flashlight.
03:57Okay, so I got a green light here.
03:58Don't touch the leads.
04:00Although they are spark protected, you can touch the leads,
04:02but as a rule, I try not to.
04:04This terminal is connected directly to the frame,
04:07and this is a negative ground motorcycle,
04:09so we will hook the positive up,
04:12and it's not touching any chassis parts,
04:14and we'll hook the negative up.
04:16It says it's ready.
04:17It was fully in the green.
04:19Wall charged it.
04:20Oh, there it goes.
04:25Okay, it lives.
04:26So this is protecting itself from trying to run the bike.
04:28Well, we'll get the battery in,
04:30and if we need extra juice on the battery,
04:31if it's not 100% with that battery connected,
04:34this will detect the resistance of the battery.
04:37I think that's what's happening.
04:38It's not detecting the resistance in the circuitry.
04:41Because there isn't a battery.
04:42So we'll hook the battery up,
04:43and if it doesn't have enough juice, we'll use a jump box.
04:45Flooded lead acid battery.
04:46It's a quality battery, but it's the least expensive type.
04:48It's just a regular flooded lead acid, not AGM.
04:51None of that.
04:52I have it on a battery tender.
04:54It's 800 milliamps.
04:55It appears to still be charging.
04:56I didn't put it on that long ago.
04:58So also, I use this plastic bucket just as a safety measure,
05:02only with this kind of battery, really, because it's vented.
05:04And if for some reason I overfilled it,
05:06and or I got it hot,
05:08the battery acid wouldn't go all over everywhere.
05:10It would stay in this plastic bucket.
05:11One downside with this kind of battery
05:13is that they can blow out noxious vapors.
05:17You have the vent over here.
05:18You hook up a tube,
05:20and you run that tube down past all the metal bits.
05:25We're going to need to insulate.
05:27You don't need to murder these.
05:28Just get them snug,
05:30and then see if you can rotate the terminal.
05:32If you can't rotate it, it's tight enough.
05:34We'll have to do something to protect the positive
05:37from this metal tray.
05:38You can see that's just dangerously close.
05:40So we'll put a insulating cap over this.
05:42The negative, you can touch anything you want,
05:44because the chassis is the negative.
05:46So there's no electricity flowing.
05:48This wire goes directly to the engine,
05:50and the engine is grounded to the frame.
05:52This is the positive.
05:53If we touch this to this,
05:54we'll make sparks or even weld
05:56with all the amps that are in there.
05:57Big arcs, big sparks.
06:00There's no way this is a 1972 battery.
06:02Hold down.
06:06What did I just say?
06:07We'll cover the terminal with tape,
06:08and I'll find a rubber red insulator.
06:10Let us know what the polarity is.
06:12Keep that arcing-ness from happening.
06:14And now we're just going to put this piece of cardboard,
06:17and it's just a little extra barrier.
06:19Let's try the starter button.
06:21Oh, no, let's check the oil.
06:22Let's check the oil.
06:23Good idea.
06:25Oh, mouse turd.
06:27Let's clean the filler cap before...
06:29I don't want a mouse turd in the oil,
06:30even if the oil is very turdy itself.
06:33Look at this.
06:34Wow, metal dipstick.
06:35It is oil, I think.
06:38Oh, yeah.
06:38It smells like the floats might have got stuck
06:40and let fuel into this at some point.
06:42I feel confident we're going to take these carbs off
06:44and work on them.
06:45All right, well, there is oil,
06:46so we're going to power.
06:47We have lights.
06:51Oh, hey, that's cranking.
06:52Okay, that's great.
06:53That was a pretty healthy crank, too.
06:55So battery tender was doing the Lord's work.
06:57We're going to pop a side cover,
06:58get access to the air box,
07:00and get some of this ether.
07:01That's what starting fluid is, ether.
07:03And then see if it makes a pop.
07:04When I smelled the gas earlier, disgusting.
07:06My connoisseurship of aged gasoline
07:09would date it at least five years.
07:11All right, ignition parts.
07:12Oh, boy.
07:13I'm pretty sure that this is a selenium rectifier.
07:16Once we get it running,
07:17we'll know, we'll kind of assess the charging system.
07:19Air box, see if we can get some ether in there.
07:22We'll just go crazy.
07:27Might need a direct line,
07:28or we're not getting spark.
07:31It's cranking over really nice.
07:33Sometimes the starter clutches on these are no good,
07:35but this one's doing great.
07:37So exciting.
07:38It rolled over.
07:39I don't have to kick it a thousand times.
07:42This is a 72.
07:43It's the first year for electric start.
07:45Oh, look at that.
07:46Are you kidding?
07:48That's so cool.
07:50It's on a hinge and it has a little clip.
07:52So you just pull it right out
07:53and then we want to get you out.
07:56It is a pull tab.
07:58I'm sure of it.
07:59Well, let's give it a try here.
08:04Oh, that's all I need.
08:18It's noisy, but it's probably not circular.
08:20It's probably really dry.
08:21It isn't circulating oil yet.
08:33Okay, we got something.
08:35We're going to drain the fuel
08:36so we don't put this garbage into the carbs,
08:38but we're going to get a siphon and drain that
08:41or we'll drain it out the petcock.
08:42Sometimes we turn these on after all this time they leak,
08:45but they sometimes swell back up and work.
08:49And that's what we're going to cross fingers for.
08:51One more thing we're going to do is just make sure
08:53there's nothing going on with the gearbox.
08:54We're going to throw it in the center stand
08:55and just click it through the gears
08:56and make sure it engages.
08:58We know neutral is good because we push it in here
09:00and that's spinning real nice.
09:01So the resistance pushing it could be on the front brake,
09:04maybe if the caliper stuck, but it was hard to push.
09:06I think mostly because the tires are flat.
09:08She's free.
09:09There's first, back to neutral.
09:12Second's good.
09:14Third's good.
09:15Fourth, fifth.
09:17All right, we got five gears.
09:23Okay, we got drag on the clutch,
09:25but we got an adjuster.
09:27We got, and I think maybe once it gets hot,
09:29you know, the plates will free up,
09:30but clutch works sort of.
09:32Don't siphon by mouth.
09:33You don't want that stuff in your mouth.
09:35I use a pump, make a vacuum, get it low.
09:37Clear tube so you can see the fuel coming.
09:39Here it comes.
09:40Oh, there she goes.
09:41I took a whiff of this gas sitting in the shed.
09:44Ronald Reagan was probably president.
09:45I'll probably check the plugs.
09:47Looking at them from here, the bodies are kind of shiny,
09:49which is promising.
09:50I should probably check the gap
09:52and then the color of the plug could possibly tell us something
09:55depending on whether the plugs are new or old.
09:57First thing I want to do is just get it running,
09:59like triage it, get it on the road.
10:01I want to take it on like a 200 mile ride
10:03up north of Santa Barbara to a restaurant
10:05in kind of a biker place above,
10:08in the mountains above Santa Barbara.
10:09And then after that, go through system by system
10:12and make it into like a daily rider,
10:13like it would have been in 1972,
10:15but with maybe a few upgrades here and there,
10:17like electronic ignition,
10:18because I'm virtually certain there's going to be points
10:20and everything's original, I think.
10:22We'll pull the points cover off and we'll look
10:24because they stick them under here sometimes.
10:26Bring it back, put it on the road.
10:27Gas is out.
10:29There's a little bit at the bottom,
10:30which what I'm going to do is I just,
10:32I looked at the carbs, there's a drain on the float bowls.
10:35So there's fuel in here.
10:36I'm going to undo the drains and get a little tray.
10:39I'm going to open the petcocks and just cross fingers.
10:42All right, the question is, do I make a huge mess
10:44or do I get a container?
10:46Let's do the right thing and get something
10:47I can slide under there.
10:49So the petcocks are in the stop position.
10:51It looks like not a drop coming through,
10:54which means I probably just drained the tank pretty well.
10:56Let me get the other plug out.
10:58Of course, I don't have two bowls,
11:00but I do want gas to come out of both at the same time.
11:02Oh, this says on, huh?
11:04Who did that?
11:05Fuel gets sticky and sometimes it's sticky
11:08like residue on the intake valves.
11:09This is just like a safety measure to keep the valves moving
11:12when it has a little pre-mix in it.
11:13So this is 50 to one pre-mix and it's ethanol free also.
11:17You know, it's only a million dollars a gallon.
11:21You don't want to run her every day.
11:22Oh, that smells good.
11:24Don't do that.
11:25We'll put a little bit in
11:26and see if anything happens underneath the carbs.
11:28How's that?
11:29Oh, that's a nice, pretty color.
11:31I wonder, does it have a vacuum petcock?
11:34I wonder if I should read a manual.
11:42I guess I left it in gear.
11:46Okay, let's get back into neutral.
11:47That was more excitement than I was expecting.
11:51Let's pull the fuel hose.
11:52That's an idea.
11:53So this looks like fuel
11:56and there's a crossover hose in between the carbs.
11:58Let's just commit to in a whole can.
12:00Come on.
12:05Oh, there's a goof on my part.
12:06Well, it's kind of good the fuel wasn't running
12:08because the fuel lines are like rock solid.
12:11They would have leaked everywhere.
12:12I had them on regular, just normal,
12:14turn on the gas, not reserve.
12:16And that's, it wasn't putting gas out
12:17because it needs to be on reserve
12:18because there's not that much fuel in there.
12:19So I'm turning off the fuel and I was like,
12:21oh, I'm going to run this fuel hose,
12:23which was our siphon hose because it fits.
12:25But I don't see anything really holding the tank on
12:28and I could see in between the carbs.
12:29So I'm just going to see if I can lift the tank off
12:31because you see here,
12:32there's just a pin with a crusty bushing in it.
12:34And I think if I just,
12:36since I disconnected the lines,
12:38there doesn't appear to be a crossover too
12:40between the sides.
12:41They have peck hocks on both sides,
12:42indicating usually that they don't have a crossover
12:45and it's just lifting right off.
12:48Try that on your brand new FZ-09.
12:52Gray bike, probably don't ever have to take the tank off.
12:55And we'll pull this fuel line.
12:58Oh, it did come good.
12:59See how it was broken?
13:00It's broken.
13:01I thought I was going to have to figure out
13:02how to get that off.
13:03While that's open,
13:04I'm just going to blast the daylights out of it
13:06with some carb spray.
13:07Even though I don't have high hopes,
13:09but as long as we're running straight in,
13:11I'm just going to put some hot stuff in there.
13:13By hot, I mean, just a hot solvent carb spray.
13:15Dude, there's nuts on top of the engine.
13:19Acorns on top of the engine.
13:21No nibbles on the wiring, it doesn't look like.
13:25So that's good.
13:25Not clear.
13:26I like having it clear just so you can see the fuel flowing,
13:28but we can do a better job later.
13:32All right, that's home.
13:33And it was hard enough to push on there.
13:34I feel confident.
13:40Just long enough.
13:41You know, sometimes you think of things
13:43in the middle of a job where you're like,
13:44hey, you know what?
13:45This is a motorcycle lift.
13:47Why am I kneeling on the ground?
13:49We'll just roll with it for now,
13:50and then maybe we'll lift it up.
13:52I was just so optimistic, I guess,
13:53that I thought I could just roll it off and ride away.
13:55Cut it off right here.
13:58OK, dripping out of the floats.
14:00Oh, there's a chunk in there.
14:03Got a little chunk of something in there.
14:05Or that could be mouse turds,
14:07or it could be a death chunk inside the carb.
14:11I would hope for more than that,
14:13but I think I'm postponing the inevitable,
14:15which is taking the carbs off.
14:17We're just going to put this business
14:18right into the float.
14:20Solvent, carb spray.
14:22See, we knocked the gunge off.
14:24It's just coming back up the hose,
14:25so I feel confident I put a lot in there.
14:28See what happens.
14:29Choke is on.
14:32Oh, that's really good.
14:35Oh, that is not good.
14:36That might be the, remember I said sometimes
14:39the starter clutch isn't great on these things?
14:41Starter clutch sometimes isn't great on these things.
14:43That was a terrible sound.
14:47Oh, you're running on gas.
14:57I was so unprepared for that to happen.
14:59Everything's falling off.
15:00You get out.
15:02You are not idling right now.
15:05That was unexpected.
15:07The carbs are leaking,
15:08or it's just my poor choice of fuel hose.
15:11Let's figure that out.
15:12Fuel was raining down from the carburetors,
15:15not from the hose that I just put on the peckhawks,
15:17and not from the tank of the peckhawks,
15:18which is super great news.
15:20But each carb has a peckhawk,
15:22but then there's a hose I could see joining the two carbs.
15:25I think based on this scientific discovery
15:29that I bet this is the same hose.
15:31It's all cracked and it's rock hard.
15:33This should be flexible and nice.
15:35I think that crossover hose is leaking.
15:37We might end up pulling off the carbs.
15:39Right now I'm going to pull off the air filters.
15:41The good news about fuel raining down from the carburetors
15:43is it rinsed off the top of the engine
15:45where there was all the mouse turds,
15:46kind of dissolved them a little bit.
15:47Now what's cool about the popularity of this bike
15:50is that parts are everywhere.
15:52There's one in Florida, Mike's XS,
15:54they got a zillion things.
15:55They were really popular in Germany and they still are.
15:58There's a million carb options.
15:59You can get Makuni VM kits for them
16:01for not very much money.
16:02There's electronic ignitions, charging systems,
16:04all kinds of neat stuff.
16:05So it's exciting, the possibilities.
16:11Okay, it's bound to happen.
16:13It'll come out later.
16:14They make the filter replacement so easy,
16:16I guess they don't expect you to take these off too much.
16:19Oh, you know, if the battery weren't there,
16:21it would come right out.
16:22Do I dare take the battery out?
16:23Why not?
16:24You know, your 10 millimeter wrench,
16:25maybe you drop that across the terminals,
16:27can be really exciting.
16:30We'll get it back on the trickle charger
16:31since we're going to be doing this a while.
16:33We're back in the bucket.
16:35No leaks, great.
16:38Battery tender engaged.
16:40This should come right out, right?
16:41That's the joke.
16:43Yep, that was all we needed.
16:44That battery was my clearance.
16:46It's not the cleanest air filter ever.
16:48This cool, cute little pod, it's just real dirty.
16:50This paper is going to be fine.
16:52Ooh, nice little fine mesh screen in there.
16:54Wish we could restore that with some black paint.
16:56That'll look awesome.
16:57But you paint one part on a bike like this
17:00and then what happens?
17:01You got to paint everything else.
17:02So maybe we paint nothing and love it for what it is.
17:05Oh yeah, I dropped the other one too.
17:06I got to get that.
17:07If you drop something, get it right away
17:08or else you'll be looking for it for two years.
17:11Now this crossover pipe is hard as a rock.
17:14Oh man, didn't want to pull carbs really.
17:18Or I kind of did actually.
17:19So they're racked carburetors,
17:21meaning that they're bolted together.
17:22I definitely have to replace this hose
17:24because I can spin it and it's got cracks in it.
17:26So this is the hose that joins the two carbs.
17:28Open the Peckhawk and see what happens.
17:31It immediately comes out of the crossover.
17:34You can see it just making a mess,
17:35cleaning up mouse poop.
17:36Let's get our hose selections.
17:38You thought it was a stool?
17:39It's a cutting board.
17:40And why don't I have a pad on the seat?
17:42You really shouldn't be sitting down
17:43in the shop anyway, should you?
17:44I actually do intend to make a nice little,
17:47a new base because you can see
17:48this particle board is disintegrating.
17:50I'll make one out of marine grade plywood, sure.
17:53Come on, get up.
17:54Hey, no drips, no drips.
17:56She's working.
17:57Maybe not the permanent solution
17:59for the next 60,000 miles,
18:00but I think we have a fuel type fuel system.
18:03It did idle, sort of.
18:04It seemed like it might've been running on one.
18:06We'll get the battery back in.
18:07We're still charging.
18:08We'll just use it if it gets low.
18:09We'll jump it with the jump starter.
18:12Anybody know where I put the bolts?
18:14Oh yeah, by the batteries.
18:15I made a great discovery that the seat,
18:17I could just take the seat off.
18:18It was kind of sticking up in the way
18:21and it actually has these two pins to slide on.
18:23I'll probably grease these,
18:24but there's a thread here and there was no nut.
18:27So you just slide the seat right off.
18:28I put the battery back in.
18:30I hooked the trickle charger back up,
18:32the battery tender.
18:32It's got a 12 foot cable,
18:34seven and a half amp protective fuse.
18:37And it was cool because it fits
18:38from my quad box of 120 volts over there
18:41to this 12 volt battery.
18:42And I've just been running that.
18:44It's not dripping fuel.
18:45And I think I left the fuel on for the last hour
18:48and there's no fuel coming out.
18:49So that's awesome.
18:50I knocked them all off.
18:51We got to bleed the front brake.
18:52We need tires, tubes, definitely.
18:54I would put a question mark after balance wheels,
18:56which I'm now racing.
18:57I can't ride with an unbalanced wheel.
18:58It makes me crazy.
19:00We're going to check the wheel bearings.
19:01Check charging system.
19:02We'll do that now when I fire it up.
19:04If I can fire it up and keep it running,
19:06I'll get the multimeter
19:07and stick it on the terminals.
19:08And then we'll see voltages while it's running.
19:11And hopefully it's 13 or ish.
19:13Definitely oil change, some filter.
19:16Is the clutch okay?
19:17Don't really know.
19:17I'm not doing anything to the fork in this round.
19:20Maybe in the future is what they're so pitted.
19:22I'm not even going to put oil in them
19:23because if I put oil in,
19:24it's just come out
19:25and it's going to lubricate the front brake.
19:26And we don't want that.
19:27Disconnect our battery tender and get going.
19:31Watch out.
19:31Oh yeah.
19:42Oh yeah.
19:43Slides are moving.
19:46That's shocking.
19:48I had to turn the idle way up though.
19:50And that spitting back indicates
19:53we may have a kind of cloggy idle circuit.
19:56See which one's doing that.
19:59Left cylinder.
20:02That could be the pre-mix.
20:05It's making smoke rings.
20:06Smoking out of the left cylinder more.
20:08Let's get the multimeter and check the voltage.
20:10Now I have a, this is a pretty nice.
20:11It's a Fluke.
20:12It's a bit craftsman, but it's made by Fluke.
20:14Auto ranging, pretty high zoot.
20:16But just to show you,
20:17you could do it with something that's like six bucks
20:19from the hardware store.
20:20And also analog can be nice.
20:21Having the needle when you don't want to know
20:23to the seventh decimal, how many volts it's making.
20:26You just want to know, is it like 12 or is it 13?
20:29Go to the 50 volt range and see what we got.
20:32Okay, it's reading 12 and a half.
20:36Rev it a little bit.
20:38Yeah, steady.
20:41Oh, cool.
20:42I'm going to take this off the fender
20:44before vibration ruins my cheap meter.
20:48All right, this is really good news.
20:49It's charging.
20:50And when you rev it up slow,
20:51the voltage went up, it would swing back.
20:53Meaning the voltage is rising
20:55because the alternator is spinning faster.
20:57And then the regulator would come in and say,
20:59no, we don't need 15 volts.
21:01And it would take it back to 13.5 or something.
21:04So we're in good shape.
21:04It's charging.
21:05Let's get this trash out of the engine.
21:07I've never changed the oil on an XS650.
21:11This is a manual from all models, 1964 through 72.
21:16And I have another one, XS1B.
21:19This is an XS2.
21:20XS1B was a 1971.
21:22The main difference being electric start.
21:25This has electric start.
21:26This one did not, but it should be accurate for oil changes.
21:29Wow, it's detailed.
21:30We need to rebuild the engine.
21:31We can do it.
21:32Oh, look, float height.
21:34Everything in this manual is clean.
21:36This doesn't look like reality.
21:38It takes three liters total.
21:39It's on the side.
21:40It actually says 2,500 CCs.
21:43So we'll drain this out, let it drain.
21:44We also have to take the sump off.
21:46It was really nice of Bradley to remind me to lift this up.
21:49Otherwise I'd be laying on the ground.
21:51But yeah, if you have a lift, it's super useful.
21:53If you don't, it's cool.
21:54I've spent years working on concrete and I'm the worst for it.
21:58There we go.
22:00Oh, geez.
22:00Oh, geez.
22:01It's really coming out.
22:02What a mess.
22:03All right.
22:03Learning lessons.
22:05It's just black.
22:06It didn't have a lot of bits in it.
22:08Well, look at that.
22:09Look at the surface of the black moon.
22:11It's at the bottom.
22:12It's fine.
22:13As far as oil changes go, you'd think I'd done this before, but maybe I haven't.
22:16Okay, we're going to get our fresh clean tray.
22:19What are the odds that this is too small?
22:21I think the bulk of it came out the trans.
22:24So the transmission, it's a unit construction.
22:26Meaning that the engine and the transmission share oil and there's a gear primary.
22:30Not a chain.
22:31There we go.
22:31That was a lot better.
22:34So this was the rear drain plug over the trans.
22:37Oh my goodness.
22:38Look at that.
22:39Oh boy.
22:39I'm not even sure what that is.
22:41It doesn't feel like metal.
22:42It just feels like gunge.
22:43Older oils tended to sludge more.
22:45They had more wax in them.
22:46They would get kind of almost like waxy when they got old.
22:48We got to get this sump plate off because with that disgusting bit in there.
22:52What are we looking at?
22:53I wonder how many hours of my life I've spent just unscrewing things.
23:02I have no idea what is under here other than I know it's a that.
23:06Oh, okay.
23:07Has a gasket.
23:09Has sludge.
23:10Well, hopefully that kept all the sludge because this is gross.
23:13This is truly disgusting.
23:14That's the sump filter.
23:15I got a new one.
23:16Then you can see all this other gunge here.
23:18Again, just debris.
23:20Not metal.
23:21Nobody said it would be clean.
23:23We're not doing this because it's easy, but because we thought it would be easy.
23:28Oh, that's where it does its thing is right there.
23:31So this feeds into the engines.
23:33It goes here through this screen through here.
23:35And I think that's where the oil pickup is.
23:37It probably is cleanable, but I have a new one.
23:39This is going to need some cleaning.
23:41These are really neat.
23:42They're automotive seal tools.
23:44So when you're putting a door seal on a car, they have these different shapes,
23:47but they're also made out of, you know, nylon something.
23:49It's real tough, but it's not scratchy usually.
23:52And you can use them to scrape things.
23:54All right, it's getting better.
23:55It was really filthy.
23:56I have a small amount of solvent on it to kind of get into the nooks and crannies.
24:00I took most of the gunge off.
24:02I like to use liquid green grease cutter or purple grease cutter and water.
24:06This is made of aluminum.
24:07It doesn't have any complicated passages.
24:09So putting it in water, no big deal.
24:11It's just not as hardcore as solvent.
24:14Still getting more bits out of the corners.
24:16I realize this is kind of what they would describe, perhaps,
24:19as a fool's errand in the sense that this will be the cleanest part of that engine.
24:23How could you not do what I'm doing?
24:25Well, I guess if I was actually smart, I would have just ridden it how it was.
24:28I could have grabbed a helmet.
24:29It was running.
24:30Brakes, I bet, would have been fine for a 25 mile an hour zip.
24:33I could have gone through the gears.
24:35But I felt so sad about the oil when we checked it earlier and I looked at it
24:39and it was all black and liquidy and just gross.
24:42And I thought, you know, let's get that stuff out of there.
24:44I don't want to run this thing and cause problems.
24:46Hey, remember what I said earlier about the thing was parked on its side stand
24:49in the sun for decades?
24:52That is the sun side.
24:53See how it's almost pink and the pigment's almost gone.
24:56And then this is that really rich candy red color.
24:58This is our new sump filter, Fuji Element, made in Japan.
25:02And we'll take off this side where the supposed oil filter is.
25:06I know all you guys love, not all you guys,
25:07but many folks like to put stainless hardware kits on aluminum engines.
25:12I'm not a big fan of that because stainless can seize to aluminum.
25:15They're dissimilar.
25:16They can be very hard to get out.
25:17Regular old steel is a little, in my opinion, that's what I would stick with.
25:21Oh, yeah.
25:22You know, you worry.
25:24You really worry when it's, I give it kind of a snap, you know,
25:27like not the kind of, not the bad snap, the good snap.
25:31Oh, stuff's coming out.
25:32Oh, that's the stuff I just sprayed on it.
25:35All right.
25:35See what we got in here.
25:36Oh, that's the gasket I got.
25:38Oh, that's a little filter.
25:41Well, that wasn't too bad.
25:42This is looking pretty good.
25:43It's clean.
25:44Weren't too many sparkly bits in there.
25:46I'm gonna pop it back together.
25:49My torque arm just told me.
25:51Probably could use a torque wrench on this, but I think we're okay.
25:53We're just, you don't want them to be murdered tight.
25:55Just tight enough.
25:56So this is pretty darn clean.
25:57The remaining bits on here are sort of like tattoos.
26:00The gasket should be okay to put on without stuff.
26:04I'm almost tempted to go get a quarter inch drive, but we'll be gentle.
26:09Well, they're a big thing.
26:09We don't want to crush this.
26:11That's pretty good.
26:12So what's clever is this seals off the pickup for the feed to the pump.
26:17And then it's off the bottom.
26:19It allowed the debris to settle here, be drained out.
26:22That gives the engine the best possible chance of survival
26:25instead of just picking up out of the swamp.
26:27So the nice thing about Japanese bikes of the era versus their British counterparts
26:31is their castings were pretty darn good.
26:33They were die casting a lot of stuff.
26:34This appears die cast.
26:35It's got a little Yamaha tuning fork on it.
26:37Very cool.
26:38Quite the reputation as leakers.
26:40These sump plates, but also some guys are like,
26:42no, if you just do it just right, everything's perfect.
26:45So all you excess 650 gurus out there, you can excoriate me in the comments.
26:48That's what they're for.
26:49You can tell me how wrong I am.
26:51If I ride down a dirt road, I don't want to be paving it at the same time.
26:54That's an oil leak joke.
26:55When you ride a lot of British too, you get a lot of oil leak jokes.
26:58You learn them and they stay with you.
27:00All right.
27:00But we're riding Japanese.
27:01So let's see what happens.
27:02Well, I have to get it on the right way so that the oil pickup picks up oil.
27:06I just want to turn the motorcycle upside down.
27:08Opposite corners.
27:09Hold it up.
27:10Let's start all these guys.
27:12We can move that.
27:13Makes sense.
27:13Don't want to drop these bolts into there.
27:17Seven foot pounds.
27:19This is inch pounds.
27:20Seven times 12, 84.
27:22I'm an English major and I did that.
27:24I'm probably overdoing this, but I'm paranoid.
27:27That should be good.
27:28Oil filters back in.
27:29We better put the plugs in.
27:30That's never happened to me before.
27:32Forgetting to put the plug in.
27:34Oh boy.
27:36These are big.
27:39What does it all mean?
27:40Maybe that we should put oil in it?
27:42That's so scary.
27:44But how could it be worse than it was?
27:46This dipstick is amazing.
27:48It weighs like half a pound.
27:49You know, if it was a steak, I would eat it.
27:52Why this is a mangled cork gasket.
27:55Mystery solved.
27:56So we had a cork gasket over here and I'm certain.
28:00I'm so certain.
28:01I'm going to cut it off and use it.
28:03I'm sure there's a YouTube video on this.
28:04Oh, wait a minute.
28:06Again, because it was 500,000 of these things sold.
28:09There's a lot of expertise.
28:10People have been working on them a long time.
28:12There's still, you know, techs out there who are working on them as new bikes.
28:15It doesn't look too bad.
28:16It looks pretty good.
28:18See some transmission gears.
28:19It's not covered in horrors.
28:21Two and a half liters.
28:22We're going to put two in and see where it ends up.
28:24Should have used a funnel.
28:25I didn't spill, but it's inevitable almost.
28:28So it's a 650 parallel twin.
28:29It's actually 653 cc's.
28:32I believe the bore is 75 millimeters and the stroke 74.
28:35So it's what we would call slightly over square.
28:37Parallel twin 360 degree, meaning the pistons move up and down together.
28:42Firing is even 360 degrees apart.
28:46So it makes a very even, very British sound.
28:48It's cool.
28:48I found a graphic in the manual that showed that you don't screw this all the way and
28:52you just put it in there until the threads hit.
28:55And you take it out and you read it and we're, it hasn't run, so it hasn't circulated in
29:00any oil, but I'm less than a liter to go.
29:02So I'll put that in.
29:04No terrible starter noises.
29:08That was cool.
29:08Better give it throttle, huh?
29:25This thing actually sounds pretty good.
29:26That's good.
29:27Rough throttle response.
29:29Headlights not on.
29:33Hey, what do you know?
29:34Headlight switch that before they were mandatory to be on all the time.
29:38So we have headlights.
29:39We even have high beam and low beam.
29:44Let's get the pen and get some stuff off of here.
29:46Some filter.
29:48You're done.
29:48Oil change.
29:49You're done.
29:49Forks are no hoper.
29:50So that's done.
29:51We did check the charging system.
29:53Aired up the tires.
29:54The back had 3.6 pounds.
29:55The front had undetectable.
29:58Did hear a hiss when I put the gauge, you know, tire pressure gauge on,
30:03but it could have been air going in.
30:04It could have been a vacuum, man.
30:06I just want to check the axles because actually it was messing around.
30:09And this axle nut I can turn by hand.
30:12Pretty short handle, but that is tight.
30:14Looks good.
30:14Sounds good too.
30:16Chain's in good shape.
30:21All right.
30:21Coming at you.
30:22I think that's good.
30:23Welcome to day two.
30:24We were very close to riding it last night.
30:27It was extremely late.
30:28It was dark.
30:29We thought, you know, we're not going to show the bike running.
30:31We're not going to get that experience.
30:33We're like, hey, you know, let's rest up.
30:35We parked it, put it on the lift.
30:36It was complete.
30:37You can see the seats off again.
30:39The battery is out.
30:40The fuel lines I selected yesterday were not fuel proof.
30:43Imagine my disappointment to come out and see a little bit of fuel under the bike.
30:47This black rubber hose, it was real pliable.
30:50It's nice hose.
30:51And I thought, oh man, this would be great, but it was leaking, unusable.
30:54So we had to get rid of that.
30:55Basically re-hosed it.
30:56The disappointment is of course, taking the battery out again.
30:59Cause every time I take the battery out, I see mouse poop.
31:01I got to clean that, but it's just a, you got to take that out to get the filters off,
31:05but we're in good shape.
31:06Few more minor details and we'll take it for a ride.
31:08Hey, real quick.
31:09We wanted to thank Deltran for sponsoring the video.
31:11We've been using the products throughout the whole program.
31:13Ramon parked.
31:14We've been using the battery tender junior 800 milliamp charger.
31:18It's a trickle charger.
31:19We use it to juice up the brand new battery before we install it.
31:22And we also would put it on between takes.
31:25We cranked this thing so much.
31:26We also use the 12 volt vehicle starter.
31:28It's 1500 amps, which is vastly more amperage than we'd ever need for a 72 XS 650.
31:34Can also use it to start your pickup truck.
31:36It's small, compact, has a really nice carry case.
31:38Circuit protected.
31:39It's got USB, USB-C and an output for laptops and a very bright flashlight case.
31:45You know, you need that, which we might, we actually might need that.
31:49There's a link in the description.
31:50You can go check them out.
31:51It supports our work here.
31:52And we thank you for the support Deltran.
31:54And thank you for watching.
31:55We'll get back to the video.
31:56Let's get this thing off the lift and take her out and go for a ride.
31:59First time in many, many, many, many years.
32:02It's been a pretty good process and journey.
32:06Can't believe we dodged the carburation bullet.
32:10You know, solving things with solvent.
32:12Maybe that's why they call it that.
32:13I'm gonna get this thing out of the yard.
32:16I'll meet you on the road.
32:17Oh, big turd.
32:18All right, here we go.
32:19Moment of truth.
32:20I'm gonna start her on a Kickstarter, we think.
32:49I heard the cocks.
32:52All right, we just finished the ride.
32:53It was amazing.
32:54You know, after a very long time dormant.
32:56It ran continuously.
32:57I've been riding about 45 minutes.
32:59Never stalled.
32:59Turn off with the keys.
33:00It starts on the Kickstarter.
33:02Idle's pretty good.
33:03Stop's okay.
33:05I could see why they were popular because it sounds really nice.
33:08And especially on the meandering back roads that I've been riding on.
33:11Really fun, really nice size.
33:13You know, this is a nice size of motorcycle, even for a gorilla like me.
33:16It just feels like a good place to sit.
33:18And it sounds good.
33:19You know, five speeds.
33:20You get up into fifth.
33:20Very cool.
33:21Just a really fun bike to ride.
33:23I'm so glad it's out living again.
33:25And we can do more stuff to it to improve it.
33:28So I'm really looking forward to that.
33:30I think the takeaway from the project is the worst thing you can do to a motorcycle is let it sit.
33:34I can't blame myself, can I?
33:36It was my fault.
33:37I'm sorry.
33:37It was my fault.
33:38Luckily, in our case, it didn't take too much to bring it back.
33:40There's more work to be done.
33:42I think we were thoughtful with the oil change and cleaning the underside of the bike.
33:45And just getting as much detail as we could to get it to this state.
33:48I just love putting heat back into something that's been sitting.
33:52I'd love to do more of it, especially with you guys.
33:54Hey, hopefully this inspires you to get your own bike out of storage.
33:57Or go find something that's been sitting and revive it and get it on the road.
34:01We're going to do a few more things to this bike and get it ready for a long ride.
34:06See you next time.
34:10I mean, Yamaha.
34:12XS650 lives.
34:15I gotta go.
34:16I'm going to the gas station.
34:19I'm going to get a steak.
