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Road to a Repeat with our hockey insider David Dwork live from Boston! We get Dwork's initial thoughts on the USA vs Canada match up. The guys comment on the worldwide success and attention this 4 Nations Face Off has achieved. David breaks down the chaos surrounding defenseman Quinn Hughes. How will this tournament affect the future of Hockey and growth of the Sport?
00:00Let us go out to the Toyota of Hollywood guest line and talk to our guy there, the man from
00:06the hockey news and as I have dubbed him, the hockey Hornet.
00:10Do people call him that?
00:11I don't think so.
00:12I think they do.
00:13I think they do.
00:14We'll find out.
00:15Shop over 2,000 Toyotas on sale at one location, Toyota of Hollywood on 441 between Hollywood
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00:27He was a goalie.
00:28Buzz around, dude.
00:29He's in between the pipes.
00:30That's what he does.
00:31It's also our road to repeat, which is brought to us by our friends over at Celsius.
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00:53This is.
00:55Oh, OK.
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01:00Let's talk to our favorite hockey insider.
01:02Of course, David Dwork from the Hockey News and of course, from Metalwork Media's The
01:06Hockey Show.
01:07Hello, David.
01:08Hello, boys.
01:09How's it going down in not so freezing South Florida?
01:13It's a little chilly this morning.
01:14What are you talking about?
01:15I had to put on a sweater.
01:16Why is it cold in Boston?
01:17Yeah, I think it's like 21 right now as I walked over to the arena this morning.
01:26Man up, ladybug.
01:28Messi just played in three degrees.
01:29That's true.
01:30If Messi can do it, you can do it.
01:32All right.
01:33All right.
01:34Enough of that.
01:35How much how much does Canada hate Matthew Kachuk right now?
01:39Like, what is what's the highest measurable point of that barometer?
01:45I don't know.
01:46The Kachuk brothers are public enemy number one right now, if you're a Canadian.
01:49And if you're an American, you love to hear it because they were so impactful in the game
01:54last weekend against Canada.
01:55I'm looking at them on the ice.
01:56So I see Brady on the ice right now.
01:58I'm not sure if Matthew has come out yet, but there is so much just excitement around
02:03this town in this building with the players, with the media.
02:06I didn't know what to expect coming into this four nations thing.
02:09But holy cow, has it exceeded expectations.
02:11And tonight is just going to be amazing.
02:13This has been probably the biggest surprise of anything that any sport has done during
02:25their all star break or whatever, because I know baseball tried to do with baseball,
02:29have the tournament before the season, the World Baseball Classic, a little bit.
02:37I can't imagine anything that any sport has put together that's had this type of reaction
02:48When you combine hockey, international best on best, which is what you get in the Olympics,
02:52which is why the Olympics are generally so fun.
02:55But then when you add NHL rules where they can actually fight and beat each other up
02:58and not worry about getting tossed out for a game or anything like that, it's given us
03:02what we've seen here, where every emotion is peaking for these guys and they can just
03:08go ahead and ride it out.
03:09I mean, three fights in nine seconds in a grudge match, do or die, not do or die, but
03:13in a grudge match type game with USA and Canada, we all were just drooling at our TV screens.
03:18It sounded like two thirds of America switched off the NBA gun contest and said, well, this
03:24I'm going to go watch something that's actually fun and exciting.
03:27I'm curious to see Leroy, what happens future wise, just because it's been such a success.
03:33But dude, this has been amazing.
03:34I don't know what to expect tonight, but I just hope that in some way that the Boston
03:38fans bring it the way that the Montreal fans did, because everything that I was told and
03:42everything that we saw about that atmosphere at the Bell Center last weekend was something
03:46that I like.
03:47If I realized ahead of time, I would have found a way to be there.
03:49That was incredible.
03:51So I just hope that this one tonight can somehow match that because holy cow, as a sports fan,
03:56forget media, forget player, just as a sports fan, seeing something like that, like you
04:01can't, you can't anticipate something like, like in a crowd and atmosphere like that.
04:06That's what I want.
04:07You got to switch it.
04:09So the next time they do the four nations, the final has to be in Canada.
04:14For sure.
04:15No, you have to.
04:17That's the only fair way to do it.
04:19Do you feel like, uh, do you feel like there's a level of, of mental edge USA has, has right
04:24now on Canada?
04:25Cause we had good Chuck kind of poking fun of it yesterday.
04:28Maybe they don't like each other very much, or we see it even in a Stanley cup final,
04:32how quick momentum can swing.
04:34So do you feel like it's a clean slate tonight or do you think the U S has a little bit of
04:38a something on them on the job?
04:40I think you wiped the slate clean.
04:42I think there's too many superstars out there that have Stanley cup experience that have
04:47been around the block.
04:48Uh, I think it's going to be just like you said, like a game seven where everybody, everything
04:53that happened ahead of time is just wiped away.
04:55Uh, I, you know, I think it's been cool to see how everything's played out, did the way
04:59that the schedule was with the two days off before the final, I wasn't sure what to expect
05:03if it was just going to be kind of like a whole home or killing time, but it's been
05:07I mean, between the injuries and the illnesses with the Chuck brothers, with the whole, uh,
05:12Brady twin situation or, yeah, Brady Quinn.
05:17Am I a hurt, hurt Dolphins fan or what?
05:21Holy cow.
05:22Um, but just everything that's kind of played out here over the last few days, it's been
05:26so much fun.
05:27It's kind of weird that we have to go back to NHL hockey in a couple of days.
05:30Can you explain that Quinn Hughes thing?
05:32Like what the whole, so what was the deal?
05:34Is he coming?
05:35Is he not coming?
05:36Like what was the holdup and the whole miscommunication there, I guess?
05:40Well, the, the rules which were created just for this tournament said that for you to go
05:44above your initial roster, you have to have guys that are hurt, that like came out were
05:48injured or sick or whatever, and that they had to be replaced because you didn't have
05:52somebody else.
05:53So they couldn't bring in, uh, they couldn't, didn't Brady, uh, they couldn't bring in Hughes.
05:57My God, I can't think of names right now, uh, because they still had their sixth defenseman
06:01on the roster.
06:02So that was kind of the running joke over the last 48 hours.
06:04Like, okay, who's going to come in there and, you know, I fall sick at the last minute or
06:08something that happened to get him on the ice, but, uh, he's not on the ice right now.
06:11And it looks like the U S is going to stick with what we saw from the last game, aside
06:15from the, both of the chucks being out there, uh, which like the only guy that's going to
06:19be missing for the U S is, uh, man, I'm, I'm totally blanking on names today.
06:23The Boston defenseman, Charlie McAvoy.
06:26Uh, so everybody's at full strength.
06:28I hope Sam Bennett's out there.
06:29Cause he's been such a beast for Canada, but he did get the healthy scratch in game one.
06:33Uh, I don't know, man, Panther time.
06:35I think, uh, I like where Tobin was going.
06:37What do you say?
06:38Plus, plus 1100 for both the trucks, dude, it was plus 1400.
06:41Uh, hard rock is going right now for both kachuks to score.
06:44I was looking at the Rhino, you know, odds on tonight, cause he's like plus 500 to record
06:49two points.
06:50He's plus three 50 to just score a goal.
06:53But like with all this star power, like, is he going to be in that position you think
06:58I, I would, I, the Reinhardt points at plus 500 sounds pretty appealing to me just because
07:03he's playing with Sidney Crosby and Nathan McKinnon.
07:06So it's kind of hard not to think they're going to rack up some points there.
07:09Even, I mean, look, the U S has given up four goals through three games at this point.
07:13So it's not like Canada is going to go out there and light up the world per se, but,
07:16uh, the U S has shown to be a little leaky on their zone entries and that's where Canada
07:19excelled in their last game.
07:21So we could see something fun, but for that number with those guys on the ice together,
07:26it's kind of hard to pass up.
07:28Do you, uh, you know, cause Chuck was talking about this yesterday, cause it's, it's interesting.
07:32We've all, we, we had our own little mini growth over these last few years with the
07:36Panthers and we've seen it grow in a non-traditional market, even though it's been here forever.
07:41It's now in its golden age almost, but, uh, he was talking about what this could mean
07:45for the game, uh, as far as nationally young players watching this, do you feel like that's
07:49going to have a bear fruit for, for the game of hockey, as far as American players are
07:55No, I sure hope so.
07:57It's hard to say just cause it's, you know, it's been what, four, you know, six games
08:00or seven games when it's all over.
08:02So it's a pretty small sample size, but based off of the reaction, that would be an amazing,
08:07amazing accomplishment for this just because, you know, as the guys have said, there haven't
08:11been these international games.
08:12We haven't had that kind of excitement.
08:13Uh, USA hockey has always been around, but to get the young players excited and I mean,
08:18case in point, when I was watching that USA Canada game at home, uh, last Saturday with
08:23my eight year old, I had, I had frozen on the big TV for the kids and I had hockey on
08:27the little TV for dad.
08:29And within five seconds of the game starting, literally my eight year old was totally ditching
08:34frozen and staring up the little TV with me to the point where he stayed up with me until
08:3810 o'clock at night, just watching hockey, not playing basketball, not playing with
08:41this toy.
08:42So I, maybe that's an indicator of the excitement that's going to be going on with kids around
08:47just by watching what happened.
08:48And I sure hope so, because I mean, right now you see how good the Americans are.
08:52Imagine an influx of talent for another generation.
08:54Well, word to the wise, I mean, I know your, your kid does is already born in hockey and
08:58it's taken to been a plenty of Panthers games.
09:01If he asked for a stuff, Stanley, Stanley C Panther, when you go to the game, don't
09:05wait until the end of the game because they're always sold out.
09:08I've made that rookie mistake and I've, I paid for it for a year where they're like,
09:13Oh yeah, I wasn't, I just thought it was, it was practical.
09:17I didn't want him to carry around the Stanley C Panther all game.
09:19I didn't think they were going to sell out.
09:20Well, no other father thought that apparently so all the other fathers said, let me get
09:25it now before they run out.
09:27I'm just trying, I was just trying baby.
09:31I don't know what to tell you.
09:32So like I'm, I like live hockey, but I'm not as big of a television hockey guy because
09:41live is TV doesn't do hockey justice.
09:46But I have been, I've watched all of these games and I can't even explain why.
09:52Is it just the international aspect of it?
09:56The fact that you have like basically your whole Florida Panthers, Stanley cup winning
10:03team is splattered all over this thing.
10:07No, it's the weight, right?
10:09It's just like the Stanley cup.
10:10Like, you know, that every one of these games has so much meaning that these guys, you know,
10:15nobody's taken off a shift, but it's the importance of it.
10:17And that's why we love the Stanley cup playoffs.
10:20Why it's kind of universally known that that's the best playoff in all sports, whether or
10:23not you like hockey, I will watch the Stanley cup playoffs.
10:26And we're getting that almost to the nth degree, because, you know, as I said before,
10:29these guys can take it to another level.
10:31And there's just something about representing your country.
10:33I don't know.
10:34It's almost indefinable in that it's like an emotion, but something happens when you
10:38put on the crest of your country, whether you're an American, Canadian, whatever you
10:41might be.
10:42And it brings the best out of you.
10:44And that's what we're seeing right now.
10:46And if you're a sports fan, you recognize that and you're drawn to it.
10:49I think that's what kind of brought us all into this.
10:51Is there somebody you think is like an X factor tonight on either side?
10:54Like, is there a guy who's either been quiet or can explore?
10:57Like, who is there?
10:58Is there somebody in particular on either side that you think if that guy's going, it's
11:02going to be a tough night for the opponent?
11:05I mean, you can draw any number of names out of a hat, really.
11:08I mean, you've got a game with Conor McDavid, Sidney Crosby, Nathan McKinnon, you know,
11:12the best hockey players in the world right now.
11:14So, I mean, if any of them get hot, it could really turn the tide.
11:18But that's what makes this game so cool is that you've got the best offensive players
11:22and the best defensive players going head to head.
11:24So it's really hard to say.
11:26I want to throw that to like a Conor Hellebuck because, you know, if the goalie steals the
11:29game, there's nothing that really anybody could do.
11:31So I guess that would be my not top out answer.
11:34But I would say the goalies.
11:35But that being said, I'd have a lot more fun tonight if this ends up being like four, three
11:40or five, four.
11:41Oh, yeah.
11:42I mean, you're going to be you're going to be like sick to your stomach.
11:44It's going to be like having you can't like, oh, my goodness.
11:48It would like I don't know what's more nerve wracking watching a one nothing hockey game
11:54or watching the six five hockey game because it's like you're on the edge of your seat
11:59because anything can happen at any moment.
12:03That's what makes it so great.
12:04All right, buddy.
12:05We appreciate it.
12:06Enjoy it.
12:06Boots on the ground.
12:08And thank you for giving us some time on this busy morning for you.
12:12Anytime, fellas.
12:13Enjoy the game tonight.
12:14All right.
12:14You go, David Dwork.
12:15He is live from the ice up there in Boston.
