• 2 months ago
Road to Repeat! The Florida Panthers are back on the ice tonight against the Philadelphia Flyers. The Cats lost to the Bruins in overtime 4-3 after tying it with 1.8 seconds left in regulation.
00:00Oh, man. Let's get to the road
00:12Oh, man. Let's get to the road
00:12Oh, man. Let's get to the road to repeat which is brought to
00:13to repeat which is brought to
00:13to repeat which is brought to us by our friends over at
00:19us by our friends over at
00:19us by our friends over at Celsius. Don't sit this one
00:23Celsius. Don't sit this one
00:23Celsius. Don't sit this one out when it's game time. Make
00:25out when it's game time. Make
00:25out when it's game time. Make Celsius a party to play and get
00:26Celsius a party to play and get
00:26Celsius a party to play and get that energy up. Game day is
00:27that energy up. Game day is
00:27that energy up. Game day is fueled by Celsius essential
00:28fueled by Celsius essential
00:29energy drink. Oh, you're Florida
00:32energy drink. Oh, you're Florida
00:32energy drink. Oh, you're Florida Panthers. Oh, yeah. I
00:36Panthers. Oh, yeah. I
00:36Panthers. Oh, yeah. I can't go wrong with a cosmic vibe or
00:39can't go wrong with a cosmic vibe or
00:39can't go wrong with a cosmic vibe or galaxy. You cannot. You
00:42galaxy. You cannot. You
00:42galaxy. You cannot. You cannot. You cannot. The Panthers lose
00:44cannot. You cannot. You cannot. The Panthers lose
00:44cannot. You cannot. The Panthers lose on Saturday afternoon in
00:46on Saturday afternoon in
00:46on Saturday afternoon in overtime. Crazy **** game. The
00:50overtime. Crazy **** game. The
00:50overtime. Crazy **** game. The Panthers, they pull Bob 2
00:52Panthers, they pull Bob 2
00:52Panthers, they pull Bob 2 minutes left down a goal and who
00:56is able to chip it in with one
00:59is able to chip it in with one
00:59is able to chip it in with one point eight left. Loads it over
01:02point eight left. Loads it over
01:02point eight left. Loads it over Swayman in the craziest goal
01:03Swayman in the craziest goal
01:04Swayman in the craziest goal you see because let me tell you
01:04you see because let me tell you
01:04you see because let me tell you something. We got Swayman this
01:06something. We got Swayman this
01:06something. We got Swayman this past this past first Saturday.
01:07past this past first Saturday.
01:08past this past first Saturday. That dude was stopping
01:09That dude was stopping
01:09That dude was stopping everything. So, it took
01:11everything. So, it took
01:11everything. So, it took basically a moon puck to get
01:13basically a moon puck to get
01:13basically a moon puck to get to his shoulder to tie things
01:15to his shoulder to tie things
01:15to his shoulder to tie things with just under two left, but
01:18with just under two left, but
01:18with just under two left, but he did it. He won his fifteenth
01:21he did it. He won his fifteenth
01:21he did it. He won his fifteenth base off the game. He does
01:22base off the game. He does
01:22base off the game. He does right to Chuck. He's on the
01:24right to Chuck. He's on the
01:24right to Chuck. He's on the near side to Chuck's bottom of the
01:25near side to Chuck's bottom of
01:26near side to Chuck's bottom of the circle. He's looking for a
01:27the circle. He's looking for a
01:27the circle. He's looking for a lane. Far side and shot and
01:29lane. Far side and shot and
01:29the rebound. They score. They
01:31the rebound. They score. They
01:31the rebound. They score. They tie the game out in front of
01:33tie the game out in front of
01:33tie the game out in front of what Sam Brian, the Panthers
01:35what Sam Brian, the Panthers
01:35what Sam Brian, the Panthers have tied the game at three.
01:37have tied the game at three.
01:37have tied the game at three. Oh, wow. A lot of action there.
01:39Oh, wow. A lot of action there.
01:39Oh, wow. A lot of action there. It took three attempts. Dude, it
01:41It took three attempts. Dude, it
01:41It took three attempts. Dude, it was crazy and they almost like
01:43was crazy and they almost like
01:44was crazy and they almost like I think it was positive and
01:46I think it was positive and
01:46I think it was positive and like nearly got the empty netter.
01:48So, I get one more crack at it
01:50So, I get one more crack at it
01:50So, I get one more crack at it and it goes to OT on the floor
01:52and it goes to OT on the floor
01:52and it goes to OT on the floor internet. Sam Bennett goes old
01:54internet. Sam Bennett goes old
01:54internet. Sam Bennett goes old chicken wing high stick. I'm
01:56chicken wing high stick. I'm
01:56chicken wing high stick. I'm like, oh. So, three, a little
01:58like, oh. So, three, a little
01:58like, oh. So, three, a little four on three actually, Roy.
02:00four on three actually, Roy.
02:00four on three actually, Roy. The ice looks empty, doesn't it?
02:02The ice looks empty, doesn't it?
02:02The ice looks empty, doesn't it? And the Panthers are going to
02:04And the Panthers are going to
02:04Rino had his stick out to flex off of Rino's stick over
02:06Rino had his stick out to flex off of Rino's stick over
02:06Rino had his stick out to flex off of Rino's stick over Bobrovsky for the loss.
02:08Bobrovsky for the loss.
02:08Bobrovsky for the loss. Reinhardt under some pressure. He's
02:10Reinhardt under some pressure. He's
02:10Reinhardt under some pressure. He's got control of the puck.
02:12got control of the puck.
02:12got control of the puck. Looks to bring it back to the
02:14Looks to bring it back to the
02:14Looks to bring it back to the floor.
02:16floor. So, the Panthers are going to try to
02:18So, the Panthers are going to try to
02:18So, the Panthers are going to try to get the ball back to
02:20get the ball back to the
02:21shoots it. Rino had his stick out.
02:25shoots it. Rino had his stick out.
02:25shoots it. Rino had his stick out. Deflects off of Rino's
02:27Deflects off of Rino's
02:27Deflects off of Rino's stick over Bobrovsky for the loss.
02:30stick over Bobrovsky for the loss.
02:30stick over Bobrovsky for the loss. Reinhardt under some
02:32Reinhardt under some
02:32Reinhardt under some pressure. He's got control of the puck.
02:34pressure. He's got control of the puck.
02:34pressure. He's got control of the puck. Looks to bring it up
02:35Looks to bring it up
02:35Looks to bring it up the floor. It's in the traffic now.
02:37the floor. It's in the traffic now.
02:37the floor. It's in the traffic now. Recovers kept in by Laura.
02:39Recovers kept in by Laura.
02:50That one took a wild deflection
02:52That one took a wild deflection
02:52That one took a wild deflection out front in the Bruins. You've
02:54out front in the Bruins. You've
02:54out front in the Bruins. You've won it in overtime by a four
02:56won it in overtime by a four
02:56won it in overtime by a four three final score. Knuckle puck
02:58three final score. Knuckle puck
02:58three final score. Knuckle puck right over Bob like he's Bob
03:00right over Bob like he's Bob
03:01right over Bob like he's Bob didn't see it. He first of all
03:02didn't see it. He first of all
03:02didn't see it. He first of all was shielded. The second ball
03:03was shielded. The second ball
03:03was shielded. The second ball came from friendly fire. He's
03:05came from friendly fire. He's
03:06What? What's that? It's the
03:08What? What's that? It's the
03:08What? What's that? It's the Coley's just like completely
03:09Coley's just like completely
03:09Coley's just like completely clueless. They're like, wait,
03:11clueless. They're like, wait,
03:11clueless. They're like, wait, what just happened? What
03:13what just happened? What
03:13what just happened? What happened? Anyway, good for you
03:15happened. Anyway, good for you
03:15happened. Anyway, good for you Boston. You finally beat the
03:17Boston. You finally beat the
03:17Boston. You finally beat the Panthers but we still got a
03:19Panthers but we still got a
03:19Panthers but we still got a point that we had no business
03:20point that we had no business
03:20point that we had no business getting. I mean, you know,
03:22getting. I mean, you know,
03:22getting. I mean, you know, getting. I mean, you know,
03:24getting. I mean, you know,
03:24getting. I mean, you know, like a hundred shots on him and
03:26like a hundred shots on him and
03:26like a hundred shots on him and you know, sometimes he's
03:28you know, sometimes he's
03:28you know, sometimes he's swimming. He did. He swam with
03:29swimming. He did. He swam with
03:29swimming. He did. He swam with us. He swam with us. You know,
03:30us. He swam with us. He swam with us. You know, good for
03:31us. He swam with us. He swam with us. You know, good for
03:32us. He swam with us. He swam with us. He swam with us. You
03:32know, good for
03:32us. He swam with us. He swam with us. He swam with us. He
03:33swam with us. He swam with us. He swam with us. He swam with
03:34us. He swam with us. He swam with us. He swam with us. He
03:35swam with us. He swam with us. He swam with us. He swam with
03:36us. He swam with us. He swam with us. He swam with us. He
03:37swam with us. He swam with us. He swam with us. He swam with
03:38us. He swam with us. He swam with us. He swam with us. He
03:39swam with us. He swam with us. He swam with us. He swam with
03:40us. He swam with us. He swam with us. He swam with us. He
03:42swam with us. He swam with us. He swam with us. He swam with us.
03:43He swam with us. He swam with us. He swam with us. He swam with
03:44us. He swam with us. He swam with us. He swam with us. He swam
03:45with us. He swam with us. He swam with us. He swam with us. He
03:46swam with us. He swam with us. He swam with us. He swam with us.
03:47He swam with us. He swam with us. He swam with us. He swam with
03:48us. He swam with us. He swam with us. He swam with us. He swam
03:49with us. He swam with us. He swam with us. He swam with us. He
03:50swam with us. He swam with us. He swam with us. He swam with us.
03:51He swam with us. He swam with us. He swam with us. He swam with us.
03:52He swam with us. He swam with us. He swam with us. He swam with us.
03:53He swam with us. He swam with us. He swam with us. He swam with us.
03:54He swam with us. He swam with us. He swam with us. He swam with us.
03:55He swam with us. He swam with us. He swam with us. He swam with us.
03:56He swam with us. He swam with us. He swam with us. He swam with us.
03:57He swam with us. He swam with us. He swam with us. He swam with us.
03:58He swam with us. He swam with us. He swam with us. He swam with us.
03:59He swam with us. He swam with us. He swam with us. He swam with us.
04:10He swam with us. He swam with us. He swam with us. He swam with us.
04:11He swam with us. He swam with us. He swam with us. He swam with us.
04:12He swam with us. He swam with us. He swam with us.
04:13He swam with us. He swam with us. He swam with us.
04:14He swam with us. He swam with us. He swam with us.
04:15He swam with us. He swam with us. He swam with us.
04:16He swam with us. He swam with us. He swam with us.
04:17He swam with us. He swam with us. He swam with us.
04:18He swam with us. He swam with us. He swam with us.
04:20He swam with us. He swam with us. He swam with us.
04:21He swam with us. He swam with us.
04:22He swam with us. He swam with us.
04:23He swam with us. He swam with us.
04:24He swam with us. He swam with us.
04:25He swam with us. He swam with us.
04:26He swam with us. He swam with us.
04:27He swam with us. He swam with us.
04:28He swam with us. He swam with us.
04:29He swam with us. He swam with us.
04:30He swam with us. He swam with us.
04:31He swam with us. He swam with us.
04:32He swam with us. He swam with us.
04:33He swam with us. He swam with us.
04:34He swam with us. He swam with us.
04:35He is the only person, and that is the only sport,
04:39where you can give a post-game interview like that,
04:43and go, yeah, man, that was just hockey.
04:47That's just, as long as you keep your energy up.
04:49Like, it's the only sport you can do that in.
04:54It was hockey, dude.
04:55It was. It was.
04:56It was a straight hockey,
04:57and Dennis is already repealing Bennett's extension.
05:00Don't do that to Benny yet.
05:02I understand, but you know.
05:04I mean, four on three.
05:06It was basically four.
05:07It was almost four on two,
05:09because Reinhardt forgot what team he was on for a second.
05:11He's giving the puck up to the Bruins,
05:13and then deflecting him for pasta.
05:16But how can I get mad at you?
05:17You won us a Stanley Cup.
05:18How can I get mad at you?
05:19Oh, no, you'll find a way.
05:20You are the wishiest, washiest fan ever.
05:23Oh, that's not fair. That's not fair.
05:24Oh, my goodness. Really?
05:25Nope. Nope. That's not true.
05:27I don't sign up for that.
05:31Seven o'clock is your puck drop tonight from Philly.
05:34And, of course, you can hear them.
05:36They went from Edmonton to Philly?
05:38Isn't Edmonton on the west side?
05:42Or is it up north?
05:43Or is it east coast?
05:44Where do you have them in Edmonton, dude?
05:45They haven't been in Edmonton for, like, weeks.
05:46No, where'd they play last night?
05:47They were home.
05:51Against the Bruins.
05:53Why am I thinking they were in Edmonton?
05:56And I know Swayman's the Boston goalie, too.
06:01Edmonton's got that skinner.
06:03His hair.
06:07Back at it tonight.
06:08Cats will try and bounce back.
