• last month
00:00head coaches john cooper
00:01uh... always has a lot to say first let's get his thoughts on facing the
00:06united states again
00:07how how much john though is uh... getting another crack at the u.s. been a
00:12motivating factor
00:13for your players after saturday night how about you i can't i can sit here and
00:16say that is the case
00:19but even if
00:20the u.s. wasn't in the final
00:22we wouldn't be like our we don't want to be and we'd we we want in this and this
00:26is we came here for this purpose
00:28and now it's it's when one more game
00:31it just happens to be against the team to be a s
00:33after the fireworks that went off on uh... saturday night so
00:37uh... i think
00:40should be a pretty good made for t.v. event
00:46and uh...
00:47look up obviously whenever anybody wants to say something nice about sydney
00:53uh... i'm gonna let you hear that as well i hear is uh... a nice long bad
00:58drive from john cooper about how great and amazing
01:01said the kid is and how he keeps doing it uh... at his age
01:05you see somebody from from afar
01:07and then
01:09you don't want to be disappointed when you meet them in person it's like
01:12you know you
01:13to me you're
01:14you want to be here and you want them to be your hero
01:18to be a honestly like a lot of times it doesn't happen
01:21and how many times have you said oh man i wish
01:24you know you look at them in a certain light
01:27with the late the look at sydney crosby is still the same late when you meet him
01:32uh... he's
01:35uh... true inspiration to all the young guys in our locker room and
01:39and uh...
01:41and even older guys he is uh...
01:45uh... you know in our
01:46in our country walks on water and he is as humble as they come and and
01:52you can see why
01:54he arguably is one of the most respected
01:56people in this game
01:59obviously i know him and i've interviewed him a million times and i
02:03think that a lot of it comes from
02:05obviously uh... his parents and his his
02:09youth in in you know nova scotia whatever
02:14i think that uh...
02:16coal harbor where he grew up right and so uh... i think a lot of the pro side
02:20of it came from mario lemieux
02:22you have to understand when they drafted him he lived with lemieux
02:27and his family
02:30you know his wife and kids and that's where he started his career the first
02:34couple years he lived with mario and i think mario taught him
02:38how to be uh... a pro and how to act
02:41and i think he already came from that kind of rearing
02:45and i think it only got
02:47more compounded and i think that he
02:49uh... took it to another level
02:52as a pro the longer he played
02:54the more important he got now the one thing that stands out to me about him
02:57and i think you'll see this
02:59uh... is true is that if you look at him now at thirty seven whatever
03:05no one touches him
03:07he's god
03:08in the nhl he has become wayne gretzky no one ever hit gretzky in his last ten
03:13years in the league
03:15you weren't allowed to hit him
03:17you just weren't he was the
03:19he was the the entire sport
03:21and so he skated around freely doing whatever he wanted
03:25at the beginning of crosby's career people wanted to kill him
03:28because they were like this guy who does he think he is and then they gave him
03:31concussions and everything else
03:34uh... and then once he became brilliant and started winning the stanley cups
03:38one two three
03:40olympic gold
03:41world cup
03:42then it was over they never touched him again you know that's true mike no one
03:46ever hits him
03:47and i frankly
03:48don't think they should
03:50i think the guy should be able to finish
03:52uh... his career
03:53like you know ovechkin is way more physical than
03:56crosby is
03:57ovechkin's a hitter
03:59uh... he's a four checker he's a sniper
04:02and i think that
04:03sid for my money is more of a playmaker
04:06uh... and a great shot he's got a great shot that goes in
04:11but he's more of a playmaker in my opinion and he should just be left to his
04:15own devices
04:16so frankly and i know this sounds soft but let him end his career
04:20uh... healthy and brilliant and let him be who he is he's the greatest
04:23player of the last
04:25twenty years with with ovechkin without a doubt and i think that that's who he
04:29is and
04:30people love him he is that cool like i know him
04:33and he is that cool he is what you see
04:36there's no phony bones in him he's
04:39exactly the way he comes across
04:41and he handles all the responsibilities
04:44of being the biggest star in the league
04:46uh... with a smile on his face you think he wants to meet all these people and
04:49shake all these hands and go to these families houses and give them season
04:52tickets and take pictures with babies
04:54people get sick and tired of that stuff
04:56he does it without ever
04:59complaining or anything ever once he's just
05:01as pure as gold he really is
