• last month
00:00There's no one I thought more of than Mike Lang.
00:04We lost a legend, Scotty, without question.
00:07I know what he meant to you.
00:08I mean, I know the connection, the Pittsburgh connection.
00:10I told you a story off air.
00:12You know, the Penguins came through Los Angeles.
00:13I'm based in Los Angeles once a year, and he was such a legend way back in the day when
00:17I started this.
00:18The first two years, I was, I couldn't even go up to the guy and say hello.
00:22I'm like, that's Mike Lang, you know?
00:24And finally the third year, I went up and said hello, and I know he's a gracious guy,
00:28but you know, on the cusp of what we have, hopefully he's one of the biggest hockey games
00:32in a very long time, the passing of Mike, it just, it makes tonight bittersweet, to
00:35be honest with you.
00:36Yeah, I think they'll certainly honor him at the game tonight, and they'll have a moment
00:41of silence for him for sure, and they'll show him on the Jumbotron.
00:46I think that, you know, what's weird about him was that, you know, I've always tried
00:53to be like him.
00:54He was the most humble guy you ever met in your life.
00:58Like, I'm not saying I'm humble, but I've always believed that I never mattered.
01:03I've always believed that I was just good at what I do, and that the show was cool.
01:07I was pretty big in my career.
01:09I've been syndicated nationally for over 35 years.
01:12I've always been blessed and lucky to be at such a high level in the business.
01:16I really have, and I never thought I mattered.
01:19I just thought I was a cool guy that did a cool show, and people dug it, and it crossed
01:24And when you met Mike, and I mean, anyone that met him, he was so nice and so humble.
01:32He didn't care if you were homeless or rich.
01:35He didn't care what color you were.
01:37He didn't care if you were a baby.
01:39He was nice to everybody.
01:41He never acted like he was this living legend, which is exactly what he was.
01:47No question.
01:48And Scotty, that's why I cover this game, because the people like Mike Lank, he enriched
01:54He was generous with his time.
01:55If you were just starting out or so established like he was, it didn't matter.
01:59He was happy to talk to you, talk hockey, so it's a big loss.
02:02It really, really is.
02:04And I'm just lucky that I got to know him a little bit, and I know the relationship
02:07you had with him.
02:08I'm sure you're crushed right now, and hopefully we have a great game in his memory tonight.
02:13You know, I also contributed to both of our alcoholism.
02:18I have never drank more booze than I have with him than with anyone, ever.
02:24I mean, that guy, he was so much fun to go drinking with.
02:28You have no idea how funny he was.
02:31He was just like, it was like he was not even real.
02:35He was so real.
02:36He was so-
02:37Half the life, Scotty.
02:38A great storyteller.
02:39I mean, he would tell stories.
02:43He would go out after hours drinking, and he would tell me stories that lasted a lifetime
02:49with me.
02:50A lifetime.
02:51When I listened to his play-by-play today, last night, I did it for an hour and a half
02:56last night, and an hour this morning, I listened to all these great games he called.
03:00And I was gushing.
03:01I was literally gushing.
03:02My wife's like, what's wrong with you?
03:04And I'm like, shut up.
03:05You have no idea.
03:06Stay out of this.
