• 2 minutes ago
When it comes to things you shouldn't eat, you rarely hear anyone say "Stay away from vegetables." We've been told to eat our vegetables since we were little kids. It would ruin our days, and it would often be torture when we had to sit down at the dining table and conjure the courage to chew another piece of broccoli. Those days are over, and many of us are eating more vegetables, especially since the plant-based craze has hit our food culture. However, what if we told you that not all vegetables are created equal? Yes, there are actually vegetables that you should put on your "do not eat" list. Here are ones that you should absolutely never eat.
00:00When thinking about eating your vegetables, it helps to know which ones give you the most
00:04bang for your buck.
00:05While you might still have recurring nightmares about being forced to eat broccoli as a kid,
00:10these are the veggies you may want to skip as an adult.
00:13Love em or hate em, onions pop up in everything from burgers to banh mi.
00:18But if your stomach's on the sensitive side, you'll want to proceed with caution.
00:23Oh, it's not good at all.
00:29Onions contain froctin, a carbohydrate well-known for causing bloating and discomfort.
00:36On a nutritional level, you aren't losing too much by slicing onions out of your diet.
00:41They're primarily made of water, fiber, and carbs, so you can get your nutrients by reaching
00:45for spinach or carrots instead.
00:48It's hard to imagine passing on the vegetable that brought us french fries, but according
00:53to scientists at Harvard School of Health, potatoes are high in quickly digested carbs,
00:58which causes your blood sugar to spike, then crash.
01:01Consuming one cup of spuds actually has about the same effect on your blood sugar as a can
01:05of soda.
01:06Those same Harvard scientists also linked potatoes to weight gain and diabetes, pointing
01:16to studies where people who ate more potatoes put on the pounds, while those who ate less
01:20spuds trimmed down.
01:22They also noted that a similar study found frequent potato consumption resulted in a
01:26higher risk of diabetes in women.
01:29Oh, boo!
01:33Opt for potato alternatives such as whole grains like brown rice and quinoa.
01:37But it tastes like a dirty old tree branch.
01:40What the heck is quinoa?
01:44Fresh tomatoes contain a ton of nutrients, including cancer-fighting antioxidants.
01:49But if you're eating the canned variety, they might actually be doing the exact opposite.
01:53That's because some cans are made with a chemical known as BPA.
01:57And that, combined with the high acidity found in tomatoes, can actually be dangerous.
02:05While there are BPA-free canned tomatoes out there, when it comes to nutrition, fresh is
02:11definitely best.
02:12And freshly cooked may even be better.
02:14Mayotte Van Eydert, author of Organic by Choice, says,
02:18Cooking increases the amount of lycopene, which lowers the risk of cancer and heart
02:23When cooked, it becomes more bioavailable, allowing you to digest and absorb more of
02:28the powerful antioxidants.
02:30While they are tasty and filling, eggplants aren't the healthiest vegetable.
02:34The only thing I like better than an eggplant burger is a chocolate-covered eggplant burger!
02:42For starters, eggplants serve up very little protein and get a large portion of their calories
02:47from sugar.
02:48Healthline also reports eggplants are a part of the nightshade family, which are associated
02:52with health issues due to their solanine content.
02:55Okay, so there's something about an eggplant handshake.
02:59Eggplant agreement.
03:00Yeah, they've got an agreement to make eggplant parmesan.
03:02Solanine is actually a poison naturally produced by plants as a defense mechanism against predators.
03:08And in large amounts, solanine could cause gastrointestinal issues.
03:12Corn's my favorite vegetable, even though it's not digestible by the human body.
03:18When it comes to quintessential American foods, corn is right up there with apple pie
03:22and hamburgers.
03:23But there are a number of reasons why you may want to limit your corn intake, particularly
03:28if you want to lose weight.
03:29A Harvard study discovered that subjects who ate more corn tended to pack on pounds.
03:39Let's do it!
03:40Let's do it!
03:46The second spike in cocaine has to do with corn's high glycemic index, which causes blood
03:49sugar to skyrocket.
03:51And that spike in blood sugar can lead to cravings for unhealthy food.
03:56Beans are already under scrutiny from certain nutritionists for containing digestive, problem-inducing
04:00carbs called FODMAPs.
04:02But when it comes to eating certain beans raw, the problem may be more serious.
04:06If you've found yourself packing a sack of raw beans for a camping trip or stocking up
04:11on rations for the zombie apocalypse, it's just not that simple.
04:15Raw beans!
04:16Raw beans and white and red kidney beans naturally contain a toxin before they're cooked,
04:21which can cause gastroenteritis, which may induce vomiting and nausea.
04:25Consuming as few as four uncooked, soaked beans can produce these symptoms.
04:29That's right, four actual beans.
04:34But there's hope for all the dedicated bean fans out there.
04:37To deactivate the toxin, just boil the beans for 10 minutes, and dinner is served.
04:41Bon appétit!
04:42Bon appétit!
04:43Bon appétit!
04:44Bon appétit!
04:45Bon appétit!
