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Ahli Parlimen Bagan Lim Guan Eng menggesa Ahmad Marzuk Shaary daripada PAS memohon maaf dan menarik balik dakwaan akta antidiskriminasi kaum dicadangkannya boleh membawa kepada rusuhan kaum.

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#BeritaFMT #LimGuanEng #AhmadMarzukShaary #Akta #AntidiskriminasiKaum


00:00I referred to the question to the minister in the first hearing on Tuesday,
00:08where I asked the Minister of State Coordination at that time
00:13about the intention to issue an Anti-Discrimination Act
00:23regarding the incident that took place in Sepang.
00:26This was answered by the Minister.
00:29Everything was in order.
00:30But suddenly, in a speech by the Speaker of the House of Representatives,
00:34he made a rather harsh and exaggerated accusation
00:38that this could trigger the May 13 tragedy.
00:44Just because I asked for an Anti-Discrimination Act
00:50so that we could contradict the sentiments of our friends
00:53with hate speech on another group.
00:59I don't know how we can contradict,
01:01prevent it from triggering any incidents that are not wanted.
01:05But it was overturned,
01:09mocked by the government officials
01:12that it would trigger the May 13 tragedy.
01:17When it was not mentioned at all,
01:19Mr Speaker, this is a hate speech.
01:24I would like to thank the Minister of Multimedia
01:30for drawing attention to this matter
01:32after it was raised by the media.
01:36Because I didn't even notice it was made during the speech.
01:40This is something that not only triggers the sentiments of the people,
01:44but also confuses the government
01:48because this is not right.
01:50I didn't mention the May 13 incident at all.
01:54I just wanted to stop the hate speech on another group.
02:00I don't know how it could be linked to the May 13 tragedy.
02:05I hope that the action will be taken firmly,
02:08asking for forgiveness and not withdrawing.
02:11If not, it must be referred to the Human Rights and Freedom Commission.
