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(Adnkronos) - “Una mostra di fotografie che ritraggono 20 donne. Sono onorata di far parte di questa selezione. Questa mostra darà valore e visibilità a 20 delle nostre eccellenze”. Sono le parole di Martina Caironi, atleta paralimpica e Legacy specialist in Milano Cortina 2026, intervistata dall’Adnkronos alla presentazione in anteprima della mostra di Fondazione Bracco “Una vita per lo sport. Volti e conquiste delle 100esperte” che gode del patrocinio del Comune di Milano e Fondazione Milano Cortina 2026. La mostra sarà allestita dal 25 febbraio al 25 marzo all’aperto, in Corso Vittorio Emanuele a Milano.


00:00It's an exhibition that we can't wait to see it on display on the 25th of February.
00:12It's an exhibition of photographs where 20 women are portrayed.
00:17I'm honoured to be part of this selection.
00:22There are so many women in Italy and around the world who are often not valued and consulted for their abilities.
00:32So this exhibition will give value and visibility to 20 of our excellences.
00:40It was great to work with this photographer because he was looking for the right shot to depict the athlete.
00:53This type of representation is important in Paralympic sport.
00:59It's important to show without fear the instrument used to do sport.
01:05In my case, it's a prosthesis with a blade and the technical gesture that the Paralympic athlete looks for, studies, prepares and trains to perfect it.
01:18We have a very broad vocabulary and we have a word to describe Paralympic athletes with disabilities.
01:26We have a word to explain the most important event that takes place every four years, the Paralympics.
01:32So let's use it without fear.
01:34The real discrimination is not in saying Paralympic, that's the correct term.
01:40The discrimination is in not considering Paralympic athletes worthy of being told, seen and praised.
01:48This is the real discrimination.
