• 2 days ago
"Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. And a person's enemies will be those of his own household."

Matthew 10:34-36



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00:00Well, good morning, everybody. This is Melanie from Freedomain. Here we are getting to the core,
00:05at least for me, of the power of Christianity and, by the by, it overlaps quite a bit with
00:14philosophy. Matthew 10.34.36. And we want to look at, as usual, in my particular preference,
00:28the King James Version. Jesus says, Think not that I am come to send peace on earth.
00:36I came not to send peace, but a sword. For I am come to set a man at variance against his father,
00:43and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law.
00:46And a man's foes shall be they of his own household. And a man's foes
00:54shall be those of his own household. Now, of course, Jesus is not a big fan of physical swords.
01:03When Peter takes up a sword, I think it's Peter, Jesus says to him, If you draw the sword,
01:09you shall die by the sword. And the draw the sword is important. I know that there are various
01:15translations and so on, but the drawing by the sword, right? Peter took up a sword to defend
01:25Jesus in the garden of, guess the mean? Jesus said, No, no, no. For all who draw the sword
01:31will die by the sword. The draw the sword is important. Drawing the sword is the initiation
01:38of the use of force. Those who live by the sword shall die by the sword means that you are a robber,
01:44a thief. He's not talking about self-defense. Those who draw the sword, those who live by the
01:50sword means those who initiate the use of force will die by the sword. But of course,
01:55the initiation of force comes in the same psychological place as suicide, because it
02:02creates a world wherein life becomes very rapidly unsustainable. There's a lot of people who don't
02:08want to live. A lot of people out there who don't want to live. And you can see this, right? They
02:12overeat. They drink too much. They do drugs, risky sports, sleep around, and court diseases.
02:21For a lot of people, life is unbearable. But unfortunately, there's a big economy
02:28based upon people's death wishes. And the initiation of the use of force is a form of
02:34suicide, because it creates a world in which most life is unsustainable.
02:40And people who want to, like when you could sort of say in the past that this was much less known,
02:48you know, the sort of communism, socialism, collectivism stuff, even the fascism stuff.
02:53But now it's just clear, like people who say, well, we want to collectivize the farms.
02:59It's a powerful line from Sam Cooke's last song. It's been too hard living, but I'm afraid to die,
03:08because I don't know what's up there beyond the sky. It's been too hard living, but I'm afraid to
03:13die. So when you want to die, deep down, and a lot of that has to do with having a bad conscience,
03:20but you will simply create circumstances or situations in which death will come sooner.
03:28There was a very, it's funny, because I remember thinking, married with children,
03:32it's a sort of sophisticated comedy, LS30 something, it is extremely low rent
03:40trash, but it had its amusing parts. And the show Married with Children had Al Bundy,
03:48right? Named after a serial killer. Al Bundy was a sort of sad sack who staggered from
03:56various stimulations to various stimulations, always looking to be left alone and not be
04:03bothered and nothing but contempt for his family and full of shallow lusts, a fool,
04:08a sort of classic fool. But one of the things that was a constant theme in the show, and honestly,
04:17I don't want to sound, I'm not high rent this way, I'm not like, I didn't watch that many of them,
04:23but I mean, they were certainly funny at times, but one of the things that I saw in the couple
04:28of shows that I watched was, you know, he prayed for death. Couldn't come soon enough.
04:35This was also the case with the John Cleese character Basil Fawlty in Fawlty Towers,
04:40that he had a death wish, because his life was unbearable, with his wife and the people
04:46who surrounded him, his neuroses, he found life agonizing because of, you know, hostility,
04:52neuroses, paranoia, the will to be right, the will to dominate. The will to dominate combined with
05:01a weak will is really frustrating for people. So, you know, don't underestimate the number
05:07of people out in the world with, you know, what Freud called the death impulse.
05:12They just, they don't want to live. And so, they also don't want to live,
05:18how can you just leave me standing alone in the world, it's so cold. They don't want to live
05:24because the world, you know, you can carve out your areas of warmth and comfort. You really can.
05:33I mean, I have good friends, great marriage, and I love my listeners. Thank you so much,
05:39guys, for all that you do and all that you support. So, you can carve out your warm spots,
05:46but the world as a whole is, in general, just kind of unthinking hell of people easily weaponized
05:55against individual thought. People who are absolutely certain they're right because the TV
06:02told them what's true. And when both they and the TV are proven to be wrong, they never retract,
06:11never admit, only escalate. NPCs, right? We are in a world of dangerous zombies with a sort of
06:21necromancer who can point the horde at any individual and take them down. And it is really,
06:30I think, that the death impulse or the don't-want-to-be-here impulse comes in general
06:37not from society's immorality, but from its hypocrisy. Openly immoral people at least have
06:45a certain kind of integrity to them and a certain kind of dark energy to them and a certain insouciance
06:51and often wit, but it is the people who pretend to be good while secretly wishing for evil,
06:58who collude with evildoers under the guise of doing good. That is the hell. The hell is not
07:06the immorality. The hell is the hypocrisy. It's not the evil but the virtue signaling. It's not
07:14the predation. It is the smug pathological altruism. That's where the real hell is. Evil at
07:22least will sort of fight you openly if you're virtuous, but the majority of people will pretend
07:31to side with you while stabbing you in the back while claiming to be virtuous and that they didn't
07:36do anything wrong. It's that lostness that is what makes things kind of hell as a whole.
07:43As I've sort of talked about before, the society that says,
07:46Oh, we care about our children so much. We want them to be healthy and happy and well-educated.
07:53We just care about our children so much. And then, you know, buries them in debt,
08:00puts them in terrible schools, subjects them to violence. And if any child grows up to complain
08:06about the general immorality and hypocrisy of society, the society that claims to care so much
08:11about the children, when informed by an adult of how bad childhood is for most children,
08:18attacks and undermines and attempts to destroy said person. So it really is that hypocrisy.
08:25Evil can be fought and evil sometimes can be redeemed. But hypocrisy is eternal. Hypocrisy
08:34is the ultimate thief because it steals self-esteem, reputation and virtue while doing
08:42evil. So the reason why hypocrisy can't be redeemed is it recognizes the value
08:47of virtue as a skin suit and wears it regularly and forgets that it ever put it on. So it's pretty
08:55monstrous. So people don't want to live when they despair that society will ever tell the truth.
09:06See, and this is sort of a lead into what I'm talking about with Jesus and the sword. And again,
09:12I mean, forgive me for all that I get wrong as best you can, but I'm certainly no theologian.
09:19These are my thoughts based on a good study of philosophy and personal experience and
09:25growing up Christian. But again, please extend forbearance for all that I get wrong,
09:31which I'm sure is not going to be a tiny amount. So how does society survive
09:39back then in the time of Jesus at 2,025 plus years ago? How does society survive?
09:48Well, society survives by teaching children X is true. X tribal belief is true. It's true.
09:58It's absolute. It's universal. It's a fact. It's as wound into the nature of things as
10:05gravity, sunlight and physics itself. This is true. And the truth of this is inflicted
10:15upon children or taught to children as an absolute truth. So one of the example which
10:24you may have gone through or not gone through is that, you know, when I was a kid, I was taught
10:30that there were no communists in the American government. McCarthy was a paranoid witch hunter.
10:34It's absolutely true that Nixon was just hopelessly corrupt. And all these things
10:40were all just absolutely true. That men were male chauvinist pigs who exploited women,
10:47and women were helpless, delicate creatures yearning for freedom and responsibility. And
10:53they're just things just taught as absolute truth. So society tells you these things are true.
11:01Teachers, preachers, authority figures, parents, the media, I mean, you name it, right? So people
11:08tell you these things are absolutely true. And when you're a kid, you accept these things as true.
11:15And you also accept that you're too young to be stepped through the methodology by which
11:21these things are determined to be true. Right? So you're told X, Y and Z, and this is particularly
11:29to do with morality and so on. So you're taught X, Y and Z as absolutely true. These things are
11:35absolutely true. And then you accept that you are too young to follow all the steps
11:46by which society has determined these things to be absolutely true. So when I was a kid,
11:53of course, I was taught, oh, the world is a sphere. But no one stepped me through all of the
12:01testable, logical and empirical sequences that you go through in order to know that the world
12:08is a sphere. I just accepted it. And then later on, I went through and understood all of the sort
12:13of steps by which this is established. Right? So you're taught all these things, myriad things,
12:21countless things. They're all true. And sources, I mean, honestly, you know, this meme like source,
12:27trust me, bro. But the source is, trust me, bro. The sun and the moon look the same size. I'm told
12:34that they are vastly different sizes. Okay. The stars look like they flicker. I am told they do
12:40not flicker in and of themselves. It's just ripples and eddies of air that cause the light
12:45to waver, that looks like a flicker, and so on. Right? It looks like the bigger stars are closer
12:51and the fainter stars are further away. I'm told that this is not, in fact, the case. It has an
12:57effect, but some of the brighter stars are further away. They just happen to be bigger. You know,
13:01all of these sorts of things. Right? I am told that although it feels like I'm on a stable surface,
13:09I am, in fact, on a rock that whirls around. Okay. Except it's not that the sun rises and sets,
13:17it's that the earth turns relative to the stable sun, except the sun isn't stable. Right? The earth
13:22turns, it rockets around the sun, the sun rockets around the galaxy, and so on. Right? And then
13:31I can step through the methodology of these things if I want. Okay. But when it comes,
13:37or at least in the past, before science was taken over by government funding and the infinite
13:44squid tentacles of corruption wrapped around the jugulars of integrity of the scientists and turned
13:50them into propaganda spouting data zombies, before that, you know, science was pretty reliable.
13:57So, society tells you all of these things and says, yeah, this is true, this is right,
14:03virtuous, good. But, you know, when you get older, we'll teach you the methodology. And I accept
14:10that. That's rational. Makes sense. Right? I was told, of course, to be careful of the stove.
14:19We had this gas stove, and there's a little problem we lived in, in England, the flat.
14:24And I said, I was told, don't be, like, be careful, don't turn on the stove without lighting
14:30it, turn it off when you're done, and don't touch hot things. I was told all of these things,
14:34of course, long before I was anywhere close to understanding the physics of lighting gas
14:40in a controlled environment. Right? So, I accept that. You are told to be careful running down
14:48hills long before you are informed of the deep math and physics of mass and gravity.
14:56Okay. So, yeah, all these rules, and they're like, trust me, we'll explain this, we'll explain
15:01this whole methodology to you when you get older. And, of course, society can explain some of these
15:06things when you get older, and society really, really can't explain some of these things when
15:12you get older, particularly around history and morality. I mean, with McCarthyism,
15:20and they say, oh no, McCarthy was just this crazy witch hunter, he had no examples, no proof,
15:27no nothing, right? And then you find out that that's all not true, and you bring it up. And
15:33everyone's gone through this at some point. I mean, certainly everyone who's listening to this
15:37has gone through this at some point, where you're told some absolutely outlandish lies,
15:44with a completely straight face, and it's absolutely factual, and someone told these
15:48completely outlandish lies. And then what happens is, you bring up some counterexamples,
15:54and you get attacked. You get attacked. And then you begin to suspect a whole bunch of things,
15:59like one of the big things for me was McCarthyism. Like, okay, well, if there weren't any communists
16:06in the American government, why was Eastern Europe handed over to communists? That wouldn't seem to
16:11be a very wise thing to do. And just a bunch of other things, right? And, of course, I had,
16:18when I was in my teens, of course, I read ferociously about, like, I read Ayn Rand's works,
16:22and Nathaniel Brandon's works, and Leonard Peikoff, and I read about Ayn Rand's life.
16:26And Ayn Rand, of course, testified to the HUAC committee about Soviet propaganda in Hollywood,
16:35all of the sort of pro-Soviet movies. Now, of course, some of those would have come about
16:38because they were allies. The Soviet Union was, of course, allies to the Western powers in the
16:45fight against the triumvirate of Japan, Italy, and Germany. Mission to Moscow, I think, was one
16:52of them. It was just complete pro-Soviet trash. In fact, and just by the by, if you ever get to
16:57see it, it's actually a good movie, We the Living was made under, I think it was under Mussolini,
17:04We the Living was made as an anti-communist movie. And it's actually, it's pretty good,
17:11certainly way better than The Fountainhead, or the unfortunately made Atlas Shrugged movies.
17:17So, you start to read these things, and you're like, okay, so hang on, some of this stuff doesn't
17:24really, doesn't really hang together. And you start to ask questions, and then you're just told
17:29that you're just difficult, and obstructive, and wrong, and right. And so you ask for answers,
17:35or you point out inconsistencies, and you get aggression. And that's when you begin to think,
17:40holy shit, if communists did control significant portions of the government
17:48in the 1940s and the 1950s, this is exactly the narrative they would produce.
17:55There were no communists, McCarthy was a witch hunter, it was all crazy, paranoia,
18:00and how dare you point out any inconsistencies, or ask for any proof. So, you begin to get this
18:06creepy sense that stuff you've been told is a lie, and a very manipulative and deliberate lie.
18:15But then you think, okay, well, hang on, hang on, hang on. If the people in charge
18:20of the educational institutions are liars, and propagandists, then I don't have a culture.
18:30We are occupied. We are controlled. So, when you're young, people in authority tell you all
18:39this stuff. And then, when you get older, you find counterexamples, and you ask for proof.
18:46Now, only in some areas is this a problem. So, if you're being taught science as a little kid,
18:52and you say, they say there's gravity, things fall down, and you say, well, hey man, what about
18:57helium balloons, and soap bubbles, and clouds, and people don't get mad at you.
19:03They don't call you names, they don't escalate, they don't punish you, they don't mock you,
19:09they don't turn the idiot, vacant, grinning attack mob on your budding thoughts.
19:16No, what do they do? They say, oh yeah, it's a great question. It's really observant of you,
19:21and here's why. Helium is lighter than air, and they go soap bubbles. They do actually,
19:27in general, fall down, but they're so subject to the whim of the currents of the air, and so on.
19:32The clouds are actually tiny. They're not solid. They look more solid, but they're actually just
19:38tiny drops of water vapor and dust, or whatever. So, you are actually applauded for pointing out
19:46exceptions, and the teachers of physics say, the teachers are pleased. Yeah, it's a great
19:54question. This is what science is, right? We look for exceptions, and we try and figure out what
19:57the rules are. I mean, of course, when you're told about gravity and things falling down,
20:03and then you see some giant Boeing 747 plunging through the air, you have questions, right?
20:10You say, oh well, but the wings are shaped so that there's lift as it moves forward,
20:15and all of that kind of stuff, right? Make your paper airplanes as a way of
20:20messing around with the sense of gravity, and you do all these. So, when you see exceptions,
20:26or what look like contradictions in the realm of science, you are praised. Yeah, it's a great
20:33question. Good observation. Let's work through this, and you're given easy, convivial proof,
20:40or at least explanations, but say with something like McCarthyism, and you say, well, okay, first
20:47of all, this is kind of what the communists would say if they won, and England, for instance,
20:51went to war to save Poland, and then handed Poland over to the communists, and so on, right?
20:59You sort of notice these inconsistencies, and then you find out about the whole Alger Hiss thing,
21:05and the pumpkin papers, and all kinds of crazy stuff going on, and then you notice that the
21:12propaganda still seems to be there in many ways. It's assault on beauty and culture to demoralize
21:19people. So, and then, of course, as a kid, I was told, you know, communism is a problem,
21:27communism is bad, and there was, you know, mixed things, but I certainly got that message from the
21:32older generation, and then I would find out that the government was regularly shipping billions of
21:38dollars of free food over to the communists, which made no sense to me. I mean, if communism is this
21:47big, dangerous enemy, why are we feeding them? I mean, that would be like shipping arms to your
21:53enemy in a war. This doesn't, right? I mean, I know what happens, but it doesn't really make
21:57any sense from a logical standpoint. So, I mean, we've all gone through these things. You probably
22:02have your things, of course, where you're like, huh, wait a second, some of this doesn't quite
22:06hang together, and you ask questions, and you are mocked, and ridiculed, and attacked,
22:12and you're given, you know, completely unsatisfying non-answers, right? So,
22:18you begin to understand that that which you're told is absolutely true has no proof.
22:27Or if there is proof, or quote proof, you start looking into it, and you realize it's all kind
22:32of circular, like it's just this sort of circle jerk of people referencing each other, and so on,
22:37and there's always this snarky language, and so on, right? I remember a professor, when I did my
22:43history degree, I remember a professor talking about Richard Nixon, and never once mentioned
22:52the connection between Nixon and McCarthy, of course, but I remember him contorting himself
22:57to saying, oh, he accidentally pushed the erase button, and, you know, everybody was laughing,
23:02and I'm like, something's not right about this, this sort of mockery stuff, right?
23:08So, you know, just counter examples, right? You know, I remember taking a course on race relations,
23:16and the professor was like, you know, well, it's racism, racism, racism, and I said, well,
23:20you know, but the sort of West African blacks have a higher per capita income than whites in America,
23:25so it's like, oh, but legacy of slavery, and I said, well, you know, but this group and this
23:29group in society had, were enslaved, and did well afterwards, and, right, sort of the Japanese
23:36American, oh, but it wasn't long enough, and it's like, well, you know, anyway, so it's just,
23:39it was just a shifting, it was just a shifting sense, like you couldn't, you couldn't get good
23:46answers. So, the reason why I think Jesus talks about bringing a sword,
23:55because he is the Prince of Peace, and he, of course, wants to heal the relationship between
24:00man and God, and so he opposes the sword in terms of the initiation of violence,
24:05so when he says he comes to bring a sword, obviously, it's an analogy, and what is the
24:09sword? Since Jesus is not talking about the initiation of the use of force, he must be
24:17talking, this is, sorry, this is just the logistics, so it's going to be hard to escape,
24:21but I'm certainly happy to be corrected if I've missed something, but because Jesus talks about,
24:26if you live by the sword, if you draw the sword, you're not going to do well, it's bad, it's wrong,
24:32thou shalt not murder, right, murder is the initiation of the use of force, he does not
24:38say thou shalt not kill, thou shalt not murder, it's really the technical aspect of it. So,
24:46Jesus is talking about the sword in self-defense, and it's not a real sword,
24:53and he's talking about set people at variance with, right, not physical fight, not mutual
24:59poisoning, not, yeah, at variance with, at odds with, set people against each other.
25:05So, since Jesus is referring to an analogy of a sword to be used in self-defense,
25:14what is he talking about, and why is it in particular the young versus the old,
25:20son against father, daughter against mother, daughter-in-law against mother-in-law,
25:25son-in-law against mother-in-law, it's a generational thing. So, what does Jesus
25:30mean when he says, I have come to bring mental self-defense to the young, because that's what
25:37it is, right, it's not a physical sword, it's a mental sword, it is not the initiation of force,
25:43it is self-defense, and it is from the young to the old. So, what did Jesus mean when he said,
25:49I have come to bring mental self-defense against the old, I have come to bring mental self-defense
26:00provided to the young against the old. Now, you can understand why this might be a teeny tiny bit
26:06personal for me, right, teeny teeny, just, you know, a tiny overlapping Venn diagram,
26:12a teeny tiny little bit for me. What does he mean? Well, I am the way, I am the truth,
26:20he is morally perfect, he cannot lie. So, when Jesus says, I have come to bring mental self-defense
26:29provided to the young against the old, I have come to bring the truth to the young and give them
26:36defenses against the old, he can only really be referring to the infliction of lies by the older
26:42generation on the younger. That's all he could be referring to. This is not, this is deduction,
26:49not induction. He cannot lie, he is the way and the truth, he's bringing mental self-defense
26:55and providing it to the young against the old and the question then is defense against what?
27:01Well, what do you need mental self-defense for? People who lie to you, people who propagandize
27:06you, people who are false, people who manipulate you, people who use pretend truths in order to
27:12control you, people who say, because Christianity was the first universal ethics, certainly in the
27:20theological sense, at least in the West, or I guess the Middle East is the West, let's stretch
27:25out our definition a bit. The first morally universal. So, how do tribes operate? Well,
27:31tribes operate by saying, this is a universal truth that only applies to us. It's kind of a
27:37contradiction. The in-group preference, right? Tribalism. Every tribe says we are the greatest,
27:43can't all be true, right? If every athlete says I'm the faster runner, all but one is lying.
27:50So, every tribe says we are the greatest and they can't all be telling the truth,
27:57which means that there's a corruption called vanity being inflicted on the young by the older
28:04and what is one of the most foundational Christian virtues is not vanity but humility,
28:10humbleness. So, tribes say you are the greatest, we are the greatest and the way that you keep this
28:17false pride is don't ask too many freaking questions, kid, because if you ask too many
28:24freaking questions then the whole lie of the pathological vanity of the tribe falls apart.
28:31So, Jesus brings to the young skepticism of the quote truths inflicted upon them by their elders
28:44and of course this is the same thing that Socrates was up to though of course in a
28:48much less theological context, right? So, when in ancient Greece people said
28:57the good is known from the gods, right? The good is known from the gods, okay? So, Socrates had two
29:04basic counter-arguments which is how do we know the gods are good? Is it because of just because
29:09of what they do or because of reference to some external standard, right? If the gods are all
29:14powerful and I did this many, almost 20 years ago in a podcast called Power versus Virtue,
29:21a love story. So, are the gods good because they conform to some external standard of good in which
29:27case we should really worship that external standard not the gods or are the gods good
29:31simply because they're powerful in which case we're just worshiping power not virtue, number one.
29:36Number two of course is that the gods are in conflict, they fight with each other, they disagree,
29:42they even go to war sometimes. So, if we know what is good because of the gods how do we reconcile
29:48the fact that the gods disagree with each other about what is good and then we have to pick a god
29:54but then we're ignoring all the gods who disagree with them, you know, this sort of basic argument,
29:59right? So, when he says I'm here to bring a sword and to set, I mean he didn't mean children, right?
30:05Because he says daughter-in-law, you know, son-in-law, that kind of stuff and that's not a
30:10child that is an adult child, right? A former child because you're married, right? So, Jesus
30:19is coming down and I completely apologize for all the butchering I'm about to do but I think
30:24it's important at least to get this argument across and you can tell me if I'm right or wrong
30:28but Jesus comes down with the most essential question in philosophy, in virtue, compared to
30:37what, right? This is an old joke about a philosophy professor, somebody says how's your wife and he
30:42says well compared to what, right? If his wife is 60 well compared to a 20 year old she's old,
30:49compared to an 80 year old she's younger, compared to a 20 year old she's probably less anxious,
30:57but she's also less springy in her step, right? So, compared to what? This is an important
31:02question, right? So, oh there's a, what a drag it is getting old, right? So, you say oh it's
31:08such a drag getting old, well compared to what? Compared to dying and getting old is not bad if
31:15you stay movement-based and exercise and this that and the other it's, you know, not so bad.
31:20If you, you know, let yourself kind of sit and rot and your bones get weak and all your joints
31:26weaken like then then you're having a bad time of it and to put it mildly. So, I say oh getting
31:32old is a drag, well compared to what? So, Nixon was corrupt, compared to who? Compared to LBJ?
31:41To JFK? Hell, Woodrow Wilson? Compared to Abraham Lincoln? Wheelchair World War II guy?
31:53Compared to what? Is he singularly corrupt? Well, if he wasn't corrupt, he would be called corrupt
32:00by the corrupt, right? Because this is a basic thing that corrupt people accuse you of what
32:04they're doing. They accuse you of manifesting what they're actually doing. I mean, of course,
32:10right? If you are the murderer, you want to lead the mob to find the murderer and failing all of
32:17that, you definitely want to be on the jury. So, when you're young and you notice what seem
32:24like inconsistencies in physics, things are supposed to fall but sometimes they float
32:30and you're, you know, told the wind resistance and lighter than air and all that kind of stuff,
32:33right? So, that's not a negative, that's considered a positive. You're now thinking
32:38like a scientist asking questions. So, when you start inquiring as to the
32:45moral stories, the mythologies, the things which are presented as absolutely true,
32:51then you say, compared to what? Well, Jesus gave a wide variety of moral commandments
33:02to which you can compare your elders to. So, for instance, if your elders say that they're very
33:10moral and the morality they follow says give to the poor, right? So, somebody who's very wealthy
33:19who says, I'm moral and the morals I follow say give to the poor, you can compare their
33:24claims of being moral to whether they actually give to the poor or not, if that makes sense.
33:31Yeah, of course, it makes sense. It makes sense, right? Compared to what? So, if your elders,
33:38as all elders do, say it's very important, you must, it's totally moral to tell the truth and
33:45lying is really bad, then you have a standard by which you can compare your elders to,
33:52which is called telling the truth, be honest, thou shalt not bear false witness.
33:57And if you find that your elders are not telling the truth, then you are now at odds with them,
34:04because they tell you it's really important to tell the truth. And then you ask them how they
34:09know what they know compared to what, and you find that they lie, misrepresent, attack, manipulate,
34:16undermine, mock, provoke aggression or laughter against you, threaten you. Well, then you say,
34:22okay, so then they don't really believe in telling the truth. And, of course, this is
34:29all over the philosophy of peaceful parenting. And you've heard me say this countless times
34:35in call-ins, right? When you say to your parents, you did this or that wrong as parents, and you
34:40hurt me and harmed me, and they start coming up with their excuses and justifications, the simple
34:44question is, okay, would these excuses and justifications have been acceptable to you when
34:50you were a child? Would they have accepted these excuses? So, if they say, well, I did the best I
34:55could with the knowledge I had, but they failed to study anything about parenting, despite knowing
34:59the fact that they were raised themselves badly, well, if you had failed to study for a test and
35:03failed it when you were in grade 8, some stupid math test or spelling test or something, if you
35:08failed to study for it and failed it, then you would be held accountable. You knew this test
35:13was coming, and you're responsible for getting the knowledge, and you are bad and wrong, and you
35:17might be punished for failing the test. Okay. So, when you were a kid, there's no excuse called,
35:24I did the best I could with the knowledge I had, because you're responsible for gaining the
35:28knowledge, knowing that the test is coming, and of course, people have a more advanced warning of
35:33becoming parents than kids have for any test known to man, right? So, you've got at least nine months,
35:37probably having unprotected sex for a couple of months before that, so probably a year ahead of
35:41time, you know you're going to most likely become a parent. So, if you've got a year to study for the
35:46test, and then you fail that test for 20 years, 25 years, 30 years, well, that's important, right?
35:54If you're punished for far less important, quote, transgressions than your parents manifest in their
36:00bad parenting, then your parents don't care about the moral rules, they only care about power.
36:05They claim excuses for far more important things than excuses they would never accept from you
36:13about far less important things, like a spelling bee or a math test or something. So then, of course,
36:18when you go to your elders and you question them about what they claim is absolutely true,
36:26and they told you these things were true, while basically saying you're too young to know why
36:31it's true, and then you get older and you ask them, okay, I'm ready now, tell me why this is true,
36:35and they can't answer you, and they just attack and mock and undermine and,
36:39right, you name it, threaten, right? Okay, so, then what? Then what? I mean, it's a risky time
36:46for society. I mean, just look at, you know, basic, being a warrior, like WA, right? Well,
36:55fighting for the collective requires a belief in the virtue of the collective, which is why,
37:02when you want to take over a country, you work to undermine its social myths and thus destroy
37:08the willingness of young men to fight for that which they no longer believe to be true.
37:13So, what did Jesus come to say? I come to bring a sword, well, mental sword, self-defense,
37:19young to old, and it is to give the young moral standards by which they can judge
37:29the actions of their elders, right? This is the most foundational thing. Moral standards by which
37:34they can judge the actions of their elders, because their elders will always claim to be moral,
37:39and they will claim to have adherence, right, to moral standards, right? They say,
37:45ah, we claim to have adherence to these moral standards. So, when the elders say,
37:50we really, really care about the young, say, okay, well, what have you done? Have the schools
37:55improved? Have you taken on those who wish to corrupt and lie to the young? Have you used the
38:01young as collateral to feed your own greed? Have you left the country in a better place for your
38:09young, your offspring, than you found it? You know, because the empirical facts inevitably
38:16accumulate as you age. You know, when you're young, I don't know, you can talk about giving
38:22to the poor all you want, but you don't have any stuff, so you can't really give to the poor.
38:27But, you know, you start to get into your peak earning years, particularly as a man,
38:30so your 40s, your 50s, okay, well, now you've got enough stuff that you could give to the poor.
38:36Do you, in fact, do it? And then, so there's this horrifying passage, it really is like a
38:41horrifying Minds of Moria, Balrog passage, where you look at your elders, and you see
38:49skeevy manipulative toddlers. A lot of times, not always, skeevy manipulative toddlers.
38:55So, you look at your elders, and they say, oh, we love the young, we care about the young, right?
39:01And then you say, okay, what's your evidence? What's the evidence? And you look at the boomers,
39:07what is the evidence? They genuinely care about their children. I mean, the West is worse off in
39:13many ways than it was. You got national debts, unfunded liabilities, the richest generation
39:21the world has ever known, like 4 billion years of history of life, right? 13 plus or 14 plus billion
39:27years of history of the universe. The boomers are the wealthiest generation that's ever existed in
39:31the history of the universe, and they prey upon the young for their old age pensions.
39:39Well, what is the evidence? The boomers care about the young. They'll endlessly talk about
39:45how much they care about their young. Or the boomers say, well, you got to vote because then
39:51you're responsible for what the government does, but then they say, well, we're not responsible
39:54for what the government did, right? You know, just these basic contradictions, right? Or they'll say,
39:59you know, when you're a kid, you want to go out and play, so you got to test. Well,
40:03you got to sacrifice. You got to make sacrifices. You know, you don't want to get up at dawn to go
40:08do hockey practice. Say, well, if you want to be good, you got to make sacrifices. You got to do
40:13the hard thing, the tough thing, you got to make sacrifices. Okay, so there's no money to pay the
40:18pensions. What sacrifices? Oh, no, you better not touch my pension. Okay, so then they don't
40:24really believe that you got to, and particularly if you've made the mistake, right? If you've made
40:29the mistake, you got to suffer the consequences, right? If you sneak your dad's car keys and then
40:36crash his car, you've got to pay for the repair. If you steal from a store, you've got to hand the
40:42stuff back and apologize. You've got to pay for your moral mistakes. Okay,
40:49well, do we have more or less free speech since the boomers were around first politically active?
40:56Do we have more or less national debt? Do we have more or less unfunded liabilities? I mean,
41:01you sort of go, is the culture better or worse? Do the children have a dimmer or a brighter future
41:07as they emerge into adulthood under the scabrous wing of the tottering ghoul-based boomers?
41:14I mean, it's pretty easy to answer these questions, right? And most importantly,
41:18the boomers would say, you know, who broke this lamp? Own up, fess up, come on, who did it? Who
41:23did it? You've got to confess what you did. A lot of times there would be collective punishment,
41:28right? Some kid does something, you know, puts a thumbtack on the teacher's chair and the whole
41:34class has to stay until the person confesses. So you've got to own up to what you did, man. You've
41:38got to take responsibility for what you did. If you did something wrong, you've got to own up,
41:42right? You've got to take responsibility for what you did. But then when you try and hold the
41:46boomers accountable as they age, they won't admit to anything. They'll never admit they did anything
41:52wrong. And so they don't genuinely believe that you should own up to what you did. If you made
42:00a mistake and you did wrong, you should just confess and take your punishment like a man,
42:05like a woman, like an adult or whatever, right? They don't believe any of that. They don't believe
42:09in telling the truth. They don't believe in honor. They don't believe in taking care of the children.
42:12They don't believe in virtue. They don't believe in moral responsibility or self-accountability.
42:16They just inflicted these things on the young so that they could have power over them. That
42:21morality is invented to bully and control the young, not to be followed. Like the moment you
42:26have power, you completely abandon morality. That morality is the exercise of power through
42:35humiliation against those who have a conscience. Morality doesn't touch those who don't have a
42:40conscience. They may obey it for the sake of power, but never for the sake of virtue.
42:44So morality is used to punish the virtuous and those with a conscience as a mere exercise of
42:50power. Morality is a humiliation ritual in most framings, right? Morality is a humiliation ritual
42:57that is used to punish those with a conscience. So, I mean, when I was a kid in boarding school,
43:04we would go through these hysterias, right? I remember the two big ones were conquerors. You'd
43:09put a little chestnut, you'd put a string through it and you'd swing it against other kids,
43:14I guess early fortnight, swing it against other kids' chestnuts to see which would break. So
43:18they were conquerors. I guess conquerors, right? Too homonym. And then there were paper airplanes,
43:24who could make the best paper airplane, who could make it do the most tricks and so on.
43:27And I remember I tore a page because we couldn't get paper to do these things. Newspaper wasn't
43:33very good, it just folded up. So I remember I took a ruler and tore a page out of my Guinness
43:39Book of World Records. It was something to do with Roman coins I didn't care about and I made
43:42an absolutely fantastic paper airplane that got me lots of cheers because it floated forever and
43:48ever. Amen. And the kids were running after it and cheering. It's a great memory from my childhood,
43:52like one stupid page in a book about Roman coins got me cheers and fun and excitement and status.
44:01It's great, great, great memory. And then, of course, the teacher found out about it. I was
44:07dragged up in front of the class and given this endless lecture on respect for other people's
44:11property. My mother worked hard for this book. How dare I destroy it? It's blah, blah, blah, right?
44:16Okay. So nobody ever asked why was it important to you? What did it matter? And do you care about
44:22Roman coins? And, you know, help me understand your calculations and so on, right? Nobody,
44:27nobody cared. It's just a humiliation ritual. Just a humiliation ritual. So I remember even
44:35at the time just thinking, okay, this is just something I have to nod my head and get through.
44:39And I don't know, I guess I got to look remorseful. And I didn't care. I mean, this was a boarding
44:45school that beat me and other children, right? So I don't care about my virtues, my soul,
44:51my happiness. They didn't know anything about me. It's just an object to be used for
44:56a propaganda and income. Just a bookmark. Now, of course, I still remember the guy's name,
45:04though I won't say it here. But the guy who was giving me this lecture didn't do it in private,
45:09just did it in front of the class. So I could get all the, ooh, you're in trouble, ooh, you know,
45:14all of this horizontal slave-on-slave nonsense, right? So he didn't do it in private, didn't
45:19sort of help me understand things or give me sort of any education or principles. It was just, you
45:24know, humiliation and how dare I, and, you know, all of that bullshit that boomers do. Now, of
45:29course, I, you know, I obviously don't know this guy's political leanings, although I have some
45:32idea. But this guy, he for sure voted for the welfare state and voted for old-age pensions and
45:39voted for, you know, he was a young, hip guy to some degree. He wasn't the headmaster, actually.
45:43No, he was not the headmaster. The headmaster was an old Prince Charles-looking fellow. But
45:47this was a younger guy. He had sort of the cool Polaroid shades darkened. I think that was new
45:54technology. Is that right? Anyway, I just remember being him in these sunglasses and he ended up
46:00dating the music teacher and, you know, it's just kind of a cool hip guy. So for sure, he was probably
46:04on the left and, sorry, for sure, probably and most likely on the left. So voted for a sort of
46:08socialism. And so at the same time as he was telling me to respect other people's property,
46:15he was voting away my financial future by voting for endless debt-based policies. So it's all
46:22nonsense, right? It's all nonsense. And I never really believed in the virtue of my elders at all,
46:28like never. And the reason is that I was being abused in society. Nobody ever asked me, nobody
46:33ever cared, nobody ever lifted a finger to inquire, to help, to, I don't know. It was all nonsense,
46:38right? I just, I never believed any of the social morals in the society I was embedded in because,
46:43of course, if you're being, you know, brutalized and tortured and so on, and then people are
46:49telling you all about their virtues without doing anything about you being brutalized and tortured,
46:54I mean, you just know it's all lies and nonsense, right? And this is sort of the price.
46:58And certainly the British people are paying the price with interest for this kind of stuff.
47:03So what does Jesus mean? Come to bring a sword. Well, it's a mental sort of self-defense against
47:12the elders. And a sword in many ways is used to test the strength of something, right? So a sword
47:20against armor is fairly ineffective. A sword against skin is very effective. So a sword is
47:25used to test the strength of something. A sword against the ribbon cuts through it. A sword
47:30against a metal beam does not. The sword, in fact, gets damaged. So, you know, the debating
47:37is similar to dueling. It's a fencing with words, they sort of call it sometimes, right? So you're
47:41just seeing who has the better arguments and the stronger case and the better evidence and so on.
47:47So Jesus, as one of the first universalists says to the young, this is what your elders claim
47:55is virtuous. See how they act and see how they respond to you asking, is it true?
48:02And this is the foundational question of let he who is without sin cast the first stone.
48:07Are you an aggressive moralist to cover up your own immorality? This is very,
48:13very common, right? Very common. So when he says he's come to set the young against the old
48:19with a mental sword of self-defense against corruption, he's saying I'm giving you moral
48:24rules and a testable hypothesis by which you can judge the true morals of your elders.
48:31And foundationally, Jesus was highly restricted by a lack of free speech, right? So whenever the
48:37elders are promoting restrictions on free speech and all the hate speech stuff and all of that,
48:43whenever they're promoting restrictions on free speech, they're saying we can't answer
48:48you morally. We can't answer certain things, so we have to ban them. We can't answer.
48:54So he's giving you, right? If a physicist, if he said stuff falls and then you said,
49:02well, what about hot air balloons and bubbles? And he said, that's illegal. You're going to jail.
49:10Would you think he had a good answer to these things? No, of course not. If he said, you know,
49:15stuff falls and you said, well, what about clouds? They seem to stay in the sky. And he said,
49:20that's offensive blasphemy. I'm throwing you in jail. Would you think he had a good answer? No,
49:25no, no. I mean, restrictions on free speech are always confessions that you don't have a good
49:29answer and you're using morality for domination. So I hope that helps. I really do appreciate,
49:35thank you for your patience in this rather lengthy speech, but I think it's really,
49:40really important to understand this. And this is the continual process of universalism.
49:45The continual process of universalism is to challenge and undo with a compared to what
49:51the vanity and pseudo moral or moral pretence domination of the young by the old.
49:58And those who claim to live by universalism, who are then challenged with real universalism,
50:04well, live by the sword, die by the sword. Freedomain.com to help out the show. I'd
50:09really appreciate it. Have yourself a glorious, wonderful, beautiful day.
50:13Thank you for your time, care, attention and support. I'll talk to you soon. Bye.