• 2 months ago
Mark 7:17-23

And when He later entered a house, away from the crowd, His disciples asked Him about the parable. And He said to them, "Are you so lacking in understanding as well? Do you not understand that whatever goes into the person from outside cannot defile him, because it does not go into his heart, but into his stomach, and is eliminated?" (Thereby He declared all foods clean.) And He was saying, "That which comes out of the person, that is what defiles the person. For from within, out of the hearts of people, come the evil thoughts, acts of sexual immorality, thefts, murders, acts of adultery, deeds of greed, wickedness, deceit, indecent behavior, envy, slander, pride, and foolishness. All these evil things come from within and defile the person."



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00:00Well good morning everybody this is Bible verses Mark chapter 7 verse 17
00:06and when he Jesus later entered a house away from the crowd his disciples asked him about the
00:12parable and he said to them now the parable is to do with honoring their mother and their father
00:19so as they refer in the previous chapters to the verse from Moses or to the commandment from Moses
00:27honor their mother and their father and anyone who speaks ill of thy mother and father he should
00:34be put to death right so a death penalty for criticizing a parents now that's way too much
00:41power for any human being to handle that if you are criticized those who criticize you
00:48should be killed that is a form of absolute megalomaniacal vainglorious psychosis
00:55that is viewing yourself as a god and putting parents in the positions of vengeful hateful
01:02evil gods who can command the death of anyone who criticizes them is it's psychotic and so
01:11they're saying well hang on you've said that parents can be criticized and in fact should be
01:17if they've done wrong and Moses says that anybody who criticizes parents should be put to death
01:26so so his disciples asked him about the parable and he said to them are you so lacking in
01:33understanding as well do you not understand that whatever goes into the person from outside cannot
01:39defile him because it does not go into his heart but into his stomach and is eliminated thereby he
01:50declared all foods clean and he was saying that which comes out of the person that is what defiles
01:56the person for from within out of the hearts of people come the evil thoughts acts of sexual
02:03immorality thefts murders acts of adultery deeds of greed wickedness deceit indecent behavior envy
02:10slander pride and foolishness all these evil things come from within and defile the person
02:18so this is obviously an update of the old socratic argument that it is better to suffer evil than to
02:28do evil so whatever goes into the person from outside cannot defile him so if you are abused
02:37you are not corrupted if you're lied about you are not corrupted if you are attacked if you
02:44are beaten up you are not corrupted because those things come from outside because it does not go
02:51into his heart but into his stomach and is eliminated now that's a clever way of putting it
02:56in other words it doesn't go into your heart it doesn't go into your conscience that which is done
03:01unto you is to the shame of others not to your shame and of course this is something that i've
03:09been talking about for decades with people in call-in shows right which is to say the fact
03:15that evil was done to you as a child i understand that you needed to believe it was your fault
03:22in order to survive the situation in other words an abusive parent harms a child saying that the
03:29child is bad and wrong and thus justifying the harm by saying it is corrective or discipline
03:34or it's provoked or you know sort of by the other person right and it's jimmy it's really crazy that
03:41we in in a court of law if a woman wears revealing clothing we don't consider that justification
03:47for rape and rightly so we don't blame the victim but in the culture as a whole we're not doing
03:53nearly enough work to help children stop feeling they're guilty so as a child you had to agree with
04:00your parents that you were bad in order to survive the situation because if you have a parent so
04:07immoral and irrational that your parent is attacking you you know verbally or physically
04:12or god forbid sexually or neglecting you based upon a negative characteristic of yours
04:20then if you disagree with that causality and you say you don't hit me because i'm bad you hit me
04:27because you're bad you risk death i mean let's let's be frank about this you risk death now
04:33you can say yes but you know really only a few thousand say in america only a few thousand kids
04:39get get killed a year but we're talking about our evolution right we're talking about our evolution
04:46and this is what he's talking about with regards to parents that if you criticize your parent
04:51you will be put to death anyone who even speaks anyone who morally criticize your
04:59criticizes your parents should be put to death that is the death penalty for questioning parental
05:06morality and that was the tradition of course that jesus came out of and that of course is
05:12a tradition that is well let's just say it's not going to exactly promote moral development
05:19and it turns parents into totalitarians right he criticized stalin you could get thrown in a prison
05:25camp so as a child you have to agree with your parents that you are bad and they are punishing
05:35you for your badness and that they are good that is how you survive and throughout most of our
05:41evolution if parents were severely displeased with their child the child had let's just say
05:49a somewhat lower chance of survival i mean sometimes this is what i talked about in my
05:55tour in australia many moons ago which is like 40 percent of children were were killed
06:03sometimes by holding them down and pouring sand in their mouth like a variety of things right
06:08so you end up with hyper conformity under threat of death which is why there's very little progress
06:15in certain communities right so you have to agree with your parents assessment that you are bad and
06:22they are righteously punishing you rather than they are corrupt and child abusers and it really
06:27doesn't have anything to do with you it's their own rage and corruption and cruelty and viciousness
06:34and possibly sadism and violence all that it's right so what he's saying here i think what jesus
06:40is saying here whatever goes into a person from outside cannot defile him and this is jesus is
06:49i mean there's so many things that jesus brought to the fore that were fairly unprecedented and
06:55one is an absolute sympathy for children so whatever goes into the person from outside
07:02cannot defile him because it does not go into his heart but into his stomach and is eliminated and
07:06that's very interesting it doesn't go into his heart the heart being of course a seat of conscience
07:10and emotion back in the day but into his stomach and is eliminated and so he's also saying that
07:16the corruption that comes into you from outside the evil that comes into you from outside the
07:21immorality that is inflicted on you from outside is actually a source of nutrition and i've actually
07:27kind of found that to be true as a whole i would not be nearly as good a parent if my mother had
07:34not been as bad a parent and my father too if my community and society had not been so corrupt
07:44when i was growing up i would in no way shape or form have such a great community around me now
07:52so when he says it goes into your stomach and is eliminated he's saying that it can actually be a
07:57source of nutrition and strength for you it does not go into your heart but into your stomach and
08:02becomes a source of strength i would not be as strong and resolute in my pursuit and spreading
08:09of virtue if i had not been so mistreated as a child and the mistreating and the that's always
08:16been the interesting thing to me is that the mistreating that occurred to me sorry it's a very
08:20bad way of putting it the degree is as a child that i was mistreated which is also a very bad
08:25way of putting it let me reboot and try this again i was mistreated as a child not in isolation
08:31but in a thin-walled community right i could hear my neighbors they could hear me and i was in a
08:39community i was in a extended family and i was in let's see i was in i went to kindergarten away
08:48from home i think my mother was depressed and in hospital for some time so i went to kindergarten
08:53away from home and then i went to primary school and then i went to boarding school then i went
09:02back to primary school and then i went to primary school i went to upper school in canada primary
09:07school in canada and so i just went to a wide variety of schools went to three different
09:11universities and now i've been sort of public public as a victim of some pretty severe child
09:17abuse for decades and there's um i mean other than from you lovely listeners which i really
09:24really appreciate uh there's been no sympathy in general there has either been no sympathy or
09:30only condemnation and of course like if you sort of look at the media they will find every excuse
09:37for a criminal but for me there is only condemnation there isn't any well you know we
09:44think he's gone too far but if you look at his childhood it's easy to see where this might have
09:47come from you know something like that right that is not uh that is not what what happens right so
09:53so the child abusers do not operate in isolation my mother did not abuse me that's not the entire
10:03equation that's only a part of the equation my mother abused me because society allowed it and
10:11enabled it and my mother abused me i would assume unconsciously on the very deep understanding
10:20that if i were to speak out about it i would be condemned and the world would side with her
10:28so that deep knowledge of how society would and and she's entirely right she understood the world
10:35way better than i did way earlier than i did that's that's to give her her kudos and her props
10:40so to speak my mother deeply understood the nature of the world much much better than i did
10:46in that the world in general seems to flow along the lines of the old moses injunction which is
10:55the commandment that any who criticize parents must be put to death right well we've had some
11:00progress in the last couple thousand years i'm not put to death so so he says that which comes
11:07jesus says that which comes out of the person that is what defiles the person right so that
11:12which comes out of the person so it is in general my belief that with some exceptions like people
11:21who've just been completely like raised by wolves locked in cellars like completely their brains
11:28have been just completely broken by but that's very rare in society as a whole but it is my belief
11:34that everyone faces a fork in the road everyone faces a fork in the road and makes good or bad
11:43choices which tends to define the rest of their lives i mean i can certainly think of instances
11:48in my life where i have had to make a decision i remember after i read the psychology of self
11:55esteem i made a conscious decision to start accepting my feelings rather than pushing
11:59them away and through that i gained considerable empathy and sensitivity and that was a decision i
12:05remember that very clearly something happened that disappointed me i felt disappointment i
12:09pushed it away and then i was like no no let me feel like according to nathaniel brandon it's
12:13healthy to feel your emotions so let me feel these emotions and that was in my teens and i
12:20then i think developed a fair amount of emotional sensitivity and awareness out of that decision but
12:25that's a choice right that's a choice and of course i was recommending this book to all my
12:29friends and they made a choice to read it or not a friend of mine recommended einrand i made the
12:33choice to read it or not we can all think of these things you know somebody who treated me badly as a
12:40child once told me when i confronted that person that that person had woken up every day vowing
12:48to treat me better and had consistently not done that so those are choices those are choices
12:57even with my mother when i confronted her i could see in her eyes this calculation what can i get
13:01away with what do i have to admit now of course by the time i confronted my mother gosh by the
13:07time i confronted my mother she was in her late 50s so it's probably far too late but i know
13:15as i've talked about before when my mother beat me up because there was a ring i left a
13:21a cup of water on a dresser and she was really mad about that and she sort of beat me up
13:28and then later she came into my room i was pretending to sleep and also pretending to
13:33be uneven in my breathing to sort of signal my distress and she held my hand and pressed
13:39her forehead to my hand and i know she felt terrible about what she'd done and those are
13:43the moments where people can vow to do better or not they can i mean she felt regret she felt sad
13:49she felt sorrow and she had that that choice and unfortunately for whatever reason right
13:57he in schindler's list the nazi commander right is talked into mercy and then just decides
14:07changes his mind right people make make choices there are choices for morality people are not
14:15wired for evil or wired for virtue there are choices that you make in morality and i've been
14:22around people when they've had these shocks in life some big shock happens in life and
14:29i remember being out for an evening of karaoke with a friend and he just stopped singing halfway
14:34through because he realized something terrible about his life and we talked about it and so on
14:38and i recommended therapy and he just he never went i've been recommending therapy forever and
14:44ever i'm in so they don't go that's a choice so if you make those choices you choose the rest of
14:53your life choices are not permanent of course as we know right so choices the the problem with
15:02choices is if you make a bad choice it tends to harden or hard choices tend they're like concrete
15:09you can pour them and then they harden and i trying to think i'm trying to think if i have
15:17i don't think i've seen someone who's made a bad choice for i'm trying to think what the time frame
15:24is people who've made bad choices i obviously don't check in with them daily but i'm trying
15:29to think of anyone who's made a bad choice who has later significantly reversed it and by later
15:35i mean sort of weeks or months or years later and i can't think of of any right these these choices
15:41are like it's now or never it's now or never it's now or never and people keep messing around with
15:51these choices like they think they're just going to keep getting them oh later you know or whatever
15:55like somebody looks in the mirror and says oh my god i've gained weight and they're like eh whatever
15:59i'll get to i'll stop working out later or whatever and and they just kind of forget about it and move
16:03on well that's your choice and the choice is probably not going to come back at least not
16:08with the same level of intensity choice is not a lifelong privilege choice is a lightning strike
16:16that illuminates a landscape and gives you a fork in the road and if you take the right fork the
16:21lightning turns to sunlight and if you take the wrong fork it's darkness forever it seems that
16:27way i mean i'm not saying there's only one choice in life i'm not saying there's only one choice in
16:32life what i am saying is that choices are rare and people who choose badly don't unchoose later
16:39they don't criticize that because when you choose badly when you choose badly all of your other
16:47choices are determined by that choice so if you make the choice to continue to be cruel then you
16:56can't marry a kind person you can't be in business with kind people you can't have kind friends
17:04if you make the choice to diminish your potential to not pursue your potential
17:13then you cannot be around people who have high goals and high potentials you are stuck around
17:18people who are losers because you've made the choice to not fulfill your potential
17:23and therefore it's too painful to be around people who are aiming to fulfill their potential
17:29i mean my friend who was a good singer and guitarist would play these tears for fear songs
17:36and i i remember saying to him like there's no magical difference between these guys and you
17:40they just keep trying i mean there are no gods i'm just someone who kept trying and i get that
17:48there's intelligence and and i get all of that stuff as well but intelligence doesn't do squat
17:53for you if you don't keep trying in fact it becomes like a curse or a negative if you don't
17:57keep trying i mean i flamed out of very many different disciplines and approaches and someone
18:06i just just keep trying you just don't give if you don't give up you're ahead of 99 percent of
18:11the population if you don't give up you're only competing with one percent of the population
18:14so that which comes out of the person that is what defiles the person the choices the choices
18:21so he's got a lists lists are really great i hate to sort of say but lists are really really great
18:27i've always sort of thought in shakespeare the list of flowers is so sensual and vivid that's
18:31really great so what does he say from for from within out of the hearts of people come the evil
18:40thoughts the evil thoughts so what are evil thoughts well of course there is no
18:50health for censorship in the mind however there are certain disciplines mental disciplines that
18:59really help with the pursuit of virtue and the avoidance of vice mental habits so one mental
19:06habit is to not blame others for your own choices that's that's just a mental habit and a mental
19:13discipline to not blame others for your own choices is really really an important one
19:22i chose to continue seeing let's say my mother i chose to continue so blaming my mother for my
19:28choice to continue to see her really doesn't make any sense at all it's my choice i chose
19:36to get engaged to a woman who would not have been the right partner for me that was my choice
19:42so the evil thoughts are playing the victim regarding your own choices that is to strip
19:49yourself of free will because if you blame others for your choices then you are passive and acted
19:57upon and if you are passive and acted upon then you get relief from the self-recrimination at
20:04having made a bad choice but you lose authority and power of your life as a whole so evil thoughts
20:11are to blame others for your choices thefts murders acts of adultery sorry acts of sexual
20:17immorality thefts murders acts of adultery deeds of greed wickedness deceit indecent behavior envy
20:23slander pride and foolishness all these evil things come from within and defile the person
20:30so we human beings have a superpower and a weakness which is we can talk ourself
20:37into and out of anything seriously our capacity to gaslight ourselves and to talk yourself in
20:44and out of anything is foundational this is the hamlet injunction or the hamlet statement there
20:50is nothing good or bad but thinking makes itself and of course in life there have been things and
20:58i'm sure you've had a million of these yourself but in life in my life there have been things
21:03that have been i have perceived as really bad at the time and in hindsight and later on they
21:11turned out to have been a wonderful and helpful every woman i dated where the relationship did
21:19not work out ended up with me being married to my wonderful wife for you know 23 years
21:29almost a quarter century and we've had a a wonderful time because we've had
21:36so much time together because we don't work outside the home so because we don't work outside
21:43the home we have all day together so we've had you know most people get two to three hours a day
21:51together especially if they're parenting most married but we get you know 16 hours a day
21:57together so we've been married approximately 150 years right when things didn't work out
22:07for me in the business world and i just couldn't really stomach it anymore
22:12well i started podcasting which was much better so all the things that didn't work out led to
22:22the life that i have that i wouldn't change a thing i wouldn't change a thing i wouldn't change
22:28a thing about my friends my wife my daughter my career i wouldn't change a thing so all the things
22:36that didn't work out led me to a life that is for me at least as close to perfect as can be
22:43achieved and so we have this capacity to gaslight ourselves or to change our mind about things and
22:51so now when something quote bad happens i don't know i don't know if it's good or bad because i
22:57don't know how it's going to play out in the long run so our capacity to gaslight ourselves or to
23:05as the old example goes right the world looks flat but it is in fact a sphere and we know that
23:10even though it really doesn't make any sense and i remember of course like most kids when i saw
23:14a map i saw a globe and i saw australia of course everyone's like why don't they fall off you know
23:19that kind of stuff right so it is counterintuitive it is counterintuitive that when you start to
23:25approach the speed of light all that the energy that you apply into going faster gets converted
23:30into mass and time slows down to the point where you end up with a queen song right so we have the
23:36capacity to change our mind about things in extremely counterintuitive ways which is the
23:42basis of science it is also the basis of the free market it is counterintuitive as sort of adam
23:51smith's invisible hand goes it is counterintuitive that everyone's pursuit of material self-interest
23:58leads to socially beneficial outcomes that in a sense greed or material self-interest leads to
24:06socially beneficial outcomes that is counterintuitive it is counterintuitive that
24:12giving huge amounts of money and resources to the poor does not make them wealthy but in fact
24:19tends to trap them in poverty that is counterintuitive it is according to our senses
24:27the sun and the moon are the same size but they're not in reality right so the fact that we can
24:35deny the evidence of our senses and the fact that we can talk ourself into just
24:40about anything is very powerful and it has a great deal of power with regards to
24:47our perspectives in life so as you probably knew or maybe you don't i had a cancer in the past
24:57and as a result of that i have to wear big old hats when i'm out in the sun because i had radiation
25:04treatment on my neck and so i have to keep the sun away from my neck so what i can say is oh my
25:11gosh it was so terrible that i had cancer and you know obviously it wasn't great but i can also say
25:15well but that probably has meant that i'm not going to get skin cancer because i wear these
25:19big old hats certainly around sort of my face and neck and all that kind of stuff right so
25:25there's a plus you can look at the negatives or you can look at the pluses right the fact that
25:30i did not succeed as a novelist was beneficial in that the world does not need another novelist
25:40the world needs a moral philosopher and my abilities as a moral philosopher are greater
25:48than my abilities as a novelist although i think i'm a pretty good novelist
25:53but my abilities as a moral philosopher are greater so that's too so the fact that i didn't
25:59get what i want is better for the world as a whole in other words me wanting success as an artist
26:07was selfish in a way in that it's not what's best for the world and if the world went to
26:15hell in a handbasket because i had focused on my success as a novelist then i would feel bad if i
26:22had not done the moral philosophy stuff which can do a lot to save the world at least in the long
26:27run if i had gotten what i wanted when i was younger as a playwright director and actor
26:33i would have been severely constrained in what i could produce because of government grants leftist
26:40bias and so on and i would not have the freedom to speak as i if i as i if i had i wouldn't have
26:46the freedom to speak as i'm speaking now if i had become an academic right if i had gone to do my
26:53phd become a professor or something like that then i would be severely constrained in what i could
27:00talk about and would not have been able to do the kind of good that i have done and of course
27:07even if you are a professor it doesn't really matter if you're saying things that goes against
27:14the grain of the propaganda infused masses it doesn't really matter that you're a professor
27:18and have a phd because there's tons of people who have who are professors and have phds who
27:22are saying things that the masses find abhorrent and the fact that they are professors and have
27:27phds doesn't doesn't change the emotional reactivity so the gaslighting aspect of things
27:36or the believing things that are not obvious or not empirical in sort of the human perspective
27:46is where the evil thoughts tend to germinate and grow so for instance if you are a man and
27:54let's say you have not been romantic or attentive to your wife and let's say that you have been
28:03pouring all your effort into work and money and then let's say at work there's some
28:10some woman who really starts coming on to you well the affair doesn't happen out of nowhere
28:16the affair happens because you talk yourself into it and how do you talk yourself into it well
28:22what you do is you say well my wife is deficient my wife hasn't been paying me enough attention
28:30my wife is not very romantic my wife doesn't make me feel wanted my wife has let her appearance go
28:35maybe we've got some kids or whatever and i deserve some fun and what's the point of all
28:41the success if i can't enjoy myself and then maybe you even in a sort of negative or awkward way try
28:49to revive things with your wife but it doesn't work very well and because you're now attracted
28:54to another woman and you're not telling your wife or dealing with it and putting it aside
28:59you start to become more and more distant from her which makes your romantic life even worse
29:04and this other woman is you know you you're putting it in the realm of possibility
29:09which means the sort of mental tendrils of justification start to wrap around it and it is
29:16a series of justifications that end up with you having the affair so the evil thoughts
29:27of that which you slowly start gaslighting yourself and talking yourself into accepting
29:33the affair and then everything that happens with your wife further justifies you having the affair
29:43right so if your wife is unhappy about something you say oh that woman is never happy and that's
29:49why i'm attracted to this other woman she's driving me into the arms of another woman so to speak
29:53it's unbearable to be here and then you start crabbing and picking at her and make the relationship
29:57worse and all of that is because you want to have the justification for the affair and then you put
30:06yourself into situations where like you're working late and you're putting yourself in
30:12situation you're going on a business trip the woman is around and you sit in a hot tub with
30:17her like you put yourself in situations where these kinds of things can occur or are more likely
30:26to occur right as opposed to you know if you find yourself attracted to another woman in your
30:31marriage then you've got to avoid that other woman like the plague and work at improving your
30:36marriage otherwise you're just going to end up talking yourself into a kind of disaster
30:42and then if your affair is discovered you blame your wife for your choices i mean you made a vow
30:52and you broke your vow you made a vow and you broke your vow it's really that simple
30:58and you led yourself step by step down this garden path so that's not good and
31:08this kind of gaslighting is i think what jesus is referring to with regards to these
31:14evil thoughts right come the evil thoughts first and then the acts of sexual immorality
31:20thefts murders acts of adultery and so on right so i didn't have much respect for property rights
31:25when i was in my early teens and that was because i felt no i felt no loyalty to the social contract
31:34because society was enabling and participating with my mother in the endless abuses inflicted
31:43upon me as a child so why would i why would i care now i was aware and you know that that
31:52this was not going to go in a particularly good direction long run so i stopped and all of that
31:59but yeah i just didn't and and so i would justify i didn't sort of consciously but i was just like
32:04well society is just a a bunch of liars and you know they say they care about children but they
32:10don't so you can justify that right a slander pride a slander is a very interesting because
32:17slander is something that is quite a lot talked about in the bible to there are even particular
32:25commandments like don't don't lie about others a slander is a very important sin and a very
32:36deep and destructive sin because slander is fairly untraceable the supposed source of the slander
32:46that person will simply say they heard it from someone else or they read it somewhere or
32:50something like that so it is a a crime which is very hard to pinpoint and it's very hard to fight
32:59back so yeah slander is is a big issue and it is something that used to be like don't gossip don't
33:08repeat these salacious things and so on and it is reputational damage that used to be cured by
33:16dueling right so men would not engage in gossip because if they repeated something false about
33:22someone that person could challenge them to a duel blow their eyeballs out at dawn right
33:28now but and and in general what women would gossip about sorry what women would gossip about
33:36would not impact the male world that much right if the men are out hunting or at war female gossip
33:43about men doesn't really have much impact but now that the women of course have so much power
33:50some real and some artificial in the world the slander becomes much more much more dangerous
33:57so yeah all these evil things come from within and defile the person so it's the choices that
34:02you make now again somebody who's raised in locked in a basement or raised by wolves
34:08we would miss there's such an extreme that we wouldn't really hold that person morally responsible
34:13for not having particularly humane mindsets but in in the vast vast vast majority of people
34:22there are these folks in the road lightning or sunlight lightning to darkness lightning to
34:26sunlight there are these folks in the road and when my mother that night 50 years ago
34:36when she held my hand pressed her forehead to my hand and i'm sure in her heart vowed to do better
34:44that was a fork in the road and she could have you know the next day she could have gone to the
34:50library and got some books on better parenting and different ways to approach things and she
34:55could have done all of that but she chose she chose not to and then of course many years later
35:03it seems like she had no choice sure sure but if you choose not to quit smoking then many years
35:10later you can't run a marathon i get that but you can't run a marathon because you chose not to quit
35:15smoking so later on it seems like people don't have a choice but that's because they made a bad
35:21choice before and committed to it was it possible for my mother in her late 50s to develop empathy
35:29and kindness and to apologize i don't think so i don't think it was possible for her anymore
35:37but that doesn't mean it was never possible for her so it seems inevitable or almost like physics
35:44like no free will later on in life but that's because of a particular choice that was made
35:50years or decades before that has never been revisited and has been further committed to
35:56and as i say it's very hard to turn back once you start going down the wrong road because you're
36:00given a choice right if after i read the psychology of self-esteem which happened because i listened to
36:07a friend about reading the fountainhead then i shrugged and then i started going through all of
36:11i ran into nathaniel brandon's work and i made that choice now if i had said ah forget it my
36:18feelings are inconvenient i'm just going to push them away then my whole life would have been
36:22completely different and it would have felt inevitable right if i had made that choice
36:26it would have felt inevitable and of course being annoyed or angry at the educational systems who
36:33never taught you anything about how to deal with your emotions or like anything like self-knowledge
36:37or anything like that boy they'll spend a lot of time teaching you about the opposite angle theorem
36:41and the triangle inequality relation i mean my god all that time on useless junk which you never
36:50use again it's the last time i need to calculate the area of a rhomboid but they won't teach you
36:56anything about wisdom or self-knowledge so i had to get it from a book but all of that stuff
37:04gave me that choice and making those choices has led me to having the life
37:11that i have that i love and again i thank you all for for helping me with that making it possible
37:18listening supporting freedom.com and i really do thank you all for that so what is done unto you
37:26does not define your morals but the choices that you make from within and and be very alert and
37:33aware and pursue like get get access to new information read people you disagree with read
37:39things that go against the grain i mean you've seen me do article reviews with regards to articles
37:45that i seriously disagree with read the opposite arguments don't live in an echo chamber don't live
37:52in a reinforcement bubble and through that you get access to a lot of information and through
38:01having access to a lot of information and perspectives you widen your capacity for
38:06choice and when those choices come along and it may happen at three o'clock in the morning
38:13one big choice came along to me when i had spent five hours sitting in a hammock after i
38:22climbed the fence of a resort in guatemala and lay in a in a hammock for five hours
38:30no it was mexico it was i'm sorry not guatemala it was on the trip i went to belize guatemala and
38:35mexico but it was in mexico because the woman i was traveling with wanted to go and see chichen itza
38:40and i'd already seen it so i didn't go so i just climbed the fence and went into a resort
38:46lay there for five hours and a blinding truth came to me about personal relationships which
38:52has never been undone since put yourself in like meditate honestly meditate get massages
38:58if you have to you know i was saying this to somebody the other day that you know if you're
39:02single and and you don't have any hugs or touches for heaven's sakes go get some massages go get
39:07some aromatherapy go get something where people are giving you that human touch because if you
39:12don't get any touch if you don't get any sort of skin-to-skin contact things can get very strange
39:17in in the mind so i think this is what this all means i'm really curious what you think about all
39:23of this and i really do appreciate again as i said before your support and interest in it in in what
39:30i'm doing i really do appreciate that we will stand the test of time if that i have no doubt
39:36and all who have helped me i think will take great pride over the course of their lives for
39:41all the good we will bring to the world over time it's not yet but over time free
39:45demand.com slash donate to help out the show take care i'll talk to you soon bye