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Join Robbie Stelling and Rich Mennear on the latest episode of the Poolie Podcast as they discuss Hartlepool United’s disappointing defeat against Altrincham as their faint play-off hopes slip further away.


00:30Hello and welcome to another Pooley podcast with myself Richard Munir and Robbie Stelling
00:40fresh from a very disappointing night for Harker United last night at the Vic on the
00:45back of three home games we'll get into the nitty gritty of that from yeah from last week
00:52or so Robbie hugely disappointing three games we were hoping for between seven and nine
00:56points of course ended up with two lost count of two points how did you see last night's
01:04game first of all Robbie and then we'll kind of get into the fan frustrations which are
01:11very clear at the minute and understandably as well in terms of the club as a whole but
01:16yeah how did you see last night's sort of game and performance and just on the back
01:21of the start of the game as well yeah I'm not even sure disappointing does it justice
01:27rich to be honest I mean if you look at Pools and Altrincham not that long ago the two teams
01:35were in different footballing stratospheres Altrincham were in the Northern Premier League
01:39when Phil Parkinson was appointed manager in 2017 Pools obviously have such a long proud
01:47rich history of being a football league club and at the moment the reality is pretty stark
01:54Pools are being eclipsed by a team with a less distinguished history a less significant
02:04fan base and that was laid bare for all to see on Tuesday night the performance in and
02:10of itself I don't think was that bad it was probably better actually than on Saturday
02:17when they had that distinctly underwhelming draw with relegation threatened Maidenhead
02:23I mean supporters are paying more for their season tickets than they have done in recent
02:28years and I'm not sure that they're getting value for money not just last night but throughout
02:34the season six nil-nil draws at the Prestige Group Stadium that's pretty striking I would
02:39suggest obviously no home goal for almost seven hours under Darren Sahl Pools tried
02:45to make it difficult against an informed Altrincham sides last night Altrincham unbeaten in ten
02:52games now run that's seen them climb into the playoff places they're full of confidence
02:56but they'd had a difficult week they played Oldham away and then they traveled to Gateshead
03:02on Saturday when they'd had a really hard-fought one nil win so they'd had a lot of traveling
03:09they don't have the deepest of squads former Pools midfielder Tom Crawford who capped in
03:14the side on Tuesday night has had to play pretty much every minute of late they had
03:20another injury in the first half as well but on Matt Penny who'd only arrived earlier that
03:26afternoon so perhaps from that sense there was a little bit of an opportunity for Pools
03:34Pools have tried to be certainly more proactive and purposeful in attacking since Anthony
03:39Lindbergh replaced Lenny Lawrence there are obviously positive signs when they beat Sutton
03:43in Lindbergh's first game in charge and of course then this run of three home games in
03:50a week fans had hoped that they were going to use that as a springboard from which to
03:53launch their assault on the playoff places and in fact it's been a week in which any
04:00hopes of a top seven finisher have come crashing to a pretty emphatic conclusion Pools I think
04:08generally controlled the game last night they had chances I didn't necessarily agree with
04:14Anthony Lindbergh's assessment that they deserve to win I'm not sure they really did enough
04:19to win the game they hit the post through Manny Disarue in the first half substitute
04:24Gary Medin had three bites at a David Ferguson corner in the second half but it wasn't as
04:30though Pools were hammering down the door looking for an opener and in Regan Linney
04:36Ulstringham have one of the National League's form players a mistake from Jack Hunter who
04:42is one of a number of players operating out of position he got caught underneath Elliot
04:47Osborne's rather hopeful long ball forward and Linney stolen to open the scoring in the
04:5387th minute from there Pools never really looked like getting back into the game substitute
04:59Lucas Weaver made it 2-0 Nicky Featherstone half the deficit with a 96th minute header
05:05but it was another disappointing night for Pools to a degree I could see what they were
05:12trying to do they were slightly more contained within their shape than they have been in
05:19recent weeks but it's difficult Pools have had three managers this season or I know Lindbergh's
05:25title is head coach they had three managers last season they've had 16 managers in the
05:32last decade and eight caretakers Nicky Featherstone's been at the club for 11 seasons he's worked
05:37under 26 different regimes and like so many managers before him Lindbergh has inherited
05:43a squad that is not necessarily been assembled to play the way we might like to play I think
05:51if you look at someone like Aaron Sowell who obviously the squad was assembled by in
05:55the summer and someone like Anthony Lindbergh I would imagine that their footballing philosophies
06:00are totally different and that's clearly an issue there are some square pegs in round
06:04holes at the minute and another really disappointing night that's um yeah it's a major issue for
06:10Pools I think they're probably gonna have to tie it at this level obviously there's
06:12a lot of churn of players isn't it with short-term contracts and pre-agents and we appreciate
06:17you know the budget pressures of clubs at the National League level however um I think
06:22just obviously it's a totally different club in terms of size but what a club like Sunderland
06:26do and others is they have a very set way of playing and then they recruit to that model
06:31in terms of also who they place in charge of manager and head coach whereas at Pools
06:34it's like you say everything's been ripped up every six months which then leaves you
06:40with a squad that isn't really um doesn't really suit that managers particular style
06:44of play and the pitch as well doesn't suit the style of play currently and the pitch
06:48is a major issue they're gonna have to invest some proper money in it and rip it up and
06:53try it again with air um and yeah it's a lot of frustration obviously a lot of frustration
06:58amongst the fan base I think that probably spilled over certainly on social media last
07:01night um understandably so in some quarters um and yeah at least Pools as you say probably
07:09planning ahead for another season in the National League uh the 10th now got the own
07:1344 points um six seven eight points off Halifax Town in seventh we'll see a lot of clubs around
07:19them of games in hand as well and just judging on the last three games and a lot of performances
07:24you wouldn't you wouldn't think this team or squad has it in in them to run together
07:28a string results can you get them in the top seven would you no not at all I mean they
07:33probably need to win nine or ten of their final 13 games and this is a side that's only one
07:39one of their last eight obviously you want to try and finish the season strongly but I think
07:45a lot of the remainder of the campaign is going to be dedicated to planning for next season
07:51we had a similar situation Rich last season didn't we when Pools was safe from relegation
07:58but had no real chance of finishing in the playoffs under Kevin Phillips and a lot of the
08:05conversations we had with Kevin Phillips in the final couple of months of the season
08:09were what he was doing in terms of planning for next season he was already looking at potential
08:15transfer targets he was already discussing implementing a style of play changing the
08:21patterns making pools more possession based only to have the rug pulled from underneath him a week
08:26after the end of the campaign when as you say Pools appointed Darren Self a completely different
08:33manager you mentioned Sunderland and the fact that they have a style of play and they recruit
08:40both managers and playing staff accordingly well look at someone like Altrincham they don't have
08:46one of the biggest budgets in the National League they don't have one of the biggest
08:51fan bases but they have stability and they have a core set of principles that they stick to
08:56okay it's a fairly unique situation in football to have a manager as long-serving
09:01as Phil Parkinson but by sticking to what you believe in that has led them to success
09:08Altrincham lost Chris Conclark in the summer they finished fourth last season didn't go up via the
09:13Perth they lost Chris Conclark who scored 22 goals in 46 games was absolutely integral to their
09:19success last season he signed for Ligue 1 Peterborough in the summer I think given their
09:25financial constraints a lot of onlookers expected them to find things far more difficult
09:29this season but they recruited smart they recruited players to suit their system look at someone like
09:36Tom Crawford a free agent who was released by Pools at the end of April I tell you what you
09:42look at Tom Crawford in comparison to the Pools midfield last night Nathan Sharon was suspended
09:48he's had a good season he does a lot of destructive work Jamie Marley I thought was the best player in
09:52a pool shirt last night and certainly has shown plenty of promise and Nicky Featherston has been
09:58a really good servant for more than a decade but you look at Greg Sloggett you look at
10:04Jack Hunter two of the players who ostensibly were signed to replace Tom Crawford to be an upgrade
10:11on Tom Crawford I think you would really struggle even the most optimistic of supporters would
10:16struggle to suggest that Sloggett who faced up to Tom Crawford last night was an upgrade on the
10:23former Pools man I think playoffs have felt like a stretch for some time Rich I think now they're
10:32beginning to feel like a pipe dream and fans are right to be frustrated fans pay good money
10:38to support their team the team as we've discussed before it is at the heartbeat of the town in a way
10:45that a lot of clubs aren't it is central to the community when the team does well the town tends
10:50to do well and vice versa as I said supporters are paying more for their season ticket than they have
10:56done in previous years in the last 17 seasons Rich Pools have finished in the top half three times
11:03two of those were 12th placed finishes that is simply not good enough for a club of Hartlepool
11:09United's size we know the National League is a competitive league we know it's an extremely
11:13difficult league to get out of Pools simply have to be doing better for 95 percent of their history
11:20Pools have been a football league club they have potential they have a big fan base and they are
11:26just not living up to it at the moment and you can understand why fans are disappointed compare this
11:32season to last have there been improvements maybe incrementally but I would suggest that supporters
11:39deserve a lot more than incremental improvements Pools have improved defensively they've kept 11
11:45clean sheets last season they only kept five throughout the entire campaign that's come at
11:50the cost of goal scoring they've scored 39 goals this season last season I think they scored 70
11:57clearly there's a balance to be found there they've got 44 points last season they finished on 60 are
12:03they going to do much better than that I would suggest probably not they've still got to play
12:07York they've still got to play Forest Green Gateshead Oldham they've got some difficult games
12:12to come so you can understand why fans are frustrated for someone like Anthony Limbrick
12:17who's fairly new to the club that's obviously going to make things more difficult but in my
12:22time following Pools Rich I've rarely known such a disconnect such a division between
12:29supporters and the board and that's a real issue yes for sure I think you'd I mean what was the
12:38crowd last night 3,200 I think well that was the official attendance Rich I'm not 100% sure that
12:44it was it was that high to to be honest and I was yeah I was just gonna be the wider point though
12:52like you say the fan base you know fan base is there isn't it when when the team winning
12:59and yeah there's a lot more potential that's currently being played out of the club yeah I
13:04think Anthony Limbrick you mentioned it yourself in one of your pieces this morning that Pools like
13:07Cutting Edge and Riquelos at the back which is a pretty it's not a great combination is it
13:13just on Anthony Limbrick then four games I think who is to his spell as kind of the main man
13:18after Lenny Lawrence took a step back he's obviously been at the club for a little while
13:22anyway prior to that but he was also coming under some heat last night for sort of you know team
13:27selection formation things like that performance those are the last couple of games how do you see
13:33things with with Anthony Limbrick moving forward do you think you'll be given that scope to
13:39you know rip things up in the summer and go again from from August or or not well I'm a big fan of
13:46Anthony Limbrick and I think it's important that he is given that scope you know the things that
13:50we've just discussed are the fact that Pools really do lack a footballing identity they lack
13:57a way of playing the recruitment plans have been very very different in recent seasons
14:05and there's obviously been sort of a succession of hangovers from that we had Paul Hartley in the
14:11Scottish contingent number of those players remained with Pools for a couple of years
14:16then we've had some of the signings made under John Askey and and Darren Kelly although Manny
14:21Disarroy was obviously a huge success you look at someone like Kieran Wallace hasn't made a senior
14:27appearance this season now out on loan at Peterborough Sports Manny Onorise has made
14:31four substitute appearances this season now out on loan at Maidenhead so Pools have been lumbered with
14:38a bit of flotsam from previous regimes and and that's an issue but the club is crying out for
14:44some stability in the dugout of the last 16 permanent appointments I think only two of them
14:51have lasted more than 12 months in the job and that that is clearly a sign that Hartlepool United
14:57is one of the most difficult jobs to get right in football it's clearly a sign that things are
15:03probably not going well on and off the pitch but it's also a sign that if you look at the high
15:11turnover of managers compared to the results and where Pools have finished it's clear that that's
15:16not a sustainable model Pools are gonna have to stick with someone and and put some faith in them
15:23I think Lindbergh is the right man I think criticism at him levelled at this early stage
15:31is very harsh indeed I think in some ways he's almost tainted by association fans are so frustrated
15:38by what's going on at the club the fact that they're staring down the baron of another season
15:42of stagnation more mid-table mediocrity for a fan base that that feels like with good reason they
15:49belong in the football league I think Lindbergh is clearly trying to do something different I think
15:56if you'd said to fans do they want to see a change from the style of play even under the more
16:02pragmatic Lenny Lawrence they would have said yes when he switched to 3-5-2 and Pools produced a
16:07really impressive performance to beat Sutton just a couple of weeks ago everyone was singing his
16:12praises they were delighted to see him take a risk in changing the shape they were delighted to see
16:17him name such an attack-minded XI they were pleased to see him make such purposeful substitutions and
16:25he hasn't changed his philosophy in the last couple of weeks Pools have had three really
16:31disappointing results one win two draws and one defeat from his first four games in charge
16:38there's certainly no disgrace in that but obviously the games especially the two against
16:43Maidenhead and Tamworth that supporters had really hoped were going to be winnable matches
16:48it starts to look a little bit more disappointing I think there is a case that there are some square
16:55pegs and round holes at the minute Jack Hunter who made a mistake last night is a central midfielder
17:00being played at centre-half David Ferguson is a full-back being played at centre-half Reyes Cleary
17:05is a winger being played at wing-back Luke Charman is a winger being played at wing-back Dan Dodds is
17:11a full-back who's been played at centre-half Sam Folarin is a winger who's played up front
17:16I think that's too many players being played out of position but of course Limbic has
17:21yes well exactly and Limbic has he's obviously decided that this is the shape
17:28he favours I think he likes a 3-5-2 because it allows him to get two up front be that
17:34Manny Disirue and Gary Medin which has tended to be the pairing or as we saw last night Manny
17:39Disirue and Sam Folarin which gives him a little bit more pace a little bit more threat in behind
17:44Joe Gray is obviously returning back from injury made a welcome return to the squad for the first
17:48time since New Year's Day and it allows him to get that two up front without necessarily
17:53sacrificing much in midfield you can still play three central midfielders if you want whereas if
17:57you go 4-4-2 you're obviously a little bit more lightweight in the engine room the fact is that
18:03as I've said he's inherited a squad of players that aren't necessarily his that are not necessarily
18:09catered to how he would like to play he's trying to make it work but it's difficult to judge him
18:15at this stage I think he's doing a lot of the right things I like his energy I like his charisma
18:21I think he talks really well I think he's got some good ideas about the game I respect the fact that
18:26he's not afraid to take risks I like his positive substitutions but I don't think it's fair to judge
18:33him until he I hope is given a summer to start to implement his ideas to focus on recruiting players
18:42to suit his model to suit his system and then we'll see where he's really at as I've said before
18:47he's got a really interesting background in both coaching and management Park Liverpool United is
18:52an extremely difficult job if you look at most of the 16 managers who have taken on the role
18:58permanently in the last decade decade to be honest which almost all of them have failed Dave
19:04Chaloner is the only one that can be considered an unqualified success it's a big job managers with
19:10more experience than Anthony Lindbergh have tried and failed to succeed but pools have got to put
19:15some faith in someone and I think Lindbergh is the right man do you think um is it overly dramatic or
19:21is it fair to say that the high granite job is probably the toughest in the national league
19:26well it certainly feels like it's one of the toughest there are plenty of clubs that have
19:32been in similar positions to pools down the years in the sense that they're big clubs almost sleeping
19:38giants at this level if you like with big fan bases lots of potential that have created a much
19:43higher level before and in a sense that adds another layer of difficulty because the fans are
19:50are expectant they want more than the current footballing reality so anything less than
19:57a promotion push or a playoff challenge is considered a failure but is that an unrealistic
20:02unreasonable expectation from pools fans I don't think so when you look at the size of the club
20:06and as I've said the history and pedigree and reputation as a football league club look it's
20:14really difficult there are big challenges both on and off the pitch as you've mentioned the playing
20:20surface this year has been difficult as well the pitch has really started to deteriorate you don't
20:28tend to get a lot of time as pools managed to get things right the fans are frustrated that can make
20:35it more difficult you look at someone like Anthony Lindbergh who's being questioned and challenged
20:39after only four games at the helm if pools was a club on on more solid foundations or unstable footing
20:49there's no way that was would happen especially after he's won one and drawn two of his first
20:53four matches that's probably just a sign of the general ill feeling the general frustration
20:58among fans but it's a really big job and it's a really really difficult job and the other thing
21:02is you wouldn't necessarily think obviously managers will always think they can tell things
21:06around the club but it wouldn't be a huge cue we wouldn't have thought of experienced managers
21:09wanting to come to Hartlepool either given the um you know what happens to them in terms of like
21:15how quickly they go through the club and you know aside from channeling there aren't too many
21:19managers i can think of that actually enhance their reputation having come to Hartlepool so
21:23football is a relatively small world as well so people you know will talk so yeah interesting a
21:27lot of challenges ahead um hopefully pools can start to turn things around just on the team
21:31news last night um there was a ray of hope that uh Joe Gray was back in the squad um although
21:37you know he's still yet to sign a new contract obviously probably unlikely to if he is going to
21:42until the summer but he's you know real threat that him and Manny may well also depart in the
21:47summer which would be two um key of the four two of the key forward players to potentially leave
21:52um Louis Stevenson also in from the start last night um i was right behind his miss on saturday
21:57in the town and um after his horror miss um so yeah a little bit not afraid to make uh
22:03plenty of changes for games and just just on great first of all i'm good to have him back and
22:08take it there's no no updates at the minute in terms of his contract situation and likely to
22:11be until the summer is that yeah i think you're right rich i think that's probably one that the
22:17same as manny disarray that's probably one that's going to run until the summer i i think the
22:23difficult reality is that it may well depend on what sort of offers gray gets from elsewhere given
22:28that he's only 21 years old that he's already played 100 times more than 100 times for for
22:33pools and has been one of the most important players over the last couple of seasons i i
22:37imagine there will be other clubs interested in him obviously he has an affinity for pools
22:43he's been here for five or six years now that might help it in terms of potentially convincing
22:52him to stay but it's certainly a cloud hanging over pools that they are at serious risk of losing
22:59joe gray and manny disarray two of their most important players they contributed 38 goals
23:04between them last season manny disarray despite a slightly more challenging season it is still
23:09the top scorer joe gray scored six goals in 25 or 26 appearances this season and has been one of the
23:15better players who's really missed him since have since new year's day i mean it it's telling that
23:22they've only won one of eight games since then there was so much positivity after the win over
23:27oldham on new year's day it really felt like pools were gonna kick on obviously injuries to gray and
23:33mancini have made things more challenging they've recruited they have obviously tried to
23:41replace or not replace but they've tried to provide cover for gray and mancini ray is clear
23:46he's coming on loan from west brom and done really well sam for lauren's coming on a permanent deal
23:51from harrogate and has been in and out of the side so far but obviously one that perhaps has one eye
23:57on the future as well and that's a positive thing but but i think pools have missed joe gray's
24:05determination to run in behind i think one thing that's frustrated me especially when they have
24:09manny disarray and gary medine up top alongside each other they don't really have anyone to run
24:14in behind so when they go long disarray and medine's only option is to try and hold the ball
24:20up and go backwards or turn inside i would like to see someone like gray make those runs
24:26beyond he's obviously a talented player he's got pace he's direct he's energetic he makes like
24:34life difficult for defenders and pools have really missed him it would obviously be a massive loss
24:38were he to leave in the summer that's very much up in the air i would imagine we will not know
24:44any more on that until the end of the campaign certainly good to have him back pools have got
24:5013 games remaining this season he didn't look absolutely at his sharpest last night but he
24:56produced one or two good moments and a welcome return like you say i think on the team news i
25:02was quite surprised by the team i have to say i didn't expect louis stephenson to be in from the
25:07start after probably one of the misses of the season i really felt for him he's obviously a
25:13local lad still only a teenager hasn't played for or hadn't played for pools since the end of
25:19september had been out on loan a couple of times looked like he'd lost his confidence that miss
25:23certainly won't have helped but he showed great character i thought he was one of the better
25:26players on tuesday night he was energetic he got forward well he posed a threat from the right
25:31flank he defended well when he had to as well so i was really pleased for him that was a good
25:36response and a good sign of his character in terms of the other changes i was surprised again to see
25:41greg soviet named it in central midfield nikki featherstone obviously will be 36 37 sorry this
25:47summer he's 36 now has played a lot of football probably more football than most fans would have
25:51expected this season so not a massive surprise to see him given a break so it's only started twice
25:57in the last four months and has really struggled in truth since arriving at pools in san felare
26:01and had his first start since arriving last month up front alongside manny disarray gary
26:08madine's obviously another one of the the veterans in the squad i think pools have got eight or nine
26:12players over the age of 30 in the squad manny disarray i believe turns 30 on thursday so
26:18perhaps a little bit more energy for lauren was busy buzzed about made things difficult at times
26:23for altringham's backline although perhaps wasn't as influential as he might have hoped to be he
26:28will improve it as he gets more minutes under his belt but an interesting team selection certainly
26:35as you say limbic has not been afraid to make bold decisions that's a good thing i have a lot
26:41of respect for that i think it's important that he doesn't make bold calls just for the sake of
26:45making bold calls but certainly he's a man unafraid to make a big decision we'll um we'll end this
26:52therapy session robby um by just looking ahead to the next couple of weeks um try and try and
26:57um gather some positive bits it's very hard at the minute um aldershot town saturday away and
27:02then obviously the home visit of york uh city a week on saturday i think isn't it yeah saturday
27:08was the first um and then filed away kevin phillips i think he was um i mean they're
27:14obviously struggling a little bit the minute on the filed i'm sure he'll be under pressure there
27:17but that's an interesting game a couple of weeks time and then easily away as well so
27:21as you alluded to earlier some um some tricky games to come including three away from home
27:25the next four although that might not be the worst thing given the um performance on the home
27:30home turf of the last week also um how would you see the next couple of weeks going
27:33and final word on the pitch i suppose as much as bad for pools there's a lot of opposition
27:39teams who are coming and gaining points from it isn't it so they've got to find a way to
27:42play on it as well i suppose yeah well that's very true i mean it is the same for both sides
27:46isn't it arching are a team that like to build from the back i think they're really renowned as
27:51one of the best footballing sides in the national league their goalkeeper came advanced and certainly
27:55put a lot of faith in the prestige group stadium pitch almost to his detriment on a couple of times
28:00particularly in the first half but altering them adapted well i mean their first goal came out of a
28:06of a long ball forward that's what pools have to do as well they do have to adapt it is the same
28:14for both sides but at the same time i feel like pools given that they play on it every week or
28:19every other week they're so conscious of the fact that they don't trust the playing surface they're
28:24more minded to take one or two touches they're more minded to go back into space when they might
28:29be better served or if they were more confident be better served to drive forward and take a risk
28:34try and play that killer pass that incisive ball and that has been an issue a number of opposition
28:42fans have commented a number of opposition managers sorry have commented on it barnett's dean brennan
28:47was particularly vitriolic in his criticism of the pitch back in november and it's a frustration
28:55it's a frustration because for many many years head groundsman dave brown was was considered one
29:03of the best groundsmen in in the country and still should be he's an award-winning groundsman
29:08the pitch when pools were in the football league was one of the best in english football i think
29:16dave brown won head what won groundsman of the year in 2003 and 2007 the pitch has received
29:23loads and loads of accolades inevitably relegation is going to lead to a tightening of
29:29the purse strings but the condition of the pitch is really concerning and as you said
29:34earlier on rich i think the club are gonna need to invest in it over the summer as for the next
29:39few weeks pools have got some difficult games they've obviously got some winnable games
29:45as well they still have to play absolutely who are at bottom their only win this season
29:49inevitably came against pools in the reverse fixture they've got to play second bottom
29:53boston they've got to play third from bottom afc filed obviously there's a bit of added needle
29:57given that kevin phillips is in charge there and of course this weekend they go to an older shot
30:03side who are really really struggling and all of a sudden look to be at threat of of relegation i
30:10think as you were moved to rich it may be easier in a sense for pools to play away from home given
30:16the sense of ill feeling on the terraces one mistake one backwards pass one error whatever
30:26these things are really jumped upon understandably understandably these things are really jumped
30:31upon at home at the minute given how frustrated fans are so perhaps that's going to be a a good
30:38thing as we've discussed i think playoffs are a flaw in hope now but pools will still want to
30:43finish the season strongly there's a lot to be said for momentum okay there's going to be a couple of
30:48months break between this season and and the next one but but pools are beginning to show signs of
30:55planning for the future in terms of their recent recruitment you look at jack robinson he's only 23
31:00sam for Lawrence 24 jamie may is 21 and if there is a positive note to end on rich i think it has
31:05to be jamie manly scored on his debut against brain tree then was an unused substitute slightly
31:11surprisingly for the next two matches but has started the last two games it is a footballer
31:17mature beyond his years i love the fact that he's so willing to show for the ball i love the fact
31:21that he's willing to take the ball on the turn he's purposeful forward thinking with his passing
31:26he is one who looks for the killer pass and i think he has the technical quality and the creative
31:32to to go with that and he hopefully is going to be a really big player for pools in the years to come
31:38good stuff thanks robbie thanks for your time um i think we've covered a fair bit of ground then in
31:43the last half hour or so um head to the hotmail website for the next few days for all the latest
31:48fallout from last night's game and we'll also have full coverage from
31:51on philip briggs press conference the next day or so as well ahead of the weekend game and pick up
31:56your copy of the article mail as well and we'll catch up in a week or so robbie thanks
