(Adnkronos) - “Per le persone, i ricordi sono emozione. Oltre a questo evento, ci sarà la nuova comunicazione con protagonista il Piccolo Mugnaio Bianco, un elemento che ha fatto parte della nostra storia e della comunicazione che tanti italiani ricordano ancora. Sarà un anno ricco di tante sorprese, tra le quali anche il lancio di una nuova limited edition, i biscotti ‘Frollini del Piccolo Mugnaio’, e un concorso dove le persone potranno vincere i premi più desiderati dagli italiani”. Sono le parole di Laura Signorelli, Marketing Director Equity di Mulino Bianco, in occasione del lancio del ricco programma di eventi ed iniziative che celebra i 50 anni di Mulino Bianco e che ha al centro il tema dei ricordi.
00:00For us it is a beautiful goal, very important and also exciting, because the brand in these 50 years has really been able to carve out a role in people's daily lives.
00:15We will talk about memories, because 9 out of 10 Italians associate us with childhood memories, because memories mean emotion for people.
00:23It is a year full of initiatives, starting from this event, but then there will be new communication, where we will have as protagonists the little white mug,
00:32which is an element that has been part of our history of communication, which many Italians still remember, and which will accompany us in this year full of many surprises,
00:42including the launch of a new limited edition of biscuits and a competition where people will be able to win the prizes most desired by Italians.
00:52Unino Bianco has been able to listen to Italians and people, so evolve its promise based on the social and economic context in which it lived.
01:03This has allowed us to continue to offer products that are always relevant to people, good, but at the same time also to give emotions.