A landlord has won a battle to keep a bull mural on the side of his 400-year-old pub - as long as he makes it look like a FARM.
Martin Peel was stunned when he was ordered to remove the 8ft-high painting from the wall of The Bull’s Head in the village of Wootton Wawen, Warwickshire.
He had commissioned local artist Phil Taylor to create the artwork which cost £1,200 last April.
Martin Peel was stunned when he was ordered to remove the 8ft-high painting from the wall of The Bull’s Head in the village of Wootton Wawen, Warwickshire.
He had commissioned local artist Phil Taylor to create the artwork which cost £1,200 last April.
00:00My name is Martin, I'm the landlord at the Bull's Head in Wottonwowen in Warwickshire.
00:14It's a 17th century pub. We've recently had approval for our mural on the front elevation
00:22of the building. It was painted by a local artist, Phil Taylor, in Leamington Spa last
00:29June. We were told that we had to remove the mural which we didn't want to do so we decided
00:35to put in a retrospective application. We had tremendous support from the local community
00:41and further afield. We had a great petition running where we had some 1500 signatures.
00:50We recently got the approval just last week. We're allowed to keep the mural as long as we
00:56maintain it and we are extremely pleased to keep it. Come along, come and see the mural.
01:05We keep the pub beautifully preserved as a heritage pub
01:09but we also serve Thai food. We have four Thai chefs
01:12all from Thailand and we have the most authentic food within the Midlands.