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Chloe Fineman, Heidi Gardner, and Ego Nwodim are among the funniest cast members on ‘Saturday Night Live'—but can they lie as well as they do impressions? From Heidi claiming both her parents worked at strip clubs to Ego boasting about taking cold showers every day for a year, these comedians spin hilarious tales. Should Ego actually be disgusted when Chloe admits she just started brushing her teeth regularly, or are they all just successfully lying to each other's faces?

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#ChloeFineman #HeidiGardner #EgoNwodim #SaturdayNightLive #SNL #WhereIsTheLie #ELLE


00:00What was the strip club she worked at called?
00:02You're a liar.
00:06I said some very judgmental shit.
00:23Preliminary evidence.
00:29I own a pair of Timothee Chalamet sweatpants.
00:34I just started regularly brushing my teeth.
00:39Someone in my family is named Moonwater.
00:42What does Timothee Chalamet sweatpants mean?
00:46Like a pair that are his or does he have a clothing line?
00:49His personal sweatpants.
00:52Okay, I was like, I didn't know Timothee Chalamet loungewear.
00:56Chalamet lounge.
00:57So they're his personal sweatpants.
01:00This might be scandalous.
01:02Were the sweatpants given or left behind?
01:06It was a little bit of both.
01:11Just started brushing your teeth.
01:12Are we talking sometime in the last several weeks?
01:15In the last six months, like, you know, like morning and night.
01:20Before then, was it just once a day?
01:24It was like every other day.
01:28Flossing is just as important if not more.
01:30It is, guys.
01:31If you're wondering why your breath stinks,
01:33it's because you're not flossing and you're not brushing your tongue.
01:36Gots to do both every day.
01:39Please resume the interrogation.
01:41What's the relation to Moonwater?
01:43My sister's mom is named Luna.
01:47And Luna raised my sister in a commune in Mendocino.
01:51I believe this.
01:52I know because there's so much family tree going on.
02:00Well, there was a lot of back and forth, right?
02:01About Moonwater.
02:02Moonwater's got a whole backstory.
02:04Moonwater exists.
02:05Moonwater exists.
02:06We know that.
02:06Moonwater exists.
02:07The Timothy Chalamet sweatpants of it all.
02:12It's just that I believe that more than I just started regularly brushing my teeth.
02:17I'm going to go ahead and say the lie is that you just started regularly brushing your teeth
02:23because that would be disgusting.
02:25You would have clocked it.
02:26I would have clocked it.
02:27I don't do scents.
02:29We're going to go with teeth.
02:30We're going teeth is the lie.
02:31Brushing your teeth regularly.
02:37The lie is Moonwater.
02:43How are you getting away with the teeth stuff?
02:46We get home so late.
02:47Oh, you would just go to bed.
02:49I just pass out and then-
02:50Do you floss?
02:52Not as much.
02:54I hear about everything.
02:56I'm going to lean into floss.
02:57So you're just brushing your teeth and what?
02:59Maybe once a day?
03:00Definitely in the morning.
03:02But sometimes at night, like not at all.
03:04I would just like scrape them with my nails.
03:06Oh, wow.
03:10Do you go to the dentist?
03:11Yeah, and I'm fine.
03:12That's what's weird.
03:13Now it's like-
03:13I said some very judgmental shit about people who don't brush their teeth regularly.
03:18Well, now I do.
03:20I'm talking about the old you.
03:22Timothy, when he first hosted, Tom was like, wear these sweatpants.
03:28That's our costume.
03:28Our costume.
03:29Tom Broker, genius.
03:30And they're these like Snoopy, Marc Jacobs sweatpants.
03:33And they're really comfortable.
03:34So I just went home in them and I didn't think they were his.
03:37And now my boyfriend wears them all the time to bed.
03:39It's like traveling pants.
03:41Sisterhood of the traveling chalmers.
03:57Preliminary evidence.
04:00Someone tried to rob me at gunpoint.
04:05I took a cold shower every day for six months.
04:08I lit my front yard on fire when I was a kid.
04:14What prompted you to start doing the cold showers?
04:17I just wanted to do something that made me uncomfortable.
04:20And I'd read this David Goggins book about how important it was to make yourself uncomfortable
04:26and be out of your comfort zone.
04:27What year were you doing the cold showers?
04:30Like 2012.
04:34How did you light your fire?
04:36How did you light your front yard on fire?
04:38I was playing with matches at too young of an age.
04:43The wind started blowing and I was scared I was going to get caught on fire.
04:47My clothes would.
04:48So I dropped the match.
04:50Who put it out?
04:54I think ultimately the fire department.
04:56Did they give you like a stuffed animal or anything?
04:58I didn't stay at the scene.
05:00I went inside the house.
05:02I fled into the house.
05:06What were you wearing when you were held at gunpoint?
05:09I can't remember exactly what I was wearing but whatever like club sort of gear.
05:14So you were with friends?
05:18Why are you smiling?
05:22I think the matches are the lie.
05:25The whole fire.
05:26Yeah and the fact that you just would run inside.
05:29Yeah and I feel like you'd be burned in your brain like who put it out.
05:33Yeah the fire.
05:35The fire.
05:40The lie is that I took a cold shower every day for six months.
05:44Oh my god.
05:45That was a great question when you asked what year.
05:47I thought you were gonna get me.
05:48Well because I was like was David Goggins even like putting stuff out in 2012?
05:54Was it like the whole lawn or just like a little part?
05:56We lived like in a townhouse so the lawn was like it was a smaller lawn.
06:01I went inside to go get a little teacup of water because I was like that's gonna put it out.
06:07And my siblings were like what I'm the youngest and they're like what are you doing?
06:12And I was like oh I'm just thirsty.
06:28Preliminary evidence.
06:31My dad worked at a strip club.
06:35My mom worked at a strip club.
06:38My mom dated the guy who wrote Speed.
06:43In what capacity did your dad work at the strip club?
06:46He managed and cooked.
06:49It's the seriousness.
06:50This is true.
06:52But then your mom worked at the strip club and what capacity?
06:55I was told cocktail waitress.
06:57You were told.
06:59What was the name of the strip club?
07:01The Playhouse.
07:02Were they at the same strip club your mom and your dad?
07:06Okay what was the strip club she worked at called?
07:08You're a liar.
07:11Pardon my ignorance who wrote Speed?
07:13Peter Iliff.
07:17Do you know who that is Chloe?
07:18I feel like you'd be more equipped and do you know?
07:20I actually don't.
07:21Have you seen Speed?
07:22I mean Speed's one of my favorite action movies.
07:25So she worked at another cocktail place called The Coif, more of a bar.
07:31And he was a patron there in town researching Twister.
07:37And they got to talking and like he was like in and out of town.
07:44I think I know what the lie is.
07:49I believe the dad thing.
07:51The name of that strip club, which I've already forgotten,
07:53The Playground.
07:54The Playground.
07:54The Playground, Legs and the Coif.
07:58The Playhouse.
07:59The Playhouse.
08:00Legs and the Coif.
08:01I don't believe Legs.
08:03I don't believe Legs.
08:04The confidence with which she said Legs was actually unbelievable.
08:07And I don't believe that that's the name of a strip club.
08:11Are you going to Legs?
08:12No, I don't think so.
08:13I'm not going to Legs.
08:15And then the Speed stuff, honestly, unfortunately, I'm not informed enough of a citizen to comment
08:22on any of the details of Speed.
08:24So we think the lie is your mom worked at a strip club.
08:33The lie is my mom dated the guy who wrote Speed.
08:38But he did write Point Break.
08:41But my mom did work at Legs.
08:45And I remember one time she was saying to someone in the car,
08:50well, I got to drop Heidi off, and then I got to get to Legs.
08:53And even at six and a half years old, I was like, wait, what's Legs?
08:57And she was like, oh, the Coif.
09:00Legs is the Coif.
09:06I don't know these women at all.
09:08These women are liars.
09:10Your lives are movies.
09:12That's the movie and you're a little psycho lighting your lawn on fire.
09:17Thanks for watching, Elle, and be sure to tune in to the SNL 50th anniversary.
09:21And live from New York.
