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Trump Impact on Indian Students : ప్రస్తుతం అమెరికాలో చదువుకోవడం చాలా కష్టంగా మారిందని ఉద్యోగం కోసం వెళ్లిన వాళ్లను వెనక్కి తిప్పి పంపిస్తున్నారనే వార్తలు వింటున్నాం. డొనాల్డ్​ ట్రంప్ అధ్యక్షుడిగా బాధ్యతలు చేపట్టిన తర్వాత అక్కడ అక్రమంగా నివాసం ఉంటున్న వాళ్లను ప్రత్యేక విమానాల్లో వాళ్ల వాళ్ల దేశాలను పంపిస్తున్నారు. అందులో భారతీయులు కూడా ఉన్నారు. అమెరికా వెళ్లే యువత ఎలాంటి జాగ్రత్తలు తీసుకోవాలనే విషయాలను తెలుసుకోవడానికి జేఎన్​టీయూ పూర్వ విద్యార్థుల సంఘం టెక్సాస్ అధ్యక్షుడు ఫని రాజ్‌కుమార్​తో ఈటీవీ భారత్​ ముఖాముఖి.


00:00If you know a little bit about America, you will definitely learn about the situation there.
00:09After President Trump took office, there was a situation where some of the results did not come to anyone.
00:16He said that the United States has also been affected in various ways.
00:20We spoke to the Director of JNTU, Pani Rajkumar about the situation there.
00:34Sir, Namaskaram.
00:36What are the current situations in America?
00:42The situation is good.
00:44There is no problem in the situation yesterday, the day before, and today.
00:47But the situation is that our children are walking there.
00:49They used to be a little lenient before, but now they have to be careful.
00:53Those rules have always been there.
00:54Now they are following them correctly.
00:56That's the only difference.
00:57What will be the fees there when you go to study M.Sc.?
01:03There is no difference in fees now and then.
01:05Here, based on our child's financial status, knowledge, levels, certificates, they choose.
01:12Which university to go to, which course to take.
01:15After that, according to the time there, their teachers, their professors will give about 10 hours per week.
01:22From the second year.
01:23To work.
01:24Mostly they work in the college or in the library.
01:28If we put it aside and do a separate job, the problems we are facing now are our children.
01:33Like you said, many people in America do a lot of part-time jobs while studying.
01:38They have to pay for their living expenses as well.
01:43But is there a suitable situation to do that?
01:46Now that Trump has come, there is no such situation.
01:49There is no leniency now.
01:50Very simple.
01:51We send our children to study.
01:52We know that.
01:53What is our income?
01:54How much do we take from the bank?
01:56Which college do we go to?
01:57How much does it cost per month?
01:58We know.
01:59We have to keep all that in mind and send our children there.
02:01After going there, joining a part-time job from the second year is difficult.
02:08Because of that, the children are not studying more.
02:10The income is decreasing.
02:11So compulsorily, my advice is that the children should concentrate on their studies.
02:15Until they finish their studies.
02:16After that, the government gives OPT.
02:18Optional Training.
02:19They can work in that.
02:20After that, we can apply their H1B for our workplace.
02:24We can go from there.
02:25Another thing is that the people who work there have to pay $13 per hour.
02:29According to the government.
02:30Students like this go to an orphanage.
02:32They get $5 or $6 and work there.
02:34They are working hard.
02:36But they are wasting their time.
02:37They are not studying more.
02:38So the parents should keep this in mind.
02:41Without putting more pressure on them.
02:43They should support their children until they finish their studies.
02:47Sir, if you want to give more jobs to the locals, Trump has announced it recently.
02:53But by doing so, will there be any inconvenience for those who come from other countries?
02:58Trump always says that America is number one.
03:00That is his slogan.
03:02Now, there is no need for them to bring Indians and Chinese to do small jobs.
03:06Many people can be found there.
03:08The main thing about Indians is that they are experts.
03:11Trump wants to take the experts.
03:14Trump says, you be experts and we will take you.
03:17What should we do to become experts?
03:19We have to try that.
03:20By going to small jobs.
03:22When you go to America from India for work or to study,
03:28what kind of precautions should be taken there?
03:32After Trump came, everything was documented systematically.
03:36No small thing can be an activity.
03:38After going there, you should study more.
03:41You should not do more attempts.
03:43You can do it in OPT.
03:44In a total process, no mistakes should be made.
03:48In America, there are a lot of agency companies.
03:52But after Trump came, without agency,
03:55he brought the regulations directly from the institution itself.
03:59Is it really happening?
04:01It is very difficult.
04:03It works as a model, but there should be an agency.
04:07They do a lot of manpower activities.
04:10Companies do not have that much time to do it.
04:12So, through agencies, there will be a major part in the job market.
04:17But you should not do it to get a job and create a bad experience.
04:22In America, there are people who want to go and settle there.
04:29But they are sent back.
04:32What do you say to such people?
04:34There are two types here.
04:35Going legally and going illegally.
04:37If Trump sends them back, they will go illegally.
04:39Without any documents.
04:42If you look at the news,
04:44they all come in from somewhere.
04:47Once they come in, it is very difficult to catch them.
04:50It is difficult to catch anyone who does criminal activities.
04:54It seems that 2-3 flights have come to those who have been sent back.
04:57The maximum people are those who have been caught there.
04:59Those who have committed a crime and have been caught.
05:02It is not difficult for them to go legally.
05:04Lastly, many people want to go to America.
05:08Regarding the current situation, what are your advice to those who come there?
05:12When you first think of studying, focus on your studies.
05:15You should forget this part.
05:17If we go up in studies, it will automatically take us up.
05:22Whether in jobs or interests.
05:24Our people come to study first.
05:26Then they take H1B for employment.
05:28H1B is 6 years.
05:303 plus 3 years.
05:31I heard that Trump is going to change it to 2 plus 2.
05:34If we apply for permanent residence there,
05:39we can stay there permanently.
05:44We can renew it every 3 years.
05:46It is called LPR.
05:48Legally Permanent Resident.
05:51It is called green card in our language.
05:54According to the current queue, they are giving 40-50 years for the green card.
05:5840-50 years.
05:59It is called EB2 and EB3.
06:04There is another visa called EB1.
06:07It is called External Ability.
06:09If you prove that you have a lot of knowledge and research,
06:13you will get the green card in one year.
06:17My advice to our children is,
06:21after completing MS, try for a job.
06:25If you don't get a job, don't worry about it.
06:28Immediately apply for a PhD.
06:31That PhD will be completed in 3 years.
06:34We are publishing research papers.
06:38We have to show our talent there.
06:41Within 3 years, we will get a PhD.
06:44Automatically, you can go for teaching in the same college.
06:48As a teaching assistant.
06:50If you do a PhD, there will be no cost.
06:53They will give us a stipend.
06:55That is how we think of going up.
06:57I can give them advice on how to apply for a green card.
07:04I also give mentoring on how to complete a PhD.
07:09We have a Whatsapp group.
07:11There is a Whatsapp group in the center.
07:13JNTU, Aluminum Association, USNSS.
07:16Everyone is there.
07:18I can give them guidelines on how to do a PhD.
07:23And how to apply for a green card.
07:26Thank you for the information, sir.
07:29If you want to go to America,
07:32you have to study there.
07:35If you want to do a PhD,
07:38you can do it as soon as possible.
07:41But don't waste time doing a part-time job.
07:44If you want to do a PhD,
07:47you have to study well.
07:50That is what Dr. Pani Rajkumar is saying.
