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A Mar Capítulo 7 en HD Completo
A Mar Capítulo 7 en HD Completo
A Mar Capítulo 7 en HD Completo
A Mar Capítulo 7 en HD Completo
A Mar Capítulo 7 en HD Completo
A Mar Capítulo 7 en HD Completo
A Mar Capítulo 7 en HD Completo
A Mar Capítulo 7 en HD Completo
A Mar Capítulo 7 en HD Completo
A Mar Capítulo 7 en HD Completo
A Mar Capítulo 7 en HD Completo
A Mar Capítulo 7 en HD Completo
A Mar Capítulo 7 en HD Completo
A Mar Capítulo 7 en HD Completo
A Mar Capítulo 7 en HD Completo
A Mar Capítulo 7 en HD Completo
A Mar Capítulo 7 en HD Completo
A Mar Capítulo 7 en HD Completo
A Mar Capítulo 7 en HD Completo
A Mar Capítulo 7 en HD Completo
A Mar Capítulo 7 en HD Completo
A Mar Capítulo 7 en HD Completo
A Mar Capítulo 7 en HD Completo
A Mar Capítulo 7 en HD Completo
A Mar Capítulo 7 en HD Completo
A Mar Capítulo 7 en HD Completo
A Mar Capítulo 7 en HD Completo
A Mar Capítulo 7 en HD Completo
A Mar Capítulo 7 en HD Completo
A Mar Capítulo 7 en HD Completo
A Mar Capítulo 7 en HD Completo
A Mar Capítulo 7 en HD Completo
A Mar Capítulo 7 en HD Completo
A Mar Capítulo 7 en HD Completo
A Mar Capítulo 7 en HD Completo
A Mar Capítulo 7 en HD Completo
A Mar Capítulo 7 en HD Completo
A Mar Capítulo 7 en HD Completo
A Mar Capítulo 7 en HD Completo
A Mar Capítulo 7 en HD Completo
A Mar Capítulo 7 en HD Completo
A Mar Capítulo 7 en HD Completo
A Mar Capítulo 7 en HD Completo
A Mar Capítulo 7 en HD Completo
A Mar Capítulo 7 en HD Completo
A Mar Capítulo 7 en HD Completo
A Mar Capítulo 7 en HD Completo
A Mar Capítulo 7 en HD Completo
00:00The most difficult thing happened
00:02Please forgive me
00:04Forgive me
00:05We have nothing to forgive you for
00:08Now nothing will separate us again
00:12I can't understand how I could believe that woman
00:14I'm sorry mom
00:16No, no, no, daughter
00:17Now none of that matters
00:20But yes
00:21Things are not going to stay that way with that woman
00:26I warn you
00:27No mom
00:28The only thing that matters is that Mara is free
00:31The rest is not worth it
00:33The three of us can do it alone
00:35We can live without the Portillas
00:38Of course we can do it without them
00:40But no one who wanted to hurt my daughters
00:43Will be left without paying
00:55Sit here
00:59I just don't understand how dad is worried about that witch
01:02But you know what? I'm going to tell him that she wanted to kill him and that he's in the house
01:05You're not going to say anything
01:06I mean, do you expect me to keep believing that Mara is a saint?
01:09I don't expect that
01:10But you heard the doctor
01:12We have to be very careful with what we say
01:14But he has to know the truth
01:15He's going to know Camila, he's going to know
01:17In due time
01:19I don't know if I can wait any longer
01:21Then you have to wait
01:22You have to take care of my dad, we have to take care of him
01:25Promise me you won't say anything
01:27Promise me
01:35Let's talk to Leonardo and Nicolas
01:38To tell them they can come see my dad
01:46Thank you very much, Nicolas
01:48Thank you, thank you very much
01:50Thank you, Nicolas
01:51You have nothing to thank me for
01:53I just wanted justice to be done
01:55It's important that you know that the process continues
01:58So you're going to be summoned for some statements
02:01But Hector is going to continue taking your case
02:05We can go now
02:06Let's go
02:10No, please, we're not going to give statements
02:12Thank you
02:13I'm very sorry, but I do have to say something
02:15Mom, no
02:16Mom, no
02:46Is to have trusted someone from that family
02:50Who lied to her and used her
02:54Your daughter could never hurt anyone
02:58And all those who blamed her
03:01Are going to pay the price
03:07Thank you, thank you
03:17My daughter is innocent
03:19What she is guilty of
03:21Is to have trusted someone from that family
03:26Who lied to her and used her
03:33Your tea, ma'am
03:37Thank you
03:42Ma'am, when is Lupita coming back?
03:45She's not coming back
03:46Why not?
03:47What do you mean, why not?
03:49She tried to kill Mr. Luis
03:51No, but that's not true
03:53Rosa, it's true
03:55She had that drug with which she wanted to poison him
03:58But Lupita is incapable, believe me
04:00Besides, we all know what happened to Mrs. Mar
04:04Yes, yes, yes, Rosa, but things have changed
04:07And it doesn't matter what you think
04:09But she only worked, she was good
04:12You know, she did everything you asked her to
04:15Look, I'm going to tell you something
04:17If you keep being so stupid
04:20The next one they're going to blame is you
04:22Is that what you want?
04:23But, but, but, but
04:24What? Are you stupid or what?
04:26We're talking about an attempted murder, Rosa
04:28Realize that
04:29If you keep talking, what's going to happen is
04:31They're going to think you're their accomplice
04:32Is that what you want?
04:34Oh, well, then shut up
04:37Yes, ma'am
04:43How's dad?
04:45In fact, he regained consciousness
04:47He's already talking and he's getting better very quickly
04:51It's a miracle
04:52He asked about Mar
04:54He wants to see her
04:56But we don't know how he's going to react when he finds out the truth
04:59We have to find a way to make him know without him getting upset
05:02Or we can ask her to come
05:07Mar just got out of prison and she's going to take her trial to freedom
05:12The trial
05:19Look how pretty you look
05:22Lie down, Mar, try to rest
05:25Oh, Mar, Mar, daughter
05:27You don't know how happy I am to have you here
05:31And also to this beautiful little thing, my grandson
05:34Thank you, Mar, thank you for being with me
05:38Come on, Mar, let's go
05:40I'm sure Mar wants to rest for a while
05:42Yes, I'm going to make your favorite food
05:45Thank you, I don't know what to say without you
05:47We love you, Mar
05:48I love you
05:50Let's go
05:51Let's go, Mar
05:58Thank God
06:00Thank you for making everything clear
06:02Thank you, Mar
06:04Now I promise you that I'm going to move on
06:07For you, my love, for you
06:15It can't be that they let that woman go free
06:17It's very clear that she did it to keep the money from her father
06:20Camila, don't scream, please
06:23They found the drug in Lupita's things
06:26Lupita's, yes, the same one that she said was poisoning her
06:30I'm sure Mar and his sister did it to incriminate Lupita, right?
06:34No, sister, believe me, they are not like that
06:37Are you going to start defending them?
06:39If they let her go, it's because they didn't find the elements to process her
06:43Lupita has been working with us for years, that doesn't make sense
06:46That's why the investigation will continue
06:49I swear I thought Mar was guilty
06:54Arturo, I told you to wait
06:57No, I won't blame you
06:59Since those women came into our lives, everything has been a nightmare
07:02I'm an idiot
07:06Now I'm going to ruin everything with Valeria
07:28Hello, how did it go?
07:30Fortunately, I had many trips
07:32And the last one, as it was around here, I came to eat
07:34Ah, that's good
07:35That's good, son
07:36Come on, come, sit down
07:37I'll serve you food right now
07:40Hey, and Camila?
07:43Where's Camila?
07:44She went to see her dad
07:46She says she's already here, that we're going to eat together
07:48Oh, my poor son
07:50She's very worried about her dad, understand her
07:53Yes, well, no way
07:55I hope the man recovers soon and that she's calmer, right?
08:00I don't want her to hurt the baby
08:01No, no, no, son
08:03It's not born yet and you're already worrying
08:06Wait until I get there, you'll see
08:08You're going to be a great dad, son
08:10I hope so
08:13I have no doubt about that
08:19And we have progress on what happened to businessman Luis Portilla
08:23This is the case of an unexpected twist
08:25And his wife, Mar Sánchez García, has gone out
08:28To continue the process of freedom
08:30By finding new evidence that points to a new suspect
08:34My daughter could never hurt anyone
08:39And all those who blamed her
08:43Will never pay
08:46Mar is free
08:47Mar is free
08:52It's all ready, it's delicious
08:58It smells delicious
09:00That's right
09:01Did you rest?
09:02Yes, thank you very much
09:04Well, let's eat
09:10Look, let's put this here
09:13Mar, I need to talk to you
09:15What's up, Nicolas?
09:17I came to see my dad
09:19And how is he?
09:21Much better, he's more stable
09:23He's even talking
09:25I'm glad, that's great news
09:28Yes, the doctor says his evolution has been very good
09:31And that's why I'm here
09:33Because now that he's conscious, my dad asked about you
09:37He wants to see you
09:42Ready, let's eat
09:45Son, please come with me
09:49This morning I saw that your car had a low tire
09:52So let's check it while the food is heating up
09:54Low tire?
09:55Yes, we'll be right back
09:56But I'm already heating it up, it won't take long
09:59Jacinto, Juan, Juan!
10:00We'll check it later, we'll be right back
10:10They're not punctured either
10:12I know
10:13I didn't ask you to go out for that
10:17Well, as you saw on TV
10:20Mar is already out of jail
10:22She's free
10:24Dad, I...
10:25No, no, no, please don't go looking for her, okay?
10:30Juan, you hear me?
10:32Look, I know you perfectly well
10:34Please don't look for her anymore
10:37See what happened to her the other day?
10:39You even told her that you still love her
10:41I just wanted to know if she was okay
10:42She's fine
10:43Son, Mar should be part of your past
10:47You already have something much more important to think about
10:50Your own family
10:57You're right
10:59To me, my son is my priority
11:02I have nothing to do with Mar anymore
11:06Why does he want to see me?
11:08He doesn't know what happened?
11:10The doctor asked us not to disturb him
11:12That's why we haven't told him anything
11:14But he insists that you go
11:17No, no way
11:19I'm not going to let my daughter go with you
11:22Ma'am, I understand your anger
11:24But it's not my dad's fault
11:26No, well, you were the ones who caused everything, right?
11:30So you have to fix things with your dad
11:34My daughter is not going anywhere
11:37I can't just disappear from Luis' life
11:41No, mom
11:42Luis has been very good to me
11:44The least I owe him is an explanation
11:47You're right
11:49You're very wise
11:53I'll be there first thing tomorrow
11:56Thank you so much, Mar
12:18Can I come in?
12:19Of course, daughter
12:27I have to go
12:30Besides, I found out that they're moving you to Intermediate Therapy tomorrow
12:34It's great, dad
12:36Are you coming tomorrow?
12:37Of course
12:39We have a lot to talk about and clear up
12:44You don't know how happy it makes me to know that you're okay, dad
12:48It makes me very happy that you're with me
12:52Just promise me something
12:54Yes, whatever it is
12:56Don't go back with Mar
12:58She's not a good woman for you, dad
13:00What do you mean, go back?
13:03Come here
13:05Are you ready? I'll take you to your room
13:07Thank you
13:10I love you so much, dad
13:12See you tomorrow
13:13I love you too
13:18I'll go with you
13:19Let's go
13:36What's wrong?
13:38I'm doing everything wrong
13:40Why? What did you do now?
13:42I shouldn't have made that statement where I said I was the new director of the company
13:46Honey, it's your right
13:48That place has always belonged to you
13:50No, I should have waited for my dad to recover
13:54But you weren't going to know that
13:56Yes, I knew
13:57My dad is a very strong man
14:01Then he'll be happy to know that at least one of his children did something to help him
14:06Mom, I did this for me
14:09And you know that
14:11Then you can't go back
14:13No, that's not all
14:15I made Mar sign the divorce
14:17And Mar is innocent
14:19Okay, honey, calm down
14:21Calm down? We're lost
14:25My dad is going to end up hating me
14:28Papá va a terminar por odiarme.
14:44Oh, it's a good time.
14:46I haven't heard from you.
14:49But I haven't had time.
14:51I need to know that your promise is still standing.
14:54Of course it's still standing.
14:56But I love you.
15:28We did what we thought was right.
15:30Who was to blame at that time?
15:33She was the only one to blame.
15:35No, no, no.
15:36You saw how my dad got when he found out about the will.
15:38He even married Mar.
15:40No, no, no.
15:41It's just that now with this, he's going to kick us out of the house.
15:43Oh, well.
15:44Well, if it's the zoo, then you ask him for a place to live.
15:48No, no, no.
15:49It's not all about money, Paula.
15:52I want...
15:53You know what I want?
15:54My dad's recognition.
15:57And I think that's something I'm going to keep disappointing.
16:00You know what's going to happen if you don't take control of the situation?
16:04Your dad, my love, is not going to be the only one you disappoint.
16:10How can you be so cold?
16:14So calculating.
16:16How do you do it so you don't feel the slightest remorse?
16:20Oh, my love, you know what?
16:22Do whatever you want.
16:23Everything I say and do is only for our own good.
16:27Let's go.
16:48Do you know a woman named Rocio?
16:51She came to the hospital in which Luis is.
16:54And she says she knows that family very well.
16:57And do you think she can help us with something?
17:00At least it seems that I can get close to her very easily.
17:06I don't know if that will help much.
17:07They don't accept Paula so well within that family.
17:10Well, look, we have nothing to lose.
17:12So we have to try everything.
17:17Paula is a very cunning woman.
17:20It won't be easy to find something against her.
17:24Give me time.
17:27I want to get to know that family's movements well before getting close.
17:32Because believe me, the first to know the whole truth will be her husband.
17:39And without his support, Paula will be completely alone.
17:45You can do it.
18:00I'm glad you're okay.
18:04Thank God.
18:05I felt very bad that something could happen to you.
18:08I'm fine, Mar.
18:10Don't get like that and don't cry.
18:12I was very scared.
18:15Well, because of the casualties they did to him.
18:19What are you talking about, ma'am?
18:21What are you talking about, ma'am?
18:23He was accused of wanting to kill him.
18:28That's right.
18:30His children sent him to jail.
18:33Mom, that's enough. It's not the time.
18:35No, no, Mar.
18:36He has to know the truth.
18:39And if that's not enough, you're not married to my daughter anymore.
18:44While I was here, your children filed for divorce.
18:48They pressured my daughter to sign it.
19:12Good morning, Arturo.
19:13Good morning.
19:16What are you doing here?
19:17My sister came to see your dad.
19:21I told you.
19:22Mar is innocent.
19:23I know.
19:24But first I had to talk to her.
19:27Because my dad is very serious.
19:29He doesn't know anything about what happened, Valeria.
19:36What are you saying?
19:38Even if you don't believe it, Mr. Portilla,
19:41all that happened while you were here.
19:44It can't be.
19:46I'm very sorry to tell you, sir.
19:48But in order to keep your money,
19:51your children were able to send my daughter to jail.
19:57What's wrong?
20:06What happened, Dad?
20:08What's wrong?
20:10What's wrong, nurse?
20:11What's wrong?
20:12What's wrong, nurse?
20:15What did you tell him?
20:16We have to go get the doctor.
20:18My daughter didn't tell him anything.
20:20I was the one who told him the truth.
20:22Everything you did.
20:23I'm sick of you!
20:26You are capable of doing anything
20:27just to get what you want.
20:29You don't care about my dad and much less about yourself.
20:32He's going to like talking to my mom.
20:33It can't be that you don't realize how your mother is.
20:36It's probably because you've become just like her.
20:54What happened?
20:55Is everything okay?
20:56First of all, I want you to know
20:57that Mar is talking to my dad.
21:00He wanted to see her.
21:02No, it can't be.
21:03He already knows that he is in trouble,
21:05so he's not going to tell him anything.
21:08I hope this is the last time we see her.
21:11Sooner or later, my dad will find out the truth.
21:13He will know that you were the one who pressured her
21:16to sign the divorce.
21:17Well, I did it thinking it was for the best.
21:19Just like with the company.
21:22I hope everything you've told me is true
21:25because otherwise,
21:26you're going to have to face the consequences.
21:31Hey, Dad!
21:34Everything out!
21:36Mom, you didn't have to tell him anything!
21:39Get out, please!
21:58I swear, ma'am,
22:00if something happens to my dad...
22:05Valeria, my dad can die!
22:11Let's see.
22:14You think you're the victims
22:16while you let innocent people
22:18pay for things they didn't do.
22:20Enough, Mom.
22:22No, Mar.
22:24They have to know the truth
22:26because it's easier to judge without asking
22:29than to worry about finding the truth.
22:33My mom is right.
22:35You doubted Mar.
22:36You doubted me.
22:38I'm sorry about what's happening to your dad.
22:41But we're not the ones to blame, Arturo.
22:45We should go.
22:47Let's go.
22:48Let's go.
23:18I didn't wish on anyone my experience
23:22Used, abandoned and grieving
23:26I put my innocence in the bag
23:31The ambition is now my advice
23:38No matter what, I'll get up
23:42Today I know I'm worth a lot
23:44And now I'll charge
23:47Castillo, money, last name
23:51I make my own destiny
23:56No matter what, I'll dominate
24:00And I'll have everything I want
24:05No freebies, loans or fiat
24:09I want it all at once
24:13So that I cry, so that someone else cries
24:18So that the world cries
24:42We can't make you laugh
24:43This Tuesday at the end of the Noti
24:45For the stars
24:47What are you looking for?
24:48I want you to work for me
24:50What do you say?
24:53You can't fall in love with the daughter of that bastard
24:57Forget her
24:58Beyond hate
25:00Today I dare to love you
25:01And would you dare?
25:02It starts Monday, February 24th
25:046.30 pm
25:05For the stars
25:06Enjoy your mornings with the stars
25:08At 9
25:09Advice, guests, games and all the fun is on today
25:11Today we are going to discover the benefits of the champi massage
25:14And at the end
25:15Famous notes, fashion, cuisine and more
25:17Only on Cuéntamelo Ya
25:19Benson Bull who filled the eye with Cirque du Soleil
25:21After seeing his various performances during the Grammys
25:23From Monday to Friday
25:24With the stars
25:25Honesty is the key in a relationship
25:28Are you okay?
25:29Of course not
25:31But I didn't even finish my painting
25:33But everything you do is just as ugly
25:35What did you say?
25:36Please, brush your teeth
25:38Because you have a piece of peanut there
25:40Saturday makes us laugh with frozen rent
25:43Saturday for the stars
25:45Cantinflas is willing
25:47Always at your disposal
25:48To occupy any position
25:50You already know that your mannequin is here
25:51And be the center of attention
25:53Who are you?
25:54Now you will see who I am, now hold on little girl
25:56Of your fun
25:57Very good, squeeze
25:59This Saturday you will receive in Gran Hotel
26:01And Sunday will be the extra
26:03With the stars
26:04See you soon
26:05Get in touch with
26:08The hottest results of the sport
26:14Exclusive interviews
26:18Analysis and opinions
26:20Sports contact
26:21Tuesday, Thursday and Friday
26:2311.30 at night
26:24With the stars
26:26I'm on stage
26:28And I'm focused on being much bigger than I am
26:31When we're on the show
26:32I think your heart beats a thousand percent
26:37We have fun
26:39We like family, traditions, roots
27:08In the last minute
27:10The State of Mexico's Department of Justice
27:13Has informed that the parents of the little one
27:15Who was abandoned on the public road
27:17On February 11
27:19Will be admitted this Friday
27:21To different prisons
27:23Here in the Mexican entity
27:24Later, all the details
27:28In the first hours of the day
27:29The Mexican government
27:30Has announced that the child
27:32Will be released
27:35In the first hours of the day
27:36You will have all the information
27:38In the news
27:40What matters in Mexico
27:41And also beyond our borders
27:43In a space with stories
27:45That must be known
27:46Quickly and clearly
27:48I'm Carlos Hurtado
27:49And I'll wait for you in the news
27:50This Friday at 5.50 am
27:52For the stars
27:56What are you looking for?
27:57I want you to work for me
27:59What do you say?
28:00You can't fall in love
28:01With that bastard's daughter
28:03Forget about her
28:05Beyond hatred
28:06Today I dare to love you
28:08And would you dare?
28:09Starts Monday, February 24
28:106.30 pm
28:11For the stars
28:31Starts Sunday, February 23
28:33And available on VIX
28:35It seems that Rafael and Alejandra
28:37The important thing is that I get a divorce
28:39Later we will see
28:40About the shady business
28:41They will finally be together
28:42I want you to divorce me
28:44From Marco Valenzuela
28:45But it won't be easy
28:46What do you want me to do, aunt?
28:47That I don't get a divorce from him?
28:49That's exactly what I want
28:51Monday to Friday at 2.30 pm
28:53For the stars
28:55If life as a couple
28:56Begins to get complicated
28:58I can't stand her
28:59I can't stand her
29:00Why don't you separate?
29:01What do you want to tell me?
29:03There is someone who can help you
29:05Do you think you're going to look for the tiger?
29:07You, calm down
29:08What a good job
29:10I'm looking for a boyfriend for my wife
29:12This Sunday, 7 pm
29:14With the stars
29:16Join us in this story
29:17Sounds to me
29:18At full volume
29:19On Saturdays
29:20I have many plans for us
29:22Do you have plans for us?
29:24Yes, I told you I'm married, right?
29:27Why did you paste all those photos on the wall?
29:29I was a fool, mom
29:31I refuse to lose her
29:32This story sounds to me
29:33At full volume
29:34Saturdays, 5 pm
29:36Cantinflas is willing
29:38Always at your disposal
29:39To occupy any position
29:41You know that here is your mannequin
29:42And be the center of attention
29:44Who are you?
29:45Now you will see who I am
29:46Now hold on, little girl
29:47Of your fun
29:48Very good
29:49Express yourself
29:50This Saturday you will receive in
29:51Gran Hotel
29:52And Sunday will be
29:53The extra
29:54With the stars
29:55See you soon
29:56To gossip
29:57Nothing like this couple
29:58Today it's my turn, right, Vitor?
29:59Yes, today it's your turn
30:00Tomorrow Milanese
30:01And the day after, Tamar
30:02To make you look pretty
30:03We will have to postpone the party
30:04Like a month and a half
30:05With Andre, Lady Cucaracha
30:06People are already complaining
30:07That you sit down
30:08Of the joke in the pool
30:09In the world, boss
30:10Yes, but not from the trampoline
30:12We, the handsome
30:13We know how to make you laugh
30:14This Sunday, 5.30 pm
30:16This Saturday
30:17The rose of Guadalupe
30:18Has two shocking stories
30:21I feel so defeated
30:23So useless
30:24I already told you
30:25That it's time
30:26To take the reins of your life
30:27I'm going to be a mom
30:28You're going to be the most famous
30:29Mom in the world
30:30The rose of Guadalupe
30:32Shocking stories
30:34Saturday with the stars
30:36The best games of the MX League
30:38Are in VIX
30:41The most beloved teams
30:42Of the Clausura Tournament
30:46With exclusive games
30:47Streaming only on VIX Premium
30:51Subscribe and follow the MX League
30:53Right now
30:56In the first hours of the day
30:57You will have all the information
30:58In the news
31:00What matters in Mexico
31:01And also beyond our borders
31:03In a space with the stories
31:05That must be known
31:06Quickly and clearly
31:09I'm Carlos Hurtado
31:10And I'll wait for you in the news
31:11This Friday, 5.50 pm
31:13For the stars
31:16You are betraying me
31:18Tell me right now
31:19Who were you talking to?
31:22Get out of my office
31:24I don't want you here
31:25I feel harassed
31:27You were right
31:28Your grandfather died
31:29From external metallic suffocation
31:32Grand Finale
31:33Sunday, February 23rd
31:53During the Grammys
31:54Monday to Friday
31:55With the stars
32:12I'm going to work
32:14See you in a bit
32:18You look pale
32:20Are you okay?
32:22I'm just tired
32:23Well, then
32:24Try to sleep
32:25Are you going to see your dad?
32:26No, I don't think so
32:29Omar is free
32:30And I'm sure he'll go see him
32:31I don't want to see him
32:33But he's your dad
32:34You don't understand me, Juan
32:36I don't know what I'm capable of
32:37And I have him in front of me
32:39I don't know how to tell you this
32:40But Omar didn't do anything to your dad
32:42Omar can't do something like that
32:44Juan, she was giving him
32:45Hidden medication
32:46Do you realize that?
32:48What happened?
32:49Let me go to the hospital
32:50There's no need for you to see her
32:53And one more thing
32:55It's better if you don't get so wet
32:57The baby is four years old
33:08That would be all
33:10Thank you very much, miss
33:14The lady at the hospital said
33:16I couldn't see Luis
33:18But she asked
33:19And he's stable
33:20And they're going to move him to the room
33:22You don't know how happy I am
33:24No, no, I'm also very happy
33:26That way I'll be able to tell him
33:27Everything I missed
33:30It's just that Mr. Portilla
33:31Has to know the truth
33:34I think he's different
33:36From his children
33:37That wasn't the way
33:38To say things
33:40Much less the moment, mom
33:41My sister is right
33:43No, well, it's fine, it's fine
33:44I'm sorry
33:45I didn't do it
33:46With the intention
33:47That she would feel
33:49Bad, but well
33:51Arturo made me desperate
33:53I don't want to talk about Arturo, mom
34:01Poor your sister
34:03I hope she soon realizes
34:04That she's in love
34:05With the wrong man
34:07Oh, mom
34:25You forgot to call me
34:27I was very busy
34:28Yes, and Kemar already left
34:30And I stayed waiting
34:32You already got your daughter back
34:34And you forgot what we agreed on
34:36No, I didn't forget anything
34:39It's just that I haven't had time
34:40But now I'm calmer
34:42We can see each other
34:43Oh, very good
34:44Yes, tell me where
34:45Well, I'm going to send you
34:46My daughter's address
34:47So we can meet here
34:49Yes, perfect
34:50Well, no, no, no
34:51Not here, outside the building
34:53Because I don't want
34:54My daughters to see you
34:56Especially Valeria
34:58Let me know
34:59When you're about to arrive, okay?
35:01Just send me a message
35:02And I'll go
35:04And don't leave me stranded
35:10We're going to leave him
35:11Here on the floor
35:12But I remind you
35:13That he can't have
35:14Strong emotions, Arturo
35:15If he comes back
35:17I'm going to have to
35:18Restrict the visits
35:19Yes, doctor
35:20Don't worry
35:22I apologize
35:24Thank you, doctor
35:28Son, come here
35:35How do you feel?
35:40They really accused Marga
35:41Of something like this
35:42Dad, please
35:43Don't tell her now
35:44That lady
35:45Has a point
35:46In putting herself like this
35:47Yes, Arturo
35:49If you love Valeria
35:52You can't react
35:53That way with her
35:57I lost control, dad
35:58Yes, I was the same
35:59At your age
36:01I don't think so
36:04I'd give anything
36:05For you to learn
36:06How to control your emotions
36:09Your impulses
36:12Will change your life
36:16I love Valeria
36:17With all my heart
36:18But it seems
36:19We have everything against us
36:22There's nothing bigger
36:25Than love
36:28Neither hate
36:29Nor resentment
36:31I don't want to lose her
36:35Something more difficult
36:42Ask for forgiveness
36:46What if she doesn't forgive me?
36:48What if she doesn't want to know
36:49Anything else about me?
36:55If that happens
36:58You'll have to learn
37:02To forgive yourself
37:13Thank you
37:14For inviting me to breakfast
37:16Don't even mention it
37:17You're my best friend, Cami
37:19I worry about you
37:21I don't want you to feel bad
37:22I'm not feeling bad
37:25But you're not
37:26Doing well either
37:28I'm going to be better
37:33Cami, are you really okay
37:34With your pregnancy?
37:35It's like I see you
37:36Weird and down
37:37I don't know
37:39Everything is perfect
37:40I'm very happy
37:42So if you're having a hard time
37:45It's all because you're married
37:46To someone like Juan
37:49Why don't you leave him
37:50And go back to your normal life?
37:52I can't
37:53How can you not be able to?
37:54He has nothing wrong
37:55You made a mistake
37:56And that's it
37:57There are thousands of couples
37:58That break up
38:01I love him, Pris
38:04I love him
38:05And I don't want to lose him
38:07I'm very in love with him
38:13My dad got sick
38:15That's why I fought with Valeria
38:16It can't be, Arturo
38:18After all that, they left
38:20I feel that things
38:21Have happened like that
38:23Nicolas, I feel
38:24That I was very hard on her
38:25But she started defending her mom
38:26And I was too angry
38:27Well, what are you going to do?
38:29I'm going to talk to my dad
38:32But for that
38:33I need your help
38:34Of course
38:35Of course, what do you need?
38:36I want to organize something
38:38But I need her
38:39To come back
38:41But I need her
38:42Not to be in her apartment
38:46I can make her leave
38:47For some work
38:49But her mom and Mar
38:50Are living with her
38:53Well, I think
38:54That can help
38:55Valeria to realize
38:56That I want to fix things
38:57With her
38:59To apologize
39:00For how stupid I was
39:05Count on me
39:06Thank you
39:09I want Valeria
39:10To realize
39:11That I'm willing
39:12To do anything
39:13To get her back
39:24Yes, yes, yes
39:25It's ok
39:26I'll grab my things
39:27And I'll see you there
39:31I'm going to go
39:32To the cafe that's nearby
39:33I'm going to see
39:34Some things at work
39:35Nicolas says
39:36That we have to start
39:37To resume the project
39:38That's great
39:39That everything
39:40Is starting to go back
39:41To normal
39:44I'm also going
39:45To go out
39:46Where are you going?
39:47I want to bring flowers
39:48To the Virgin
39:49Because she made us
39:50The miracle
39:51Of you going out
39:53I promised her
39:54That I would thank her
39:55When you were free
39:57I knew
39:58That she would grant me
39:59The miracle
40:00I knew it
40:01I want to go with you
40:02I also want to thank her
40:03Of course
40:04Let's go
40:09Let's go
40:19You missed me a lot
40:21Well, here I am, son
40:24You're right
40:25In everything
40:28Well, I was also wrong
40:30A lot
40:34Look at me
40:36I'm not ready for anything
40:38Don't say that, son
40:40I'm very sorry
40:41For not listening to you
40:45For wanting everything
40:46To be the way I wanted it
40:53Is everything ok with Paula?
40:58Is that what worries you?
41:04Everything in this life
41:06Has a solution
41:08Besides, you're a good man
41:10And with a big heart
41:13You're a pig
41:18It couldn't be otherwise
41:23Come here
41:34The next day
41:42It's a better morning
41:43And now that my dad is fine
41:45And about to leave the hospital
41:46We can resume the sports line
41:49We have to start looking for offices, Pedro
41:51I'll take care of it
41:52And also
41:53We have to set up a new media strategy
41:55To see if with that
41:56We attract the attention of the partners
41:58Because we need capital
42:01We already have several proposals
42:02I'm going to set up a presentation
42:03To show them to you
42:05And for you and Arturo
42:06To tell me where you want to go
42:08Perfect, thank you very much
42:10And please, with me
42:11You can count on me
42:13I know it's a complicated moment
42:14And I'm not going to leave you
42:16I really appreciate that, Valeria
42:19I'm only doing it for you
42:21Not for Arturo
42:23After what you did
42:24For Marta, I owe you
42:27No, you don't owe me anything
42:29I know that now you're angry
42:33Things between you and Arturo
42:34Are going to get better
42:38Now, I want you to see
42:40How the engagement is going
42:41With the clothing line
42:42And the people on social media
42:43What do they say?
42:44Okay, perfect
42:57Your brother asked me
42:58To give him a copy of the key
42:59And here it is
43:01Thank you
43:02I just wanted to ask you one thing
43:03Of course
43:05Please, don't let Miss Valeria
43:06Find out that I gave her the copy
43:08She knows how her mom is
43:09And I don't want to have problems
43:12Anyway, don't worry
43:13Because it's a surprise for Valeria
43:15I'm sure she's going to love it
43:17Perfect, thank you
43:18Thank you
43:20You're going to heaven
43:21Have a good one
43:42Thank you so much
43:43For listening to me
43:44For doing me the miracle
43:47My daughter is free
43:48Like I asked you
43:49That's why we're here
43:51I know you heard me
43:53Thank you, Mom
43:55No, my daughter
43:56You don't have to thank me
43:58Between mothers
43:59We understand each other
44:00Right, my little virgin?
44:03And you
44:04You're going to understand
44:05Very soon, my daughter
44:07For the children
44:08We do everything
44:11I only pray for you
44:12So that God will take care of you
44:15I don't like to ask for myself
44:18I don't know
44:19They're my things
44:21But I always turn to God
44:23And to her
44:24When I see the situation
44:25I turn to God
44:30I hope you like the flowers
44:33They're with all my love
44:37Come, let's pray
44:52Our Father, who art in heaven
44:55Hallowed be Thy name
44:57Thy kingdom come
44:59Your will be done
45:01On Earth
45:03As it is in Heaven
45:06Glory to God
45:09Glory to God
45:12Glory to God
45:14Glory to God
45:16Glory to God
45:18Glory to God
45:20Glory to God
45:23Glory to God
45:25I'm going to calm down when you stop pretending to be the victim.
45:29Really, no one else wants to go fishing with you?
45:32Each obstacle will be faced.
45:34Even if they put thousands of obstacles on us, we will jump one by one.
45:37Monday to Friday, 8.30 at night.
45:40Let's see if by jumping to the stars, you don't end up stars.
45:43Wouldn't you like to make some money?
45:45You just have to take my side.
45:47I'd better give him the reason.
45:50Brian and I are the authority and we are respected.
45:53If you show up, it's a crime to arrest me.
45:56The crazy wedding, we know how to make you laugh.
45:58Friday at the end of the notice.
46:01What are you looking for?
46:02I want you to work for me.
46:04What do you say?
46:07You can't fall in love with the daughter of that bastard.
46:11Forget about her.
46:12Beyond hate, today I dare to love you.
46:15And would you dare?
46:16Starts Monday, February 24th, 6.30 in the afternoon.
46:19For the stars.
46:20I invite you to run with me.
46:21And be part of the 13th Cardiac Race.
46:23Your DNA.
46:24Presented by Jumex Mia.
46:25Run 5, 10 or 21 kilometers and enjoy the super fun and familiar route.
46:29Together we will make sure that children and girls with heart disease
46:32receive the medical treatment they require.
46:34Sign up at atdeporte.com diagonal cardiac.
46:36Or scan the QR code.
46:38Hashtag your help forward.
46:40Sunday to Sunday continues the tradition of the most complete summary.
46:46Know the plays, scores, goals and celebrations.
46:51So that you do not miss any detail.
46:54Come in.
46:56Sunday, 2 in the afternoon.
46:58With the stars.
47:00Cantinflas is willing.
47:02Always at your disposal.
47:03To occupy any position.
47:05You know that here is your mannequin.
47:06And be the center of attention.
47:08Who are you?
47:09Now you will see who I am, now hold on, little girl.
47:11Of your fun.
47:12Very good.
47:13It is squeezed.
47:14This Saturday you will receive at the Grand Hotel.
47:16And Sunday will be the extra.
47:18With the stars.
47:19See you soon.
47:21I'm on stage.
47:22And I'm focused on this is much bigger than me.
47:25When we are in the show.
47:27I think your heart beats a thousand percent.
47:31In which case we have fun.
47:34We like family, traditions, roots.
47:40Honesty is the key to a relationship.
47:43Are you okay?
47:44Of course not.
47:46It's just that I did not even finish my painting.
47:48But everything you do is just as ugly, girl.
47:50What did you say?
47:51Please, brush your teeth.
47:52Because behind there is a piece of roasted peanut.
47:55We are going to make you laugh with frozen income.
47:58Saturday by the stars.
48:00It seems that Rafael and Alejandra.
48:02The important thing is that I get a divorce.
48:04Then we will see the business.
48:06They will finally be together.
48:08I want you to divorce me from Marco Valenzuela.
48:10But it will not be easy.
48:11What do you want me to do, aunt?
48:12That I do not divorce him?
48:14That's exactly what I want.
48:16Monday to Friday at 2.30.
48:18By the stars.
48:20Wake up and know the most relevant information every morning.
48:24With the analysis of each news.
48:30Sport, climate and entertainment.
48:32We have the keys to start the day well and well informed.
48:35Wake up.
48:36Monday to Friday, 7 to 9 in the morning.
48:38With the stars.
48:40In love.
48:41Although the wind is not in favor.
48:43The sea rejected her before she touched the water.
48:45I'm going to calm down.
48:47When you stop being the victim.
48:49Really, no one else wants to go fishing with you?
48:52He will face every obstacle.
48:54Even if they put us thousands of obstacles, we will jump one by one.
48:57Monday to Friday, 8.30 at night.
49:00If Valentine's Day comes as a surprise.
49:02I came to see you.
49:04Do not be fat, disgusting.
49:07Remember that the best gift is friendship.
49:10Because it is very nice to have many, many, many, many friends.
49:13Happy Valentine's Day.
49:15We know how to make you laugh with El Chavo.
49:18Monday to Friday with the stars.
49:20Enjoy your mornings with the stars.
49:22At 9.
49:23Advice, guests, games and all the fun is today.
49:26Today we are going to discover the benefits of the Champi massage.
49:29And at the end.
49:30Famous fashion notes.
49:31Kitchen and more just in Cuéntamelo Ya.
49:33Benson Bull who filled his eye with Cirque du Soleil.
49:35After seeing his various performances during the Grammys.
49:38Monday to Friday with the stars.
49:41What are you looking for?
49:42I want you to work for me.
49:44What do you say?
49:47You can not fall in love with the daughter of that bastard.
49:51Forget her.
49:53Beyond hate.
49:54Today I dare to love you.
49:55And would you dare?
49:56Starts Monday, February 24, 6.30 in the afternoon.
49:59For the stars.
50:00Get in touch with.
50:02The hottest sports results.
50:08Exclusive interviews.
50:12Analysis and opinions.
50:14Sports contact.
50:15Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.
50:1711.30 at night.
50:18With the stars.
50:20Everything that happened this week.
50:23You will find it in the most complete sports program.
50:29Detailed reports.
50:33And all the news of the day.
50:35More sports.
50:37This Sunday at 11 in the morning.
50:39With the stars.
50:40Join us in this story.
50:42It sounds to me.
50:43At full volume.
50:45I have many plans for us.
50:47Do you have plans for us?
50:49Yes, I told you I'm married, right?
50:51Why did you paste all those photos on the wall?
50:53I was a fool, mom.
50:55I refuse to lose her.
50:56This story sounds to me.
50:58At full volume.
50:59Saturday, 5 in the afternoon.
51:00The best games of the MX league are on VIX.
51:05The most beloved teams of the Clausura tournament return.
51:10Exclusive games.
51:11Streaming only on VIX Premium.
51:15Subscribe and follow the MX league now.
51:21Wake up and know the most relevant information every morning.
51:24With the analysis of each news.
51:30Sport, climate and entertainment.
51:32We have the keys to start the day well.
51:34And well informed.
51:35Wake up.
51:36Monday to Friday, 7 to 9 in the morning.
51:38With the stars.
52:01To get here.
52:02First you will have to laugh until you die.
52:04My name is Marilu.
52:05I have the best job in the world.
52:07In Mexico there is the tradition of celebrating death in peculiar ways.
52:11Here we all go live.
52:13We know how to make you laugh with I die for Marilu.
52:16Starts on Sunday, February 23 and available on VIX.
52:31We need to make noise to recover the customers we lost after the presentation.
52:36Yes, I think it's very good.
52:37That's fine.
52:40Well, that's all for today.
52:43See you tomorrow, okay?
52:47There we are in contact.
52:48Excuse me.
52:52Are you going home?
52:53Do you want us to walk together?
52:56I have to make some calls.
52:58You go ahead.
53:00Let me know if I see you tomorrow.
53:05Before you go, I want to tell you something.
53:08Tell me.
53:11Think about it.
53:13Nicolas, I don't want to ...
53:14Don't say anything right now, just think about it.
53:17Arturo is very sorry.
53:22See you tomorrow.
53:29See you tomorrow.
53:37I am very happy to be free, mom.
53:39Well, and me more, my love.
53:41To me more.
53:42Because you are with me.
53:45When you were in jail, I used to give a lot of things for nothing.
53:50But now I realize that I am missing things that I had never imagined.
53:54I really want to work.
53:56Oh, my love, how barbaric.
53:58No one could want to work.
54:00I swear.
54:01Besides, I'm going to need money to keep my baby.
54:05Oh, no, my love, don't worry.
54:07This little beautiful boy is not going to need anything.
54:12Your sister and I are going to help you.
54:15Right now, just worry about being okay.
54:17For your son.
54:19And when he's born, we'll see.
54:24In one of those, we can fix Mr. Portilla to give us something.
54:29Oh, no, mom.
54:30No, no, no.
54:31I don't want any more problems.
54:33It's just that by law he has to give you something.
54:35Even divorced, you were his wife.
54:38No, I don't want anything from that family anymore.
54:40Well, then you don't use it.
54:43But this baby is not only going to use it, but he's going to need it.
54:50So think about it.
55:13I'm already at the building.
55:22What are you doing here?
55:23It's good to see you.
55:24I need you to help me. I'm desperate.
55:27I have to know the truth.
55:29You can't be here.
55:30I'm not leaving until you or your mom listen to me.
55:34Okay, let's go to my apartment.
55:36Let's go.
55:37Let's go.
55:54What happened? Are you okay?
55:57I did everything wrong.
55:58Why, my love? What happened?
56:01I regret so much having done things like that.
56:04Well, my love, calm down.
56:06I don't know what happened, but calm down.
56:09I betrayed.
56:11I failed my dad.
56:12Oh, Leonardo, please, my love.
56:15He won't trust me again.
56:17And all for listening to you.
56:18For listening to me?
56:21Then let me understand.
56:22Are you blaming me?
56:26Blaming me just to remind you what you've always wanted?
56:31No, my love, we've both done everything.
56:32No, no, Paula.
56:34No, Paula, what?
56:36Leonardo, isn't it fair that now you want to blame me
56:38when all I've ever wanted to do is help you?
56:40No, no, no, you're only hurting me.
56:42But you know what? It's over.
56:45Perfect. It's over.
56:46So what do you want?
56:47To continue being manipulated by everyone, right?
56:49No, no, no.
56:50You're the only one manipulating me.
56:52But it's over. I've had enough of you.
56:57Rocio, you and I have absolutely nothing to talk about.
57:01Of course we do.
57:02I'm tired of not knowing anything and being silent.
57:05I've done it for years.
57:07I want to know which of the two is my son.
57:09If Arturo or Nicolás.
57:12My God, what is all this?
57:14Oh, I thought you were done with Arturo.
57:19Then you can help me get something.
57:22Something to do the DNA test
57:24and find out if he's my son.
57:26No, I can't help you.
57:28Please, you have to go.
57:29No, if you can help me.
57:30Rocio, please.
57:31You have to go.
57:32I'm desperate.
57:33I understand.
57:34Let me.
57:35I understand. Please, you have to go.
57:37No, I'm not going to stop insisting.
57:40We'll talk later, okay?
57:41Please, please, Rocio.
57:43I promise you, I'll talk to you later, please.
57:45Swear it.
57:46I swear it.
57:47You always tell me that.
57:48I swear it, I'm giving you my word.
57:51Rocio, please.
57:58Oh my God, who did all this?
58:04What did that woman say?
58:06What did you hear?
58:07I heard everything since they entered the apartment.
58:11Tell me what that woman said is not true, Valeria.
58:15It can't be true.
58:17Arturo, this wasn't the way you should have found out.
58:21I really don't know.
58:22How long have you known?
58:26How long have you known?
58:28That woman has been looking for me for a long time.
58:31She's been telling me for months, but I didn't want to know anything else.
58:36I understand how you must feel.
58:37Do you understand how I feel?
58:40Do you know how it feels?
58:42Realize that your whole life has been a damn lie.
58:48Do you know?
58:49Arturo, please listen to me.
58:51And I wanted to surprise you.
58:54And I was the one who was surprised.
58:56Forgive me.
58:57No, I don't forgive you.
58:58How can it be that you knew this and didn't tell the person you love?
59:06I knew how to do it.
59:07You never told me you didn't like lies.
59:10You told me you didn't like disappointments.
59:13And that's what you've been doing to me since before we were together.
59:25You've hurt me too much, Paula.
59:27Hey, why are you getting mad at me?
59:29Because I'm sick of you.
59:31And because everything my family has told me is true.
59:33What do you want in a relationship?
59:36Someone who gives me peace.
59:38That gives me security.
59:40Something that I will definitely not find in Arturo.
59:44Hey, let's go to the doctor.
59:45No, no, no, calm down. It's not that bad.
59:47How not? Is it hurting?
