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A Mar Capítulo 13 en HD Completo A Mar Capítulo 13 en HD Completo A Mar Capítulo 13 en HD Completo A Mar Capítulo 13 en HD Completo A Mar Capítulo 13 en HD Completo A Mar Capítulo 13 en HD Completo
00:00You look very handsome, really.
00:02It looks like a plastic surgeon drew you.
00:06I didn't think you'd be so funny.
00:10There you go.
00:11Well, at least...
00:13At least, for the bad taste.
00:18Keep it.
00:22There are a lot of things that you don't like.
00:25Keep it.
00:28There are a lot of things that you still don't know about me.
00:38Well, you're right.
00:40But today I'm getting to know you better.
00:43I'm going from pearl to pearl.
00:50Why are you looking at me like that?
00:53Who was going to tell me, Pearl Contreras?
00:57You're a very special girl.
01:00Kind of rude, but...
01:10Like you have everything.
01:23I've been waiting for hours for someone to bring me the letter or someone who works here.
01:39I mean...
01:41Oh, my God.
01:44Excuse me.
01:45Can I offer you something to eat?
01:48Look, it's not on the menu.
01:50But I want a dish of...
01:52Stop flirting with my boyfriend.
01:54Can you bring it to me now?
01:56Brisa, I'm working. I don't want any problems right now, okay?
01:59Me less.
02:00What I do want is to make something very clear to you.
02:03If you're thinking that this boat trip for you is going to be like a honeymoon with my future husband,
02:10you're very wrong.
02:12Look, Fraga.
02:13If you try anything, whatever it is,
02:16show him the tattoo, rub his eye,
02:20you're going to serve siren ceviche.
02:22Got it?
02:25Do you know that your threats only make you look more insecure?
02:28Excuse me?
02:31Gabriel met me how long ago?
02:34A week?
02:37And he's your partner how long ago, Brisa?
02:40Like two years, right?
02:43He's going to marry you.
02:45That means he loves you.
02:48I mean, what more security do you want?
02:51Have a little dignity.
02:55You're warned.
03:01I think you and I have a lot in common.
03:03You think?
03:04Like what?
03:05I mean, we still need to get to know each other a lot,
03:08but I'm sure we're going to connect in everything.
03:10For example, I know you lived with your grandmother when you were little,
03:14and I also lived with my grandmother when I was little.
03:16Really? Hey, you earned a point.
03:18Didn't I tell you that we are like twin souls?
03:20Why did you live with her?
03:24Because my parents died when I was very little,
03:27and then I was left alone with her,
03:29but since then I also work to get for the tortillas.
03:33Oh, I'm so sorry, Oliver.
03:36Well, my mom also died in an accident.
03:40But we better not talk about things that make you sad.
03:44Better, keep telling me what things we have in common.
03:48Ah, well, the most important thing when you meet a man and a woman,
03:54that we are both single,
03:58or not.
04:06Jazz, baby.
04:14And this one? Who is he?
04:18He's a friend, Oliver.
04:22He's Javier, my boyfriend.
04:38How do you feel, Pascual?
04:40A little better.
04:42And you, how did you spend it?
04:47Fine, yes, we just went to eat some tacos.
04:52Yes, but we missed you, Pari.
04:55You missed us a lot.
04:58I also loved the flowers, Pascual.
05:01It's the first time they make me such a beautiful detail like that.
05:04That's why I came, to thank you.
05:07Because even if you couldn't go, I had a great time.
05:11Thank you very much, Pascual.
05:13So can we have a second date so I can be there?
05:18Yes, of course, Pascual, but first you have to get better.
05:23See you.
05:24See you.
05:43Vale, is it true that Perlita is the most beautiful woman in the world?
05:50Yes, it is.
05:54Good for you, Pascual.
05:56Thank you, Pari.
06:02Ah, I remember now.
06:05This is the fisherman you told me about.
06:13Jas, where is Erika's auction house?
06:17I'll stay with you until tomorrow.
06:20Javi, and if you get in front of the car, I'll catch up with you, okay?
06:32Why didn't you tell me you had a boyfriend?
06:36It's just that the subject hadn't come up.
06:40I'm a fool, huh?
06:42No, Oliver, let's see, no.
06:44I was very sad and you were very nice to me and I thank you very much.
06:49But now you know that nothing is going to happen between us.
06:54But we can be friends, right?
06:57Yes, no, no, I understand you.
07:01I will never bother you again.
07:04I will never bother you again.
07:26Rosalbita, Rosalbita.
07:29I'm tired of waiting, Porfirio.
07:32I want you to give me my money right now.
07:50How much do you read, huh?
07:53I'm looking at wedding dresses.
07:56I want my wedding to be as beautiful as I dreamed of as a child.
07:59Do you remember?
08:02How can I not remember?
08:04When you were a girl, you just talked about your wedding, your wedding, your wedding.
08:09Once you even made yourself a wedding dress with a fabric that my mom had bought to make curtains.
08:15Yes, it's true, I don't remember anymore.
08:17I don't remember.
08:21Oh, Brisa, but things right now are not to make such an expense.
08:27There is no money for a dress like this.
08:32But we can talk to a seamstress and make you a very similar one.
08:36I'm sure you're going to look beautiful.
08:39Damn it.
08:41I hate everything that is happening to us and that I am the one who has to pay the consequences.
08:47The successful businessman Sergio Falcón is still the most coveted single man in Mexico.
09:10I don't think you should keep saying that you are a coveted single man.
09:13If you and I are going to get married.
09:16You have to announce our marriage, Sergio.
09:18Oh, Beatriz, don't start.
09:20We have a deal.
09:22I already did my part.
09:26Here are the laboratory results that confirm that I am pregnant.
09:32Here are the laboratory results that confirm that I am pregnant.
09:44But did you collect the other results?
09:47No, it doesn't matter.
09:49Those studies were for the fertility treatment.
09:53But I could get pregnant like that without anything.
09:57So now it's your turn to keep your word and marry me.
10:02I'll do anything.
10:04We'll get married next week.
10:16If you thought you were going to catch me with this pregnancy story, you're very wrong.
10:23Don't be so delusional.
10:25You are one more.
10:27I made you this check.
10:29For you to abort.
10:31And for you to disappear from my life.
10:40I wish you well.
10:52I love you.
11:14Sergio Falcón.
11:19You told me that's what my dad was called.
11:23It's him, mom.
11:27The man in the picture is my dad?
11:37My God.
11:40I have to tell you the truth.
11:43Like I've always taught you, okay?
11:46Sit down, please.
11:54This man in the magazine is your dad.
12:04Isn't he out of Mexico?
12:08Did he come back?
12:10I don't know, honey.
12:13What if we look for him to ask him?
12:17Azul, we've already talked about that.
12:19Your dad made the decision to leave before you were born.
12:25He never tried to find us or be close to us, honey.
12:30So with all my love, I made the decision to create you alone.
12:38I know this hurts, honey.
12:40But this is the reality.
12:43We can't.
12:45We can't.
12:47We shouldn't force someone to want to be in our lives.
12:52I understand, mom.
12:57Well, at least I know what he's like.
13:04Can I keep the magazine?
13:12You're my everything.
13:15You know that, right?
13:25I love you so much, honey.
13:39My money.
13:41How can you do this to me, Rosalita?
13:44You shouldn't have come without telling me.
13:47Look, don't think too much about it.
13:50It's been a while since Ulises died.
13:53So I don't have to keep hiding.
13:56And no one would have to suspect that I was with him when he gave him the patatus.
14:02I'm sick of you provoking me.
14:05Don't try to fool me.
14:08We both sent him to the other world.
14:11Shut up!
14:12If anyone finds out what we did, we're going to rot in jail.
14:17Is that what you want?
14:20Well, no, no.
14:22Don't be so fatalistic, Porfirio.
14:25If it was the perfect crime,
14:28do you think I gave him a patatus while he was sleeping with some random woman?
14:37Did you make sure the police closed the investigation?
14:40Yes? Yes or no?
14:42Of course.
14:44No one suspects anything.
14:46But we can't trust each other either.
14:48You know perfectly well that I'm very desperate.
14:51If you want me to go, it's very easy.
14:54Give me my half a million pesos and look,
14:57in less than five minutes I'll leave this town on a bicycle.
15:01Understand, woman.
15:03It's not time to give us the money yet.
15:07Besides, I know you, Rosalba.
15:08You're going to spend a lot of money.
15:12And that's going to create suspicions.
15:16What you want to see is my stupid face, right?
15:20That's what happens.
15:22You want to keep everything and put me aside.
15:25But no, no.
15:27I'm not going to let you do that, Porfirio.
15:33And you know me.
15:35I'm capable of anything to get away with mine.
15:46I just don't understand why Diablo returned my mom, Teresita.
15:51It's a nuisance.
15:53Now who knows how long he's going to have to put up with her.
15:57Well, you already know her, man.
16:00It's never easy to get into the nest.
16:01You'll see that in a few days,
16:04he's going to disappear as usual.
16:06In fact, you know what?
16:08Not even God is going to tell you.
16:10Teresita, you know what I forgot?
16:12I left the hammock boiling.
16:14Can you turn it off, please?
16:16Yes, yes, yes.
16:20Hello, Erika.
16:24We want you to lend us the room you promised us
16:26so that Javi stays.
16:27Yes, yes, of course.
16:29But I'm just asking you to be very discreet, okay?
16:35Let's go.
16:42Well, I'll leave you to enjoy your little nest of love.
16:47Javi, my love.
16:52Javi, Javi, no, no, wait, no.
16:57No, not like that.
16:59I need something to calm me down.
17:02Do you have what you told me?
17:08No, I don't have it.
17:10I don't have it.
17:12I don't have it.
17:13Do you have it?
17:14Do you have it?
17:15Do you have it?
17:16Do you have it?
17:17Do you have it?
17:42If something makes me nervous, it's that you don't trust me.
17:44But I'm going to show you the money so you can clear your doubts once and for all.
17:52Oh, don't bother.
17:54I'm just making sure you don't play with me.
17:57You're so stubborn.
18:13Are you calmer now?
18:15Here's everything, woman.
18:23I hope you don't doubt me again.
18:25Well, I don't have to tell you.
18:27I hope you didn't get your finger stuck in it.
18:31Please, Rosalba.
18:33The money is complete.
18:36I've only taken what I've given you.
18:39And that's how it's going to continue to work.
18:42I'm going to give you everything you need, but little by little.
18:47In the meantime, look.
18:49You're safe here.
18:50Well, why don't we forget about the money and move on to something else?
18:57I know how to make you happy.
19:04I'm glad you're here.
19:06I've missed you a lot.
19:21I don't understand why they don't want to take me to look for the mermaid beach.
19:26It's unfair.
19:28I'm going to repeat it a hundred times.
19:30Because you have school.
19:32But dad, it's an adventure for a pirate like me.
19:36It's not worth it.
19:38Listen to me, my pirate.
19:40I promise you that when we return, I'll tell you everything.
19:44Yes, but it's not the same.
19:46Iker, enough.
19:48Last word.
19:50Go to sleep, please.
19:57Hey, son.
19:59Don't forget that I love you.
20:01I love you.
20:04Put on your pajamas.
20:06I'm going to pray.
20:10Oh, poor thing.
20:12He's just as anxious as I am.
20:17I don't know if I'll be able to sleep all night.
20:20But you have to do it because tomorrow the trip is heavy.
20:24We have to recharge the batteries.
20:30What if it really is the place I remembered?
20:33Can you imagine?
20:35If we get to that house, there may be things from my past.
20:38And it may be that...
20:42I remembered something and...
20:48And that would be it, Marina.
20:55But you will be able to recover your life.
20:59And I really hope that's what happens.
21:02I hope this trip brings you the answers you need.
21:11Although I managed to recover my life and...
21:13Although I know who I am again...
21:18There will always be a little bit of Marina inside of me.
21:23And Kery and you will always be very important to me.
21:31Well, let's go to sleep.
21:33We have to leave early.
21:37Try to rest.
21:40Good night.
21:41Good night.
21:43Yes, good night.
21:56Help me to be brave.
21:59And to protect our family with your infinite love.
22:03In the name of Jesus. Amen.
22:13You go to bed, miss. It's time to sleep.
22:17You have class tomorrow and I don't want you to wake up.
22:20Yes, mom.
22:22I love you.
23:04Dad, I have news for you that will make you the happiest man in the world.
23:10It must be something very good because you are smiling more than ever.
23:15It is the change of life that you have asked me so much.
23:18Patricio and I are getting married next week.
23:20We have to hurry everything because she is pregnant.
23:25That's wonderful, son.
23:32Sergio, son, that's wonderful.
23:36I'm going to be a grandfather.
23:39Yes, I calculate that in eight months.
23:42Well, we have to celebrate this, son.
23:45Let's have dinner.
23:48I want us to talk about my grandson, about your future.
23:51Start planning the transition for when you take control of Alpha Pacific.
23:58Because as soon as my grandson is born,
24:00I will retire immediately to pamper him and enjoy him.
24:06Let's go.
24:11Excuse me, dad, I'll call you back.
24:13Well, wait.
24:15Yes, hello, Dr. Santillán, how are you?
24:18Good evening, Mr. Falcon.
24:20It is important that we talk.
24:22Doctor, I think we will no longer need your services.
24:25Notice that my future wife is already pregnant.
24:27But thank you anyway.
24:29Give my secretary the account and we'll pay her.
24:32Mr. Falcon, I understand your situation,
24:35but it is imperative that you collect the results personally
24:39and let's talk as soon as possible.
24:57I will follow your steps, I promise you.
25:03In my arms you will contemplate a world full of tenderness.
25:09I will show you that there are still those we love madly.
25:14We are always a million.
25:17The most difficult thing happened, fate has already presented us.
25:22I love you.
25:24I love you.
25:26I love you.
25:28I love you.
25:30I love you.
25:32I love you.
25:34I love you.
25:36I love you.
25:38I love you.
25:40I love you.
25:42I love you.
25:44I love you.
25:46I love you.
25:48I love you.
25:50I love you.
25:52I love you.
25:54I love you.
25:56I love you.
25:58I love you.
26:00I love you.
26:02I love you.
26:04I love you.
26:06I love you.
26:08I love you.
26:10I love you.
26:12I love you.
26:14I love you.
26:16I love you.
26:18I love you.
26:20I love you.
26:22I love you.
26:28Azul discovered that his father is a businessman.
26:32It appeared in that magazine you brought, Brisbane.
26:36Well, how did he recognize him?
26:39Yeah... we never saw a picture of him.
26:43In his name, Mom.
26:45I told him his name.
26:46What's his name?
26:48I wish I had never seen that picture.
26:51And it's not to deny my daughter the opportunity to know who her father is, but...
26:55I'd rather not talk about him or remember how he treated me in the past.
27:00And you never told us he was a businessman, Estrella.
27:04Imagine all the money he must have.
27:07And we here, drowning in a huge debt.
27:11I'm not even going to have a decent wedding dress.
27:15But now that you call him...
27:18No, no, no, no, no. Stop it, Brisa.
27:20You don't know what you're saying.
27:22For no reason do I want Sergio Falcón back in our lives.
27:26Well, don't get mad, sister.
27:28I was just saying because in the note it says that Sergio is the most coveted single man in all of Mexico.
27:34And well, where there was fire, ashes remain and...
27:37What are you talking about?
27:39I really don't understand how you don't take advantage and that's it.
27:45Please, Brisa.
27:47Don't be so imprudent with your sister.
27:52Respect Estrella's decision to love that bastard far from her life.
27:59Well, if I don't say it because Papá Azul has money,
28:03but because I want to see my sister with someone.
28:06Because I say, whatever.
28:08I'm going to get married.
28:09And even Perlis already went out with Valentín.
28:11I already told you that Valentín is just a friend.
28:14Let's see, daughter.
28:16It is very good that you, Brisa, are going to marry a good man like Gabriel.
28:23And I hope that Perla and Estrella also find a great love.
28:30However, I ask you that what happened to me with your father
28:37is not an impediment for you to dare to have a life partner.
28:45Ulises was always a great father.
28:49And for many years.
28:54He was a great husband.
28:59And you have to remember that.
29:07Hello, Fabián.
29:08Come in, come in.
29:09Here I bring your daughter.
29:11You don't know how much fun we have with girls.
29:15Well, I'm out. I'm going to sleep.
29:17My daughter, rest because you look exhausted.
29:22And tomorrow is your first day of classes in high school.
29:25And I hope it doesn't bother you, but I would be the happiest taking you.
29:30No, no.
29:31And I hope it doesn't bother you, but I would be the happiest taking you.
29:36I'm not a girl, Fabián. I can go alone.
29:41But it's okay. X.
29:45Bye, Erika.
29:54Well, I...
29:55One second, Erika.
29:57I just wanted to talk to you.
29:59I was going around with everything we've talked about when you asked me for a second chance.
30:04I'm sure you and I can be a family, Fabián.
30:10You deserve it. I'm very honest with you.
30:14You are very clear with what you want from me.
30:17From us.
30:19But the truth is that it's not fair that you keep waiting for something I'm not going to give you.
30:25I'm really sorry.
30:27And I appreciate everything you've done for my daughter and what you're still doing, but I'm not going to change my mind.
30:33You and I are not going back.
30:36And I also wouldn't like you to hold on to something that's not going to happen
30:41and that you lose the chance to meet someone who can give you everything you're looking for.
30:48Because you deserve it.
30:51I don't want anyone but you.
30:54One day, you're going to realize that you're making a mistake and that our relationship doesn't end here, Fabián.
31:03I'm going to get you back.
31:25Okay, here's some food for the time being.
31:28Water, enough.
31:30The map.
31:32No, Iker gave me a survival kit that you don't know about.
31:38He put a razor, flashlight, thread, I think even a compass.
31:43Like a pirate.
31:44Well, actually, you never know.
31:54We're running so we don't leave so late.
31:59How are you?
32:02I won't take up much of your time because I know you have a long trip.
32:06And I only came for three things.
32:08The first one is that I want to say goodbye to my beautiful fiancé
32:13before I go fishing.
32:16I know how little you like fishing and getting up early.
32:20That's why I admire what you're doing to help your family.
32:23Thank you, honey.
32:24But the truth is that I never get rid of the disdain all day.
32:28The second thing is to tell you that I have everything ready with Azul
32:33because I'm going to pick up the kids from school so they can be together all day.
32:37And third, I want to wish you all the best.
32:42May all this help you remember your past
32:46and not have to drift around in this town anymore.
32:50Anyway, may everything be as we discussed yesterday.
32:54You remember, right?
32:56Yes, I remember.
32:58And finally, I want to wish you all the best.
33:03You remember, right?
33:05Yes, I remember.
33:07What a generous breeze.
33:11Thank you very much.
33:12No, no, no, of course.
33:15I'll wait for you outside.
33:22Thank you very much for the good vibes.
33:25No, honey, you see?
33:27You see everything I do for you?
33:29You see?
33:34That kiss is for you to miss me, my love.
33:39You miss me a lot.
33:49Thank you for coming, Mr. Falcón.
33:52I reviewed the analysis we did.
33:56We need to talk about the results
34:00and how all this affects your reproductive health.
34:05I don't know what to talk about, Doctor.
34:08I already told you that my fiancée is pregnant.
34:11So whatever it is, I guess it's nothing serious.
34:14Look, Mr. Falcón.
34:16Studies have shown that you suffer from a condition
34:22that in many cases is silent.
34:26What are you talking about, Doctor?
34:28I feel better than ever.
34:30This disease has no apparent symptoms.
34:35But according to the studies,
34:38I calculate that this has been affecting you for a little over three years.
34:43The problem is that,
34:45because you haven't detected it in time
34:48or carried out any treatment,
34:51it's too late.
34:54And the condition is irreversible.
34:59What are you saying, Doctor?
35:01That I'm sick?
35:03You suffer from varicose veins.
35:08It's a condition in which varices form in the sperm cord,
35:15which can affect the blood flow to the testicle.
35:20This problem, in your case,
35:23unfortunately resulted in infertility.
35:29No, you try to take those studies.
35:32You're wrong.
35:34You're not pregnant.
35:36What it says there is impossible.
35:39Mr. Falcón,
35:41the analysis confirms that you have been permanently sterile
35:50regarding your fiancée's pregnancy,
35:53and forgive me for saying this,
35:56but it is impossible for you to be the biological father of that baby.
36:05Beatriz, I need to know.
36:08Is the child you're expecting mine or Sergio's?
36:15For the good of both,
36:18I hope it's Sergio's.
36:21In a week I'm getting married to him.
36:24And when the baby is born,
36:26he'll get full control of Alpha Pacifico.
36:31And that's good for both of us, Juanjo.
36:34You're Sergio's right hand.
36:37And it's good for you too.
36:40It's going to be good for you.
36:42It's all we've been waiting for.
36:46It's all we've been planning together.
37:01I think I'm really salty, Perdita.
37:04My princess already had a prince,
37:06and I was left like an ugly toad.
37:08Alone and abandoned.
37:10Oh, Oliver.
37:12I'm really sorry.
37:14But that was the first thing you had to find out
37:17before getting so excited, Oliver.
37:23What's up, Pascual?
37:26Hi, Pearl.
37:27Hi, Pascual.
37:29I don't feel like dying anymore.
37:31That's good, you feel better?
37:34I took the apple cider vinegar, like my mom told me,
37:37and that changed my color.
37:40Hey, Pearl.
37:42I came to ask if our second date is still going on.
37:45Or rather, the first one.
37:47But I promise I'll make it this time.
37:50Yes, that's good, Pascual.
37:52Do you want to do it in a couple of days?
37:54No, but so that you're fully recovered
37:57and you feel great.
38:01See you later, okay?
38:05Let's go.
38:06Let's see.
38:10And now?
38:11What did I miss?
38:13Pascual and I were supposed to go out yesterday,
38:16but he got sick.
38:19I want to give him a chance, Oliver.
38:22You know, I can tell he loves me the way I am.
38:26And it's not just an opportunity for him,
38:28but also for me.
38:30To know what it's like to have someone
38:33who loves you very much.
41:27¿Cómo hizo hoy con la pesca?
41:29Muy bien.
41:31Pudimos atrapar suficiente pescado para Don Gerardo
41:34y sacamos tres hieleras extra de mojarras y camarones.
41:41Muchas gracias por seguirte esforzando.
41:43De nada.
41:44Nada más que me voy a bañar porque apesto que aso.
41:48Oye, Brisa.
41:49¿Siempre sí vas a pasar tú por Azul a la escuela?
41:53Sí, por ella y por Iker.
41:55Ya quedé con Gabriel.
41:58¿Y cuándo va a venir ese muchacho a pedir tu mano?
42:01Porque está muy bien que se quiera casar.
42:05Pero ya te había dicho que por muy modernos
42:09tiene que hablar conmigo.
42:12Sí, mami.
42:13Mira, Gabriel regresa en la tarde del viaje.
42:15Podemos organizar algo para la noche.
42:17Como ves, ¿sí?
42:18Le voy a avisar.
42:20Y te bañas, ¿eh?
42:22Ahí voy.
42:31Esto sí.
42:32Esto es una tragedia tan grande.
42:34De verdad, estoy contigo en tu dolor.
42:36Estoy contigo, Meche.
42:40Pobrecita de tí, por...
42:46No sabía que habías vuelto al pueblo, Rosalba.
42:49Ay, así soy yo.
42:52Pero apenas llegué y me dije a mí misma,
42:55tengo que ir a darle el pésame a Meche,
42:58que debe estar sufriendo horrores.
43:03No tenía idea que tu mamá estaba aquí.
43:05Ay, ni yo tampoco.
43:06Ay, amiga, te necesito.
43:08Me siento mal, de verdad.
43:10Claro, claro.
43:11Vamos a mi casa.
43:36¿Qué pasó, amiga?
43:40Ay, Estrella.
43:42Siento que estoy perdiendo a Fabián
43:44y tengo muchísimo miedo.
43:46No, no, no.
43:47Ya sabes que puedes contar.
43:49No, no, no.
43:51Ya sabes que puedes contar conmigo, ¿verdad?
43:54¿De verdad?
43:56A veces siento que la distancia nos desconectó, amiga.
44:01Nunca se me va a olvidar
44:02cuando fuiste corriendo a verme la ciudad,
44:05cuando el papá de Azul me dejó.
44:07Ay, desgraciado.
44:08Estabas hecha pomada, me acuerdo.
44:10Y si no hubiera sido por ti,
44:12por tu apoyo y cariño en esos momentos,
44:15no sé qué habría pasado conmigo.
44:18Me sentía tan sola y tan perdida,
44:20pero te temía a ti.
44:21Ay, me acuerdo que estabas muy mal.
44:33Mi hija me encontró viendo esta revista.
44:39¿Es Sergio?
44:42Nunca le oculté el nombre de su padre a mi hija
44:45y Azul lo reconoció leerlo.
44:48Me preguntó si él era su papá y no pude mentirle.
44:52Pero tú, amiga,
44:54¿qué sentiste al verlo en esta revista?
44:56¿Te movió algo?
44:58¿Ya lo dejaste de amar?
45:03Mira, mi amor.
45:05Esta cristalería está hermosa para nuestra boda.
45:09¿De quién es el maldito hijo que estás esperando?
45:12¿Qué pregunta es esa?
45:14Es tuyo, por supuesto.
45:16No me mientas.
45:17Yo no sé de dónde estás sacando una tontería así.
45:20Yo jamás te he traicionado.
45:22En cambio, tú te has ido con todo.
45:26Yo fui a recoger los análisis que me hicieron
45:29y lo que pasó es que ella me dijo que soy estéril.
45:33Es imposible que ese hijo que esperas sea mío.
45:47Voy a demostrarte que aún existen los que amamos con locura.
45:52Somos dos entre un millón.
45:55Lo más difícil pasó
45:57y el destino ya nos presentó.
