• last month
Catch up on all the sporting headlines with Bartholomew Hall.
00:00Hello, and welcome along to Invictus Sport, the only show on your TV dedicated to wrapping
00:17up all of Kent's sporting action. I'm Bartholomew Hall, here's what to expect on Monday 17th
00:22of January.
00:25Changing gear! I'll be joined by the former gymnast who's turning to a career in motorsport
00:29after suffering a life-changing injury. Bowled over, Canterbury's Skatepark Pan puts historic
00:35Bowls Club at risk. And sport for the mind, we explore how students are looking after
00:41their wellbeing at uni by turning to yoga and mixed martial arts.
00:48But first, let's take a look at a round-up of the football results from the weekend.
00:53Starting with the Idsmean Premier, Dover Athletic had an interesting weekend. They
01:00lost out to Whitehawk 2-0. Meanwhile, an exciting goal fest between Hashtag United and Folkestone
01:06in Victor resulted in a 2-2 draw. A five-goal match between league leaders Dartford made
01:10AD Pennock's side stretch their unbeaten run to an incredible 21 league games. A great
01:15win for Dartford and Chatham Town drew 1-1 with Horsham.
01:22Bottom side, Ebbsfield United gave title-chasing York a run for their money, but two second-half
01:31goals for the visitors meant the fleet were left pointless. In the South Division, Maidstone's
01:35lack of spark in front of goal continued at Hemel Hempstead, a goalless draw at Vauxhall
01:40Road. And Tunbridge Angels failed to a single goal defeat to their visitors Truro City.
01:48And finally, in League Two, Gillingham bossed the second half against Crewe at Pruessfield,
01:52but weren't able to make it count. The visitors were reduced to ten men in the second half
01:55and the Gilles had a goal disallowed late on, as their search for a much-needed win
02:01continues to elude.
02:04And of course, that means under boss John Coleman, the Gilles are still yet to pick
02:08up a win after seven games. The manager admitted to the press after the match that he's desperate
02:13to get that first W on his record.
02:16That's football. I've been through this mill loads of times. I'm desperate to get my first
02:25win, obviously. You tend to snatch your things a little bit, for one. Sometimes it goes for
02:31you, sometimes it doesn't, and sometimes it feels as though everything is going against
02:35you. And you've got to ride it through. You've got to go through it. You've got to go through
02:40the pain, but you've got to show the endeavour that we showed. So I think our fans, I thought
02:46our fans were magnificent today. Really wanted to score to reward them more than anyone to be honest.
03:11And of course, if the Gilles isn't your cup of tea, there's plenty more to choose from,
03:15including all the latest non-league football news too. Lots to discuss over on the website.
03:21But moving on, time to meet our first guest this morning, a former gymnast from Kent who
03:25suffered a life-changing injury whilst mountain biking, is switching gears and revving up
03:29as for a new chapter as he takes on a career in motorsport. Cameron Reid has set a fundraising
03:34goal of £5,000 as he plans to return to competitive sport. Cameron joins me in the studio now.
03:40Cameron, really good to have you here. First of all, talk me through the injury. What was that like?
03:47That was, yeah, it was one of those things you don't really foresee coming. But the level
03:53of injury, it sort of took a really big impact on sort of mental health for me because my
03:59background was, I'd always been sporting. So to suddenly have all of that ripped away
04:03from you was quite a brutal sort of change in direction and not having a direction at
04:08that point because it was a bilateral hip break. So both legs just shot to bits at the
04:14hips, unfortunately. So it was reconstructed and hopefully it went up and running pretty well.
04:19And we've got a few pictures of you going through that journey there. Obviously you
04:23can see some of the work that was done to you. What was that like? Because you mentioned
04:27that you've done a lot of competitive sport before. It was gymnastics before and trampolining.
04:32Was that kind of, was that it? Was that it? Was that the end of it?
04:35For the trampolining side of things, I don't think I'm ever going to be able to step back
04:39on, unfortunately, after nearly 20 years in that sport and making it to quite a high level,
04:43which was heartbreaking. I tried a few other bits in between that. So mountain biking was
04:48where I was sort of planning to go after sort of stepping away from the trampoline. But that took
04:54a swift end. So I've always been into cars. So I think motorsports is going to be my new
05:00channel to get things stuck into, I think. Yeah, definitely. Tell me where that love
05:04comes from. What specifically, what type of motorsport are you going to be going into?
05:08So for me, it's endurance racing. Just as much time out on track where you can
05:13just really get stuck into the motion of the sport. For me, it clears the mind. Nothing else
05:20matters at that point. It's just a beautiful atmosphere to really get stuck into. It's
05:24adrenaline. It's adrenaline-fuelled. And I love it. And I can't get enough of it. And it just
05:30takes away from just the reality of things. It's almost like escapism for me. Yeah, I mean,
05:35we saw on the screen just then, I think that was Silverstone by the looks of it. Is there any sort
05:40of tracks in particular that kind of excite you when you go out? So Silverstone, it's got to be,
05:45it's iconic. It has to be one of those. Brown's Hatch is a brilliant one. It's local. Donington
05:51Parks, also one of my favourites. Like the first few curves, like as you go down the hill and it's
05:55just, it's just pure bliss. Like the scenery there is beautiful anyway. And then when you can just
06:00waft away into the distance up there, it's like nothing beats it. It's next level. Yeah, of course.
06:06And obviously you've set this fundraising goal as well. You've had quite a lot of support so far.
06:11Tell me what was the, what's been the push behind that? Because as we know, motorsport career is
06:16expensive to get into. Yes. So, so far it's all been sort of self-funded just through acquiring
06:21a little car of my own just to try and build up. And the gentleman I brought it off, this lovely
06:26old chap who's been racing for years, it was really nice to actually support me for the first few
06:30races, which has been like, I can't thank him enough. It was such a good opportunity. And it's
06:36now just trying to push that momentum and keep the ball rolling and actually get stuck in it. And
06:40eventually I'd love to build like a bit of a team where we can get more sort of youngsters or people
06:45from sort of a, who've been through a similar thing. Yeah, yeah. My best friend Tom, for example,
06:50who's wheelchair bound a good majority of the time through similar sort of things, so accident, but
06:54also loves motorsport. He had a very similar opportunity a couple of years back to get in
06:59with a team called Team Hard and did some just sort of basic endurance racing. And same for him,
07:04it's, we want to push it. So we want to get, and it's good for the mental health side of things,
07:09because if you can get stuck into something and feel like you can actually still do what you love.
07:15Yeah, definitely restricted. Well, I was going to ask about that. I mean, competitive sport for you,
07:19it seems like something you just can't get away from. But what, what is it about competing?
07:23Because there's quite a difference as well between going from trampolining to then mountain
07:27biking and then to motorsport. It's very much chalk and cheese when you're in the
07:30leotard and you're strapped into a nice big car. It's, it's just the thrill of it. I love that
07:38competitive field. Like it's just something money can't buy in essence. And for me, I've always
07:45thrived in that sort of background, that sort of day to day mundane stuff I sort of struggle with.
07:50But if you can throw in like something, a bit of excitement in between, I feel it just brings me
07:54alive inside. And just for me, it makes life a lot easier. And it's, I love getting my teeth stuck
07:59into it. Yeah, it's, I can't describe how good it is. Yeah, yeah, no. What's been the response
08:03from sort of family and friends as you take on this new journey? They've loved it. Like,
08:07they've been really supportive. I haven't come along to track and actually watched
08:11like the first couple races I did, which the first one I did, I think we actually got a really good
08:15result, considering it was my first time out ever. What was the result? So out of, I think it was
08:20about 18, I managed to pull fifth, I think. Oh, that's fantastic. Which, in the categories, you've
08:24got A, B's and C's. Mine's a C class, which is like, sort of like the baby end of the group. And
08:30my little car has effectively got underpowered, but I still managed to sort of pull a reasonable
08:35position. So that spurred it on even more. Well, fantastic. Best of luck as you start this new
08:40journey. What's your, really quickly, have you got anything coming up? Not as of yet. Okay.
08:45Season starts hopefully around May, so if I can get something together, I will try and get
08:50out there and get a bit more night. All right. Cameron Reed, thank you very much for joining us
08:55this morning. Really good to have you on. Time to remind you, you can keep up to date with all our
08:58stories, all our sports stories, by heading to our website, kmcv.co.uk, including this one.
09:08Golf courses are more than just fairways and greens. They're a haven for wildlife. However,
09:14maintaining them with outdated methods can harm the environment and put local species at risk.
09:20Here at Hive Golf Course, the management accepts the problem, but is on a mission to make changes.
09:30Grass cutting equipment is just one of the changes being made by the club.
09:35One of our ideals would be to use robotic electric mowers to cut all of our fairways,
09:41and in time, the rough as well. So how will a small members club fund such an ambitious project?
09:48We've been working on a crowdfunding bid. That bid will fund, we hope, the mowers. It will fund
09:59other green initiatives that we're putting together. Led by one of the youngest head
10:03greenkeepers in the UK, the team prepares to place the newly built hotels on the course.
10:09So what we're doing is we're placing bird boxes by our bug hotels in an effort to
10:14encourage and develop wildlife here on the course. Do golf courses truly benefit local wildlife?
10:21I spoke to a leading bug expert. But yes, we can all make a difference in the same way that by doing
10:26it in your garden, you can make a difference, particularly if your neighbours do it as well.
10:30If we added all the gardens in the UK together, you've got half a Serengeti nature reserve.
10:35So these areas added up can make a huge difference.
10:39Records show that fewer than 1% of greenkeepers in the UK are female. What was it that attracted
10:46Holly Hurst to the profession? It's definitely not as hard as you would think it is physically.
10:53You do build up your strength, but I think there's an idea that it is a man's job and only
10:59men can do it. But I've definitely proved that I can do it and females can definitely do it. It's
11:04really good fun. Green by name, green by nature. I'm assuming you welcome this type of project.
11:11Yes, absolutely. It's a terrific initiative that the golf course has kicked off. You know,
11:17golf courses take up a lot of land in this country and anything that they can do to make
11:23themselves more biodiverse and to welcome wildlife has got to be welcomed by everybody, I'm sure.
11:29The club's CEO is fully aware of the challenges that lie ahead.
11:34Yes, it's a bit of a leap in the dark because we're a small club. 250 members, just under.
11:42It is a big...
11:42Time for a break now. We'll be back after this.
14:59Hello and welcome back to Invicta Sport live on KMTV. Now, an historic bowls club fears it could be
15:13wiped out if Canterbury City Council's plan to roll out a new skate park is approved. The Chisle
15:20Colliery Welfare Bowls Club says it's pleaded with the local authority to rehash its urban park scheme
15:26at Hersdon Recreation Ground. The group, which has been playing in the space for more than
15:3070 years, says it's worried the move could drive future members away. One spokesperson from the
15:35City Council says it remains open to conversations with the club but simply cannot meet the requests
15:41they are making. Well, president of the club, Elsie Edwards, who's lived in Hersdon for 75
15:46years, spoke to us from the club site. History of the club, to the miners, the miners used it
15:53for the club over the road. That's where we used to go to have our teas. But when it was pitched
16:00shut, it was handed over to Bridgebleen Rural District Council to maintain, which they did.
16:08It was a man with one arm that looked after all the bowling green and all the big field for the
16:14football. When Bridgebleen collapsed, it was handed over to Canterbury City Council to maintain
16:24it and look after it. So I've lived here for 75 years and I do love the bowling green. I love the
16:32bowls. I've bowled for 49, I've been in the club for 49 years and I love it dearly and I don't want
16:40to see it close or have anything done to it. It's a pleasure to have a bowling green.
16:48It's a lovely game. And you can read more on that story at Kent Online. That was Elsie Edwards there
16:54from the Bowls Club. Now we're going to take a reach back into the Invicta Sport Vault today
16:59and show you an interview from late last year with young fundraiser Daisy Ailey, who's been
17:03fundraising to take her skills to the ongoing Quebec International Peewee Hockey Tournament.
17:07It's currently taking place in Canada as we speak. Here's when she spoke with Abi late last year.
17:14Tell me how this all began. Why did you decide ice hockey at such a young age as well?
17:18Okay, it's a really funny story. But my sister had a birthday party with her friends and I
17:23weren't allowed to skate and I really, really wanted to. So for my next birthday party,
17:27I had an ice skating one and I went to a hockey game and I just loved it.
17:31Were you just too young to do the skating at that time?
17:34No, because it was my friend's birthday party so I wasn't allowed to go because it was only
17:39Oh, and now I bet you're better at skating than all of them anyway. So you show them up, right?
17:43And what made you go competitive? You obviously wanted to try it out and have a bit of fun,
17:47but then there's got to be a bit of competition there.
17:50Yeah, I like winning because my team's always very happy when we win and the changing rooms
17:56are very fun and you make a lot of friends.
17:58And Dad, Andy, how do you feel about this, thinking of her flying all the way to Canada
18:04and competing for the country?
18:06Yeah, it's fantastic, especially in such a short amount of time to get to the England
18:12squad in two and a half years. It's fantastic. I mean, she's so dedicated. She eats, sleeps
18:19and breathes hockey, don't you?
18:21What are you more dedicated to, hockey or school?
18:25Oh, did we say that on TV? Maybe not.
18:28Do you find yourself thinking about hockey while you're at school then?
18:32Definitely, because I miss days off at school for hockey. So the day before, I'm thinking,
18:38oh, I can't wait for hockey tomorrow whilst I'm in lessons.
18:40Then you work even harder within your lessons to make sure you can, yeah?
18:44I know Mum's and Dad's listening as well.
18:47All right, so tell me about the Pee Wee tournament. I haven't heard of it before. I don't know
18:51what it is. I don't have a clue. I used to watch ice hockey growing up. I love watching it,
18:55but I've never played. I don't know what getting into it as a youngster's like as well. So tell
19:00me a bit more about it.
19:02It's basically, so you go there and you play against a lot of teams, but I think we get
19:06put into groups and you just play against loads of teams. We also go to a sweet shop
19:11called Sugar Shack and we go to a snow park as well.
19:14Oh, wow. That's a load of fun. And I suppose, what's it like? What's the ultimate goal and
19:20the dream for it? And also the crucial funding behind it too, because that's got to be a
19:25really difficult thing as a parent to think about how much money she needs, but this could
19:29be the future for her.
19:30Well, that's it. I mean, it is very expensive, very time consuming. Obviously, it's different
19:36to many sports because the ice rinks are scattered around the UK. So the travelling is relentless,
19:43but it's fantastic. And I mean, we can't wait to get to Canada, can we?
19:48I bet, I bet.
19:49I'm not sure who's more excited, Daisy or me.
19:52Do you ever get Dad on skates? Is he any good?
19:54Yes, I got him on skates last year and I remember him coming home and telling me,
19:58I can skate on one foot.
20:01And you just sort of had a laugh to yourself and thought, now I've beat you.
20:05How are you going to go about raising this money then? £5,000, that's a lot of money.
20:08And at Christmas as well, when people are already struggling with things like the cost
20:12of living crisis and to get people to dip into their pockets, it's going to be extremely hard.
20:16We've been quite fortunate so far, haven't we? With some donations and some sponsorships.
20:22So we're slowly getting there. And yes, we'll find a way.
20:27And Daisy, who are you inspired by? Because there must have been someone or something
20:32other than not being allowed at your friend's birthday party, but where you thought I could
20:36do this or that's something I want to do because you don't really see the sport that much.
20:40No. So when I went to watch my first ice hockey game at our club, we do mascots.
20:45So two or one person goes on and skates with one of our pro teams called the Dynamos.
20:51And when I went to watch the ice hockey game, I really thought that that would be amazing.
20:54So I started playing and I thought I'd love to do it. And I've done it quite a bit after.
21:01It's incredible to hear you talk about it as well. It's so inspiring as well. I know there'll
21:04be a lot of people out there and especially on Invicta Sport, we like to get local people in
21:09and doing sports right from the beginning as well. But tell us about your team and how that
21:13dynamic works. I know you mentioned it's good fun in the changing rooms and the locker rooms
21:17after. You're all sort of laughing and joking. And tell me a bit about how the positions work
21:22as well. Do you play a certain role in the team? Okay, so I mainly play defence, but we sometimes
21:29switch around. So at the start of last season, I think, we switched around to see who played
21:33better with people who played better in certain positions. And we just kind of figured it out.
21:39Okay. And what's your favourite sort of position to play? Because it's quite physical as well.
21:43When I've been to watch, you probably get slammed against the side of the ice rink. Is it that
21:48ferocious when you play? You kind of get used to it almost. And the padding does really protect you.
21:54It's like insane. It's really heavy as well. And you don't feel a thing. Okay, so that's all right.
22:02Amazing. Well, we wish you the very best of luck in getting to Canada as well. We'll be following
22:08your story very, very closely and having you sit here playing for England as well next time you
22:12talk to us. Yeah. What do you reckon? Thank you so much. Amazing, Daisy. Best of luck. Andy,
22:17thank you very much for coming in. And best of luck to Daisy as she takes part in those
22:22games this week. And finally, as part of KMTV's year in television offering on Student 101 this
22:27week, our production assistants have been taking a look at the different ways students stay mindful
22:31whilst at university. Isaac Bass-Bainbridge has been able to speak with members of both
22:36the University of Kent's yoga and mixed martial arts societies. How do you like to relax? Maybe
22:42it's a walk along the beach. Maybe it's gardening. I mean, there's no point to forgetting that the
22:46UKC Yoga Society does yoga to get their zen on. I spoke to some of their committee to see how it
22:52helps them. So I started yoga when I was 15. And I think that it's been a really positive
22:59influence on me in my life and as well with managing emotions and mental health. And I
23:05definitely think that it's a brilliant thing that we offer our students as well as they go through
23:10periods of exams and stress. It's a really good thing that we offer. I'm not very flexible
23:15at all. And since doing yoga, it's definitely something that I've realised anyone can do.
23:20And it does help me mentally, physically. It helps you with your mobility day to day.
23:25It's something that everyone should get involved in, no matter what benefits you want out of it.
23:29No experience in anything necessary. There's always levels as well to what you can do. So
23:33there's always an additional stretch if you want more. Or if you need to take yourself back, you
23:37always can. And it's not just yoga with a mind for mindfulness. Behind me, you'll see a rather
23:41different approach in the form of the University of Kent's Mixed Martial Arts Society, who take
23:47their well-being with a bit more of an active approach. But the connection doesn't come out
23:51of nowhere. Last week, the two very different societies held numerous crossover sessions.
23:56The yoga session focusing on strength and a women's only MMA session at the weekend.
24:01I spoke to some of the MMA members to see how the crossover worked for them
24:05and what MMA can do for you. There's a lot of professional fighters that do yoga. I mean,
24:10our coach does yoga himself. So it's because yoga is very, you know, you're stretching and in MMA
24:18and fighting in general, you need to be flexible. So at the session the next day, some of the boys
24:23were doing the stretching that we'd done in the yoga session the day before. Doing MMA, you have
24:28to be present, otherwise you're going to get punched in the face over and over again. It's
24:32like a feedback loop of not being present, get punched in the face, and you get reinforced to
24:36be more and more present. So yeah, that has helped with inner peace. And ever since I got into yoga,
24:41I sort of brought it back. I really like how I felt after spending a lot of time just in a quiet
24:46room, one with my body. Taking your anger out, any emotions from anything else, you can bring
24:52in here and then take that out. As long as you're calm about it and not wailing at someone. Yeah,
24:57as long as it's a healthy way, it's perfect. It's the perfect thing to do.
25:00So it's clear that achieving inner peace really comes down to finding what works for you.
25:05But it's clear to see that these guys have really found what works for them.
25:11That is full time on today's episode of Invicta Sport. Really good to have you with us this
25:16morning. If you want more from KMTV, you can head over to our website, kmtv.co.uk,
25:21where all of our special shows are available to watch back on demand, including the new season
25:26of Student 101, Kent Student 101. It's a show produced entirely by students on our year in
25:33television. And this week, there'll be talking plenty more sport as well. That new episode
25:37coming out on Wednesday, Wednesday evening at six o'clock and then repeating throughout the week.
25:44You can also keep up to date with all of our social media. Search KMTV Kent. We've got lots
25:50more that you can read on and watch on our Facebook and our TikTok. And of course, if you
25:55have a sports story you think that we should be showing here on the programme, maybe run a club
26:00or, you know, an up and coming athlete who deserves the spotlight, then do make sure to let us know.
26:05And it might be featured next time. We will be back next Monday with plenty more sporting action
26:10from across the county. But for now, bye bye.
