Born to Die (2025) Episode 15 English Sub
#EnglishMovie #cdrama #drama #engsub #chinesedramaengsub #movieshortfull
#EnglishMovie #cdrama #drama #engsub #chinesedramaengsub #movieshortfull
00:30I don't know what I'm talking about, but I'm going to do it anyway.
00:32I don't know what I'm talking about, but I'm going to do it anyway.
00:34I don't know what I'm talking about, but I'm going to do it anyway.
00:36I don't know what I'm talking about, but I'm going to do it anyway.
00:38I don't know what I'm talking about, but I'm going to do it anyway.
00:40I don't know what I'm talking about, but I'm going to do it anyway.
00:42I don't know what I'm talking about, but I'm going to do it anyway.
00:44I don't know what I'm talking about, but I'm going to do it anyway.
00:46I don't know what I'm talking about, but I'm going to do it anyway.
00:48I don't know what I'm talking about, but I'm going to do it anyway.
01:02When he
01:20所谓窃,就是触摸 The so-called thievery, is to touch
01:28点心妹妹,你是不是喜欢沈穆斯啊? Sister Dianxin, do you like Shen Musi?
01:35通常这个时候啊,都会否认不回答 Usually at this time, people will deny it and not answer
01:40看吧,就是这么简单,就可以猜到对方的心思 Look, it's that simple, you can guess what the other person is thinking
01:46点心妹妹,你喜欢什么样的? Sister Dianxin, what kind of person do you like?
01:51我喜欢主动的 I like the one who takes the initiative
01:59我向来主动,更以真心待人,但是又害怕太过主动,让自己心爱的女子生厌,却又显得虚情假意 I always take the initiative, and treat people with sincerity, but I'm afraid of taking the initiative too much, so that the girl I love will be disgusted by me, which will make me look hypocritical
02:14沈国师离开签位阁多日,真是常见不少 Mr. Shen has been away from Qianwei Pavilion for many days, and he has seen a lot
02:20肯定是有心上之人多有调教,这么快学会了说情话的本领,确实,我早已有心上之人,若真心对待心爱之人,时间会让你知道,谁是真心待人,谁是带着面具欺骗 If you really love someone, time will let you know who is really treating you, who is lying with a mask
02:37若是真心爱她,必会坦诚相待,跟时间有什么关系? If you really love her, you will treat her honestly, what does it have to do with time?
02:51看来,不管这两人谁会赢,妹妹一定是赢家 It seems that no matter who will win, my sister will definitely win
03:00今日,谢谢妹妹的款待,洛苏敬大家一杯 Today, thank you for your hospitality, Luo Su, a toast to everyone
03:15宁心,明日别院见面,我想和你好好聊聊 Ningxin, let's meet at the villa tomorrow, I want to have a good chat with you
03:21我会一直等你,如果这最终的结局是一场炼狱,我会把你个个唾弃,远离这些姑娘 I will always wait for you, if this is the end, I will drag you away from these girls
03:41我信你 I believe you
03:50宁心,明日别院见面,我会把你个个唾弃,远离这些姑娘 I believe you
04:21他不会还在等吧? Is he still waiting?
04:36什么色? What color?
04:39什么色? What color?
04:41什么色? What color?
04:51什么色? What color?
04:55发生什么事了? What happened?
05:00有人嫌弃了我 Someone is bullying me
05:03先走再说 Let's go first
05:12什么色? What color?
05:18什么色? What color?
05:21我终于等下来甩下你的剑, I finally waited for the arrow to fall on me
05:28元宵!元宵!快去见太医! Yunxiao! Yunxiao! Go to see the doctor!
05:32好 Yes
05:48怎么样了? How is he?
05:50果实中的毒极深,已经用了最好的药物治疗 The poison in the fruit is very deep, and the best medicine has been used
05:55要是这两日他身上的热症能退掉的话,就有可能会醒来 If he can get rid of the fever these days, he may wake up
06:01有劳太医 Thank you, doctor
06:15都怪我过去的太晚 It's all my fault
06:21我就应该早点去的,他就不会出事了 I should have gone earlier, he wouldn't have died
06:26天心,不是你的错,你已经尽力了 Tianxin, it's not your fault, you've done your best
06:40什么色? What color?
06:42你一定要醒过来 You must wake up
06:50你去休息吧,我来守着 Go to rest, I'll stay here
07:02帮我去告诉Yunxiao,一定要找到袭击之人 Help me to tell Yunxiao, we must find the attacker
07:11你一天都没吃东西了,我去做点吃的 You haven't eaten all day, I'll cook something
07:20为什么? Why?
07:33你没有一丝忧郁 You don't feel any guilt
07:42是,结困于漩涡中寻求自救 Yes, I'm trapped in a whirlpool looking for salvation
07:45寻求自救,你却为了我不顾自己的安危 You're looking for salvation, but you don't care about your own safety
07:51天心 Tianxin
08:04死人是没办法还债的,你还欠着债呢 A dead man can't pay his debt, and you still owe him
08:09我会像现在一样只爱一个女子,和她一起看流萤,和她一起看满天繁星,无论发生什么事都陪在她身边,护她一生平安,如若背叛,凡所喜皆会成痛,凡所乐皆会成怒 I will love only one woman like I do now, watch the fireflies with her, watch the stars with her, no matter what happens, I'll be with her and protect her
08:25如若背叛 If you betray
08:27如若背叛,凡所喜皆会成痛,凡所乐皆会成怒 If you betray, all the happiness will be in vain
08:33天心 Tianxin
08:36你从来不是我权衡利弊的选择,而是我明知不可为而为之的执迷不悟,如果这最终的结局是一场历练,我会把你勾勾脱弃,远离那些困难 If this is the end of a journey, I will pull you away from those difficulties
08:55这些我都不要,我只要你活下去 I don't want any of this, I just want you to live
08:59是我死了,我给过你机会让你离开,你自然选择留下,但你此生只能与我一人纠缠到底 If I died, I gave you a chance to leave, and you chose to stay, but you can only be entangled with me for the rest of your life
09:29你不进去吗 You're not going in?
09:44这屋子怕是已经没有我的位置了 I'm afraid I don't belong here anymore
09:59我们走吧 Let's go
10:29连心,你这是一直守着我,守了一夜是吗? Lianxin, have you been guarding me all this time? Have you been guarding me all night?
11:00远离那些困难 If this is the end of a journey, I will pull you away from those difficulties
11:08远离那些困难 If this is the end of a journey, I will pull you away from those difficulties
11:16远离那些困难 If this is the end of a journey, I will pull you away from those difficulties
11:24热度终于推下去一下了 The heat has finally gone down
11:54热度终于推下去一下了 The heat has finally gone down
12:21如果每天醒来就能看到,该多好 If I can see you every day when I wake up, that would be great
12:51远离那些困难 If this is the end of a journey, I will pull you away from those difficulties
13:06远离那些困难 If this is the end of a journey, I will pull you away from those difficulties
13:14你终于开心过来了 You are finally happy
13:44千万年明月说别离 隔世的相思说注定 泪滴梦遗迹 一叶花落去成泥 Tens of millions of years, the moon and moon say goodbye, and the longing for each other says it is destined
13:51泪滴梦遗迹 一叶花落去成泥 Tears and dreams fall together and become mud
13:57反正人间旧意 换朝新魂成立 反正流年时代是不停笔牵时宜 Anyway, the world is like a cloud, changing the day and night
14:04反正流年时代是不停笔牵时宜 Anyway, the flow of time is like a cloud, changing the day and night
14:12那一剑穿心也断情 那一剑飞雪人间寻 That sword pierces the heart and breaks the love, that sword flies into the world
14:18那是擦肩过的余生 足够我刻骨一生 That is the life I have seen, it is enough for me to live
14:24此别再会已无期 今生适合你 Farewell will never come again, this life is for you
14:31向那闲云野和山间吟曲 思念出丑何寄 Like those clouds and mountains, the longing for each other is unbearable
14:38我只愿你生许一场相依 我只愿你生许一场相依 I only want you to meet me in this life
14:42不要如往昔 指尖为敌 不要如往昔 指尖为敌 Don't be like the past, the past is the enemy
14:45黄星和长铭 赤裂破碎前 燃尽 黄星和长铭 赤裂破碎前 燃尽 黄星和长铭 赤裂破碎前 燃尽