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Natasha Rudatsenko, Biochemist and founder of Health Nag, joins Maria Botros on this week's Tell Me Why podcast episode to debunk commonly believed health myths.

Natasha: It's not fat that makes you gain weight, it's sugar, inflammation and carbs

The difference people will feel by just dropping gluten or bread is indescribable, says Natasha

Natasha: Try to adopt one healthy habit at a time, otherwise you will fail if you do them all at once

Celery juice helps boost your immune system, hydrates you, and acts as an antibacterial, antiparasitic and antiviral, says Natasha

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00:00I was introduced to this when I was in my 20s. I was doing a lot of detoxing and fasting and this is when they 20 years ago
00:06They already were educating about food combining. That's why fruits always on its own never after a full meal
00:11This is just gonna rot because for fruit to be digested they need just 20 minutes boom and they digest it
00:16Meat needs 8 to 12 hours sometimes. So if you first take in meat and then berries only towards the end
00:24While meat is getting digested the berries just sitting there and this fructose it starts to rot
00:28It starts to ferment and then you just end up with a lot of bloating and digestion. So that's why always on an empty stomach fruits
00:36Complex meals protein with vegetables and that's it. You want potatoes you want dolly one rice you do it also with vegetables
00:42Don't pair the two together
00:44We are back it's a brand new episode of tell me why here in the gulf news studios with me in the studio is Natasha
01:08She's a biochemist. She's a functional medicine practitioner founder of health nag and the list goes on
01:14I feel like there's so many things I could list and
01:16We are here to talk about you to talk about your brand and to talk about health in general
01:22Natasha before we dig deeper. I want to know more about you. How did you get to where you are today?
01:27How did you you know start the health nag?
01:31Tell me more about yourself. So in my 20s, I was diagnosed with incurable health conditions. Okay, and the doctor told me
01:39It's for life. It
01:41Put me on like hormonal therapy on different kind of drugs and
01:46Medicine and of course I said no like this is this is no way I'm going to take it
01:52there's no way and I decided to kind of start researching and
01:56Since then I've dedicated like over 12 years just to learn everything about like anatomy
02:03Biochemistry are your Veda Chinese medicine? You name it? Like I really went so deep into it and
02:10In this journey during this time I set up for businesses that are health and wellness related
02:17So health neck is not my first and probably not the last knowing myself Wow
02:20and I had already I've had three businesses before and they
02:25It kind of like was just all about living a healthy lifestyle
02:30I wanted to inspire everyone else and
02:32Health neck was born out of that desire to actually educate people as well because I did heal myself
02:37Actually, I healed incurable health conditions. So my passion became so intense
02:43I wanted to spread this information and that's how health neck started started as a blog initially just like a health blog
02:49I was just educating sharing my insight what I've learned in the last let's say 20 years and
02:56Just naturally we transitioned into a supplement brand because community wanted also a product they could blindly trust
03:03With all that information that I was putting out there was so relatable so useful everyone was just like wow
03:09No one is talking about it. So trust was there credibility was there but products were not there
03:14So we just thought it's time to also start launching our products as well
03:18But we are a wellness movement before we are a supplement brand and we will always be like this
03:24We will always keep educating always breaking conventional medicine stereotypes
03:28We always encourage everyone to do preventative medicine rather than reactive medicine, right?
03:33Right, and I feel like it's become such a trend
03:36You know people looking for wellness journeys that actually fit them and they're looking and I love what you're doing because you found a gap
03:43In the market and you filled it you found that there was a gap with you know
03:47being honest and and you know delivering that
03:51Candid information about wellness that people lack that people needed. Absolutely
03:56We actually we actually started to really expand a lot during Corbett
04:01Because that's when people started to take their health seriously until then I was nagging but no one was listening
04:07And now everyone was down with Corbett and the people were really really
04:11Affected by it and they started to listen to what I was saying and I started to do a lot of webinars during Corbett sitting
04:17At home just educating educating heavy very intense like three four hour
04:22Webinar and people loved it and and that's how it grew and grew and grew and of course all the wellness businesses actually started to
04:29To to be better, but it's not what it wasn't my first time
04:32I was talking about health is just everyone started to take it seriously only then at that time. Okay
04:39So we're you know talking about wellness and talking about all these like different
04:43Ideas and concepts that came up one of them, which is a buzzword biohacking. Yes
04:49What is by which I don't like actually, oh, yeah amazing. What is biohacking biohacking is essentially understanding what your body?
04:57Needs to function optimally. Okay, that is that is what it is. There is nothing more to it
05:03I call it health optimization or just purely health because biohacking this feels like I don't know it's something unreachable
05:10You need to understand it. No, it's none of it all these gadgets and everything
05:14Okay, it's it's a cherry on top of the cake, but it's never should be it never should be your base your base should be
05:21Understanding anatomy understanding how your body and organs work giving it nutrition right nutrition giving yourselves, right?
05:29Nutrition giving yourself a proper hydration making sure that you don't just prioritize pleasures when it comes to food
05:35But also prioritize what your body actually needs so it can protect you
05:4024-7 against all the viruses the parasites the bacteria so you don't die
05:44People don't understand that immune system is one number one asset that you have so by hacking, okay, you can extend your life
05:51But again, it's just it's health optimization. The more you do for yourself. It's like a bank, you know, you invest into your health
05:57Nothing gets unnoticed by your body. Your body notices everything you drink celery juice today. You don't drink tomorrow
06:03It notices that you know, it's not like you're trying to fool it or biohack it
06:07You're trying to give it what it needs and that's what I feel. This should be the right word for it
06:12It should be just health optimization. There's no such thing as biohacking. What is that? Your body is a machine. Yes
06:19Understanding the mesh how machine works and then cater to it needs it's important, but it's not biohacking, right?
06:25It's just normal taking care of your body, you know
06:28So it's just maybe a preference of the word, but essentially the intention is this is the same but to be honest
06:34What you mentioned right now is is actually quite interesting because I feel like a lot of people I speak to on a daily basis
06:40Do not understand their body
06:42They do not exactly absolutely
06:45They do not and this is what I was one of the first to start talking about that high acidity is actually low acidity
06:50I started talking about like six seven years ago. And now I'm seeing like oh, wow. I think I have
06:57Low acidity actually to fix my acid reflux
07:01Ironically you need to take more acid. So it you're the our stomach was meant to be acidic
07:08If you remove the acidity, you cannot digest amino acids meaning you cannot digest protein forget it
07:14It will be indigestion. They will it will be rotting inside
07:17It will be like give you flatulence and all that we were meant to be acidic when it comes to our stomach
07:23But what happens during acid reflux is just the acid goes up. This thing stays very
07:29Weak and it keeps opening the doors
07:31But it's usually inflammation and low acidity when you fix both it closes tightly and there's no massive reflux
07:37So this these things and people really don't understand that they don't understand when you drink cold water
07:43Like with ice with your meals you block your bile and you solidify the fat
07:49That means you slow down the digestion by another maybe eight hours
07:54You may you ensure a malabsorption because when fat is really hard is impossible to properly move in your digestive system
08:01And obviously you're for your body to observe cold
08:04What is the worst thing you can do to have with your meals people don't know that simple. You know that there you go
08:11And there's a lot of people so always either don't drink at all or drink something warm to open all your bile ducts
08:18so the bile is released the
08:20Stomach acidity is released. The enzymes are released. Everything works as a system
08:24Anything called eating ice cream will also it will lead to the indigestion
08:28So having a little bit of a cup of tea on top of your ice cream will help to open this bile
08:34Ducts and also help you digest properly fat like with everything in life. The choice will always be there
08:39You have to learn who to trust you need to do your own research
08:42I always say don't take my word for it do your own research
08:45Honestly, what you said is spot-on because I feel like me myself
08:49I'm overwhelmed with everything. Of course, don't eat protein. No eat protein. Of course
08:54It's all about the carnivore diets. No, it's about ketogenic diets. It's it's so
09:01Overwhelming. Absolutely. I feel like people get lost in this chaos
09:04Absolutely, but like understanding first you can you listen to your body where we tend to ignore the signal?
09:09So if you don't know if you're not sure do the genetic test and then understand for yourself
09:13You see predisposition to diabetes watch it. Make sure you take barbarine or other chromium or other things that
09:21Reduce the blood sugar spikes, right or watch the sugar consumption if you don't really have an issue
09:27It's okay. The fruits or other things will not have such an effect on you as on for everyone else
09:32For example, and what if someone doesn't have you know
09:36The ability or the luxury or the accessibility to do like a DNA test
09:40Like how can they do it just on a daily basis?
09:43How can I understand my body as you said like look for listening?
09:48It took me a while to actually listen to my body now I can pick up on so many things. I'm
09:53Hypersensitive whether it's good or not
09:55It could be not so good because when I go on holiday, my body tells me that I don't like it
09:59Well before it would be okay, but now it's small step, right?
10:02Small step left is already Natasha
10:07So it can be not good
10:08But I also liked it because I trained my body then it can quickly tell me but I would say if you're not sure
10:13Do one week coffee one week green tea and see when which week you feel better may take notes more energy less anxiety
10:22More motivation better mood. These are all the things that you should look out for same with food
10:27Try to do oh my god guys the amount of changes you will receive by just dropping gluten just bread
10:35Every single person that I meet right now. It's a 99% out of hundred
10:40You know, they would say as soon as I dropped bread my inflammation gone
10:46So you are about to actually start healing and you have a little bit of piece of bread small amount already is enough to trigger
10:54Severe inflammation then you you trigger it again and then it's a vicious circle
10:58So for you to really heal you need to go one month without breath. I'm just giving an example
11:04Yeah, and same so you test it out going without bread. It shouldn't be such a
11:08Massive drastic difference. There are always something like gluten-free options
11:13So it's not so hard. No, I've learned and I've no I'm not feeling deprived anymore. I eat everything I eat delicious
11:19I love food, but I'm super clean. It just comes natural to me healthy choices in the restaurant
11:24I don't go for like I don't know fried rice. I don't go for fried food. It's like inflammation full-on
11:29It's not about calories. I love fat. If you see how much fat I consume it's insane, but I'm skinny
11:34It's not fat that makes you fat. It's the sugar is the inflammation
11:39So remove those carbs the simple carbs the bread the pasta and all this deep fried stuff
11:43I've been trying to control my insulin spikes again with
11:48Diagnosis it with insulin resistance for a while and back and forth. Obviously, are you taking supplements like berberine for example?
11:55No, I'm not. This is great to to drop the sugars. Really?
11:59And this is what I would do rather taking fruits on it on a full
12:03Stomach because that creates more fermentation at least good digestion fruits on an empty stomach natural spikes
12:10Okay, they're normal. Okay, we were designed like this
12:13But if you take berberine, it will not allow it to spike. It's so so actively so badly
12:19Why do you think people still find it very difficult to be healthy or to lose weight or to meet their you know?
12:25Their health goals. Why do you think like what is the main issue? It's all comes down to
12:31Neurochemistry, I believe it's very hard to be happy without certain foods. It's very hard to be
12:37happy without alcohol
12:40Before again, I relate to both stories because it's not like I was always like this healthy
12:45I was quite opposite actually quite disastrous. So for me telling me that to go
12:50For a birthday party or to any party and not to drink
12:53I would just say no because I could not imagine this it would be the most boring activity ever and
13:00This was because my own brain was not producing enough of those happy hormones not enough dopamine not enough this
13:07Serotonin because it was cheap dopamine based on sugar based on I was deriving it from food
13:14From alcohol from parties and all the other things like we call it cheap dopamine because it has side effects
13:20Now I am very driven. I have goals
13:23That's that's a beautiful thing to have when when you want to boost your dopamine without goals
13:27We humans we need we need other pleasures. So this for me is like a pleasure right now
13:34The serotonin like you derive from I don't know if you're from nature from relationships from other things you like
13:41I I'm not anymore addicted to this party. It's like a
13:45Addiction, it's like a drug alcohol sugar
13:48Works exactly the same way in the in your brain
13:50That's why it's so difficult to go off drugs
13:52And that's why it's so difficult to go off sugar if it's sugar then go from very high
13:58Gluten dairy sugar go for a cleaner one. I don't know banana bread
14:02That's with healthier sugar or a dark chocolate with nuts, you know
14:06Something like you can try and start fooling your brain a little bit. That's maybe what I would call biohacking
14:12Okay particular case that's you're fooling your own biochemistry and and just really the healthier
14:17You are the more you start going to the gym, for example, and then you will crave less sugar
14:23It's just it's just like but of course if you're a complete beginner, you're just starting up forget it
14:27The motivation will be super low in this case
14:29I would use supplements that boost your mood and there are supplements that you can literally force your body to produce more of the
14:36Dopamine there are supplements like that like l-dopa and they actually called like the very similar to that five HTP
14:42These are the things that help you to create a very good mood and not depending so much on food
14:48this is again another way of maybe
14:51Biohacking right because then you kind of like it's a drug, but it's healthy
14:55Yeah, you know and until you go to the gym
14:57At least you get the motivation to go to the gym to be healthier without these supplements
15:01Maybe you'll fail take one healthy habit one just one and until you are very comfortable that habit do not add anything else
15:09This is my otherwise you too hard on yourself and most likely you will just fail and you don't want to fail
15:14Also all the time because at the same time we are connected to that winning
15:18We want that end result is what gives us this pleasure
15:20So nail one habit it doesn't matter
15:22It takes you two three weeks to drop the bed bread or two three months or one year to stop there
15:28It's okay, but stop do one habit. Mmm. Okay our gut. Yes, and our gut health. Yes
15:35Everyone has an issue right now
15:37Everyone the microbiome and and you know the fact that your gut is your second brain and people need to listen to their gut
15:43I mean not just only listen to their body but listen to their actual gut
15:47Yeah, so what are some of the main issues with the gut like everyone everyone is down my theory is that yeah
15:54We are definitely not eating well, and if you go to airport or any other entity everywhere even to healthy events
16:00This is what drives me insane. This is why I need the big mic and say guys
16:03We are the wellness event right now. Why is the only thing that's available is gluten?
16:09Yeah, and if they are very nice to you as well, they'll give you some dairy as well
16:13You know, and that's it and some coffee. Oh my god, what what are we eating in hospitals?
16:19You are recovering from a major operation. What are you?
16:22What's oh my god, like I get so so annoyed when I see yogurt
16:28Bread croissant usually mm-hmm tea with sugar. This is what we're feeding
16:33This is a feast for all kind of bacterias that even antibiotics will not help. You know, like I'm just giving an example
16:40So we are not eating right all these desserts all this bread like the moment you sit down in the restaurant
16:45What they give you the bread, of course
16:47And of course you get eat the bread first your blood sugar spikes and then you and you're not
16:51We don't really have so much room anymore for actual food
16:54And then it's just gluten clocks your entire digestive system. Nothing is moving there
17:00That's why and we deep fried and all that and then on top of that sugar alcohol caffeine stress and lack of sleep
17:07So this is the reason why our gut is so inflamed
17:12Protein with potatoes or rice is the worst combo
17:16if you have
17:19Sluggish digestion if you're like a soldier superstar, which is no one these days. Yeah
17:26This is the problem better not to pair those two together. Yeah, this is how I eat
17:30I eat protein with vegetables and if I want carbs like a potato or pizza, I'll do it just with vegetables
17:36Of course pizza. I'm not going to touch gluten. Yeah, I'm talking any other let's say buckwheat or or
17:43Yeah, so something like that
17:44This is very very important and I'm used to it and I was introduced to this when I was in my 20s
17:49I was doing a lot of detoxing and fasting and this is when they 20 years ago
17:53They already were educating about food combining. That's why fruits always on its own never after a full meal
17:58This is just gonna rot because for fruit to be digested
18:01They need just 20 minutes boom and they digest it meat needs 8 to 12 hours sometimes
18:06So if you first take in meat and then berries only towards the end
18:11While meat is getting digested the berries just sitting there and it's fructose it starts to rot starts to ferment and
18:17Then you just end up with a lot of bloating and digestion. So that's why always on an empty stomach fruits
18:23Complex meals protein with vegetables and that's it. You want potatoes you want doll you want rice you do it also with vegetable
18:30Don't pair the two together with the protein. Yeah, that's the hardest but if you really want to be a superwoman
18:37Yes, and most Oh Superman. Yeah, if you start eating like this, you'll be first of all energy level sleep
18:43You you the bloating you'll forget about the bloating part
18:47It will be just your metabolism will increase the skin will increase improve. There's so many benefits. This is how I eat
18:53I'm I'm eating like this for God knows how long right as I say 15 years, of course you sleep. It's okay
18:59Yeah, I'm talking in general in general. Yeah, I mean the rule not the exception. There's always exceptions
19:04You know, you mentioned celery juice. I you mentioned so many things that I want to talk about
19:08I want to talk about detox
19:12We're gonna talk we're gonna talk about all these things but celery juice cuz I for one tried them and I love them
19:18I absolutely love them. But tell me the benefits of that. Like what are the benefits of these cold-pressed celery juices?
19:25Yeah, so any any veggie vegetable juice obviously, it's very good for you
19:30Parsley is phenomenal. It's one of the most incredible
19:33Juice that you can have you need a lot of obviously parsley to do it, but you can combine it with cucumbers and some apples
19:39So this is good. But if to talk just about celery juice, first of all, it's very high in electrolytes. Okay a
19:45Special sauce that it contains. It's like a natural electrolytes. It's
19:49Incredibly hydrating. Okay. Also, it's very low in sugar and
19:53It's high in minerals and vitamins so it's like a little multivitamin that you take right away
19:59Also, it kills viruses a lot of us have viral infections without us knowing it
20:05Okay, like Epstein by hippies. There's so many viral infections that we have
20:10It's also we have like bacterias that we don't know about the parasites. We don't know about and they're all
20:17Exhausting our immune system. So
20:21Celery juice is just helps you body to get rid of it. It boosts your immune system. It
20:27hydrates you but it also is acting as I can antibacterial anti parasitic and
20:33Antiviral and that's why I like it because it's not appeal. It's the nature. Okay going back to detoxes. Let's do it
20:39What's your opinion on like these detox diets or these detox juice, you know?
20:44Again juice is good
20:45If it's not fortified with fruits any juice is good because the amount of nutrients that you're gonna get from juice is higher
20:52Than if you would be you would have to eat like a huge ball of celery, for example to get the same nutrition
20:57So juice is good. But if you start using fruits, this is a big no-no because then you just sugar and minus the fiber
21:02Okay, so unless it's a green vegetable. It's great to juice it
21:08Detox is can never be just the product. It's an activity
21:13Detox is any detox is
21:17supporting your natural
21:20Detoxification processes, that's it. There's nothing more to it. It cannot be just one product that will detoxify you
21:26Initiate that process within your body. So we have a detox product to give you an example like I used to fast, right?
21:32Fasting is incredible because on day three or day four you enter autophagy
21:36This is when your body literally start cleansing even the cancer cells and all this faulty cells pre cancerous cells
21:42you know that we are producing cancers are pretty much regular a lot of us the immune system is just able to identify it and
21:48Kill it at all. They kill it immediately. Yes during fasting this process is on steroids. It's becoming much much more bigger
21:54So you're literally your immune system doesn't have and it doesn't need to spend any energy on
22:00Digestive process or any other process is it just activates your immune system starts to scan your entire body
22:07Looking for bad faulty cells and kill it and do do the does the cleaning, you know, like a major
22:13Spring cleaning that you can think of and this is what happened during fasting
22:17However, majority of people cannot achieve this as a beginner impossible. The hunger is too strong
22:23So we've created the program which I've used in the past where we hack it. Actually, this would be good also worried for it
22:32With the fiber that is not food
22:34It's not a meal replacement, but it keeps you full while keeping you in a fasting state
22:38Okay, so first we achieve that so you're gonna get into autophagy without the starvation
22:42Okay, that exact fiber. Also, there is no detox without cleansing your liver and your digestive system
22:50There is no detox all this juice fast. They're useless. It's just water comes through the justices
22:55Okay, it's meal meal reduction. It's a calorie restriction. That's how I would call it, but it's not a detox for the detox
23:02You need to support your liver and you need to clean your colon, which is the dirtiest organ in all humans
23:07It's factual by the way. There's a lot going on. There's a lot of parasites. There's a lot of bacteria
23:12There's like it's it needs to be cleaned
23:14If you if you have a sluggish digestive system, most likely your colon is extremely toxic. You don't know it
23:20it shows in your face it shows in your energy levels in your sleep in your
23:23Mood because we are very moody. That's why I have to detox
23:26There's so much happiness because your body is relieved literally of this toxicity of that inflammation
23:32So unless the program has a lot of fiber that cleanse your digestive system and allows you to fast there is no detox
23:39So we have this program as per this is actually first product that we've launched in health snack
23:44The fasting kit that is a colon cleanse, but not a laxative
23:49It's just a lot of fiber that's kind of like very unique type of fiber has an ability to attach itself to all these
23:54pockets because colon has pockets and very often these pockets are full with mucoid plaque or
24:00Undigested waste as I call it and there's a lot of going on
24:03That's not supposed to be there and this fiber just allows it to kind of like scoop it out attach it to itself
24:09And because it's not digestible, it just releases from the release from the body in one like big rope
24:15Naturally painlessly with dignity nice you feel
24:21Incredible you feel like you you're ready to fly because your body loves the feeling afterwards. It sends you all the signals
24:27Oh my god, whatever you did is amazing. Plus you fast as you enter the autophagy you cleanse you cleanse your entire
24:34like cellular system
24:36The longer you go three four five days is fantastic because then you really can rejuvenate your entire cellular health your collagen
24:44Levels are boosted by 2,000 percent new stem cells are released and stem cells is like the most powerful anti-aging anti-inflammatory
24:51It heals all the organs. These can only happen during fasting for at least three days
24:56Minimum and this is the cheapest stem cell cell stem cell
25:01Therapy that I can ever recommend. So we've combined these two and that's why you get such an incredible
25:08Result from this detox no other product out there that has the same ingredients or works in the exact same way
25:15That's why we're getting like a lot of people dr. Karim who is very famous here
25:20He mostly talks in Arabic about he tried it four times. He's like I'm blown away. I want more people to try it
25:25It's like a transformational program that one person needs to do just once a year or once in two years and have
25:32Dramatic transformation health and mood wise and sleep and skin
25:35So if you have like an acne prone skin, or you have breakouts very often one detox can really absolutely renew your skin
25:44I'm blown away because I mean we it is a trend right now colon cleansing and like, you know, it should be
25:51Yeah, all these supplements that have come out there are even machines. I think that people are using like to
25:57Machines are not powerful enough with water. That's what I mean. You need something very very strong
26:01Powerful thing that coming not from
26:04How to say that from down up?
26:06But in a natural way and it has to be very effective and strong for it to make a difference
26:11Because that fiber is super unique. I have not seen in any in any other product. It's it has like a gluish consistency
26:18so it literally
26:20Attaches itself to everything that does not belong to your colon and drags it out releases it and then
26:26Obviously you during the fast state ketones are released like mood boosting and anti-inflammation
26:32Activities in full mode the incredible benefits people sleep better right away afterwards. The mood is incredible
26:38They don't they don't have sugar cravings because they got rid of all those parasites who actually tend to crave sugar
26:45This is essentially what we love doing on this show and it's exactly what we want to bring people knowledge education
26:51We want people to feel relieved
26:53I mean, of course so many people have struggled for years. You were talking about struggling for I don't know how many years
26:59Um, I've been struggling
27:02Practically my whole adulthood like I've always been looking for something that works for my body that makes me feel comfortable
27:08But also makes me feel satisfied. I mean, I want to get better, but I also want to be happy
27:12I mean, of course, I want to do like a strict diet. That's you know, restrictive and
27:17From enjoying life, but that's also another thing that you should be able to it's kind of like paying your rent
27:23No one likes to pay rent, right? Yeah, but we have to do it
27:27So I would look at taking care of your body in the same way. It's not that we enjoy you can't always enjoy
27:32There are certain things that you owe to your body period. There's no more comments. There's no other discussion
27:37You owe this to your body. You only have one and it's not
27:41Unbreakable, right?
27:43so even if you do need to go on a certain diet for one month, you have to do it because there's no other way and
27:51Understanding that like that you owe to your body. What is more important for you to go?
27:54Let's say one month without bread and sugar and alcohol or actually have a lot of health issues in the future
28:02So it's kind of like it depends. What's your why if you do one month very clean diet and go back to completely normal
28:10Useless you defeated so you need to slowly
28:13Reprogram because we are conditioned to cakes. We are conditioned to alcohol. We're conditioned. So it's tough. It's tough
28:20It's a habit when your body is introduced a new habit for 20 days your mind shifts
28:26So first maybe 20 days that you're gonna go out on the party with alcohol gonna be tough
28:31but then it becomes natural because then you derive the real happiness from the people that you are with from the goals that you have
28:38from the beautiful shape that you are
28:41Seeing in yourself, you know and and and flat stomach without like any things
28:46Use you change. It's just you change you make the most of what you have today
28:50I mean, it's not about as you said living until I'm a hundred
28:53No, it's about feeling good about myself in the now exactly making the most of what I have now exactly
28:59Tell me this 15 years ago. I would be depressed because I was a smoker. I was a drinker
29:04I was eating really bad. Like I could not imagine my life without certain things and and and I didn't but my healthiest is right
29:11Now not then and then at some point I did quit smoking and you know what? I'm not thinking about it now. I quit drinking
29:18I'm not even thinking about it. I don't even want it
29:21that means if I can anyone can it just takes a little bit of time of rewiring your neurochemistry your your
29:29Attachment to dopamine to it. It is possible for you. It feels now not possible
29:33But for me was the same but I've changed that narrative. I love it. Natasha. You are wonderful
29:39And I think that's the best advice
29:41I was just gonna ask you and I think you answered it without me having to ask I was I was just thinking like what?
29:47Advice would you have for people and that's it? I mean taking baby steps
29:51Absolutely wire your your your brain to get used to new
29:56Positive habits. Yeah life. Yeah, take it one step at a time. Don't give up everything at once abruptly
30:02No, take it easy because healthier choices to okay
30:05If you are on alcohol like instead of having like I don't know martini or sweet cocktails
30:10Spirit like simple things support your liver next day as well. That will help right make sure okay
30:16You have one drink and and then you have one glass of water in between so usually people drinks drink drinks
30:22I would like the small things your body notices it, you know, or like squeeze some fresh lemon juice. Okay straightaway vitamin C
30:30Antioxidants, I know you're super busy and like this this
30:34We've been trying to get you on the show for so long because I know you've had so much going on one being on
30:40Shark Tank, which is incredible. Oh my god. I have to talk about this
30:45I know there's so much you can't talk about but just tell me about that. That's
30:50Interesting, I'm just gonna say one thing. Okay, this is going to be an episode you haven't seen before
30:55Okay, anything like that? Okay, that's all I can say. That's all you can say
31:01Okay, we'll look forward to it then and Natasha. Thank you so much
31:04We look forward to having you back on the show. You have so much to talk about like a knack forever
31:09That's why I love it. You're full of information and you mentioned one thing that is so in line with our show
31:15Think about your why?
31:17Think about your why and you're not here to tell you why
