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Famous hosts, musical guests and “Saturday Night Live” alumni turned out in full force for Sunday’s “SNL50: The Anniversary Special” tribute.


00:00People talk about SNL in a way that when they come back to 8-H, it's very stressful,
00:05like almost like they get PTSD. How does it feel for you to be back? Do you relate with that?
00:10A little bit, yeah. It was very stressful, but, you know, I don't have to do anything now,
00:17you know, and it's fun to just see. I just ran into Joe Piscopo, that was really fun,
00:22and I'm so looking forward to seeing everybody. And it's interesting, I'll be in the audience,
00:29and I get to see how it works, because I was always inside of it. So now I get to see it
00:36from the audience's point of view, which I'm looking forward to. Have you had any other
00:40fun reunions so far? Well, I was at the 40th, which was really good. Fun reunion, you know,
00:48Second City. No, other than that, Second City and this. Who are you most looking forward to
00:56seeing tonight, or do you have any inkling as to what we might be in for? Oh, golly. Well,
01:02I always love to see Marty Short. You know, I can't wait to see what he performs.
01:09Let me think. Will Ferrell, I'm dying to see. Kristen Wiig, I'm dying to see. I don't know if
01:18anybody from our cast is doing the show. Maybe Julia, I'm not sure, but I'm looking forward to
01:23those guys. I've never met Will Ferrell. There's a lot of people that I haven't met,
01:28but I'm going to try to meet as many as possible. The greatest thing about this, and this happened
01:33at the 40th, was there was such a feeling of camaraderie amongst all the actors who had done
01:39it. So there was just this instant understanding of who you are, what you've gone through on the
01:48show, the nervousness and everything that you're talking about. So we all shared that,
01:53and it was very special that night, and I'm really hoping that that's what it's going to
01:58be like tonight. Just that camaraderie. Is there something from your time on the show,
02:04or maybe it's a piece of advice that Lorne Michaels gave you that you carried throughout
02:07the rest of your career? Well, you know, Lorne wasn't my producer at the time. I was with Dick
02:13Ebersole. Dick Ebersole said that I lacked guerrilla instincts. What does that mean?
02:22Well, exactly. What does that mean? It meant I needed to, I think, sell myself more. Get out
02:32there and get the writers to write for you. Whereas I just ended up writing for myself,
02:38which I much preferred, or I ended up writing on the show. So that's how I got through,
02:46was writing on the show. My last question, is there a sketch from your time that never
02:52made it to air that you're still mad about it never making it to air? Oh my god, oh golly,
02:57there are so many. Oh, there was one that I did with Michael Keaton. It was in a diner,
03:05and it was a really nice acting scene, and I got to act. It was just a two-person with Michael
03:11Keaton, and they cut it before air, and I was, I was in tears. I'll admit I was in tears. So
03:22that was memorable.