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Famous hosts, musical guests and “Saturday Night Live” alumni turned out in full force for Sunday’s “SNL50: The Anniversary Special” tribute.


00:00Something about I'm going to be vulnerable. We unfortunately lost our house in the Palisades fire. And so thank you kindly, and we're okay, we're getting back on our feet. Being here has been very healing, very lovely. Because if I've learned anything from this crazy catastrophic event, it's like, you never know, you never know, things could be gone in a second.
00:21So I was given this sort of disguised gift to really enjoy this weekend and to celebrate and to lead with love, and it's paid off. It's been such an incredible weekend.
00:33What has it been like? Have you seen some of your former cast members running?
00:37Everybody. I've seen people from my era. I've seen people from the new era. I've seen heroes, legends from seasons past. The Friday night concert was insane. We got like most of, you know, living members of Nirvana.
00:49We got Lauryn Hill and Wyclef. We got Cher. Cher in the turn back time jumpsuit. It was insane. It was great. It was, yeah, it's been, it's been, I've had a really beautiful, meaningful hug on average about every minute and 45 seconds since I've been in New York.
01:06That's great. My final question. Is there a sketch that you are still mad did not make it to air?
01:12It's called Chatting Late with Marie Head. I played Marie Head, who is the singer of One Night in Bangkok, which if you remember that song, it's a really weird cadence. Bangkok, Oriental City by the city.
01:22And that's how we interviewed people and they could never get a word in. And I was really proud of it. And the cue cards department always brought it up as one of their favorites.
01:29And that's when you know you've got something special because they're like, no, that was a good one, man. So that's the one that got away.