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Famous hosts, musical guests and “Saturday Night Live” alumni turned out in full force for Sunday’s “SNL50: The Anniversary Special” tribute.


00:00Can you just describe like what your week has been like and and like any crazy run-ins that you've had?
00:08Went to the SNL homecoming concert on Friday night, and that was amazing
00:14one killer performance after another and
00:19My teenage crush Eddie Vedder was a couple rows ahead of me, and I happened to walk by him
00:25And I was I couldn't help myself. I was like you're an icon you're
00:28Legendary and he gave me his guitar pick
00:31That's so cute, which will be framed in my house
00:35What are you most looking forward to tonight?
00:37Do you have any like specific SNL memories that you're hoping are recreated on stage?
00:43I'd love to see presidential impersonations. I'd love to see I mean how do you even top that concert like I want to see Blues Brothers
00:50I want to see
00:52Huh, I'm sure I'm gonna be surprised and that's the exciting exciting part of the show