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Selepas 10 tahun, pertandingan bagi jawatan presiden dan timbalan presiden mungkin dipertandingkan buat pertama kali pada pemilihan PAS dijangka September ini, menurut sumber parti.

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#BeritaFMT #PemilihanParti #PAS #HadiAwang


00:00After 10 years, the competition for the position of President and the post of President of PAS may be competed, according to party sources.
00:10Speaking to FMT, Sumber told that this could happen if President Hadi Awang withdraws as requested by a handful of experts in his health.
00:21Sumber also said that there are people claiming that President Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man wants to give way to other leaders.
00:30He said that if Hadi and Tuan Ibrahim do not defend their position, Minister of Foreign Affairs Ahmad Samsuri Mokhtar and Speaker Don Kelantan Muhammad Ammar Abdullah will compete for the position of President, i.e. a clash between a group of professionals and scholars.
00:47Sumber added that Samsuri may compete with Takiuddin Hassan, while Ammar with Idris Ahmad.
00:54Meanwhile, Ilham Center Executive Director Hisamuddin Bakar said that Hadi is expected to make a decision without the consent of any party, including those who want to withdraw.
01:06In addition, the element of a spiritual leader owned by Hadi is difficult to replace.
