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Video Information: Shastra Kaumudi, 20.12.2021, Rishikesh, India

~ Why there is so much suffering in life?
~ Do we suffer by our own choice?
~ How to avoid pain and suffering?

Music Credits: Milind Date

#acharyaprashant #suffering
00:00Acharyaji, in Bhagavad Gita, Shri Krishna says, I am, as he says, that I am the highest
00:10in all the vidyas, which he says, I am the Everest in mountains, that way he denotes
00:19all the powers. So, in that he says, I am, as Atma, is the highest thing, absolutely.
00:29Here, there he does not say the potential, but the absolute. So, if I say, I have to
00:40be Atma, so does that mean the highest potential I have, as this body, or the absolute possible?
00:51When you exhibit your highest potential, you find that the absolutely highest becomes possible
01:06to you on its own. So, you don't have to worry about the absolutely highest. You worry
01:16about the highest that you can be and keep reaching there continuously. The absolute
01:26will then pick you up on its own. You can only be relatively better. You keep becoming
01:35relatively better day after day. You remember the 99 floors of consciousness? You keep climbing
01:47up. You have to reach the 99th floor and from there, the sky picks you up. Beyond that,
02:00you cannot do much. You keep doing the utmost possible to yourself. And remember that you
02:11being small, tiny, even the maximum that you can do would always be insufficient. Still
02:23that display of the maximum you can do is needed. You display the maximum you can do
02:33and do a little more than, because you can always do more than what you think you can
02:39do. And then strange things start happening. You find much more is happening. More that
02:53you hadn't planned or even asked for. But all that happens only when you are doing your
03:05utmost. You first show your desire, your preparedness to pay the maximum price. And
03:23then something beyond the price you can pay is gifted to you. Good luck you know. Piggy bank.
03:40Now kids don't keep that. My times they did. So the sister of mine, she used to maintain one.
03:54Obviously all the coins had been stolen from me. So wherever she would find change, it goes into
04:05the, very quickly it would disappear. So the vegetable vendor gives her some money. You go
04:13and give this to your mother. 10 rupees was given and the stuff bought was worth seven and a half.
04:25So two and a half rupees returns in coins and the coins never reach anywhere. But they go to the
04:33tummy of that pig. So it was there. And there was this electric car she wanted for my brother.
04:53If I remember rightly. Those days electric cars used to expensive things. So I was in class three.
05:09So she would have been in kg. My younger brother was one or four and a half. So this car was to be
05:22bought for him. So she made the ultimate sacrifice. One day the pig was slaughtered. All that came out of its stomach
05:42was probably not even hundred rupees. But the car came. It wouldn't have come had she not taken that extreme step.
06:02Though in itself that extreme step was totally insufficient. The car was ten times as expensive.
06:18A little toy car. This big. Battery operated. Do you understand this? You cannot get that ultimate by your own effort.
06:38But you will also not get that ultimate without your own effort. So do not have the conceit or vanity that you will work hard and attain the true self.
06:56No, that won't happen. All that you have is what? Some 50-60 rupees in your little piggy bank. That's just too little to buy the absolute.
07:10But without sacrificing all that you have, you will not get the absolute. Do you get this delicate equation?
07:22You do the maximum you can. Your maximum will not suffice. But probably the absolute is looking for your maximum.
07:32You do the maximum you can and the absolute gifts itself to you then.
08:02Copyright © 2020 Mooji Media Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
08:04No part of this recording may be reproduced without Mooji Media Ltd.'s express consent.
