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(Adnkronos) - "Non serve agire a livello regionale, sul fine vita serve una legge nazionale. Non penso sia compito delle regioni fare leggi di questo tipo, altrimenti avremmo leggi diverse in ogni territorio d'Italia". Queste le parole rilasciate all'Adnkronos da Marco Bucci, presidente della Regione Liguria, a margine della conferenza stampa di presentazione della quarta serata del Festival di Sanremo, tenutasi al Teatro Ariston.  "La Corte costituzionale - ha proseguito Bucci - ha invitato il Parlamento a fare una legge su questo tema, quindi che si muovano, così risolviamo il problema. I sindaci e i governatori non possono fare ciò che vogliono, devono attenersi alle leggi. Quando ero sindaco di Genova mi chiedevano spesso di registrare i figli delle coppie omosessuali, cosa che in Italia è proibita. Personalmente l'avrei anche fatto, ma non si fanno cose illegali. Ripeto, sul fine vita ci vuole una legge nazionale, così noi potremo uniformarci".


00:00I don't think it's the job of the regions to make laws of this kind,
00:04because otherwise they would be different from each other for each region.
00:07The Constitutional Court has invited the Parliament to make the law.
00:11In Genoa they say that they are stirring, which means that they are doing it in a hurry,
00:16because this way at least we will solve the problem.
00:18As you know, when I was mayor, but also president of the region,
00:22we have to do things that are aligned, absolutely legal, for the laws.
00:28I can't do things that go against the law.
00:30Someone tried it in the past, but then in the end it comes to the Constitutional Court
00:34or anyone else and says that it doesn't seem right.
00:37I'll give you an example.
00:38When I was mayor, they asked me to register a child with two parents of the same sex,
00:45which in Italy is forbidden.
00:48Personally I would have also done it, but the mayor can't do something that goes against the law.
00:52Recourse, counter-recourse, etc.
00:54In the end we were right, because you don't do illegal things, period.
00:57We represent legality and you can't expect the elected citizens to do something illegal.
01:04So the law must be made at the national level,
01:07and we will be 100% consistent with what the law says.
