• letzten Monat
US-Verteidigungsminister Peet Hegseth hat bei einem Besuch in Polen die Europäer abermals dazu aufgefordert, mehr für ihre eigene Verteidigung zu tun. Polen bezeichnete er in dieser Hinsicht als vorbildlich.


00:00Now is the time to invest, because you can't make an assumption that America's presence will last forever.
00:07America has to stare down a lot of threats to include, as I've mentioned, the Communist Chinese.
00:13If that's the case, then countries like Poland and others will continue to step up.
00:18But as of today, we are very proud of our partnership in Europe.
00:23We see Poland as the model ally on the continent,
00:28willing to invest not just in their defense, but in our shared defense and the defense of the continent.
