• last month
(Adnkronos) - “Il rapporto stima al 2040 un indotto dell’economia dello spazio in Veneto pari a 4 miliardi e mezzo di euro e, in termini di posti di lavoro un numero di addetti tra diretti e indiretti che arriva alle 2400 unità, tutte con un reddito decisamente superiore a quella che è la media”. Queste le parole di Alessandro Costa, direttore generale di Venice Sustainability Foundation (Vsf), in occasione della presentazione dell’analisi congiunta della Fondazione con Boston Consulting Group (Bcg). Il rapporto dal titolo “Dalla Laguna alla Luna” osserva lo sviluppo del mercato spaziale globale e vede proprio in Veneto i margini per lo sviluppo di uno Space Hub regionale.


00:00How did you come up with the idea of this project?
00:04It was born from some reflections that were made within the partnership of the Foundation
00:09on what could be the innovative sectors of greater prospect in the Venetian and Venetian area in general,
00:20almost a year ago.
00:24On this, we built a work done by researchers of the Foundation
00:31and the Boston Consulting partner, together with the participation of another group of interested partners,
00:40putting in this study two methods.
00:47On the one hand, studying the characteristics of the success of the aerospace cluster in different global geographies,
01:00and on the other hand, studying this type of application on the characteristics of the Venetian entrepreneurial fabric,
01:10involving a number of Venetian companies that either deal directly with this sector
01:18or have a prospect of what is called a jump of the line,
01:25being able to operate in this new sector for a certain period of time.
