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(Adnkronos) - “Momelotinib ha la caratteristica di andare a controllare degli aspetti di malattia, in particolare l'anemia, che non sono controllati da altri farmaci della categoria dei Jak inibitori”. Così Maria Sofia Rosati, direttore medico Oncoematologia di Gsk, a margine della conferenza stampa organizzata a Milano dalla farmaceutica in occasione del via libera di Aifa alla rimborsabilità di momelotinib, inibitore selettivo delle proteine JAK1 e JAK2, per il trattamento della mielofibrosi, un tumore particolarmente aggressivo del sangue che colpisce il midollo osseo, impedendogli di formare correttamente globuli rossi, globuli bianchi e piastrine.


00:00GES-KEI, globally, has renewed its commitment to onco-hematology both with its own research and with the support of independent research, and with acquisitions since 2018-19.
00:18So with a commitment that goes both on solid tumors, what we define as solid oncology, and in hematological tumors.
00:25In particular, for the latter, the main focus has been on myeloma multipla, in which GES-KEI has developed a product born precisely within the research of GES-KEI,
00:37and momelotinib, which is a drug for patients with myelofibrosis, which comes from an acquisition that GES-KEI made in 2020.
00:47Why is momelotinib so important? Because even though it belongs to a category of existing drugs, which is the category of the so-called GEC inhibitors,
00:57that is, those drugs that somehow change the history of a disease that depends on this alteration.
01:06So they have an action that changes the activity of the cell and makes it less tumoral than it would be without control.
01:15But momelotinib has the characteristic of going to control aspects of the disease, in particular anemia, which are aspects that are not controlled by other drugs of the same category.
01:27Why is it so important? Because obviously every patient, in the face of an oncological diagnosis of a solid hematological tumor, wants to live longer.
01:35But living longer without the prospect of a quality life is probably a sadder life, and sometimes a non-life.
01:43Controlling aspects such as anemia means giving the patient the opportunity to get back on his feet,
01:49to be able to do most of his daily activities, if not all of them, to depend less on the support of the caregiver and to be able to enjoy the affections that surround him more.
