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(Adnkronos) - “Per il comparto della cosmesi italiana credo sia, oltre che un appuntamento importante, anche un partner per la crescita e l'affermazione dei nostri distretti di eccellenza, che caratterizzano la forza dei nostri prodotti nel mondo. Inoltre, i numeri di crescita del comparto vanno di pari passo con i numeri di crescita della Fiera. Si tratta, quindi, di un sodalizio importante. Ció che sosteniamo sempre è che le fiere servono a questo: sono delle vetrine, ma soprattutto sono uno strumento di politica industriale a supporto dei distretti”. Sono le parole di Gianpiero Calzolari, presidente di BolognaFiere, in occasione della conferenza stampa di presentazione della 56° edizione di Cosmoprof Worldwide Bologna, l’appuntamento di riferimento per l’intera industria cosmetica.


00:00For Bologna Fiera, Cosmo represents one of the longest fairs, it is also the fair of reference for our attitude to internationalization.
00:16It is the most important fair in the world and we are proud to host it in our pavilions.
00:23It is an important fair in terms of dimensioning, it fills the entire fair district, there are many Italian and foreign delegations that fill the city in those days,
00:37so for Bologna Fiera it is absolutely important, also because it represents the way in which we have developed our presence abroad over the years.
00:48I believe that for the Comparto, for the Italian Cosmesis, in addition to being an important event, it is a partner for what is the growth,
00:59the affirmation of our districts of excellence, which also characterizes the strength of our products in the world.
01:12The growth numbers of the Comparto go hand in hand with the growth numbers of the fair, so obviously it is an absolutely important partnership.
01:21What we always support is that the fairs serve this purpose, they are showcases, but above all they are our method of industrial policy in support of the districts.
01:32At Cosmo Profumai we have replicated events, I don't say all over the world, but in a good part of the world,
01:40obviously we are present with some initiatives of our control, Health and Beauty in Europe, but above all we are present in Asia,
01:48we are present in the United States with two appointments, we are present in Bangkok, we are present in South America, in China and in India,
01:58so it is a really important airport where the numbers add up and support each other,
02:07and I believe that a good part of the success of the event in Bologna and also of the Italian Cosmesis
02:16is due to the fact of being able to count on this international airport that now affirms the Cosmesis,
02:23Cosmo Profumai and also the city of Bologna as a reference point on a global level.
