• last month
Gulf News tracked down a cross-section of celebrities like actress Kubbra Sait and designer Varoin Marwah, who have a deep connect to the UAE. They collectively urged the citizens of the UAE to stay home, to stay safe and to be a superhero by following the basic rule of staying home.
Here’s a look at what the public figures who have a home in this region have to say about our civic responsibility to help fight the Covid-19 outbreak that has claimed thousands of lives worldwide

Full Article here:
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00:00Hey Gulf News, this is Nitin Birani and I'm in Mumbai right now. I hope you guys are all safe
00:05I want to leave a small message for everyone here
00:07Like I've said before basically Mother Earth has taken a maternity leave and it's our turn to now take care of her
00:14Please please please
00:16Listen to whatever the government is saying
00:19Listen to the professionals. Social distancing is very very important. Please make sure you don't risk your lives or the lives of others
00:29It's time to now act and not react to things when they happen. I know these are very tough times for everybody
00:35So, please hang in there
00:37you know, there's a lot of things you can do while you're
00:40You know quarantined at home. So come up with creative ideas
00:44please do not step out take care of yourself and your family and
00:49If any of these guys who are delivering things, please give them an extra tip because they are the actual heroes
00:55stay safe and
00:57Yeah, see you soon. God bless. Hi there. How are you doing?
01:01This is an urge a plea and a request. Please just listen to the government's listen to the authorities
01:08Listen to yourself, you know, what is the right thing to do?
01:10And the right thing to do is to stay at home stay indoors stay healthy stay selfish get stronger
01:15We can fight this together. We really can and I know this is the time when it may feel it gets stifling
01:23But it can also be liberating so it just depends on how you look at it, so go ahead do those things that
01:30You always complained you didn't have time to do
01:34And enjoy this time that you can spend with yourself
01:39Hello to all the Gulf news readers, I hope you're doing well, I hope you're doing safe
01:44My name is Varun and I'm here just to request each one of you to please take the campaign as seriously as you can
01:51Stop going out for no reason
01:54Only and only if it's an emergency you will step out
01:56Otherwise staying home is the option that you should be choosing not just for your friends family and yourself
02:02But also for anybody around it's a social responsibility that each one of us need to embrace at this stage
02:09Connect with yourself. There is lots that we haven't done during a busy life
02:13So perhaps you want to pick up that hobby you want to clean up your house
02:17You want to learn a new thing that you haven't done in the past if nothing talk to people on the phone
02:23There's always a way to connect with people check on them check on yourself and by staying at home
02:29You're actually protecting everyone. So I'm hoping that I'm not going to see people on the streets unless it's an emergency
02:36And I hope there isn't any
