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Steve Harvey talks to Gulf News on why UAE is the safest place on earth and how money makes the world go round.

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#UAEnews #steveharvey #missuniverse


00:00Listen, because you're a celebrity, don't make you smart.
00:05Stereotypes are everywhere, so perhaps you could tell us,
00:08have you been successful in that mission of making UAE show the real side of it?
00:14We've done some things and we've put a huge dent in it,
00:17but there's still a ways to go.
00:20There are people who don't understand that the GCC is different regions.
00:27We still got work to do to convey that message to people because they don't understand.
00:32I mean, I tell people all the time how great this place is.
00:34There's a lot of work to do, but I think slowly we're getting there.
00:38You know, we just got a lot more things we have to do to help fix that.
00:43Do you think celebrities can hold a lot of weight?
00:46I mean, that's what you are here for.
00:48Like, you know, do greater good.
00:49Use your star power, perhaps your celebrity clout.
00:53Celebrity, of course, brings the spotlight brighter
00:57because we travel with a very big spotlight on us.
01:00You know, there's no way around it and we draw attention.
01:04So it's quicker to get the message out.
01:06But at the same time, you introduce them to a lifestyle that they've never seen before.
01:11Because until you come to the UAE, you haven't seen this before on Earth.
01:15You have not seen this on Earth.
01:17There is no place like it.
01:19I promise you that I've been everywhere.
01:21I've been everywhere.
01:22There's no place like it.
01:24Where is this much peace at?
01:25Where can you have this much peace, safety and inclusion?
01:29They fall prey to the propaganda like everybody else.
01:33They fall prey to the rumors like everybody else.
01:36These people, we can't get to come here
01:39because they have a misunderstanding of what it is and their mind is not open.
01:47Listen, because you're a celebrity, don't make you smart.
01:50You know, I mean, listen, man, you know,
01:52hard to keep saying you're a genius and you keep saying stuff that's very ungenius like.
01:57Celebrities are good to a degree and they can become,
02:01like we said, great ambassadors for here.
02:03And some of them are.
02:04But we still have convincing to do because we got to erase misconceptions about the region.
02:11I don't know.
02:12And they don't know.
02:13But everybody that comes here gets it.
02:17Ah, man, the basketball players, they were here.
02:19Yeah, they were telling me they was going like.
02:23There's a lot of fun to be had in Abu Dhabi, Dubai, the UAE.
02:26What are the fun things that you've done?
02:28I've seen your diaries.
02:29It's been pretty nice, like hanging out with Bollywood star when we sing.
02:33Yeah, that was my man.
02:34I love that dude.
02:36I just met him.
02:36That's my dude.
02:38That's my dude.
02:39He got hair.
02:39I don't have no hair.
02:40That's my man.
02:41Bollywood, baby.
02:42I love the guy as soon as I met him.
02:45And every time I see him, I hope to do because.
02:48And he loves it here because he goes, man, Steve, you can just be yourself.
02:52That's like us.
02:54And that's hard.
02:55So, you know, I've met a lot of people here.
02:57But everybody that comes here, once you stay, you get it.
03:00You get it.
03:01And you will come back.
03:02I ain't never heard nobody say that.
03:03I ain't going back over there.
03:04I've never heard that.
03:05It's 200 nationalities here.
03:09If you're a bigot or racist, you have a hard time.
03:14You've been have a bad day.
03:16You got to hate everybody.
03:17Yeah, it's multicultural.
03:19Yeah, the fabric of every other person.
03:21You got to get your hate bag on.
03:23I hate her.
03:24I hate him.
03:24I hate him.
03:25I hate him.
03:26Oh, no, I hate him.
03:28You might you should go somewhere else.
03:30That is true.
03:31If you are a bigot and a racist, there's no place.
03:34This is not the place for you.
03:36You know, and it's just a diversity and inclusive and inclusiveness.
03:39Whatever your faith is, they fine with that.
03:42Were you always this sure about what you wanted to do in life?
03:45Because I have seen I've read so much about you,
03:48that you said you are a car insurance salesman to homeless person,
03:52to a millionaire and a billionaire.
03:54Then you run a dating app, helping them.
03:58I've been figuring it out.
04:00I've been figuring it out the whole time.
04:02You don't get to, you know, very few people know what it is right away.
04:06You got to go through the process.
04:09But everything you're going through is God preparing you for what you ask for.
04:13God knew that where I wanted to go, I had to be tough.
04:17So he had to allow stuff to happen to me that toughened me up.
04:22He knew that I was going to have to be
04:26a humble and a grateful person to get to where I'm going.
04:31So guess what he did?
04:32He took everything from me that humbled me.
04:35And then that made me appreciative when I had it.
04:37I asked God to increase my global brand and persona.
04:42He made me the host of Miss Universe in 2015.
04:46He had me say the wrong name.
04:48In 48 hours, my name had been Googled 4 billion times.
04:53I was 4 billion in 48 hours.
04:57I was the most Googled person on planet earth in 48 hours.
05:02He had increased my global brand and persona.
05:06You did.
05:06Now I appreciate the way he did it.
05:10One of the biggest fiascos ever on TV.
05:14I made 100 times the money I made for hosting Miss Universe.
05:21Over 100 times the money.
05:23I learned from that moment behind every moment of adversity.
05:26There's two things.
05:28There's a lesson and there's a blessing.
05:30Great mistake.
05:32I'll say the wrong name again if they give me that much money.
05:36Ever since 2015, I have four armed security guards at my home.
05:42Two at the front gate, two at the back gate.
05:45He's been in my house.
05:47Oh, I didn't think of geopolitics really into this.
05:50I have armed guards at my house 24 hours a day.
05:56So it altered your life, right?
05:58That moment must have altered your life then.
06:00Very much so.
06:01It was very dangerous for my family.
06:03Oish and I met about five years ago, formed a friendship.
06:06And shortly after that, we formed a business.
06:09It's really hard to work with people you don't like.
06:12And it's impossible to work with someone who doesn't want to work with you.
06:16Because a partnership is a marriage in a different form.
06:21And whether it's your customer that doesn't want to work with you
06:25or it's your partner that doesn't want to work with you,
06:28they both result in a relationship that doesn't work.
06:33I don't care how much you put into it.
06:35You can always be critical and turn the situation upside down.
06:41So I think there should be boundaries.
06:44I do agree that sometimes it can be difficult working with family.
06:48I have a lot of family I work with, a lot of brothers I work with.
06:53And you can't work with all your friends.
06:55However, I think when myself and Mr. Harvey met,
07:00it was a lot more than just a friendship.
07:04We instantly recognized.
07:07It almost felt like a moment of destiny where we read each other's energy
07:14and saw each other's belief systems were aligned.
07:19Steve, do you ever look back on your own life
07:21and think I've reached so far?
07:23I've made it?
07:24Yeah, everything.
07:31I was telling him this morning,
07:34as much as we want to happen, as much as we're working on,
07:38as much as we're trying so hard to get these deals done and signed,
07:45I got a really great life anyway.
07:50Like I told the people in the villa,
07:51I may have to extend the villa for a week.
07:53The lady said, you have to pay in advance.
07:56I said, OK.
07:59She bought a credit card machine over.
08:01No, you have to pay right now.
08:06And I told him, I said, hey, man, she just asked for a lot of money.
08:13And I just gave it to her without even thinking.
08:16That's a blessing.
08:17True that.
08:18When I grew up, it wasn't like that.
08:20I grew up very poor.
08:23My father was a coal miner.
08:24My father made $5 a day.
08:29We had five kids.
08:31We lived in a house my father and his brothers built.
08:36I never flushed a toilet till I was six years old.
08:39We had no running water.
08:41The toilet was across the street in an outhouse.
08:46That's how I grew up.
08:48I was homeless at 30.
08:50I lived in a car for three years.
08:53Now I got cars you can live in.
08:55I got really expensive cars, man.
08:58I got cars.
08:58You can go live in my car right now.
09:00I got cars.
09:01You sell my car right now, go buy three houses.
09:04That's God's grace and favor.
09:06I'm nothing but grace and favor.
09:09Because it's not that I'm that special of a person.
09:13It's just that God's grace and favor was on me.
09:17I worked hard, but it still was his grace.
09:20He just gave me favor.
09:22Money's important.
09:25My father told me something when I was a little boy that I never forgot.
09:29He said, son, the best thing you could do for poor people is not be one of them.
09:35He said, you can't help nobody.
09:39He said, when you get money, you can help somebody.
09:43And then my mother was a Sunday school teacher.
09:45She said, God blesses you to become a blessing.
09:49My mama used to say, you can't get a big house up on the hill
09:51and then don't teach nobody how to get up on the hill with you.
09:55So my whole thing is to tell everybody how to get up on the hill.
10:00That's my whole life.
10:01I'll never have the money of Elon Musk or I won't have the money of Bill Gates or nothing like that.
10:09I got enough.
10:10I'm good.
10:11But you can be happy with a lot less money.
10:13Yes, that's true.
10:14Now, money don't make you happy, but it don't.
10:17You could be very, you could, if you're living in your purpose, then you could be happy.
