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Here are some exercises and yoga asanas to stabilise, stretch the knees, and strengthen the muscles around the knee joints -- particularly in the quadriceps, hamstrings and abductors.

#Yoga #exercise #health #Yogaforkneepain #Kneepain #GulfNews #HowTo


00:00Hello everyone, welcome to Yoga With Neri.
00:10My name is Neri Toledo, aka NeriFIT.
00:14So today's practice is all about knee joint pain.
00:18In this practice, we will focus on strengthening the muscle around the knee joint, particularly
00:26your quadriceps, your hamstrings, your abductors, your adductors, and also your core.
00:33However, always check with your doctor to know the cause of your pain so you can fix
00:41Let's begin our practice.
00:42You will need a yoga block, or if you don't, you can use a pillow, a towel, or if you
00:56have a foam roller, that can do too.
01:00The first exercise is a roll-up towel leg extension.
01:06But before that, we will do a quad engagement.
01:09So come in a comfortable seated position with legs extended in front of you, engaging the
01:16quad by flexing your toes.
01:19So flex, engage, really pull your kneecap high, making sure that we're tracking the
01:28kneecap properly.
01:30So you can lift your heels off the ground.
01:34So stay here for 10 seconds.
01:37Keep lifting, keep flexing your toes.
01:40So 10, 9, 8, 7, you can see it's really like strong quad.
01:475, 4, 3, 2, and 1.
01:52Then do to the opposite legs.
01:55Then grab your towel, roll it up, so I have it done already, and place it underneath your knee.
02:07So again, lift your leg off the ground, flexing the toes, engaging your quad.
02:13Press the back knee into the towel.
02:16Keep pressing, engaging, flexing your toes.
02:21So stay here for 10 seconds again.
02:23Stay engaged, really press the back knee into the towel.
02:28And then after the 10 seconds, you relax and bring it down.
02:33Of course, you have to do it to the opposite legs.
02:36The second one is gonna be a leg raise.
02:42Lie down on the mat.
02:45So bring, roll yourself down.
02:52Leg straight.
02:55Then bring your leg like 30 degrees off the ground.
03:00Then again, engage your quad, flex the toes.
03:05Keep your back flat to the mat.
03:09Stay for 10 seconds.
03:11If you are having a difficulty to engage your core in here, you can bring yourself into forehand.
03:20So you're just only focusing on engaging your quad muscle.
03:25Stay again for 10 seconds.
03:28And when you're done, bring it down and relax.
03:33Then do it to the opposite legs.
03:36The third exercise is a leg squeeze.
03:39You would need a yoga block or a pillow or even you can also use the roll-up towel.
03:47But this time I'm gonna use a yoga block.
03:49Lie down again on the ground.
03:56Bend the knees.
03:59Then bring the yoga block in between your knees.
04:02Hands on the mat and then just squeeze it for 10 seconds.
04:0710, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1.
04:18This exercise is really good for the hip abductor.
04:24The fourth one is gonna be a glute bridge which is developing the strength to your quad, to your hamstring
04:31and also opening up your hip flexors.
04:35So lie down again flat to the mat.
04:42You would need a yoga block.
04:44So feet, keep this in support.
04:48Bring the block to your inner upper thigh.
04:53Keep squeezing, maybe squeeze for 10 seconds.
04:57And then press through your heels as you lift your hips and your chest off the ground.
05:05So inhale, lift it.
05:08Engage your glutes.
05:10Engage your core.
05:13So draw your navel to the spine.
05:15Lifting it up, squeezing the block, lifting yourself through your heels.
05:22Chest up, drawing towards your chin.
05:26Stay here for 10 seconds.
05:29And if you want to challenge yourself and add a contraction in it,
05:33you can lift your one leg up, flexing the toes, engaging your quad, engaging your core.
05:41Your knees and your shoulder must be in one line.
05:45So stay here for 10 or 5 breaths.
05:49And when you're done, gently roll yourself back to the ground,
05:53which is your upper back, middle back, and lower back.
05:59So that is the forward.
06:00Now we're going to do some yoga asanas.
06:04So come into a standing position with feet hip-distance apart.
06:13This is a transition from mountain pose to dasana to chair pose.
06:20But we're going to use a yoga block to strengthen the hip abductors and adductors.
06:28So place it again in between your thighs.
06:34Keep squeezing.
06:35Roll your shoulder up and back.
06:37Hands to the side.
06:39Squeeze it for 10.
06:429, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1.
06:53Now lengthen, engage your core, draw that navel to the spine.
06:58Then bring your hips down and back to chair.
07:04To get your distance, place your fingertips down to the mat.
07:10Lowering your hips down.
07:12Then as you inhale, raise your hands overhead,
07:15squeezing that plexus in between your thighs.
07:18So bring your bicep near to your ears,
07:21drawing your belly, scooping your tailbone down.
07:25Stay here for 10 or 5 depending on your practice.
07:28Keep squeezing.
07:29You will see your body start to shake, but that's okay.
07:33And when you're done, one big inhale.
07:35And exhale, hands to the heart.
07:38This exercise exposes vibration from Warrior I to Warrior II.
07:43Come in front of the mat.
07:45Feet hip distance apart.
07:48Hands to the heart.
07:51And exhale.
07:52Step your left leg back like 3 feet wide.
07:59Your foot must be 45 to 60 degrees.
08:03Because it's very important just to avoid any knee pain.
08:07Now, your heels must be pointed directly to the mid-arc of your back foot.
08:13Then start squaring your hips.
08:15Face your body forward.
08:17Lengthen the spine.
08:20Then gently bend your front knee 90 degrees.
08:24Adjust if you have to.
08:27Your knees must be directly over your ankle.
08:33And don't let your knee collapse.
08:35Keep it really drawing out to your pinky toe.
08:41Now, again, keep squaring the hips.
08:44Lengthen the spine.
08:46Raise your hands overhead.
08:48Bicep near to your ears.
08:50Breathe here for 5 or 10 depending on your practice.
08:54Keep breathing.
08:57And when you're done with your breath for your count,
09:01then one big inhale.
09:04And transition to warrior 2.
09:07Exhaling, spread your arms wide.
09:11Your hands must be parallel to the ground.
09:14Look in your middle finger.
09:16Stay here for 10 breaths or 5.
09:19Inhale and exhale.
09:22And when you're done, one big inhale.
09:25Exhaling, hands to the heart.
09:26Step your left to meet your right.
09:30Then you do to the opposite leg.
09:31So I'll change my position so you would see it clearly.
09:37Again, feet hip distance apart.
09:40Hands to the heart.
09:43And exhale.
09:44Step the right leg back.
09:4945 and 60 degrees alignment.
09:53Your heels must be pointed directly to the mid-arc of your back foot.
09:58Now start squaring your hips.
10:01Face your body forward.
10:03Now start bending your front knee 90 degrees.
10:08Adjust if you have to.
10:11Always engage your quad.
10:13Now, lengthening the spine.
10:15Keep your body center.
10:18And then raise your hands overhead.
10:21Palm facing to one another.
10:25Inhale and exhale.
10:28For 5 or 10 breaths.
10:30And when you're done, slowly transition to Warrior II.
10:38Spread your arms wide.
10:41Look at your middle finger.
10:43Again, stay for 10 or 5 depending on your practice.
10:48So 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1.
10:55Hands to the heart.
10:57Step the right foot to meet the left leg.
11:01The last exercise is the Cobbler's Pose.
11:06So bring the sole of the feet together.
11:09And then bring it closer to your pelvis.
11:14Let your knees fall down to the sides.
11:18If you feel any pain, then stop immediately.
11:22And stay here for 10 breaths.
11:25Always listen to your body.
11:28Just know that your body has the capacity to heal on its own.
11:33You just have to be patient.
11:35Always be kind.
11:37Always be compassionate to yourself.
11:40And you will see the magic.
11:42So that's the end of today's practice.
11:45And I will see you again soon.
11:49So follow us on Instagram.
11:51I'm Nery Toledo, Nery Feet.
11:53And don't forget to grab a copy of Golf News Tabloid.
11:56And subscribe to golfnews.com.
