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AccuWeather's Tony Laubach is in Kansas City, Kansas, where a winter storm has blanketed the area causing slow commutes on the roads on Feb. 12. The storm will continue traveling toward the Northeast.
00:00from Kansas City. It looks very similar to what you've been reporting most of the morning in Topeka.
00:09Yeah, it's pretty widespread here and I gotta say, guys, one of the most insulting things you
00:14could do to a weather reporter in the cold is lead into him by telling you that it is 70
00:21someplace where he's not. So, appreciate that. Thank you for that. But yes, it is cold. AccuWeather
00:27Real Field temperatures, believe it or not, are in the double digits here. We're at a balmy 11
00:31degrees. So, at least there are a couple of syllables in that particular number as opposed
00:35to what I was dealing with earlier when it was one and even below zero at points. But that snow
00:40has lightened up quite a bit here and we talk about the light fluffy snow. We've been talking
00:44about snowball fights and martial arts and gymnastics all over the place here. This is not,
00:47unfortunately, a building type of snow. But what it is doing is making for a slow commute. We'll
00:53show you some of the video here. This is I-70 right around the Bonner Springs area and you see
00:58a lot of those snow plows that have been out in force really kind of kicking things up quite a
01:02bit. That light fluffy snow does get blown around, pushed around quite a bit. So, it does make for
01:07some hazardous travel at times with visibility, especially if you kind of get one of those that
01:12might pass you on the other direction, blows a lot of that snow and all of a sudden you go
01:16pretty quickly to limited visibility and that becomes an issue for you. We've seen a lot of
01:21that there on the roads with travel. I-70, US-24, all those places are dealing with a lot of those
01:28issues. Haven't seen much in a way of slide offs or anything along those lines. Again,
01:32this light fluffy snow doesn't really grip you like the heavy wet snow does. So, that is some
01:36good news there. We haven't seen a lot of way of traffic issues. Also, a lot of schools, businesses
01:41have closed down in this area. So, that has really kept a lot of the people home here to start off
01:46the morning. But still, some places open as we have been seeing as we've been out and about here
01:52in Bonner Springs. We're going to bring you back live here because while I was between hits and
01:56when I got myself out here, as you can see, I've done a really good job plowing this, shoveling
02:01out this parking lot here. So, I'm going to continue that because this is the easy snow
02:08to shovel. This is not the heavy wet. You see how easy this is to push around and scoop around. So,
02:15this is not quite the heart attack snow, the heavy wet snow that is a pain to shovel. So,
02:21that is some good news. Also, very nice if you're clearing off your car, really just kind of a brush
02:26or even sneeze it off. It makes it work out pretty well here. But again, light, fluffy,
02:32not very packable snow, but it does shovel easy. It does clear easy. And like I said, underneath,
02:38you're not really dealing with a whole ton of slick spots here. So, that is the good news here.
02:42It is just going to be a light snow. So, slow commutes if you're out on the roads, that is
02:47going to be the key for you. Just take it slow, take it easy. And again, if you're shoveling this
02:52morning, do the same thing. Take it slow, take it easy, and have some fun with it.
02:58You got to embrace winter.
02:59Yeah, really lift it with the legs, Tony. Love to see it. I'll send you my address if you want
03:03to come shovel for us. It seems like you're really good at doing that. So, appreciate the live report
03:10outside in Kansas City. And he's just helping those folks in the park.
03:14He's doing driveways.
03:15I know. He's cleaning off cars.
