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Iconic performer Matt Goss chats to our celebrity reporter Aimee Seddon ahead of his gig in Liverpool.


00:00kicking off your latest tour in March. Can I ask you how you're feeling ahead of that?
00:05I'm feeling excited. I want to ask everyone to like come and you know come and support it because
00:12you know I've been in the States for quite a while and I just feel like this is a good
00:17rock and roll setup where my band are sounding better than ever, probably the best band I've
00:23ever worked with in my life and we're just creating some brilliant arrangements. I just
00:27just really really want to see everyone turn up and where I can really just you know do what I do
00:32best. Yeah and what can people expect from the show then? Describe it. It's um well it's obviously
00:40it's as the title says Hits and More. I'm going to play all my hits, mine, Ross, what I've also
00:45but also what I've learned in Vegas. I don't want to compartmentalise it anymore. I don't want to
00:50put it into little boxes. I want it just to be like listen guys this is what I do, this is what
00:54I've done. We're going to do the whole lot on stage and just get get it out and just really do
00:59beautiful musical arrangements where people have moved musically and not just you know not just
01:05because of the songs but because also because of the arrangements and anyone that's seen my
01:11show knows I'm a community kid. I communicate well with the audience and it's fun and it's
01:16it's uh but yeah I just I just really am excited because I just get to do everything I've learned
01:22and put it on one stage. Coming to Liverpool, have you been to Liverpool before? Yeah I played
01:28Liverpool two years ago um I'm not kidding the energy that was probably the most loving
01:37that was probably the most loving venue like outside the people weren't outside the stage door
01:44was so so kind and so loving um I was I was really taken aback by how and also how diverse it was
01:53just like different age groups and yeah so Liverpool was phenomenal. Yeah yeah I'm from there
01:59it's a bit more party town isn't it? Yeah but there was also I felt like there was a the people
02:04were having a hard time when I was there and I and they were being really honest about it like you
02:09know and I was like you know I was amazed at how generous they were in their spirit and
02:15a lot of people told me they were in a hard time and I don't know why it was but I remember in
02:19Liverpool particularly and I you know I really felt the love though you know
02:25listening to their stories and stuff seemed like they were having a bit of a hard time.
02:29Yeah when you next come up to Liverpool do you have any plans what you might get up to outside of the show?
02:34It's a tough one I mean I give a no every every city is the same like you want to go out you want
02:39to be you want to experience the best of each city so again anyone reading this contact me
02:45on Instagram and just or my socials and just give us suggestions like
02:49I mean I'm serious like we just want to have a good time I want to have a lot of fun on this tour.
02:53People reading this why should they get those last remaining tickets to see you Matt?
02:58I just feel like you know we have a lot of history like
03:02firstly the people that have stuck by me all these years that come out and keep this journey
03:09going like I want to keep I want to see everyone in the venue and the energy that the big audience
03:15creates is the most joyous thing you could ever experience so I want I want a lot to create a lot
03:21of joy and I want to see people around the country I've been away for a long time and I just want to
03:25connect with everybody and you know I really believe it'll be one of the best nights out of the year
03:30and people that don't know me or haven't seen me if you're a music lover then come and witness
03:36just a brilliant band and brilliant songs and just let yourself be prepared to meet new people and
03:44make new friends and just have the time of your life I mean I really mean that.
