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(Adnkronos) - Terza edizione di Esg Challege, Iren lancia le sfide per il 2025

Energie per il Sarno, completato il collettore fognario a servizio di 5 comuni


00:00This video is dedicated to all the people who have helped us during this difficult time.
00:12Energy for the Sarno, completed the Fognari collector at the service of 5 municipalities.
00:19Third edition of ESH Challenge, Irene launches the challenges for 2025.
00:30This video is dedicated to all the people who have helped us during this difficult time.
00:39With the closure of the unloading of Via Madonna delle Grazie in Gragnano,
00:42a new step forward for the de-pollution of the Gulf of Naples.
00:45Completed the Fognari collector for the municipalities of Gragnano, Casola di Napoli, Lettere, Santa Maria la Carità and Castellammare di Stabia.
00:52An infrastructure made by Goria and financed with about 7 million euros from the Campania region,
00:57which will allow to collect the waste of 27,500 inhabitants at the Fogne Sarno depuratory,
01:03contributing to the healing of the San Marco river.
01:06With the intervention that we have carried out now,
01:09we manage to almost completely bonify the Gulf of Naples,
01:13because these waters are then conveyed to the Fogne Sarno depuratory.
01:17It is really one of the strategic interventions that we have thought about in recent years.
01:22The entire coastline of Campania, from here to a few months, will have water from the sea that can be bathed.
01:30A new environmental goal for Campania is the healing of its waters,
01:34which also goes through the completion of the Fognari network of Gragnano,
01:37financed with more than 10 million euros from the Energy for Sarno program.
01:41Gori, however, does not stop here, because he is a technically organized and serious subject,
01:47because we are completing the Fognature works, always in this area, for another 8.5 km,
01:55which will then give the possibility to 18,000 more inhabitants to collect in Fogna.
02:03Within this summer, the work of completing, of desinfecting the Sarno will be completed.
02:09We have made an effort for this generation and for those to come,
02:15to completely desinfect the Sarno hydrographic reticulum
02:19and to give the sea of the splendid Gulf of Naples complete vulnerability.
02:25We will erase a bad page of pollution and we will restore dignity to this territory.
02:31Facing the challenges of sustainability by declining the ESG principles in concrete interventions
02:38and the goal of ESG Challenge IREN, the appointment reached the third edition,
02:43designed by the IREN group to stimulate a lively and training comparison between finance and the academic world,
02:48favoring an interaction between different generations on the main environmental challenges.
02:53During the event, hosted in the prestigious frame of Palazzo Madama in Turin,
02:57IREN presented the most important and urgent challenges of sustainability,
03:01the need to invest in the green transition, to guide territories and institutions to team up with local communities,
03:07topics deepened in the debate opened with the intervention of Luca Dalfabro, president of IREN,
03:12and continued with Telmo Pievani, philosopher of science and professor at the University of Padova,
03:17to follow three roundtables dedicated to ESG finance, Just Transition and the IREN territorial committees.
03:23To conclude the panels, the intervention of the mayor of Turin, Stefano Lorusso,
03:27who introduced the awarding ceremony of the ten most innovative theses on ESG and sustainability,
03:33selected among more than 450 candidates.
03:36They all did a great job and focused on a very important topic for IREN,
03:41but I think for the economy, which is the ESG factor,
03:44therefore the environment, the social and the good governance.
03:48We believe that doing business means having an important social responsibility.
03:53We must be able to combine business, society, environment and impact on the territory,
03:59in such a way as to be able to benefit from it in the future.
04:02The challenge of the ecological transition and the fight against climate change
04:07is central in the strategy of the Turin administration.
04:10This ESG challenge goes in this direction, we are very happy to host it in Turin
04:16and this is the direction we have taken and the one we want to maintain.
04:19The winners were distinguished by a variety of topics,
04:23ranging from desertification to the emission of green bonds for sustainable growth,
04:28up to the case studies on the production of green hydrogen
04:31and the analysis of international law related to the themes of sustainability.
04:35It is a great honour for me to have received this award,
04:38also because it allows us young people to be in the forefront,
04:42it gives us a voice because in the end tomorrow depends on us
04:47and therefore we must be the protagonists of this change
04:50towards a more sustainable future.
