Kamar Dagang dan Industri (Kadin) Indonesia secara khusus melakukan pertemuan dengan delegasi atau utusan khusus Perdana Menteri Australia. Dalam pertemuan ini, Ketua Umum Kadin Indonesia Anindya Bakrie, menyebut ada potensi nilai investasi sebesar USD1,3 triliun yang digelontorkan oleh 36 manajer pendanaan dari Australia untuk pembangunan infrastruktur di Indonesia.
00:00Indonesia's Chamber of Commerce and Industry
00:05Indonesia's Chamber of Commerce and Industry
00:07held a special meeting with the delegation of the Australian Prime Minister.
00:12In this meeting, the Chairperson of the State Council, Anindya Bakri, said
00:15there is a potential investment of US$1.3 trillion
00:19which is funded by 36 Australian funding managers
00:23for the construction of infrastructure in Indonesia.
00:27Indonesia's Chamber of Commerce and Industry
00:31Anindya Bakri held a special meeting with the delegation of the Australian Prime Minister.
00:36In this meeting, the Chairperson of the State Council, Anindya Bakri, said
00:39there is a potential investment of US$1.3 trillion
00:43which is funded by 36 Australian funding managers.
00:48Australian funds for the construction of infrastructure in Indonesia
00:53where Australia is interested in spending budget for a number of infrastructure projects in Indonesia.
00:59Anindya stated that US$1.3 trillion
01:03comes from 36 Australian funding managers
01:06with great potential to help Indonesia incorporated
01:10to privatize or recycle infrastructure assets
01:14such as toll roads, airports, and bridges.
01:18I had a special meeting with the Australian Prime Minister
01:23and he was present with 36 fund managers
01:28who represented US$1.3 trillion of funds.
01:36This is a huge amount of funds.
01:38US$1.3 trillion is almost the same as Indonesia's economy.
01:43Australia has the largest pension fund in the world.
01:49This funding can help Indonesia incorporated
01:55to privatize or recycle infrastructure assets
02:01that the government plans to do.
02:05On the other hand, the process of Indonesia-Australia partnership
02:08will be continued by the Australian delegation and the government
02:12which will be held on 20 March 2025.