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Setelah instruksi Presiden Prabowo Subianto ihwal pemangkasan anggaran terbit, para kepala daerah mulai sibuk mengurangi berbagai pos belanja.
00:00After President Prabowo Subianto's instruction to cancel the budget,
00:05regional heads began to be busy reducing various shopping posts.
00:09Almost all heads of state and bodies of the Regional Organization
00:13or OPD of the Provincial Government of West Java
00:16were present to discuss budget cuts.
00:19Prabowo targeted budget savings up to Rp 306.69 trillion.
00:26The measures were carried out by cutting the budget of the Ministry
00:29and a large institution of Rp 256.1 trillion
00:34and transferring to the region Rp 50.59 trillion.
00:39Budget cuts and transfer funds to the region were arranged
00:42in the Finance Ministerial Decision No. 29 of 2025.
00:46To reduce funding for the results,
00:48a budget cut of Rp 13.90 trillion was carried out.
00:53From the initial cut, Rp 27.81 trillion.
00:58Public allocation funds or DAU were cut to Rp 15.68 trillion
01:04from the Rp 446.63 trillion cut.
01:09Then the value that will be transferred later
01:12will be Rp 430.96 trillion.
01:17There is also a special allocation fund or physical DAK
01:20which was initially estimated at Rp 36.95 trillion
01:25was cut to Rp 18.31 trillion
01:29to Rp 18.65 trillion.
01:33The cut was made to the physical DAK
01:35of the connectivity sector as large as Rp 14.6 trillion,
01:39the irrigation sector of Rp 1.72 trillion,
01:44the agricultural sector of Rp 675.33 billion
01:49and the aquatic sector of Rp 1.31 trillion.
01:55Head of the Regional Development Planning Agency
01:57or BAPEDA West Java, Lendra Sofian,
01:59stated that the budget cuts in the region are more complex
02:02because it must pay attention to the provisions
02:04in the Ministerial Decision No. 12 of 2025
02:09on the arrangement of the regional government work plan
02:12or RKPD 2025.
02:15The regulation requires every budget change
02:18in accordance with the vision and mission of the governor.
02:21BAPEDA has the task of preparing a guide
02:24that will be used by each OPD
02:26to cut each budget.
02:29However, the regional government so far
02:31has not met the requirements for the implementation of the budget.
02:35The Ministry of Finance and Regional Assets
02:37or BPKAD West Java
02:39stated that the DAU and DAK 2025
02:42will be cut by around Rp 169 billion.
02:47However, BEI estimates that the total budget
02:49collected from the efficiency
02:51is Rp 2-4 trillion.
02:55A similar condition occurs in East Java.
02:58The Governor of East Java, Adhikaryono,
03:00is calculating the budget that will be cut.
03:04So far, he estimates that the DAU and DAK
03:07will be reduced by almost Rp 200 billion.
03:10But he is worried that this cut
03:13will cause problems for the region
03:15which is very dependent on the DAU.
03:18Therefore, the party must replace it
03:21with regional income.
03:24As an efficiency measure,
03:26the government of East Java province
03:28will also cut 50% of official travel
03:31and reduce expenses for ceremonial activities,
03:34meetings, and other non-priority expenses.
03:39In Surabaya, the city government decided
03:41to cut the budget for business trips,
03:44especially foreign service trips.
03:48The reduction of the budget is criticized
03:50because it is worried that it will disturb
03:52the work and programs of the regional government.
03:56Deputy Chairperson of the Regional People's Representative Council,
03:58Riau Parisman Ikhwan,
04:00estimates that this condition will greatly burden the region's finances.
04:04He said that currently the province of Riau
04:07has a debt of Rp 2.21 trillion
04:11from the budget of the previous year.
04:14Meanwhile, the DAU and DAK of the central government
04:17also experienced a reduction.
04:20Ekonom Bright Institute, Awalil Rizki,
04:23estimates that the budget saving must focus
04:25on the budget posts that are indeed devalued.
04:28Don't let the budget cut
04:31be the important spending budget.
04:34According to him, the main key to cutting the budget
04:36is re-planning.
04:38In it, every expenditure must be evaluated
04:41by considering the balance
04:43between cost or input,
04:45output or output,
04:47and impact or outcome.
