• 5 hours ago
八点最热报 | 位于雪州的蕉赖C180商业区,当地一个烟花摊位昨晚发生大火,导致停放在摊位旁的3辆轿车和2辆摩托被烧毁,而这起事故的起因至今众说纷纭。在社交媒体上流传的行车记录仪截图显示,事发时有2名孩童在档口前燃放烟花,有人怀疑是烟花的火苗引燃了档口摆卖的其他烟花爆竹……(主播:萧慧敏)


00:00Before watching the video, let me remind you that there is more content on the Hotpot website.
00:31However, there is also news that the fire broke out because the owner used a non-conforming extension cable.
00:37The cause of the fire is still under investigation.
00:40The police called on those in the knowledge to provide clues to assist the investigation.
01:00The fire broke out because the owner used a non-conforming extension cable.
01:03The fire broke out because the owner used a non-conforming extension cable.
01:06The fire broke out because the owner used a non-conforming extension cable.
01:09The fire broke out because the owner used a non-conforming extension cable.
01:12The fire broke out because the owner used a non-conforming extension cable.
01:15The fire broke out because the owner used a non-conforming extension cable.
01:18The fire broke out because the owner used a non-conforming extension cable.
01:21The fire broke out because the owner used a non-conforming extension cable.
01:24The fire broke out because the owner used a non-conforming extension cable.
01:27The fire broke out because the owner used a non-conforming extension cable.
01:30The fire broke out because the owner used a non-conforming extension cable.
