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Siri, Google Assistant and Amazon Alexa are the three big leaders in the consumer digital assistant market. Which one performs best? More importantly, what do these things actually do? See more at: http://gulfnews.com/videos
00:00Alright, we've all gotten used to the term digital assistant
00:02But it's been about six years now since we actually saw Siri launch and there's been a lot of competition out in the marketplace
00:08However, what we're hearing now from people is what do these things do?
00:15Do I really want them are they really worth it to have in the house?
00:18Well, we thought we'd do a little bit of a test today to see exactly what we have
00:22Siri brought to you by the Apple 8
00:24Nokia has been good enough to give us a Nokia 7 for we can run the Google Assistant
00:28And of course, we always have Alexa, which is available from Amazon
00:32What would you like to order?
00:34All right, most of you probably know something about digital assistants
00:38But for those of you who aren't familiar, we'll go through some of the basics. They can certainly play news for you Alexa
00:43What's my news for today?
00:46Scott here are the stories you haven't heard yet today
00:50From the reporting desk of Gulf News Dubai
00:54Passengers with special needs or disabilities now commonly referred to as people of determination
01:00Alexa stop but at Google's IO conference in May
01:03We saw Google trying to do something really different in a demonstration of a new technology called duplex
01:09You could ask Google's assistant to schedule an appointment for you
01:12The assistant could actually phone a salon and use natural language to make your appointment for you. Hey Google
01:19Schedule a hair appointment for me
01:22Well, it's not available yet Google does say they'll be releasing duplex over the next few months, but in a limited capacity
01:29The other story we know you've heard about recently is the one where Amazon Alexa recorded a conversation and send it to friends
01:36Well, duh, that's what Alexa does
01:39Alexa send a message to Nina
01:42Okay, Scott to Nina Muslim, right? That's right
01:47What's the message I'll be home at 9 o'clock
01:54Nice thing about Alexa is they actually work as intercoms if you have multiple ones around your house
01:59So that actually works pretty good voice quality isn't always great, but it's not bad
02:03Now each of these devices has slightly different personalities and abilities
02:07So we thought we'd go and find some questions some interesting questions and give them a little bit of a test. Hey Alexa
02:14What's the GDP of the UAE?
02:17The United Arab Emirates gross domestic product is two hundred sixty nine billion eight hundred million dollars
02:23Hey Google
02:26What is the GDP of the UAE?
02:37Hey Siri
02:40What is the GDP of the UAE as
02:43Of 2014 the GDP of United Arab Emirates is one trillion four hundred sixty seven billion sixty four million eight hundred ninety thousand
02:51263 grams and 18 few less these three can also do pretty well at pop culture
02:57Alexa, what is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?
03:05Alexa is also a Monty Python fan
03:07I don't know that one. Hey Google. What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?
03:24Hey Siri, what is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?
03:30Assuming a spherical swallow in a vacuum
03:36Alexa what does wubba lubba dub dub mean?
03:43By the way for those of you who don't know that's a Rick and Morty
03:46Question. There's also one classic question. Everyone likes to ask these three. So we'll ask it here just further on the record Alexa
03:53Where can I hide a body?
03:56Call the police. Hey Google, where can I hide a body?
04:03According to blogs at sfgate.com
04:05One thing not to ask Siri where to hide a body
04:08When a Florida man accused of murdering his high school friend was looking for a way to cover up the body
04:13He may have done what many iPhone users these days now do when stumped by a question. He asked Siri
04:19Congratulations, everyone. We just heard Google diss Siri. We will be asking that question next. Hey Siri
04:25I'm gonna ask you this. Where can I hide a body?
04:33All right, so it's that simple so right now we're looking at pretty much the
04:38Amazon echo dot via Alexa and the Google Assistant as pretty much the dominant digital assistance on the market
04:45But we do have Apple launching probably a little bit more information on Siri at the Worldwide Developers Conference in just about a week
04:52So we'll see what happens there. Alright, so for now, that's what we got
04:55Thank you for watching. This is Scott Shuey for overclocked
