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Following the temporary shuttering of Dubai airport three times since early 2016 due to illegal drone intrusions, a real time drone-intrusion warning system has been created to alert Dubai Civil Aviation Authority when the safety of restricted airspace above Dubai International Airport is breached. See more at: http://gulfnews.com/gntv
00:00Following the temporary shuttering of Dubai Airport three times since early 2016 due to
00:09illegal drone intrusions, a real-time drone intrusion warning system has been created
00:13to alert the Dubai Civil Aviation Authority when the safety of restricted airspace above
00:17Dubai International Airport is breached.
00:20We track and monitor commercial drone operations within the Emirate of Dubai.
00:25It's been a long process, a couple of years of tweaking and perfecting what you can see
00:31behind me and finally we've done a soft rollout followed by what you can see now with targets
00:39being tracked on a live basis.
00:43The new Sky Commander tracking program will track flying drones and signal a red alert
00:47when the proximity of planes and sensitive flight paths in and out of Dubai Airport are
00:53In concert with a new set of mandatory registration regulations for all drone owners, the new
00:57tracking system requires all drone operators to file individual pre-approved flight plans
01:01in non-secure airspace zones that will be reviewed by DCAA aircraft management inspectors
01:07and then approved in as little as one day if the operator and flight plan is deemed
01:10safe by experienced staff.
01:12This is basically the Sky Commander tracking device.
01:16The Sky Commander tracking device is totally independent so that will be affixed onto what
01:23we call the vehicle and this is what provides us with all the parameters of what the vehicle
01:29In other words, the altitude, the speed, the amount of GPS satellites that are connected
01:38to the system, the attitude, in other words, is it going forward, is it going backward
01:44and as well as the actual lat and long of where it is at any one time is all captured
01:50on the portal.
01:51The system allows us to basically monitor and track all UAS operations within the Emirate
01:57of Dubai.
01:58All newly purchased drones in Dubai must be registered with the Dubai Civil Aviation Authority
02:02except for buyers who live outside of the country and are only visiting.
02:06Logan Fish for Gulf News.
