From terrorist attacking Dubai Metro to hostage crisis or dealing with suspicious bags scenarios, Dubai Police is ready to secure the emirate’s public transport sector
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#DubaiPolice #Dubai #DubaiMetro
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#DubaiPolice #Dubai #DubaiMetro
00:00Every day many of us rely on public transport to take us to work or to travel across Dubai.
00:25With the growing number of commuters, the need to protect them from any threats continues.
00:30Governors will take you inside Transport Security Department of Dubai Police to have a look
00:35on how these guys protecting the city's public transport network.
00:41The command room at Hamdan Smart Station for simulation and training is a state-of-the-art
00:46training facility at the Transport Security Department in Dubai.
00:50The room used to train policemen on smart surveillance programs and artificial intelligence
00:56to secure metro sector.
00:58Dubai Police use latest technologies like facial recognition to identify wanted or suspicious
01:03people inside the metro stations.
01:05For example, if there was a suspicious bag or item left in the station, the smart system
01:11will notify the officer behind the camera to send a policeman for a check.
01:17The system also can send notification to Dubai Police if someone stay in the station
01:22for long hours without good reason.
01:25The department use latest technologies to combat COVID-19 pandemic like the smart helmet
01:30to measure the temperatures of public transport users from a safe distance.
01:35It can scan 200 people in a few minutes only.
01:39This smart alarming watch used by the policemen inside metro station and linked to a smart
01:44device which will be placed at the exchange house inside metro station to alert the policemen
01:50about security threats in just one click.
01:53This smart glasses called Rocket T1 which used during COVID-19 to scan commuters' temperatures
02:00will have more advanced technology in the future like face recognition to identify wanted
02:06A specialized team operating the drones to check the commuters' traffic and ensure the
02:10security in public transport sector in Dubai.
02:13I am the head of the metro security center.
02:15We established the transport security department based on the draft number 41 of 2008.
02:21It was issued by Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid.
02:24Our department aims to provide the highest level of security and safety to the transport sector.
02:29Police officers in Dubai are trained to handle a wide range of security challenges in the
02:34public transport system using the latest technology like face recognition and smart cameras to
02:40ensure the security in Dubai.
02:43I am Ali from Gulfineers.
02:44Thanks for watching.