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AccuWeather's Ali Reid caught up with AAA spokesperson Jana Tidwell as snow began to fall in Delaware on Feb. 11, learning everything she keeps in her car to stay safe.
00:00I'll read is live right now in Wilmington, Delaware with more on the situation there alley
00:08Guys and perfect timing here in Wilmington, Delaware, right the snow starting to come down about 45 minutes ago
00:14I 95 by the way directly behind me still moving steadily this evening
00:19But that could potentially change as the snow continues to come down throughout the evening here
00:24We figured this would be the perfect opportunity to talk to triple-a as people are still navigating the roadways Jada
00:30We know that that's gonna be a potentially an issue later on tonight and really really early tomorrow morning
00:35And that could be a problem spot for people
00:37Absolutely anytime the roadway is compromised by winter weather it is an alert and we issue
00:43You know caution to motorists to really slow it down
00:47Give yourself plenty of extra time and increase your following distance
00:51This is mostly going to be a snow event
00:54So it really is just about slowing it down and there's a reason why we chose this location
01:00I-95 we were talking about it earlier
01:01We know 95 in general can cause problems in situations with very little snow like we're seeing right now
01:07But you think back to major problem issues that have happened over past years along the I-95 corridor
01:14I-95 is so heavily traveled that anytime there's a weather event like this
01:19Anything could happen and people don't think it could happen to them
01:21But three years ago, we saw I-95 in Virginia closed for nearly 24 hours due to a major snow and ice event
01:29So we always tell people no one ever plans to get stuck
01:32But it's always better to be prepared and have what you might need just in case now
01:36I like how you gave that answer because I think that'll lead into a really good position into what we're about to show next which
01:40Is the back of your vehicle by the way always prepared for any situation as you should be
01:45But with this you have a massive trunk of supplies that people should have with them when they are dealing with possible
01:53Scenarios like this. Yeah, everyone always asks me including you. Do I really have all of this? Of course, it's true
01:59I really do. I don't drive around with it displayed this way
02:02But yeah, it can consolidate easily and it only takes getting stuck once I can tell you from personal experience
02:09And you'll never leave home without this kind of stuff
02:12So for your winter vehicle emergency kit tonight would be the time if you're planning to head out tomorrow
02:17To pack this and forget about it for the rest of the winter
02:21Everyone thinks of jumper cables and a first-aid kit flashlight flares
02:26That's the staple 12 months out of the year
02:28but for the winter months you need some extra things that are unique to winter weather a
02:33collapsible snow shovel a snow brush to clean off your car the ice scraper because it is
02:39Imperative that you clean every bit of snow and ice off of your vehicle before you move
02:43So you need that and there's also some other interesting things in there, too. I see a tidy cats in there, too
02:49There's a reason why you may have that in the trunk as well
02:52of course, if you're in a situation where you need to increase the traction under your tires a
02:57Bottle of rock salt or cat litter in your car will help you throw that under the tires and you'll get better traction
03:03Really interesting. Okay, really quickly before you have to send it back
03:06There are a few other things in there. A lot of those things will help tomorrow morning like cleaning off the front of your car
03:12Absolutely de-icer spray extra washer fluid because DelDOT has done an amazing job of brining out here
03:17We need to make sure that you get all of that off your windshield to increase your visibility
03:22non-perishable snack foods extra bottles of water those kinds of things and depending on who's with you if you or anyone else requires medication
03:31special foods like for pets or
03:33Infants toddlers make sure you have all of that as well because again
03:37No one ever plans to get stuck all important tips. You also mentioned DelDOT in the next hour
03:41We're actually gonna be talking to DelDOT as well a little bit more information about what they're doing and what they've been doing over
03:47The last couple of hours to prep the roads here in Wilmington, Delaware guys. We're gonna send it back to you
03:51All right, good stuff family always making it happen there
03:54Thanks for that report there in Wilmington, Delaware all three counties in Delaware seeing steady snow right now snow increasing in this area
