• 2 months ago
AccuWeather's Ali Reid was reporting live in Nashville on the snowy afternoon of Jan. 10 as people enjoyed the rare weather.
00:00Our coverage continues right now with Allie Reed. There she is in Music City.
00:03Oh goodness, it looks fun, doesn't it Jeff? I hope you can hear the sarcasm in my voice. Allie,
00:09you join us from Nashville. Can you just break down some of those impacts that are being felt?
00:18Well, no sarcasm in your voice. It actually is a blast to be here along Broadway in Nashville,
00:24Tennessee. The snow is certainly still falling here in the Music City. There's no doubt about
00:30that. And we've seen that pick up over the last couple of hours. Earlier this morning,
00:34things were much quieter, right? But now you can take a look at what Broadway,
00:37the conditions are here along the street. It is that slushy, wet type of snow that's coming
00:43down here. And it is packing down on the grounds, making conditions a little bit harder to travel
00:48along the roadway here. There's no doubt about that. If we can, let's take to some video on
00:53your screen. This was hours ago when we started our morning here along Broadway. My photographer,
00:59Andy, was roving about the area to show what conditions were looking like here. N-dot,
01:04T-dot, making their way through town, brining. That was starting three days ago, but also
01:10salting the roads over the last couple of days, too. Now, on top of that, let's take to some
01:15other video. This was a beautiful drone shot that Andy was able to get, really showing you what
01:21Broadway looked like earlier. Very different than anything that we are seeing right now.
01:25So that gives you kind of a good comparison as to what it was very early this morning and now
01:30what it's getting into the late afternoon and evening. One more video I'd like to show for you.
01:35This was within the hour we were over at BNA, that's Nashville's airport, to show you the de-icing
01:40here in town. There are over 300 airline cancellations going in and out of BNA,
01:48and there are about 50 delays right now. So that gives you an idea of where things are at.
01:52All right, let's bring you back live. There's a couple of guys that are standing by. Come here.
01:56I know you want to be on TV. I see you. I see you eyeing us. Where are you from?
02:01Uh, I'm actually from Louisiana, but I live here in town now.
02:04Okay. How are you enjoying the snow this afternoon?
02:08The weather's not bad. It's not too cold, um, but it's, you know, it's cool for, like,
02:14the week that it's here or a couple days that it's here a year, and we don't get any more
02:18natural light. Now, I need to just point one thing out. Do you see me in my jacket, my snow pants?
02:23You're just rocking a light jacket tonight. You going for a workout?
02:27Oh, I was earlier. No gloves either. What are you doing?
02:31We were just kind of driving around in the snow, and, you know, it's not too bad out here.
02:35Yes, I was going to say, what are conditions like to you? I mean, you get, Nashville gets,
02:39what, maybe one or big snowfalls in a season, so.
02:42It's not too bad. I don't mind the cold.
02:45Okay. What's your name?
02:45I'm Sam.
02:46Sam. Allie. Pleasure to meet you. Thanks for chatting with me. I appreciate it.
02:50All right. We're going to send it back to the studio. Stay warm if you can.
02:54All right. He's all right. He's all good. All right. We'll check in with you in the
02:57next half hour, guys, as we continue to bring out the latest from Nashville, Tennessee.
03:02Allie, I appreciate the positivity. Honestly, making a snow day probably
03:08so bright there for many there in Nashville. Thank you so much for
03:12taking some time to spend with us. We'll check back in with you in a little bit.
03:16Nobody brings in somebody from the street better than Allie there,
03:19just to do the impromptu interview.
03:21It takes you right on in, and I love it.
03:23It's good. It's good stuff.
03:24Ackie Weathers, Allie Reed, everyone.
